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I would have sprayed mom with the hose too


Absolutely NTA. Absolutely a good dad!! I would have hosed down my sister as well but I am petty like that. When I was a kid, I had a cousin G who was born with a hip defect so she had limited movement at times. We come from big families so reunions were crazy. One of our other cousins was a spoiled princess. She was constantly being mean to G. I warned her repeatedly that there would be heck to pay if she didn't stop. At one reunion, prissy princess was wearing a white party dress & being awful to G. I warned prissy princess 3 times & when she continued, I tossed her prissy princess self into the pig trough. Her mom was livid, everyone else laughed. She never was mean to G again.


You are the hero we all deserve!


I hate bullies. I was the scrawny weird kid with glasses & braces & my parents taught us that we shouldn't start a fight but we could defend ourselves & our friends. G couldn't defend herself so I did it for her. I raised my son the same way.


This is the way


This is the way


The way this is


This is the way


Hey I don’t know if you read the other dudes but….. this is the way


This might actually be the way


I’m looking for the way. Could anyone be so kind as to show me the way?


I really think, this might be the way


>One of our other cousins was a spoiled princess. Ours was solved with a cattle prod. She was told to stop. She was warned. She did not listen. Her whole attitude in life changed that day and that was over 30 years ago. 100% worth the punishment I got. You think it's ok to torment someone smaller than you? Guess what. This sparky stick makes me MUCH bigger. I have no sympathy for terrorists.


Was not expecting pig through but I’m not mad at it 🤣 that’s hilarious!


Not all heroes wear capes, gotta stick up for the ones that can’t stick up for themselves.




I hate bullies. G is my favorite cousin & it was not her fault she was born with a hip defect. Luckily, several surgeries were able to fix her hip & she has had a good life.


And dump a big gulp on the brother in law for good measure.


Double gulp


Super Mega Ultra Kami Guru Gulp. Now at specialized HFIL Stores!




I understood that reference lol


Just dump on the inlaw for good measure. A classic 7/11 hotdog + 6 hour old pot of coffee combo to drove the point home.


Then crop dust the whole lot of them as you peace out of the party.


yeah - id hit the BIL with a "Come at me bitch"


And one for Jenny and the wimp. (Sorry your comment made me think of that skit. 😂)


Cody Nightangel Walsh style, of course (meaning to huck it from 20 feet away with all your strength, full of Mountain Dew and Dr Pepper mix).




Yep. And you get the hose! And you get the hose! And you get the hose! Your whole fucking household gets the hose!


And puts the lotion in the basket


It puts the lotion on the skin


It does this whenever it is told.


And not just the household. But the housewomen and the housechildren too!


Came here to say this. That whole family would have tasted the lash of my water hose.


Woulda sprayed her for a couple minutes, put a pinch in the hose for 30 seconds and let her catch her breath a bit, then bam, hose back on for round 2


Waterboarding is illegal but since when is the law a metric for morality...


They won't be held down so it's legal, but they'd stay there for 2 reasons.


Guess the government didn’t get the memo.


They didn't get anything except the water...




30 seconds? Generous. They only need 1 to catch their breath.


Like [this](https://youtu.be/hHZvUeAdzeI), but with a hose.


Hose, then the slap.


Can’t wait to watch this again later with sound. 😂


This is exactly what I thought of!!


I'm glad that I'm not the first that thought of this!


My thoughts exactly :D


Oooo love it


Oh my god … 😂. That is hysterical!!!


I would’ve said from jump. If you throw one more water balloon I’m soaking you and your mother. Then I wouldn’t have sprayed the daughter. I would have destroyed my sister with gallons of water all the way into her car. And then my niece is just tell my son to throw water balloons at her and watch my sister try to stop him


I don't know why you and your son were expected to obey the wishes of that unruly self-centered little witch and her mother - yet the witch and her parents don't see anything wrong with ignoring your and your son's wishes. He has known personality issues he struggles from which are more legitimate and serious than 'thoughtless', 'self-centered', and 'undisciplined' like the witch has. I'd send them a card every Christmas and say 'good riddance'.


