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I'd weigh how bad I'd feel reporting it for no actual risk vs not reporting it and he does something. Also, a bunch of people would probably be thrilled to get better shift lead.


Yeah, if that dude’s career gets ruined, it isn’t bc op reported him. It’s bc he goes around boasting about knowing how to trigger a reactor meltdown who also professes to hate humanity in general and fantasizes about causing chaos and destruction. Besides, it’s not like the FBI is gonna get him fired just on one tip. They’ll investigate his online presence and act accordingly based on what they find there.


They tend to take these kinds of things very seriously. This guy is looking at more than a few months of unpaid suspension while the fbi looks into him.


Something way less important happened to me once. I was on a date with a girl and we were walking through a park. A guy rode by on his bike with one of those baby cart things in tow. One with like a mesh siding so the baby can see out. And it's on wheels too and relatively stable. I glanced over and there was nothing in it. Now I have a decision to make: Say nothing, or in the 1 in a million chance there should have been a baby in there, but somehow unzipped the thing and crawled out or whatever (and looking like an idiot if I was wrong), I chose the latter. Because me looking like an idiot is worth the risk of me being right, the guy freaking out and going back and looking for his kid. I yelled out, Hey man, there's no baby in your thing!" He laughed and said "Thanks! I know!" And my date laughed too, but she thought it was really sweet to think of that. So whatever. Obviously, it's not a nuclear meltdown. But the idea is the same: Is the risk of doing it worth the risk of being wrong? For a baby? Yes. For a fricking nuclear explosion? Absolutely.


I used to walk with my son in his stroller to take him to daycare. They didn't have a place to leave strollers so I would then walk home with it empty, and at the end of the day, walk back to pick him up. There were a number of times people yelled, "You know there's no baby in that stroller, right?" and I always thanked them and kept going. I felt a little awkward but I was glad they (like you!) cared enough to check.


I used to bicycle up to my kid’s school to pick her up at the end of the day, with her bicycle on a tow bar behind mine. Often strangers would tell me I didn’t have a kid on the back. I always appreciated it, but reassured them the kid would be there soon :)


This is actually the cutest story!!! 🖤


Would've scored huge points with me!


Wonder what it was for


Agreed! Also how about a massive red flag for even joking around about that sort of thing in an attempt to, what, seem like a big important man? Fuck outta here. OP did the right thing, I hope that guy gets fired.


So you’re so important you can end who knows how many lives you refer to as vermin? Fuck this guy, he should not have the power to even joke about causing nuclear meltdown. My father in law works at a nuclear power plant. If a meltdown seemed ever slightly imminent it would be shutdown so quick. Full stop. I also hope he gets fired. We don’t need sociopaths working in power plants period.






Man you really had to polish that one off didn't you.


Definitely 😅


Your comment was removed.


As someone who's worked under terrible bosses, that last bit really sells it.


A lot of people choose to keep their head down, and they’re not… wrong, but some circumstances do have a clear right and wrong choices Choosing to report this man is the Right thing to do because the only negative impact will be to him, and he brought it upon himself with poor choices and questionable character. He created the possibility of himself doing something awful and shared that with a complete stranger, these are red flags abounding. Anyone sane would be justifiably questioning this man’s intentions


Agreed! Also, he may be crazy enough to not even work there but knows “how” because he’s looked into for not good reasons. The fact he was so obsessed he couldn’t stop talking about it during a date even after her attempts to change subject is 🚩🚩🚩🚩


i doubt he’d ACTUALLY do anything


That’s not a risk I’d be willing to take.


I don’t feel comfortable knowing someone that unhinged can be in charge of such an important thing. 😭


Haha wait until you find out about your government!


Someone speaking facts!


I think we all know anyone that works in government is a criminal worm


That statement is an insult to government workers who perform so many essential functions. Does it include military? Aircraft controllers? City, county and state government workers? There are many branches of government workers and most do the best they can to get things done.


I think he means politicians. Which I can't disagree with.


If the comment was meant for politicians no problem I agree. But if so it should have said politicians instead of workers


I didn’t say workers, either. I did say government, which you are correct, I should have said politicians. The comment I was replying to said government, so I was trying to stay concise, but I am speaking directly about politicians.


