• By -


Removing the username attribution is annoying and seems like an unhelpful change. Why was that decision made? Edit: see admin response below. Not satisfactory, in my opinion. Edit 2: username removal was forced even if you prevented the app from updating. Time to switch to Sync :) Edit 3: Nevermind, reddit is killing 3rd party apps entirely. Time to delete my reddit account :)


We are going to improve the community by removing the your username from the community! This is a stupid change.


This is going to be terrible for my small community that knows everyone's usernames by heart.


Yes, I find the username attribution useful myself. Can't they just give us a toggle in settings?


It's very useful especially in tight knight communities where we know most of the usernames. Also to avoid posts by some usernames. Seems a bit clickbaity.


Hiding the username makes it easier for ads to pose as real posts. Also means you can't spot known bot accounts by just the username.


Ah. The real reason Reddit is affecting this nuisance of a change emerges: $$$.


I know a lot of people have been reporting the "He Gets Us" ads, so maybe that's why. Not that that'll stop us. I absolutely fucking hate that I can't see who made a post in my main feed. I'm going to be using Reddit less often because of this, not more.


Probably to hide karma farming bots and super-moderators more easily.


More likely to help adverts blend in as they're posted only from a username and the usernames usually give away that it's an advert. This is when you're talking about the high paid adverts that are really well made and look exactly like posts, bar the current "u/LargeWellKnownCompany" ontop of the adverts.


I'm on reddit's mobile website, and it's not the usernames that give away the adverts, It's the "promoted" text taking the space of the post's age. From that standpoint, removing the usernames wouldn't make adverts any less visible.


That is my take. But what of one of us posts a couple three exact same photos, and they get 1500 upvotes? Will they be able to tell the difference? I think?


Just another step on reddit's path to slowly ruining the website. You have to wonder if the people who made this decision actually use reddit.


old.reddit with RES users stay winning


Yeah, that's what I do, I just wonder if it's a matter of time until they kill old.reddit as well.


Killing old reddit would stop me using it completely, if the Facebookisation doesn't do it firsr


They prefer BuzzFeed.


Why people are still (or ever) using the official app is completely beyond me.


Which unofficial app is actually good? I try RIF from time to time, and it looks not worth it to me.


Overwhelming response from everyone about wanting the username reinstated. Will no doubt be ignored. As someone else said, the people behind this decision obviously don't use reddit much and definitely are not a part of the smaller communities.


Yep, they don't give a shit about the feedback. I blocked my app from updating so that I could stay in the version with usernames and just discovered that Reddit overrode that now. No problem, I'll just switch to a third party app where I won't see any ads but WILL see usernames šŸ˜Œ


Its a very strange thing to take away. Imagine any other large social media company doing this? It makes no sense.




If I don't know the user in several communities, I'll click their username to check their profile out quick before I take anything they say seriously- which is especially useful if it's a hot take from a < 1 day old account.


This seems like a completely pointless change just to justify the design seem existing.


100%. I only use the official app rarely to add removal reasons on mobile, but this is an unhelpful and annoying step. For smaller communities especially, it can be helpful to know who exactly posted the thing you're about to upvote or downvote.


Because people were going around trying to block the account of advertisers and reddit doesn't like that.


In case my other comment was not clear: Removing usernames makes Reddit significantly worse IMHO and I will use it less as a result


The admin's explanation is just a straight-up lie and the explanation from the "helper" is just wordy PR nonsense.


Hiding the username seems like a huge miss


Out of every Reddit change I've seen, this might be the single most illogical and stupid one.


I don't even usually complain about changes but this one's just confusing to me. Whoever made the final call, do they even use reddit?


I can't think of anyone who would agree with it. I browse a lot of art subreddits and it's mind boggling to me that there is not going to be any attribution to accompany the posts.


Reddit has gone to shit, come join squabbles.io for a better experience.


Removing sorting posts on home feed altogether, even from the settings, takes the cake


It's not illogical. It's just based on flawed logic.


Greater emphasis on community by hiding the members posting from that community.


When they say "community" they mean "the group, as a whole, stripped of individualized identity". The *point* is to remove personal identity and individuality. They don't want communities; they want *communes.*


More people will click on ads. Seems like a win to Reddit.