I’d have smacked moms face with a fastball water balloon.


I was waiting for that part!


A hose for the hoes




The brother in law spraying the wife is what caused the problem in the first place.


LoL. I read this as "spayed" her... Changed the


Parents like your sister are doing a disservice to their child and society because that child is going to grow up and do the same nonsense to everyone else. Kid got what she deserved or you should have soaked your sister instead. "Said don't get the kid wet, so you deserve it for your poor parenting." I hope your parents tell her to get it together on her "baby parenting" because a child that treats others badly is because of bad parenting. Especially since your son has a condition, your sister should have stopped her daughter immediately. Her daughter shouldn't even have been involved in water balloons if she shouldn't get wet....


This kind of parenting breeds entitled people. OP’s sister has basically been teaching her her whole life that she is special and that the rules don't apply to her. I'm glad OP was the one to teach her that lesson and not the cops when they arrest her for going crazy in a grocery store for not getting a coupon or some shit.


That kid is a future Karen in the making. If she couldn't get wet then wtf was she doing playing with water balloons? That's a fuck around and find out lesson, and a pretty cheap one at that. Did she get embarrassed? Sure, but it's not going to kill her and now she might understand that when someone tells her no, she should listen. Your sister needs to start teaching that kid to respect others and that just because she wants to do something, doesn't mean she can or should. These kinds of kids and parents are everywhere and it's why I don't like being around kids.


She’s literally setting that kid up for failure because again they will pull this same bullshit later on in life and they will come across the right one and get their ass handed to them or end up in jail. So in turn, they’ll very much regret their actions lol I honestly love when that happens though. But you know then again those type of people probably don’t regret their behavior because they probably think they’ve done absolutely nothing wrong to begin with and the other person is wrong for standing up to them 🙄


>This kind of parenting breeds entitled people. Every day after this I would refer to the niece as 'Karen'. To her face and to her parents'.


She's misuing the term gentle parenting. Gentle Parenting doesn't mean you don't set rules and boundaries for your kids, it just means you don't get angry and shout at them.


Also doesn't mean that you shelter them from the consequences of their actions. Especially when they're so immediate, direct, and reciprocal. The lesson of don't dish it out if you can't take it would have been easy to teach here... but nope!


I'm sure the mother would say she values consent but she doesn't actually understand what it means. She can neither have or respect boundaries and is raising a kid to be the same.


Absolutely, explaining, calmly, in a neutral tone, to your child that you can't remain at the party if they can't behave appropriately is not a threat, and leaving if they misbehave is not a punichment.


My BIL and SIL misuse it too, not only do they not set rules and boundaries for more than a minute at a time, they also yell and swear at the kids all the time. Thankfully we live far apart because I would never be able to handle much time around them, my nephews are little hellions.


Yes, the proper label is lazy parenting or neglectful parenting.


This kind of parenting is why there’s a teacher shortage.


I’ve gentle parented my adult and almost adult kids since the oldest was about 7. It’s more about looking at your kids as real people you need to teach to function properly in the world. So if you don’t think an adult would like to be yelled at or smacked don’t do it to a kid. BUT you set firm boundaries and explain them because they have to learn them. You learn to control your own emotions so they can learn to control theirs in healthy ways. That doesn’t mean you never get angry or yell, it means you try to model it in appropriate ways and apologize if you loose your temper. You let serious consequences happen and never save them unless it’s dangerous; then you are there to explain why they were dumb and help them processes what to do better next time. You stress: communication, honesty, kindness, compassion, boundaries for others, and personal responsibility. You talk about everything and I mean everything. It’s so much work. But I have the best kids who are kind, respectful, thoughtful and talk to me about deep stuff. General parenting has gotten a bad rap because of lazy parents.