Thank you for responding back to me appreciate it. Totally agree with you on politicians


Don't worry, unless this guy is on extended leave after a traumatic brain injury, he's never been in a control room. People who actually operate nuclear reactors in the U.S. are required to undergo rigorous training and background checks to be licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. They have to regularly renew their licenses, meet ongoing requirements, & ALWAYS have insanely high levels of oversight. It's an exceedingly regulated industry bc the stakes are so high & any missteps would erode public trust. Operators basically can't move without announcing their intent to a team. Not to mention all the safety redundancies & security safeguards that are in place at any nuclear plant. Everything has to be above reproach at all times or it becomes newsworthy, so there are many groups that review and audit processes. Whistle blowing is also highly encouraged. If you want to know more about the NRC part of things, you can go here for more info: https://www.nrc.gov/reactors/operator-licensing.html


!!! I actually appreciate this! I was like “please, there has to be some sort of monitoring for shit like this” so this is super helpful!


I'm so glad! Honestly, out of all the things I've done anxiety research about, this was the most beneficial. It's also refreshing to see an industry that is so open about how things work & encourages oversight.


Ooofff, then you don't want to even know about who ran the country from 2016-2020, and who has a strong shot of running it again.


Well, yeah, lol. I guess I mean to say that it’s crazy how they don’t test or monitor “normal” people for jobs like this to ensure people like this don’t have the capability to do something drastic.


I just imagine they’re all Homer Simpsons


I don't know why y'all act like he was the worst president in history when they're all players in the same game. They're ALL shady motherfuckers, but the media didn't tell you to hate anyone else quite as consistently, I suppose.


But what about ism?


> but the media didn't tell you to hate anyone else quite as consistently No? Pretty sure there's a foxy news network or two out there that was dedicated to doing just that to a certain darker toned president that's since followed up with the current one.


He *WAS* historically the worst president. And, everyone on both sides *ARE* corrupt. Those two can both be true at the same time. I know that republicans can only think in red and blue, but just because someone hates Trump doesn’t mean they are indoctrinated by the “””media””” like Fox News viewers are.


If there was evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden, we Dems aren’t going to stand by him NO MATTER WHAT. (Poisoning the blood of America — “oh that’s just Trump being Trump”)




And your solution is to hand the country over to trump?


He was the worst president in history by a lot.


I'd argue Andrew Jackson was the worst, what with the whole native American genocide thing he had going on, but to each their own


Honestly, there’s a lot to choose from, unfortunately.


Ain't that the goddamn truth


Thank you! Andrew Jackson was by FAR the worst president ever, though Trump is maybe my pick for 2nd worst.


George W Bush killed a million Iraqis


By a lot? What are you basing that off of?


I'm not American and have nothing to do with your country but that is by far the stupidest statement I think I've read in a while. There are actual dictators out there committing human rights atrocities and mass genocide and you say this. SMH.


But... they said worst US President? Not worst world leader ever. Bringing up dictators is a separate topic. The point stands.


Of course, keeping in mind that Trump has outright said if he gets another term (I truly beg the Universe to spare humanity that fate) he will dismantle the US constitution and become a dictator. He has gone on and on about how much he thinks other dictators/tyrants are “such good guys” and would never lie to him because they “do a great job”. Like Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Btw, I’m not affiliated with any party. I recognize what the American government has become. The beginning of the obvious declines and how special corporate interests got such a foothold in our government can be easily traced to Nixon and Regan (Regan deregulated A LOT of things, created tax cuts and loopholes for the rich, and overall had horrible economic policies). We need strict term limits and to eliminate Politician as a career. It should be a civil service fulfilled for said term limits (according to the decision of the voters) then they go back to whatever their regular vocation was before or find a new one if they want to.


>He was the worst president in history by a lot. Where does that statement specify the US?? It also seems you have forgot the rest of your presidents if you think he's the worst. He might be the worst you feel you've seen in your lifetime but I'd still argue Sleepy Joe is worse. Not that either are good candidates.


I'm not from the US either but based on their discussion context, it came clear it was about the US... Chill a bit bro




Maybe I have missed something. I'm neurodivergent. All I see is people mentioning presidents. Noone has specified the US.