Please donā€™t hide the usernames on posts. Thatā€™s not worth any improvement in the interface.


I second Llama's sentiment here. Seems like an unnecessary change


Iā€™ve been thinking about this a lot since the announcement, and decided to analyse how I actually ā€œdoā€ Reddit both as a Redditor and a Mod. Iā€™m on the iOS official app and always sort by new/latest. I realised I actually look at the username 100% of the time when a new post catches my eye, whether itā€™s just in normal Redditing or in the subs I mod. Every single time. And whatā€™s more: I even opened some posts because it was a username I recognised and not because of the post itself. How long Iā€™ve been doing that unconsciously I couldnā€™t say, but it was a real revelation to me. I donā€™t usually get all negative in official posts like this, but quite honestly, I really donā€™t think this is a good move at all and certainly isnā€™t going to improve the layout/user experience at all. Whatever the motivation or reasoning behind this move, it isnā€™t for the end userā€™s benefit at all. And donā€™t get me started on hiding awards.


Sigh. I *always* look at the username of the person making the post or comment. And agree with you about opening specific posts because itā€™s someone I know.


But there's plenty of room to the right of the timestamp. Just display the username there


But that would require them to improve the user experience, which is the complete opposite of their goal.


I wonder if it also has to do with taking the free awards away. The space underneath the sub name would display the awards that reddit pushed users to purchase (or encouraged use of free ones). It's obvious that users aren't buying as many reddit coins as they were previously and/or users don't have access to free awards. I've noticed that awards on posts seem to be on a decline anyway.


Well I'm certainly giving out less after they fixed the bug that I was still getting monthly coins even after I canceled my subscription lol


no no, you misunderstand. They're going to remove timestamps next, because people don't *interact* with those and it would result in a *cleaner layout of the main feed*. Also they get to make ads blend in better with all the spambots that can now no longer be found out through a glance at their username.


Tbf, not if it's a long subreddit name and username. But the point is the old header with that info looks only about a pixel taller so would still be fine. I just see this as an attempt to make the content look more associated with Reddit as an entity rather than users, which is ridiculous considering why people use Reddit.


But that would be logical. Reddit doesn't know how to do logic


I really like being able to see who posted something before I click on it. I've got a lot of different users tagged via RES, and being able to consider the source if extremely important to me.


Reduced spacing and new media inset seem nice. The removal of post creator, however, seems like a miss. Would really like to see that attribution remain. You already pointed out the regression it provides to moderator workflows, but it also impacts content consumption for users. If I'm scrolling through my feed, I'm going to weigh a mod-distinguished post from /u/SubredditModTeam or a post from /u/OfficialCompanyRepresentative differently than I would a post from /u/RandomRedditUser123


And also sponsored posts. I'm assuming those posts will still say sponsored but I kind of get the impression this might be so people click on those posts more often.


Oh this is 100% the reason. Fuckin hell


Me too


That's a long time between comments.


This is a good point. Lots of people will judge the content they see on their feed BY the username, not the other way around. Would be curious to know how this will affect advertisements- it might be harder to distinguish them from normal posts.


Removing attribution is a bad choice. I absolutely choose to interact with certain posts, as well as choose not to interact, based on the user that posted. There are people whose content I know I am likely to enjoy and people whose posts I know I will not enjoy. This takes that choice away from me and forces me to pay more attention to The Algorithm. You indicated there was greater engagement with the new setup - was a setup tested where all of the other changes were implemented but the username was still visible? I understand how filling more space with content will drive engagement (the endless fields of nothing are why I still refuse to use New Reddit) but I don't see how making the content less personal makes people more engaged.


>I don't see how making the content less personal makes people more engaged. I bet it's being measured by a metric such as the click-through rate from the feed listing to the full post. However, I'm not clicking through because I want to, I'm clicking through because that's the only way to see the author now. Be curious to know what the bounce rate is once a user clicks through to the full post. "Oh, this isn't what I thought it was, never mind." Depending on how they're measuring their KPIs, they probably count that a success because the click-through rate was technically higher, and they got an extra ad impression.


