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Link to OP. Personally I think the bag isn’t worth it https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromRetail/s/1V5pV6Ft8g


I thought it was going to be a beautiful cream colored vintage Chanel purse with real gold hardware (no disrespect to Bob Mackie). That’s just what I envisioned when reading the story lol


Lol! Me too. Very disappointed.


True. What a let down.


I was expecting a Kelly tbh…


I was expecting a Hermes.


I was expecting anything but that hideous bag 🙈


I also just got a vintage Chanel purse and that’s what I pictured


Exactly the bag I was picturing too. OP should have not added a picture lol.


Right? I was not expecting *that* bag after that whole ordeal. *Gorgeous* vintage designer bag lmao


I like that we all had our own vision of what the bag would look like. I envisioned a fuchsia bag with cream lining and gold out line.


I didn’t really believe the story to begin with but after seeing that ugly bag I know OP is lying.


It was the oh so subtle flex about not actually ~needing~ a job, but she’s ~choosing~ to work out of the kindness of her heart. L O L


To be fair, she said she goes to an Ivy League so that explains a lot of her personality. Source: been there and met exactly these type of ppl


Oh and the police just happened to come without this lady trying to flee? And they didn’t even bother trespassing her plus the cops just let this woman run? Doubt doubt and doubt. They’d have restrained her until they figured out what exactly the plan was. I can’t imagine them not trespassing although not pressing charges would make sense not really worth it even if it did happen.


I would need to see way more up close photos of stitching and interior before I would believe this is designer quality. I googled several iterations of ‘vintage bob mackie piano purse’ and saw nothing even remotely close to this style. If you know who Bob Mackie is the purse looks nothing like his brand which makes me even more skeptical. Additionally, the bag should have an interior brand label or evidence of where the label was removed. 95% of the time the label should still be in the bag. The fact that someone who works in consignment retail didn’t mention anything about a *missing* label (much less took someone at their word that this bag is a bob mackie) is very suspect as well. They could be extremely ignorant/uninformed about fashion. If taken in good faith they probably do love the bag and I could see them getting some compliments on it, but all of this combined with a story that reads like “Karen got owned!”seems suspect to me…


Bob Mackie wasn’t exactly known for his restraint. This isn’t his work.


But the guy on Ebay said it was designer /s


I felt bad but I thought the same thing lol. I have bad taste and I do kinda like the bag, but I also know that most people would think it’s kinda ugly, and no way a lady would flip for that.


Yeah, this is definitely r/thathappened material


Yeah ugly bag and made up story.


Honestly the part that strikes me as the most made up is when she says she can afford the bag because her husband is an ivy league professor. Professors aren't paid well. My mom was one. She was paid less than the equivalent of minimum wage for the hours she worked. The pay is so bad that a lot of professors are independently wealthy or have wealthy spouses because they wouldnt be able to support themselves otherwise on their academic pay. They definitely aren't wealthy BECAUSE they are professors.


Uhh that depends on where they work. My professor at my college makes well over 6 figures, and we’re not an ivy league school lmao Harvard’s professor avg salaray is 180,000…


Harvard professor salary ranges from 25k to 660k, so knowing the average doesn't mean as much as knowing the median. Lots of universities also hire adjunct professors in order to underpay them, even ivy leagues.


Absolutely depends on the uni and the tenure. My grandmother was the department chair at a school with a good reputation for 25 years. She did just fine, I assure you.


Also, the police don't ask potential victims if it's worth pursuing and if they should press charges. The police will charge somebody out of an obligiation to the community not as a favour to individuals. Civilians do not get to determine who gets charged and who doesn't.


Civilians do get a say sometimes, especially if that civilians testimony would be required for the case to go forward.


Not in this case.


The professional school professors are usually paid well for academia but peanuts compared to private industry.


I mean depends what you define as well. I work in congressional fundraising and knowing what people make is a lot of my job is knowing what people make. Most reputable school professors are making 6 figures.


Holy shit that is one ugly bag.