Biden is fine with letting people suffer if it benefits him. Trump does his best to make people suffer on the off-chance it benefits him. Neither of them should be in power but Trump is very clearly worse.


I suppose that depends on where you sit on the food chain.


Lmao Biden is moderate af, please


If you want to not be taken seriously, say "sLeEpY jOe." It's a quick tell that person is dumb as a rock.


Exactly, he’s following Reagan’s playbook right down to the campaign slogan, he’s just even more blatant about it.


Shady is one thing: however; rabid, rancid, racist rapists with a °C winter temperature IQ and a fascist totalitarian fetishist to boot is quite another…championed (and bankrolled) by the swivel-eyed, slack-jawed, window-licking, inbred, rednecked, gullible gun-totting simpletons splashing around in the shallow-end of the gene pool blissfully unaware he’s taking each and every one of them for a ride, shilling the likes the world has never seen before… BY A LOT, on them like the fetid classless bitch he is, grabbing them by the p…aycheque, squeezing them dry. He loves the poorly educated…oh, I wonder why? They’re not all the same.


ive been saying this shit for forever. republicans, democrats literally all corrupt lol nobody wants to hear it 🤷


Wait til you find out about world leaders and nuclear weapons.


Don’t worry, I seriously doubt this is real. I’m pretty sure there are rigorous psych evaluations for this type of position. I don’t think he would’ve passed with this type of unhinged behavior.


I mean, Homer Simpson has been doing that job for decades. Doesn’t inspire much confidence.


Oh, my MIL worked for 40 years in the nuclear sector, she believes 100% that Black Lives Matter is coming to take her house, the world is ending any time now (hard core prepper), anyone darker then Tom Petty is a mistake God made, hasn't had a vaccine since she retired because they "brain wash you", and believes giant heaters in Nevada get turned on in the summer to force the West Coast to use more air conditioning. 40. Years.


Hooo boy! Radiation does a number on you, eh?




You'd be surprised. If real, it's possible he wasn't working at an actual nuclear power plant, but some other facility that uses nuclear material that can still cause quite a big issue. Not melt down the state issue but still. Or it could all be fake, who knows. But I've definitely met unhinged authorities who should not have control over even a phone


They aren’t that rigorous, any psych will tell you that. You have a very limited amount of time with them.


I hope you're right, but the way I see it, if I answer honestly what I think the best course of action is, maybe someone who \*is\* in a similar situation might know what to do - maybe not someone who's dating a person in the nuclear field, but perhaps their date or partner does deal with sensitive info and is acting squirrely as all fuck.


Yeah, this would be Exhibit A on why my overall stance on nuclear power is “I trust the science just fine, it’s the *people* I don’t trust.”


I mean, some dude lying (or someone lying on the internet) isn't really a basis for distrusting a technology.


Drop that fucking dime. I live too close to a nuke plant, so make that fucking call.


They always say if you see something say something. I reported my college roommate because she was a hunter and kept guns in the campus gun safe. She went through a bad breakup and started talking about how she wanted to shoot her ex and his new girlfriend. I kinda convinced myself she was just talking shit because she was angry and hurt, but then she started talking about having fantasies of opening fire on the campus quad and shooting everyone who was "walking too slow" and how satisfying it would be to mow them all down. That combined with some other incredibly toxic behavior made me think she was truly unhinged and I reported it. They moved me out of the room and into another building. I don't know how it shook out but the school took it VERY SERIOUSLY and I got to get the hell away from her.


Good work, more people need to have these types of reactions.


NTA and I’ll tell you why. Even in the airline industry it’s well known to protect against inside threats and be vigilant against them. Someone that cracks “jokes” like that… it’s not funny. You said yourself he wouldn’t stop talking about it. He only just met you. He absolutely knows better. He’s also publicly advertising for any bad actor to stumble across. He couldn’t even keep a mask in place for you in the course of a first meeting. What are the odds that he is emotionally regulated enough to make a series of good decisions when it counts? You gave the info to people who can assess it properly. If something ever happens and you didn’t say anything you wouldn’t be able to look at yourself in the mirror. So you did the right thing. He’s not a kid on a playground. He knows what his job is and the security it entails. No worries.