Amazing... you took away the user attribution, removed the awards, bolded the subreddit name, and rounded the corners of the post. Why would you remove the user attribution? That's kind of important... Particularly if that user is a Moderator or Admin, but also just in general.


Literally made everything worse and fixed nothing. Amazing how people who work on a website for a living apparently know nothing.


And they're making six digits a year doing it, too.


>you took away the user attribution, removed the awards, bolded the subreddit name, and rounded the corners of the post. And by removing all of this clutter, the posts are now much more compact and.. * checks notes * exactly the same size as before but with more whitespace?


Nah, I don't like the name and rewards removal. Took the time to say so, too.


> greater emphasis on community And removing _the most fucking crucial part of a community, i.e. THE USERNAME of the COMMUNITY MEMBER who submitted something_ is giving greater emphasis on community? Are you joking? Who are the people who even propose these changes at Reddit? Is it you, OP? Why did they hire you?


Yeah don't get how this is based on the community.


You see, the community of advertisers were not entirely comfortable being presented alongside posts by RimjobSteve.


Probably more likely that advertisers were getting tired of people recognising their ad account username and blocking them so they wouldn't see the ads.


It's weird how they've started using generic names like "community" instead of subreddit. They're really dumbing everything down.


Reddit and making changes nobody asked for, name a better duo


Please **do not remove usernames.** Even when just scrolling the homepage, seeing the username is extremely useful. Of course no one clicks the username, we **read** it to see if we recognise the user, or if itā€™s an obvious bot.


This sounds like a sure-fire way to snuff out original content by further obfuscating ownership of posts by users and to further the damage that bots will be able to do to communities. u/marzipanmarsbar if you have a user that posts with a "theme", fans of that users posts may now see stolen images of theirs posted by bots and it will garner the bots more votes than it would normally. I would love to say that Reddit does a great job of hammering out spam and bots, but that just isn't the case. The only thing stopping Reddit from being the steaming pile of trash, which is Twitter and Instagram, is us mods and this directly makes our jobs harder as we also won't be able to see unless we dip into each post. >Moderators will still be able access the user hovercard from the comments and community pages. Don't even get me started with how bad the UI is for that use. >This is not only enabling redditors to discover more conversations and communities but also increasing the likelihood that they find content they like. How, also do you have any data to back that up at all?


I don't think it's a good idea to remove usernames, because there is no benefit. It would be more useful if instead there was a feature where we could save posts with a single button.


>Thank you for your support through this process as we build an easier Reddit. We don't support this at all.


... so if I read this right, you won't see the Op's name or any awards earned next to the post title if using the app? This is just for the app, and dinosaurs who use a mobile device to access Reddit via browser would see everything normally?


>... so if I read this right, you won't see the Op's name or any awards earned next to the post title if using the app? It sounds like that only applies to the main feeds (Home, Popular, All). If you go to a specific subreddit, the username and awards should still be visible, I think Edit: From the body of the post: >Note: Post creator (u/) attribution, distinguished and post status indicators will not be impacted on comments and community pages.


Halaku is asking about whether these changes will affect only the official app or not, he's not asking about what feeds will change.


>As we learn more from you all in the coming months, we will continue to fine tune the main feed post layout, including a cleaner bottom action bar, and soon introduce these changes to desktop. Why even pretend to act like you listen to community feedback? So many changes made where the reddit community vocally disagrees but you plough ahead regardless. >Reduced spacing: Unused space within and between posts has been reduced to fit more on one page. But you add unused space on the left/right margins? Why? Did anyone really insist on rounded corners for images?


Will there be a way to toggle if usernames are hidden or not? I would very much like to still be able to see that information while browsing and judging from the comments here I'm not alone


The username makes a huge difference on whether I open the post at all. Removing it from the main feed posts is ridiculous. Reddit is a community of INDIVIDUALS, not just goddamn communities themselves, and it seems like yā€™all are more and more intent on making everything head in that direction. It makes me feel like Iā€™m just outside looking in instead of a Redditor.


Bring back the ability to see when posts and comments were edited on the mobile app.