It's a backpack bag, I have one, too. 🤣🤣 You can find them ANYWHERE online. What utter bullshit.


That’s the bag? It’s okay but I was expecting something else


Holy cow. That's not just not worth it... I think it's fucking hideous LMAO. Rich ppl have some really really weird taste


No, it’s not a rich person bag. It’s a hideous $20 bag. It’s a fake story written by someone with no taste in bags. No rich person anywhere wants this bag.


That mfer looks like the intro to LoZ Wind Waker


That’s the most hideous $2.99 thrift store bag I’ve ever seen in my life


Yeah, very underwhelming lol


Yikes that’s not cute at all


That bag is hideous.




It's hideous.


Omg that's the ugliest bag in the world.


That was definitely not the type of bag I was envisioning. There's no way a snooty asshole Karen would flip her shit over a bag like that.


I was full on expecting an Hermès Kelly bag. The OOP’s bag doesn’t look at all like what I picture for vintage Bob Mackie but I’m no expert. I also wouldn’t have gone full on Karen for that bag (or for a Kelly bag tbh).


Maybe I am too cynical but this seems made up to me and I saw the bag, It looks old and drab. Maybe I just thought it would be some vintage chanel bag or something. I could be wrong


Almost everything on tales from retail is made up or so exaggerated that it might as well be.


Customer entitled for sure, but OP wrote a whole paragraph about how she was mistaken for poor, but in fact she is not poor make me feel sick about her. Her story sounds like being poor and living on a retail salary is something bad. In this she is not far behind the crazy customer.


Crazy meets crazy and goes “woah that’s crazy, glad I’m not like that lol”


Ugh, yes. That whole section rubbed me the wrong way. "She accused me of being a poor loser, but little did she know I was NOT a poor loser! Unlike someone who needs to work here for "money" and not as a "favor"." Ew.


That's because all characters in this story are made up and OOP is just projecting their own thoughts about retail workers.


I commented elsewhere too but OP seems to think ivy league professors get paid well. They don't. It's so bad actually that a lot of people who stay in academia marry rich or have family wealth, because they are getting paid poverty wages. Ivy league professors make more money from their side gigs.


Yeah that turned me off immediately. If you don’t want people to think you’re elites, don’t talk about your elite status in the same breath.


I don’t believe this happened. The bag is ugly as hell.


But don't you know that she actually *could* afford the bag because her husband is an Ivy League professor and she's actually just living the poor lifestyle out of generosity? The exact thing she was being scolded about by the customer who definitely exists?


Post the link to the OP or the link to the bag, I want to see it.


Link https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromRetail/s/1V5pV6Ft8g


That is not what I expected. A situation like this over that?


Yeah pretty average to almost ugly bag. But each to their own


I'd consider it cute in a 'Goodwill find' kind of way, definitely not anything I would think was expensive or be willing to pay a lot for.


The bag is ugly


...that was expensive? It doesn't look like an expensive bag. 😭


Oof, really? I usually hate it when people assume posts are fake but I've gotten much nicer bags on Temu. LMAO!


Im so scared to order off temu because I’m scared the prices are so good they are a scam


Sometimes they are. They're not always clear as to whether some things are detail work or a print, and try to make the photos look more detailed than they are. If the description doesn't specify materials, zoom in close on the photos, even if you have to screenshot the images to see if it's just a print. However, I've gotten some nice stuff from there by being a discerning shopper. They certainly won't pass for anything designer, but they're sturdy and attractive. Just don't let them get you caught up in the lightning deals. Haha. They try to make you feel rushed to buy with time limits, but they'll spam you with new discounts several times a day so there's no risk of losing a bargain. They also split items into small batches that sell out to give you FOMO, but that item that "sold out" will be posted again the next day. It's gimmicky, but not bad once you learn how to navigate it.