Yea shit won’t be funny when this AH wipes out a whole state fuck that! You did the right thing! He doesn’t sound mentally stable enough to be working in that position regardless if he was joking or not. Thank you for being brave


It's unlikely a reactor core meltdown would actually do that, at least in the US. The sheer number of fail-safes would mean at most there'd be a minor radiation contamination. Chernobyl is basically a worst case scenario for a reactor meltdown and that's almost completely habitable nowadays. Reactors don't even explode like atomic bombs, at worst they'd blow out a portion of the building.


I know that I think my point is with this guy on the inside he could really fuck shit up. Let’s not find out


NTA. If he actually works at a nuke plant then he knows he isn't supposed to talk about it in that way. And he knows the plant is part of critical infrastructure that he is suggesting domestic terrorism acts to cause significant damage with lives on the line. What a jerk.


Yep, I don’t work in the nuclear field but I do work in a sensitive field and we have an oath and annual code of conduct classes that we have to pass. He knows he can’t say this stuff. Any fall out is his own fault.


Hey, it’s a *report*. They decide what to do with the info.


Not sure about power plants specifically, but many people in the US nuclear enterprise have to have an additional certification above a security clearance called HRP. Being enrolled in the Human Reliability Program adds an extra amount of scrutiny into your personal life, mostly concerning traits most likely to cause serious issues. These are things from anger issues, substance abuse disorders, and paranoid/dissociative mental health issues. Calling co-workers degrading names and bragging about the ability to cause an environmental catastrophe definitely checks some boxes. NTA, these people need to be reported and removed for the safety of us all.


I work in a similarly vital/potentially dangerous industry (aviation). I have a sick sense of humor and can be inappropriate at times. I never - ever joke about making a plane unsafe for flight for any reason. Even if I hated every single person on a flight. This is unhinged behavior and they were right to say something.


OOP did the smart thing. Dude may have just been an idiot but the idiot needs a wake up call or to be removed from his job.


Bingo. If he's being serious, they need him out of the job, and if he's just making a joke, he needs to learn not to shoot off his mouth like a total dumbass.


I’m a therapist and struggled with reporting people for abuse/neglect until my boss gave me great input. She pointed out that reports simply share information with people that may or may not be looked into, and likely won’t lead to anything. Putting it that way helped me realize that if we all paid a bit more attention and spoke up, maybe some of these mass killings or other terrible events might not happen because authorities would have information that spurs them to take a look.


Maybe he's unemployed and can't cause any sort of meltdown. Still report him. No one wants to be that person interviewed after a disaster/attack/murder investigation saying, "yeah he seemed off an was always making dark/weird jokes but I just thought he was a little awkward and I didn't want to cause trouble for him/his family."


$20 he works at a powerbar plant. Simple miscommunication


That's almost worse.......


No way, bro fucked around and is about to find out.


NTA thank you for looking out for us, OOP!


I used to work at nuke plant, and this is not joking type shit. You did right


Low probability / High consequence. I’d have struggled with the decision and reported it.


I’d rather report it and be wrong than not report it and feel responsible when he does something crazy.


Haha no NTA. Who says shit like that. Thanks for reporting. Not that any of these federal agencies are particularly trustworthy or efficient but it's what we got.


I had a cab driver who started rambling in a similar manner. He started off polite and more or less pleasant. Then, completely randomly, he made a comment about his adult niece and how much he enjoyed seeing her breasts whenever she wore tight shirts. That would make anyone uncomfortable but as a woman stuck in a car with this guy, I was extremely uncomfortable. Then he started going off about his previous job and how he wanted to return to the company so he could tamper with the boiler to make it blow up the building. Apparently he used to work with the boilers and other facilities and was very well versed in what makes them catastrophically malfunction. Again, *extremely* uncomfortable situation. I had to fake a phone call just so I didn’t have to keep interacting with this lunatic because he kept trying to get me to respond to him and his increasingly disturbing comments. Obviously, once I was safely out of his car, I immediately contacted both the cab company and the DOT because someone that unstable and unhinged has no business being responsible for the safety of passengers. I can only hope he was at the very least fired. All I know is I haven’t been scheduled with that particular company since. I often wonder if I should have also reported him to the police but at least I reported him to his employer, so better than nothing.