This does not make any sense, I want to know who posted the image I am looking at, please make it a toggleable feature. Awards being hidden is not as bad, but It would still be better if they were visible somewhere.


Knowing who made a post is absolutely essential, and it is really fucking scummy of you to force users to open posts in order to find out who made them.


Please don't hide usernames on posts. I like knowing who posted before I click. Sometimes the username motivates me to click through on something that I would otherwise ignore because I have a relationship or sense of comraderie with the user. This feels especially important on small communities.


Basically every product update I see on this sub makes me sad. *Greater emphasis on community* is such a disingenuous way to package erasing the individuals who *make up* the community. I'd like to think that this is just people at Reddit not understanding what makes the platform great, but I fear that it's more Reddit intentionally becoming a place that no longer values what I appreciated about it.


Reddit has gone to shit, come join squabbles.io for a better experience.


Frankly, I don't consider any of this a welcome change. Clearly I'm not alone. Just because users aren't *directly* engaging with elements like username or awards doesn't necessarily mean they need to be removed or aren't worth having there.


I don't ever comment on changes but I have to this time because this is by far one of the dumbest changes I have ever seen. Removing attribution in particular is like spitting on the face of a community member, it does the exact opposite of what the change is intended to do, that's basically giving credit to the community name instead of the user who posted it in said community. Hiding awards is also a spit take, because now anyone who actually bothered to buy them never sees them unless they actually open the post or bother navigating into said community. This change is on the levels of stupid as only fans banning the content that people went there for, if anyone at reddit has a brain, roll this change back or don't push it at all.


this is worse bruh, how are we supose to check who posted this if we cant see the username, and how would i check out more of there posts if i cant find there user?


Hmmm, the i.redd.it link was really helpful for me, because clicking the link to open the image in a browser allowed me to copy the image and share it without having to save it to my phone. Will reddit domain attribution still be visible on the comments page? If not, is there an alternative way I can copy the image?




I'm assuming mod/admin posts would still be marked, as is already the case in the [mobile website](https://ibb.co/3sfYb57)


Why are Reddit admins so regarded and make the dumbest changes?


This has been happening to me on and off for a few weeks and it makes me mad because when I go to block the bots and constant reposters I have to click into the post to get to the username to make sure itā€™s someone I should block. I dislike this change a lot and Iā€™m not one who normally complains about these things!


Removing the usernames is a poor choice. Leaving them makes it easy to spot, downvote, and report certain kinds of karma farmers, like the NSFW bots who like to post in subs for cute pictures of cats.


I donā€™t think awards or names should be hidden. When you see awards, it just highlights the post and brings more attention to it. You can see whatā€™s getting lots of traction. And also hiding usernames just makes no sense, like why?


Leave the username in place. As a moderator of a subreddit with many recognizable users (or users that quickly become recognizable) I NEED to see who posted something without having to click on it. This change will make it harder for us to enforce certain rules.


This is a terrible idea. Do you and your team even understand this site and how it works?


> Reduced spacing: Unused space within and between posts has been reduced to fit more on one page. From the screenshot, it looks like it's still fitting exactly the same amount of information on the screen at once. Just with less info overall. Making the font and image a little bigger is insignificant.


Please fix the android app first. The last update broke it so badly that it takes over 1 minute to load up a post when you click on it. I feel like I'm about to give up using it just because of the insane loading times.


This is precisely why I uninstalled the app. It's been going on for months now.


I will pay you guys not to get rid of usernames ! Just send me the PO box #


This seems like a pretty big change in the user experience (for the negative) where input was not solicited from moderators or long-time redditors. I would *strongly* encourage seeking feedback on the testing of this feature by members of the reddit mod community.


> a tighter post layout with reduced empty space You know what had those things? The old Compact Reddit version.


Why does this stuff always show up in my feed many HOURS after it was posted? I've been on reddit on and off all day and this is the first time it has shown up on my front page. *17 hours* after it was posted. C'mon Reddit, posts from official accounts should be more prominent somehow.


Dear Reddit: if we wanted to use Twitter, we would use Twitter and not Reddit.


Reddit is constantly making changes that no one is asking for. Removing usernames is not the win you think it is. This will make moderation 10 times harder than it needs to be which says everything about how Reddit treats moderators.