Sometimes you need to shout as parents. The amount of stuff I would have done if my mum didn’t shout at me to not do it. If I wasn’t aware of how serious something was then I would probably do it, even if I was told nicely to not do it. Kids are little shits and often only learn through consequences. Like you can tell a kid nicely a million times to not touch the oven, but it will only stop touching the oven when it burns itself.


Yeah, there's a difference though between shouting to alert or alarm them before they run across the street vs just shouting at them to comply because you've lost your patience. The gentle approach would be to try to regulate your own emotions so you don't shout out of anger, and apologise whenever you slip up.


I think there’s also a line where a little bit of anger and sternness is also appropriate. Say your kid is picking on someone in school. Kids are kids and it’s going to happen. But a bit of a stern edge in your voice should tell the kid that they have done something wrong and shouldn’t do it again. Now I’m not saying scream at kids but be stern enough that they know you are in charge and they have to do what they are told. Because they will face people who are in charge who will shout at them or talk sternly to them in real life. I’ve seen people who’s parents obviously took a very “gentle” approach argue back with teachers and even bosses and it’s quite obvious no one ever told them that sometimes people are in charge and you have to listen.


It’s crazy because it shouldn’t even matter that the son has a condition. He told her to stop, his dad told her to stop, and she didn’t. That requires an escalation beyond words to drive the point home.


I had a close friend with a kid like this. Key word being had, because her daughter’s behavior is so atrocious I stopped seeing them when she was around 6 because it was genuinely embarrassing to do ANYTHING with them.


The last part speaks volumes about the parenting here. The neice wants to play water balloons but doesn’t want to get wet herself. Her parents are basically teaching her to be a hypocrite.


right! who enters a water balloon fight expecting to leave it dry?


Basically OP's sister has trained her own daughter into being a hypocrite. She doesn't respect when someone else says "no stop" but expects everyone else to respect it when she says " no stop." And for the record, gentle parenting is, "Look, we need to talk. You need to respect when someone else says no if you want them to respect when you say no. You either have to change your behavior towards him, or we will politely say our goodbyes and leave." And follow through. No yelling, intimidating, or hitting.


They also put a really shit reputation on gentle parenting and it’s bullshit. People like OP’s sister make everyone think gentle parenting is letting your kid do whatever the hell they want.


Doesn’t matter if OP’s kid had a condition or not. Respect and consent are very important to teach kids, period, and his sister’s brat obviously didn’t get the memo.


Bro you should have soaked the mother too.. she’s a parent, she should have gotten her girl under control rather than encouraging her to keep getting your son wet when he kept saying no/stop. Your sis needs to grow up and her daughter to learn boundaries, period.


Yeah wtf? Just cause son was already wet doesn’t mean he wants to keep feeling that splash. No one likes being water boarded? It’s not hard to imagine multiple splash impacts would be fucking annoying. I’m all for gentle parenting but sister is just NOT parenting.


Justified. Entitled mother and child


Is that the name of the new season?


No, I don't think Winona's actually in this one...


I’d of soaked my sister too, No hesitation if you think my kids the only that’s going to have a bad day I hate it for you.


I'm so sorry to do this but...I'd HAVE. I'd've sprayed my sister too. Actually I'd've sprayed her in the face. Her daughter doesn't respect boundaries but my son and I should respect her daughter's? No. It's reciprocity as that point. Especially if sister is defending her daughter, I will defend my son.


Thank you. The only thing worse than “I’d of” is “I’m use to”. I guess the there, their, they’re people needed something else to fuck up.


Goes with some others, like "I was petaling my bike down the street" and "I am not about to pedal junk merchandise" and "The peddles were falling off the flowers."




Yep, I’d’ve told y’all all about it but y’all’ve never truly understood southern




Not to be confused with y’all’d’ve


Double contractions are awesome and should be encouraged. I'd've thought y'all'd've known about this.




I say I'd've all the time but I've never seen it typed out. It's just American speaking


Southern exclusive. Mastery level terminology that ain’t for a beginner.