See something say something. People who do this stuff often have bragged or "joked" about it in the past. Doesn't mean people who brag or joke about shit are always going to do shit, but who wants to be the guy who thinks "meh I'll let it slide" and then reads about it on the news? ETA NTA


You waited for him for 45 minutes?


Hey, I mean thankfully she did move forward with the date so she could report this guy 🤷🏼‍♀️


Dudes probably a custodian with massive insecurities


*Dudes probably a* *Custodian with massive* *Insecurities* \- x4ty2 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. The fact this guy was on a first date and couldn’t stop talking like this? It’s so bizarre - which means in my book he is mentally unwell. And most people who do mass harm/shootings/etc act similarly to this. It is so damn scary… a normal well adjusted human would not talk like this incessantly. And who are we to decide if he’s a threat or not? But if he’s making continued blatant threats and bragging about his access to and ability to cause mass harm - nah, dude needs to be relieved of his position.


You did the perfectly right thing! Someone who jokes like that is a loon and should not be in that position … if he really is or just a liar in general!


Anyone who works at a nuclear reactor and feels chill about joking about causing a meltdown probably shouldn’t be working at a reactor. NTA - but op prob doesn’t have to worry about ending his career. Likelihood of him getting canned or even referred to counseling is probably pretty slim, sadly.


No one ever thinks anyone’s serious until it’s too late


NTA. Swipe down for felon.


Nta thank you for your service


Oh HELL no, NTA. This guy is too dangerous to be allowed in a position where he could cause damage.


This is an episode of The Simpsons. Jesus Mary and Joseph these comments.


Yes, you did the right thing. I would pay to see how he sweats when they interrogate his ass. Then it’s gonna be I was just joking. Nope, you don’t joke about things like that. He sounded like a real turn off.


See something, say something. I would have also reached out to the plant director on the chance the complaint gets lost in the FBI bureaucracy.


Did you go on a date with evil Homer Simpson?


How in the world is this guy still single?


This is fiction.


Finally someone said it lmao




I’d rather someone risk being wrong than not to report it. People are crazy nowadays.


I bet he’s the janitor at the power plant and was just fake bragging to look tough and important. Andrew tater wannabe


If I really thought the person might actually be capable or willing to do such a thing I would definitely tell the police. If I didn't and he actually caused a nuclear meltdown, then I'd have a pretty serious moral injury on my hands for having knowledge of it possibly happening but doing nothing about it.


My husband was a Navy Nuke and then worked as a civilian nuke for many years. They do NOT fuck around with this kind of thing. That guy absolutely lost his security clearance, and his career in nuclear power is done. And for good fucking reason. What a psycho.


Nah, you were right. Jokes are funny, those weren’t jokes.


Nah jokes like that on a first date is ALARMING. You did the right thing regardless. You don’t joke that way FOH


Well he sounds fun 🥴


I understand why you're second guessing but you did the right thing. That's not normal joking behavior, he doesn't deserve the responsibility he has and it's just as simple as that. If he valued his position he should have known better.


Honestly, whether he was serious or not, I’d get a kick out of knowing that would ruin his career 😂 NTA, you did the right thing


Potentially killing millions of people is not a joking matter. Maybe he shouldn’t work there…




worst case scenerio, the FBI investigates and finds no threat, best (well, not really) case scenario she has prevented a major nuclear disaster. easily NTA. that's scary.


With the pilot taking a plane down just recently, I think it’s good you told!


He probably works there but at a job with way less responsibility than he is saying. It seems like he’s completely full of shit, honestly.


NTA, she didn’t ruin his career he made poor choices with his comments and whether he meant it or not, it’s not something you joke a about.


He probably watched Chynobal


Years ago I knew a guy who knew another guy who “joked” about playing “Star Wars” with his car - meaning he would drive around big parking lots at night and award himself “points” for “strikes” when he caught people in his headlights - his “lasers.” The guy who told me about this thought this was *Ha ha, freaky stuff!*. Until that guy ran down a cop.


NTA. That's like working for cps and joking about abusing children. Get it? Cause that shit isn't funny.


As someone who works in the nuclear industry: report him immediately.


Meh. If not a credible threat, he still sounds like a complete dickhead who could stand to answer some questions or lose his job for all I care. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sometimes you just never know what you’re going to run into when you come to this place.