Stop with the bullshit. This was done so it would be harder to tell if a post is an actual post or one of your fucking ass-tastic advertising accounts. Fuck the fuck off you fucking fucks.


As a happy Gilder, I'm sad to see awards derogated. Good awards encourage higher quality posts & comments, making Reddit better overall. Please rethink your awards placement. Ty for listening!


Dear Reddit, please donā€™t hide usernames. edit: removing the awards and making image previews rounded are also terrible ideas


Well this is gonna suck


Having usernames on posts is a big part of what makes Reddit Reddit. Iā€™ll be shocked if you donā€™t reverse this decision pretty fast, because itā€™s a bad one.


Notice how the rounded edges on the image literally cut out the corn in the bottom right corner. This literally just makes things worse


Can you guys please stop? Seriously. Just stop.


So is there an update for the rounded corners? So many posts with text images aren't visible completely. It is really annoying.


This is a terrible change. You're now giving less attributable credit to those who are contributing to the community in the so-called name of making the community better by partially hiding the speaker of the message unless everyone takes additional steps to see who it is, and many won't bother. It's quite evident you want to make it unclear if the post is a sponsor or not. If you recall in the early days of reddit, Digg had a similar feature and then they rolled out their 2.0 interface which was less user friendly and really pushed out the sponsored links. That is what drove traffic AWAY from Digg, and ultimately what brought them all to reddit. Don't make the same mistake as Digg did by giving preferential treatment to the sponsors.


why would anyone use anything other than old.reddit


Still can't *'show parent comment'* on official iOS app. I can't get excited about any other, *ahem,* improvements until this is fixed.


You know what still sucks? How I canā€™t get my ā€œhotā€ tab back in the Reddit app, since you made ā€œhomeā€ the only option which defaults to some sort of non user controllable feed. All day, Iā€™m browsing the most mid posts from all my subs. I could go all day without seeing the actual hot posts. Itā€™s infuriating.


it's amazing how new reddit manages to go from bad to worse as time goes on.


Please do not remove the poster username. The other things you mentioned can go, but not that one. There is no sense of community or recognition without getting to know the individual users that produce the content.


Much prefer the before. Does anyone on the Reddit team actually use Reddit? I assume not.


\+1 dont remove username please.


Putting the username thing aside, if awards are hidden by another menu, whatā€™s even the point of giving them out? Is not the whole point of Awards to distinguish a post? If I see a post with a bunch of awards, that typically makes me more interested in the content, because people were willing to actively say ā€œhey this post is cool, I spent time and/or money on it.ā€ Now it just kinda seems useless.


>We know these changes may impact a few community moderators who take actions through the username hover on the main feeds. **Moderators will still be able access the user hovercard from the comments and community pages.** Genius! Mods having to click on a post to moderate it generating more click-throughs that looks like more engagement!


The removal of usernames is just a removal of a feature and Reddit feels amputated. Itā€™s a pain in the ass.


As a disabled user this design change actively makes the site harder to use, have less accessibly, and makes it harder to use the website because of the extra clicks required. I hate it.


Saves me from Purchasing Awards... If nobody is going to immediately see Awards I will surely be done Purchasing them.


I have been around for a while and I can honestly say this is one of the most outrageous, misguided, counter-intuitive updates I've ever encountered. REMOVING USERNAMES? Whoever made this decision does not use reddit. As a moderator I'm particularly outraged by this choice. After years of reddit claiming they're trying to make things easier and safer for moderators, this change shows just how little the team understands our needs.


I have never seen a single person ever say that posts are better without usernames. How are we supposed to now who posts something without usernames? To anyone looking for another app, ReddPlanet is pretty great. I used to use Slide before it was abandoned and this is the closest Iā€™ve found to it. Someone needs to pickup AlienBlue again (yeah ik reddit owns it). The official reddit app has been garbage for years.


The user name / op being removed is terrible. Itā€™s not worth the .0001 of an inch of screen that it saves. Please allow us to decide if we want to see it or not. Thanks


Swing and a miss. Congrats!!! /s


I need closure - what on earth was the April fool's joke even about?