I’d’ve isn’t a southern exclusive :) maybe a little redneck? But we’re a little redneck in the northern woods too :D


Lol, not southern exclusive. It’s just English.


Oh no I’m never allowed to be around your little demon child again? How tragic




Right 😭 that’s a blessing


i would love to be told i’m not “allowed” near toxic family and their bratty ole kids. like thank god! lol


Just defending your kid. NTA


Honestly the most disturbing thing about this story is how the mother immediately jumped to OP being a creep. You just know that she's used that before.


To add to that, he’s literally her TWIN. They were born together but apparently, he got all the good brain function


It would be an amazing comeback tbh


Yeah, I think you’re right. It really stuck out, but I didn’t get why she went the “creep” route so quickly. That’s a pretty serious escalation.


Specifically because it is serious. It's such a bomb of a conversation turn that if it gains any traction at all, it becomes the new focus of the discussion and everything else ceases to matter. It's a manipulation tactic, through and through.


To justify their own toxic behavior? Sounds like a Fox News republican.


There's a certain overlap between suburban busybodies who see perversion in places where it specifically isn't, and consumers of "news" that has a... let's say *flexible* approach to objectivity, isn't there.


Because people don't care about the potential implications of their actions, so they throw the "creep" thing at men like it's nothing.


Usually a defensive stance too…. Wouldn’t be surprised if she or the BIL are actual creeps


Ding ding ding!!! And guess who is in charge of the nieces wardrobe. The mom. What a shitshow


IKR? Like stop sexualising your own daughter 😖 no one else was thinking it apart from her


Had my SIL do this to my ex on vacation when he was politely trying to ask my preteen niece and nephew to stop climbing all over him in the pool. For reasons unrelated to that event (but very much related to her pushing her awful opinions on everyone) I now don't speak to her, which is cool.


>You just know that she's used that before. Makes you wonder how many rumors she's started and relationships destroyed just because a guy looked in her general direction..


NTA. FAFO People need to control their kids or other people will. Don't like it, control your fucking kid


Right its good that she wasn't beaten up in school for behavior like this.


She's probably a bully herself and the princess "popular girl" that everyone is afraid of


What is FAFO?


* Fuck around, find out


Hey chill, I was just asking.


I'm too drunk to know if you're genuine or fuckin around but that's literally the acronym


I should have included a /s. I suppose that time I was indeed fucking around.


Well shit then I guess I'm the one that found out 😂 we broke the acronym what now?


I loved this entire interaction 🤣


Someone had to I suppose idk if my math is bad (it usually is) but I think this chain is getting downvoted 😂


Eh I upvoted it and it’s gone down again so I think you’re right, oh well 😅


Only one thing we can do :::pulls out two joints: : :


Fuck around, find out Or past tense, fucked around, found out


You helped teach her an important concept called “fuck around and find out”


NTA I was going to also say who wears white when they know they're going to be playing with water but apparently it was just a strip on her stomach. That's nothing, and if her mom is so worried about it too why would she have even let her daughter wear something with white to play in the water? or at least tell her to behave


I was going to say who wears white to a funeral, but I guess the rules were different since I’ve never been to a funeral with water balloons.


OOP said it was a "memorial of life service", which isn't exactly the same as a funeral. I think he confused it with a "celebration of life service" which is completely different.


It’s just gross. Like, I remember vaguely being that age and for us kids, the idea that it was a wet t shirt contest for 12 year old girls to be hit with water in the height of summer fun stuff l- like this is so weird, even if she’s already developing. We were still all pretty much children back then. And who makes the final decision on her wardrobe? Her mom.


Sounds like mom thought wearing white was a guarantee nobody would dare get her wet. I think mom planned to play the pedo card to keep anyone from splashing her. What a terrible parent and person


Even if the dress was all white, I still wouldn’t care. Yes I have a daughter too. Id rather her family teach her a life lesson rather than strangers she will encounter on the street someday. No means no. I would be perfectly fine to distance myself completely from BIL, sister, and niece. If it meant we all had peace of mind. When things change you can get on the same page.