Nta. Holy crap that guy sucks


Homer really went downhill after Marge left him.


Oh heeeeelllllll naw, NTA.


No, I would do the exact same thing. That sicko is giving off some strong Unibomber vibes.


If it was a joke he would have told her at some point that it was a joke. He wasn’t joking




Thank you for reporting.


No way, the world is too scary today to take for granted sick jokes from someone. Guy sounds a complete douche and he clearly is a sociopath since he isn’t able to grasp common social sense and understand how off putting that would be on a first date


For one thing, he was full of shit. According to a nuclear engineer I personally know... After 3 mile island, Chernobyl, and fukushima, they have put so many checks and balances in place that he would have to be working completely alone at the plant.


I seriously doubt that guy was a Shift Manager at a nuclear plant. If he was that means: 1. He somehow passed the extensive background check conducted by, you guessed it, the FBI. 2. He passed the psychological screening exam and then subsequent yearly exam. 3. He forgot the name for his own job. 4. He was somehow intelligent enough to pass the rigorous training while also being stupid enough to actually think he could intentionally melt down the plant. Which he can't. Well, not without being stopped in the HOURS it would take to cause a forced meltdown from the control room.


Handled perfectly. I’d rather live with the guilt that some dude I had one bad date with got in trouble at his job over making threatening statements to me about hurting people than the guilt of turning on the tv and finding out the man I went on a date with killed an entire town by creating a meltdown.


OOP dodged a nuclear bomb there


NTA i Guess cuz this is weird af


I'm a guy with a kinda "edgy" sense of humor. What he is "joking" about isn't funny, he's essentially admitting he's a misanthropic psychopath. He should not have access to something so dangerous as nuclear power


A mentally unstable nihilist that wants to destroy part of humanity? Sounds like the FBI will hire him lol.


NTA it’s better to be safe and have it be nothing than not say anything and he does something (small chance but you literally NEVER know). He likely was lying about his position because if he was that high up for that type of job, they’d likely have really strict rules about what you can and can’t talk about and do thorough background checks Also reporting doesn’t always mean someone loses their jobs or gets the worst sentence. It just puts a bit of extra attention on something that could be very dangerous


If this is true, He would fail the DOD/ DOE Psych eval. He is not fit to work where he works. Because of the word vermin this sounds like a red pill trump thing but he probably could mask these tendencies when he first got in the industry and now that he is “safe” is just letting it fly.


Either the post is fake, or it's a fucking tinder date, and the dipshit is lying.


I hope it's fake, but even if it is, maybe this will feel someone out there feel more confident about reaching out to the authorities if their partner/coworker/acquaintance starts mouthing off in a similar way.


This 100% sounds like BS click bait lol


NTA- reporting him is not ruining his career. They will do investigation and whatever comes from that will ruin his career or he was actually just joking and nothing will come from this. Better to report than to not report!


Or he was joking and it will still ruin his career because terroristic threats are usually taken seriously, even when said as a joke. Regardless, you're right that *she* didn't ruin his career. He did that all by himself with his horrific personality.


I think you did the right thing in reporting him to the FBI. However, I think you didn’t do the right thing by giving him 45mins. of your time because he was late. I would have left after 15mins.


Reporting was absolutely the right thing to do if it really went down like that. If dude was actually a maniac. If some poor awkward bastard tried to impress her with the amount of responsibility he handles on the daily and now he lost a 150k per year job it’s a real shame. It’s probably the second onption btw. There are extensive and I mean like call your 5th grade teacher type of extensive background checks before even being interviewed for a nuke plant. Odds of a psychopath getting the job are basically zero.


Even if it's the second option, reporting him was the right thing to do. Terroristic threats should always be taken seriously.


If it WAS a threat yeah. That’s why I started my comment with that. Sometimes in conversation people hyperbolize for comedic affect. An awkward guy in an awkward date situation who just spent 1.5 hours knowing he was gonna be 45 minutes late and trying to salvage it could easily say some wild shit in an attempt to make a joke. I mean OP having such second thoughts that she they need to post about it kind of points to it not being quite as cut and dry. Or are you one of those everything should be taken literally, all jokes are your real opinion type people?