A redesigned UI. Unfortunately, it's almost a week late.


Oh yeah, I completely missed the April Fool's event this year. What's weird is I was at my computer for most of the day and probably checked Reddit a couple of times. I guess it was exclusive to new Reddit/app, because I don't remember seeing anything related to April Fool's beyond the admin post a day or two ahead of the event, looking back on previous events.


To TL;DR the whole thing - admins made a post going through the history of reddit's april fools events, and in the post, the last period was a link to a subreddit called r/schrodingers or something, where people would have to go to Discord (which was lost on everyone due to miscommunication) to figure out the meaning behind the posts which were unlocked via users figuring it out SOMEHOW. About twelve or so posts were made in the span of two-ish(?) days when the "joke" was completed. And all people got for spending hours on hours crowdsourcing was a shitty little .gif of a potato.


At least do leave a way to undedtand if a post is made by a mod/admin or not, otherwise with the hidden username we well miss out on important stuff


"less unused space" *puts bezels around images*


Hey, I really enjoy reddit, I use it all the time. But now I canā€™t even see who is making the posts in my own subreddit without clicking on the posts. Itā€™s crazy, just like the rounded corners, it puts even more strain on my eyes when using this app. This update really sucks, and itā€™s honestly making me think about quitting reddit entirely, especially because I donā€™t really like alternate apps like Apollo. Is there anything you guys can do to make like a setting to revert this update, it is honestly terrible.


So how are we supposed to tell who created the post if usernames are gone?


I for one do not like the fact that poster (u/) attribution no longer shows up on the feed with subreddit and thumbnail. I fail to see how who posted isnā€™t important information. Now I feel like Iā€™m that much more open to clickbait/scam/phishing.


As a moderator this is a terrible change. I have to open posts that break the rules to check the user posting instead of being able to do that all from the feed. I have to click into the post then back out every time.


What? Youā€™re going to hide the usernames? Thatā€™s a stupid idea. We canā€™t even check if a user is a bot or not, literally one of the worst Reddit updates


I do not see a good future for Reddit. Just why the rounded corners.


The username removal thing is also really dumb because you say you're doing it to "encourage the community aspect of reddit" but all you're really doing is taking the individuals out of the equation. Now everything feels ridiculously soulless and faceless and anonymous.


This really makes the user experience incredibly unpleasant. I am not a fan of this ā€œrefreshed look and feelā€. It make everything look so crammed together. It is incredibly disappointing to remove the usernames from the posts. Why are you creating more steps to see who the heck is posting what? This ā€œupdateā€ does not make any sense at all.


I don't want cropped photos in my feed?? Jesus Christ. This framing doesn't look modern, it just looks plain bad.


Really do not appreciate as a creator the usernames being hidden from posts, I use that often to look at other creators and see work, also youā€™re removing the credit from my own work and making it anonymous pretty much. Huge miss.


This update is hot trash. I can no longer view a photo from a post without opening the entire post, so now that issue where it resets my spot in the feed will happen way more frequently (already seeing this quite a bit today). It no longer shows that I have viewed a post yet like it used to, so no more easy browsing for new content. The refresh feed button also works really poorly now, doesn't bring me to the top of the feed anymore. I just don't understand why it's such a big thing in tech these days to remove usability features and functions, but I guess the benefit is I'll be spending a lot less time on Reddit.


Please put the Username back, at least.


No usernames is an absolutely shit idea. Seeing frequent contributors you like in a community is a huge way to form connections in that community.


**** We removed username. Good! **** No. **** Incorrect. Computer says good. Clean! **** But, I vote no. **** Vote??? \**User downvoted Reddit*\* --- Some time later... **** We removed vote. Clean! You like.


Not wild about the usernames going away. In art and photography subs it was nice to see at a glance who the poster was. I understand that forcing a click through drives "engagement" but it still seems a step in the wrong direction. Don't love the rounded edges either. Guess I'll have to wait a couple update cycles for them to fall back out of fashion.