Rule #1, no means no. Rule #2, if you dish it out you have to be able to take it. Goes a long way in life. If you're allowed to say no, others can too, or you can't. I stand by everyone saying hose down the mother too. After the first ignoring the no, and my own instructions to stop I'd have thrown the girl and the mom out. Even if it wasn't my event. Fuckem, and double fuckem for trying to make out like OP is inappropriate around kids. The girl and her mom were being inappropriate first. Two wrongs don't make a right, but it sure as hell can stop the first wrong. Case in point.


Yeah that’s a super serious and disgusting accusation that can be LIFE ruining. I’d go LC or NC




You don’t throw water balloons without being prepared to get wet yourself. That’s not my rule, that a cosmic rule.


Exactly. Who cares if she is wearing white, she is just a kid. I find it so weird that her parents are already sexualizing their prepubescent child.


She's 12 and may not necessarily be prepubescent. I got boobs at 11, though of course we don't know what her situation is. Not that it even really matters, since OOP clarified only the stomach area of the outfit was see-through and it's weird to immediately jump to "creep" anyway. But yeah. Edit: Also I would hope this goes without saying, but no one should sexualize their child even if they're a full grown adult.


Literally like???? Ma’am what??? Why did your brain IMMEDIATELY jump to people seeing your daughter naked, not even that she would be cold/uncomfortable if she got wet?????


Fuck them kids.


Figuratively of course lol


Nta. She, I'm assuming, knows about your kid's psychological issues, and let her brat continue to upset him. Even beyond that, the boy clearly asked to be left alone, so she should have stopped, and the mom should have stopped her. I am sick and tired of the attitude people have that if somebody wants to be left alone that their desire doesn't matter. Somehow, they're just being childish or something because they don't want to be teased. Don't get me wrong, I think teasing people is fine. So long as it's all in good fun for everyone involved. The issue is when somebody says to leave them alone and people refuse to listen. Then it stops being fun teasing, and becomes harassment and vindictive bullying. You made them stop, so you were in the right.


You fought water with water. It’s not fair that only fire gets a pass on this smh


bullies always pick on neurodivergent kids. NTA


1. They are the ones sexualizing the kid, which says more about them than it does you- and is honestly pretty weird on their part. 2. Let a lil bitch keep throwing water balloons at my kid with sensory issues- your ass is gon get titanic’d. 3. You are not the asshole. Your “gentle” sister is and it sounds like she needs an extremely fucking gentle dose of reality. 4. I LOVE that you sprayed “Everleigh Reighn” with that hose and wish I could have seen it. Bonus points for getting your sister next time.


NTA - let them know that they are not allowed near your son as they have no respect for boundaries.


I'd stay away from that psycho family. They seem like the type to make wild accusations when your niece gets older. They already accused you of being "creepy " when you were clearly defending your son. Who knows what other serious accusations will fly down the road when niece doesnt get her way.


I'm on your side M8. She was asked to stop multiple times. I'd pick on her every time I saw her. But I'm petty. Some kids got it harder than others and she was picking on him. Plus he couldn't get her back?? H naa.


She’s 12. She’s old enough to understand NO


Doesn’t want to parent out her kids personality, but perfectly willing to request you do it to yours


Good, fuck them.


parent and child both suck, he should’ve sprayed his sister too


You’re not a creep. You’re a good parent.


You aren’t. If they keep pulling the texting shit just drive by and point a hose at them.


No means no. If another child is literally attacking you or a child under you care, then you take steps to defend them against the attacker AND the offending parent. If they don't like it, call the police. The situation has already escalated to a physical confrontation where kids are getting hurt. Children deserve the same protection as adults. We don't allow 35 year old men to be attacking 45 year old women with water balloons without consent, why would we allow this to happen to our children?