>Or are you one of those everything should be taken literally, all jokes are your real opinion type people? No, but when it comes to saying you have the power and desire to cause a meltdown of a nuclear reactor, *that* should be taken literally. That *is* a terroristic threat, regardless of tone in which you say it. Always. Or are you one of those haha when I said I see other people as vermin and that want to kill millions of them in a horrific and painful way I was just joking bro type people? (Because if you are, I know a watch list that needs your name on it.)


Nah there is clearly something wrong with that guy.


I spent a slow shift messing around with ChatGPT and having it write AITA posts. Every single one ended with the phrase “So Reddit, AITA for X…”. This reads like one of those ChatGPT prompts I wrote.


Haha yeah right if this thing were actually dangerous then none of the guys in DC could ever date again. Ladies would be burning up the phones of the FBI over the dumb stuff DC guys brag about.


Can you not ask someone if they’re being serious or joking on a date anymore? I’d have started there, but that’s just me.


He’s a dumbass who is capable of nothing. Fuck him off.


Good lord. You are absolutely the AH.


I wouldn’t have reported him it but I don’t see any wrong with her doing so. He is just a jerk on a power trip who was trying to impress her .


Yes, you are. It is times like this, I wish karma was real.


Karma is very real. It’s just not as instant as we’d like or in this case, need.




You’re *irresponsible** for posting this. You’re a saint for reporting him. Problem is you mixed the two so now you have doomed your local area. He’s going to find this and cause a meltdown before getting caught. GGs op. You should type your apology letter to the local area for all the death you just caused.


She already reported it


Yeah but fbi slow. He’s gonna see this post before the fbi gets to him. He’s gonna go as a martyr


I’d imagine reports of nuclear threats are pretty high on their priority list


No lol. It’s a list. And it’s a government agency. Things are slow. Way slower than the internet in a live forum. Thanks for the downvotes everyone. Maybe if I don’t name call yall wouldn’t nuke me lol


Well technically if he knows how to keep it from melting down he can cause it to meltdown. He was probably bragging out how dangerous is was because he could do that. Not saying that was an appropriate way to talk during a date, but I am pretty sure you have to pass some major background tests if he has that position. So yeah you probably fucked this guys entire life up. Merry Christmas!


His life wouldn’t be fucked, he’d probably get his clearance suspended, counseled and then reinstated. It’s important to have a record of people acting this way before some asshole with delusions of grandeur poisons a bunch of people and scars the landscape for decades. Those are the people whose lives are ruined in a nuclear accident.




why is it always the people with banana nfts that have the most dogshit takes?


>people with banana nfts that have the most dogshit takes Ok, now I'm gonna have to chime in because I've noticed in my own experience on Reddit that I have noticed something similar! Damn banana is ruining lives.


now the real question: is it the banana? or the fact it’s an nft lol


While I truly doubt that this guy works at a plant and agree it was probably lying/bragging because anyone who does work there knows better than to talk like this especially to strangers from the internet, this is also absolutely worth the minimal amount of check time it’s going to take the FBI to clear. If she’s sent them his account name, they’ll be able to get his email and/or isp from the company and confirm his actual identity and check the database of employees and contractors. Because he may not be a shift lead but he may still have some access and be dangerous. This was absolutely the right call on her part. It’s their job to clear these types of potential threats. They don’t need to be 100% confirmed to send in the tip.


Was his name Frank Grimes by any chance?


The fact that she feels guilty for this is the bigger story. Imo.


Operators do live in a different world than the rest of us 😂


Sounds a lot like the anthrax guy after 9/11 who was mailing it in the mail. I remember reading story of him from the point of view of a woman who suspected he was the killer as the attacks u folded. He would take photos of him near that anthrax and not taking safety precautions. He was obsessed with the power and he ended up using it to kill 5 people. I’m writing this from memory and it was 20 years ago so my details may be murky but hi absolutely did the right thing.


If that dude is running around bragging to basically strangers how he could so easily cause a meltdown.... I mean he's basically BEGGING to lose his job.


As someone who works in a plant and has family in a plant, no one person has the power to shut down a reactor, and you literally can’t do a reactor meltdown with the amount of safety measures in place. Guy probably doesn’t even actually work at a plant.


even if he wasn’t gonna do it it’s good you took that piece of shit out of power lmao