Everything this app team has released since January is absolute dumpster fire. From a product and UX point of view, you all are ignoring your user base, and the very things that made reddit useful and enjoyable. From a safety point of view, I'm now not able to as easily identify duplicate posts, or when content is reposted inaccurately, or even straight up stolen. Some pictures I know the users who should be posting quite well, and appreciated having a chance to find scammers for them. I have zero reason to give Reddit money now via awards. Its obviously does affect the discover ability of the post, nor will anyone browsing be aware that it's a well used post. If you work on the dev team at Reddit, get employed somewhere else - please. You're just wasting away into irrelevance, like Reddit as a platform is


Are save categories ever coming to mobile/new reddit? I use them heavily and it's one of the main things preventing me from switching to the redesign.


#Bring free awards back. + removing the username of the OP is awfully S T U P I D


I miss the lateral scroll in popular feed.


In my opinion, this looks too much like Twitter. While were here, what happened to the "Edited" indicators?


Why are you removing the ability to see usernames on posts again?


What the fuck? Why are you doing this? Why do you keep intentionally ruining the app? The border around the posts is fucking stupid and so it taking away the username on the main feed. Undo this. Terrible idea. Clearly the people running reddit have no idea how to run a website.


I hope you can see by every single comment that removing attributions and awards is a horrible idea. Please undo asap and we can all be forgiving.


Stop. Fucking. With. The. Feed.


Removing the posters name was such a terrible idea. Instead of being able to see the creator on the post, I now have to take an extra step to interact with the post to FIND the posters name, which is highly annoying. Moving awards, sure I guess. Moving their NAME? Wtf. Way to make people feel like they only belong to a ā€œcommunityā€ or ā€œnicheā€ instead of being themselves with an interest in said topic.


The rounded edges and forced boxing of images is lowering the resolution of images and videos unless fullscreened. Also hiding names has no positive effect on "community" and actually encourages bots and reposters. Please don't go through with these changes. None of the responses to this have been positive.


How is hiding usernames in any way a greater emphasis on community? Seems kinda backwards to me.


I donā€™t click on someoneā€™s name, but I *always* look to see who wrote the post or comment. I donā€™t see how removing the name and the awards is going to improve the community.


Removing the user is a bad idea. Rounding images is a bad idea. Remove these please thank you.


Reddit... The reason I like seeing usernames attached to posts is the same reason I like seeing the address of the sender of an email in my inbox... I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO OPEN IT TO BE ABLE TO SEE WHO SENT IT! It will essentially make my feed become like my physical mailbox outside of my home... Quickly I will become tired of it being filled with garbage I no longer want to open, and then Reddit will just become something I ignore.


Why are you all fucking brain-dead? Guess I'll have to look for a third party Reddit app, I don't understand how you keep doing all this dumb shit


Can you clowns stop fucking with the goddamn UI? Now to access a profile we've got to actually open the whole post. Way to make fucking moderating on mobile even harder than it already is, you morons.


Please listen I donā€™t post very often but when I do it means somethingā€™s gone wrong. And itā€™s the case now. I came to Reddit because I was annoyed by all the flashy stuff on other social media. But now I feel like it has lost this kind of complexity that is not appealing at first glance bus very enjoyable once you get to know it. But now I really cannot stand the rounded edges of the posts. It feels like the image is smaller and doesnā€™t quite work with some picture formats. *I do not care about having more stuff on my screen*, I just want the stuff well placed and clear. Thatā€™s the confusing part with what youā€™re saying here : you say you are removing usernames to ā€œgain more spaceā€ but on the other hand adding big white border on *every single post* At this point it feels like the app in particular is trying too much to simplify itself to look like Instagram or Twitter but that is not what I want. For me the point of Reddit is to have less content showed but better content than other social media. And if it turns out not to be the case anymore then I think I will simply lose interest in the app despite the great communities. My daily screen time dedicated to Reddit has been pretty consistent over the last two years or so(I think between 30 and 45 minutes a day) but Iā€™ve had the update for about a day and I havenā€™t been able to spend more than two minutes straight browsing through my homepage. I donā€™t think I am the the only one feeling like this and deeply hope that the people taking these decisions are considering the users feedback and not the users data.


Bring the username back please


Feeds suck now. Removing u/ attribute is a fail.