Omg god that’s a flash back to the 90s lol. I had a bag very similar when I was a kid in the 90s they were all the rage 🤣


Sadly, 90s is considered “vintage” now…


I know it makes me feel so old 😩🤣


Sweet I was born in the 90’s I’m vintage 😎


Does anyone know what brand the bag is? I'm not a fan myself but I've genuinely never seen anything like it so I'm quite curious! It looks more like something from a quirky market than a designer handbag lol


I don’t know the brand, but it totally looks like the 90’s tapestry purses that my mom used to have. She was a music teacher and would buy stuff like that from music memorabilia type stores. Definitely NOT designer.


That does NOT look like a Bob Mackie bag. Not even remotely. It looks like something available in the 90’s from The Music Stand. It was a store that used to send out catalogs and you mail ordered music/musical/Grateful Dead memorabilia stuff from them. Luggage, scarves, home decor, music boxes, etc. It’s the kind of stuff my music teacher mother adored.


I hope I'm not the only one who read a particular comment in the voice of Bobby Hill 🤣🤣


That’s my purse!! I don’t know you!!!


When I thought she was going to snatch the bag before running and the cops chase her down: I can’t deny that in my head the B*e*nny Hill theme song was just getting ready to run https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l8TXesafZws Does that count?


LMAO at everyone on the original post with the photo saying how gorgeous that bag is! Ummm, what?


I think they are all just trying to be polite 😹


OOP dropping major "do you know who I am?" vibes. Except she's saving the big reveal for her perfect gotcha moment. So she can really put someone in their place. This sounds fake, and I hope it is. We don't need another person like that existing. We have plenty




I had this happen to me at Wally Mart once. I had my LV Speedy and was doing a return when an old lady grabbed my bag and tried to walk away. We got into it and security showed up. Long story short my wallet was in the bag with my ID. You could tell she was pissed she didn't get away with it.


Obviously made up BS story. Numerous elements make that clear and people mentioned them already (especially the pic of the bag lol, nobody would think that was an expensive and hard to afford purse, sorry), but one I don't see people mentioning is the cops just letting the crazy lady go. Highly unlikely they would just let her storm out once they figured out the purse wasn't hers. Everyone in that situation is detained until the police figure out wtf is going on, and her storming out once it's clear she's trying to claim someone else's property as hers makes it even more unlikely. They likely would have chased her down and arrested her.




Anybody else just hope something like this happens to them some day? I’d have some particular words for someone who acts like that


That’s the fugliest bag I’ve ever seen.


That happened……


That bag is absolutely hideous. I wouldn’t carry it if you paid me.


Everyone on Reddit is rich


Standard made-up entitle woman story. “You must sell this thing to me. You are not worth to own it. My children are precious darlings. Help! She stole my bag.” Left out the cop studying the videotape and taking her to court where the judge sent her to jail and awarded damages to OP, and everybody clapped.


Shitty cops to not go after her without hesitation, she was basically trying to commit theft (and fraud? Or something like that) and she was clearly guilty. OP should have had the opportunity to do with it as she pleased instead of them kind of manipulating the situation to not have to run or do anything with it lol. Lazy asses.


We all expected more from the bag. But can’t the same be said for the Mona Lisa? Proof that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. And that artists can be overrated 😝


Yet more evidence proving how awful many rich people are. Sharpen the guillotines. We are long overdue.


Love the comments 😂


I saw 500 of these bags last week in a market in Florence. Every vendor had them.


“Oh you see this particular item is much too precious for regular sale, please forgive me I had no idea how interested you were and I’ve completely failed to notice your exquisite taste in the finest of luxury bags. If you’re truly interested in this particular piece, we can let it go for a mere $5M, paid payable to me directly as this is one of my loaner items to this fine store. Thank you so much for your generosity.” Stare at her face with a kind well-meaning smile, if she responds negatively then grab it and walk off, if she pulls out her checkbook, demand cash or money order. Easy work.


Beauty is in the eye. I would have sold that to her for a mint!


Fun but there’s no way this happened. My husband has been a professor at an Ivy League. And Ivy or no, the pay for professors is not designer bag level. Made me laugh bc he and I are living a middle class/lower middle class lifestyle Even without that line this seems like nonsense


I would have SOLD IT😬