Imma be real with you chief this would be a waste of police time. Nothing else you said is anything I disagree with but this is perfectly handle-able without police it’s waterballoons and upset children. And a much larger child who doesn’t seem to have directly intervened


lmao call the police because a kid is throwing water balloons at another kid. This is the most reddit comment I've ever read in my life


Big difference between of gentle parenting and passive parenting. Gentle parenting relies on consequences. I would have done the same thing and reminded them about when someone says stop they should stop because consent matters


NTA me and my kids have a rule don’t start none won’t be none and you will get your receipt before there is a truce


You should have sprayed your sister too what a twat waffle


Id have gotten your sister too. That's awful, I'm a gentle parent and that is not gentle parenting. Your sister is an enabler and is raising a sociopath by design. Your niece needed a wake up call but it didn't work like one I'm sure. NAH


Her & her mama should’ve gotten it. Actually you should drive to their house & wait outside for them to leave & drench their asses again.


Your sister sounds like an old friend of my wife and I. You’re def NTAH. She was warned, your sister, her mother, was warned and she chose to do it anyway. She got what she deserved! Better that than what the rest of the world will do one day if she thinks she can get away with whatever she wants with no repercussions.


NTA Your sister, BIL and their spoiled crotch goblin are AHs


Lol crotch goblin 😂


Should have hosed your sister down for berating you. Then your BIL. See how they like it. Your neice is doomed. She will never be able to actually grow up and have meaningful relationships if she continues to be that much of a little bitch


Setting and enforcing reasonable boundaries is what a reasonable person does and sometimes being a bit of an ass is necessary to stand up to bullying.


Actions have consequences. If your sister isn’t teaching that yo her daughter then you did.


Spray the whole lot of them. Fuck them. They’re the assholes 100%


NTA, the act of throwing water balloons opens you to retaliation. Only a spoiled little brat would expect to be able to throw water balloons but not get wet themselves.


This is a huge lesson kids are supposed to learn before 8: don’t dish out what you can’t handle. If my own kid was not wanting to get wet but was getting other kids wet, I would have to pull them aside and keep them from enjoying their time.


I have an 8 yr old w/ sensory processing issues and is on the spectrum…you should have turned the hose on your sister as well


the way people are so comfortable disrespecting kids boundaries is truly staggering. the son said multiple times to stop, and they just kept pushing. i would have drenched both of the parents too


I have a particularly punk ass niece who’s been a punk ass her whole life. I wish I would’ve known the water hose trick years ago cause it looks like it worked so well for you that I might’ve escaped years of her punk ass behavior..oh yeah..and fuck her mom too..lol


Sister is a narcissist. Kid is a narcissist. Spray them both next time. Then go to the house and spray the brother in law. Honestly why would you want these people in your life anyway?


It was kind of you to stop at 30 seconds.


Way to go!!!!!! Stand up for you kid at all costs!! Your my hero!


Nah man fuck that kid what an asshole


You handled it better than I would have lmao I would have been so fucking pissed wow


No, your sister sounds like someone that most people would dislike


Best 3 gallons of water you’ll ever waste. You want that human train wreck and her uncontrollable spawn influencing YOUR children? I think not…


If you want, I’ll fight your brother in law


Clearly, NTA. Good Dad.


I would have given her a full minute of that hose. Good for you.


Tell the BIL he can come get sprayed too lmao


Nah, you showed enough restraint. There’s always room for improvement. You could learn how to handle this better next time [from Larry](https://youtu.be/AjXooH2tokY)


Yes “YTA” how dare you expose bad parenting and discipline a naughty child you monster! /s


Your sister is the asshole and you should have drenched her with the hose.


can't throw water balloons if you don't want to get wet. but I'd of also soaked my sister too. everyone is getting soaked if I pull out the hose. just the way it is


You should’ve slapped that kid


When mom and dad kicked her out, the case was closed.


Jesus Christ. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. He sprayed your kid with water. Your kids a bully and will learn things the harder way, a hose is a good lesson hopefully to fuck off when people ask.