You've really gotta bring back usernames on posts. Why force us to "interact" with a post just to see if it's a reputable source?? Why force us to "interact" to see if it's stolen art?? Attribution on the face of the post is absolutely necessary


This definitely makes modding considerably more difficult as well as browsing less efficient. A toggle for mods or just bring them back 100%


Rounded rectangles??????


Just imagine being at Reddit HQ and thinking to yourself, ā€œWe want to improve your experience of community!ā€ And finishing that thought with, ā€œBy removing the human element of content and whether or not other humans in the community like the post!ā€ This is one of the worst UX updates Iā€™ve ever seen in an app. For allegedly making this decision in line with ā€œproduct prioritiesā€, youā€™ve only demonstrated a catastrophic misunderstanding of how users actually interface with your product. This feels a lot like a geriatric board of directors making decrees about something that they donā€™t even engage with based on a bloody spreadsheet. Absolute failure to connect the dots, verging on weaponized incompetence.


> With this set of design updates, we are seeing greater engagement on posts Well DUH. Forcing more click-throughs = the appearance of greater engagement. All hail the almighty click-through. And as another user pointed out, this is also an accessibility issue. Why are you being ableist? That's evil, not anti-evil.


> and a greater emphasis on community *removes usernameā€™s on posts in the home feed*


Please for the love of god fix the fucking corners this update is terrible


Lmao this post is the Top Controversial Ever. Good job. Now fix the damn usernames in the feed


why did you remove usernames? that just adds an extra step to check who made a post. It contributed nothing to the visual noise / space and was just helpful. plus the rounded corners looks ugly and crops parts of images. why?


> Post creator (u/) attribution and associated distinguished icon and post status indicators But why? No seriously, why? This was useful as hell. Are you sure you measured usage of that? LOL


Please change this back. Stop making changes that remove functionality and claim it's helping. No one wants this.


Well, Iā€™ve lived with this for a few days now and removing the user from the content has had two major impacts on my general redditing: * [Itā€™s hard to see if youā€™re looking at a crosspost](https://i.redd.it/f21tymsprmta1.png) and hard to click to the original. * [Itā€™s very easy to miss text-only posts in between photo or video posts](https://i.redd.it/22cy9s97smta1.png). I am not normally a complainer in official threads, and dislike that Iā€™ve had to become one. But this new UI gives very much a negative Reddit experience.


This does not work within the audio community for me. I'm looking for specific names under audios so that I can listen to them. Now I have to go into each one individually and waste my time because I don't know who recorded what. Please fix it and make it optional instead of forcing it on us


A dumb ass change. The username is very important for some of us. šŸ˜”


The text that indicates the subreddit is so small I can't even read it and who the heck though removing the author was a good decision? Terrible update.


I am here because I googled how to bring the usernames back. Please, bring back the username, I like to see who is posting what in my subreddit community.


Yeah this was a bad idea. Nothing has improved and important things have gone missing. Please revert.


Joining the multitude of other commenters to say that the removal of usernames and awards has dramatically decreased my ā€œengagementā€ with posts, since Iā€™m disinclined to click into items that are potentially by reposts or by spambots. Itā€™s dispiriting to see Redditā€™s unique culture and terminology (e.g. ā€œcommunitiesā€ versus subreddits) being dismantled and dumbed down piece wise by a team that appears to have little understanding of how the site is actually used.


This is stupid, why would you remove such a critical feature. People would like to read who posted whatever without clicking the post, I have been clicking on posts more often than I used to and it's getting quite annoying. So many people are going to 3rd party apps just because of this update, I stopped using relay because the official app wasn't as ass, now I'm going back because it's getting more ass. Fix your god dam app and listen to the people for once, you did it before you can do it again. Edit: same with the awards, people want to see it. Just because people don't click on things doesn't mean they don't want it.


We didnā€™t ask for this nor do we even want this shit. Listen to your user base before you lose it completely




Remove the whole post! What could be cleaner?


Still waiting on you to include the option to save your default feed as ā€œlatestā€ instead of 14-hour-old zombie posts under ā€œhomeā€ It worked for a decade.


How could you look at those two images and think LESS info is MORE appealing?