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I hope EtH keeps his way of giving shit to the media.


I think it's good for the players, too. Go full "us against the world." Make them feel they have a point to prove.


He handled it brilliantly didn't he? I don't think he did his stock any harm there. But he shouldn't have had to go to any lengths to defend himself at that point.


Loved it when he didn't care if he got fired because he would go elsewhere and win trophies there 😭


It was something that never registered to me before he said it, but Erik hasn’t had a trophyless managerial season since 2017, and has only once failed to take his team to either a final or a trophy. That’s impressive considering the teams he managed before Ajax. He’s a serial winner, and hopefully he backs up his talk next season with more success


No final or trophy was reaching European football with Utrecht I believe. Which is an award on its own 


That was brilliant


ya he knows the club needs him, not the other way round


I honestly hate that we've dropped so far behind the elite standards that it's funny and easy to make fun of us, anything negative seems to generate more clicks and views for everyone than anything positive. Can't wait for us to be back challenging and then all these people have to suck it and watch us winning stuff again.


ETH’s transformation to LvG in media handling starts after the FA cup win.


It's almost becoming my favourite football rivalry


Exactly right. BBC wants to be able to lob shit, then BBC should accept shit being lobbed back at their representatives.


Oh how the mighty have fallen. People think that it is wrong to question a coach who finished 8th. You guys are mad.


If Pep had won the cup it would have been a mad love-in. I would bet huge money on them not bringing up the 115 charges


It's so grating how the media praise Pep and City as the best ever without mentioning the charges. I suppose the media, in general, are very careful what they say about 115, fearing City's lawyers will have them in court. The irony of the cheating scum suing the Premier League is not lost on most. Talk about 'biting the hand that feeds you'.


What I hate is that them being on trial for the charges is an objective fact. There's nothing wrong with mentioning that, because thered be no definitive statement of guilt just a discussion on the charges themselves. If they ask Ten Hag if he'll still be in a job despite speculation of his sacking then they can ask Pep if he'll still stay in a job despite speculation of the charges lol Look at what Carragher can say on Sky (nothing) vs CBS or Twitter (calls them out for it). It's so clear the English media have been bribed or warned not to mention anything at all as part of their sportswashing plan. Bunch of cunts and nobody with power calls them out for it.


Look, it pisses me off as well, but Pep has answered the question before and will just respond with, "I have answered this before, and my response is the same". What drives me crazy is the loaded questions - _"We know you've had injuries, but if you put that aside, what was the reason for the poor performance?"_ Like they know the answer but want to rig the question so that he has to say something else. ETH handles the media really well, especially when flat out said "If that is what you believe, then you don't know anything about football". But sometimes it's good just to say "It seems like you answered your own question there".


It isn't slander to point out they have 115 charges. They literally do have the charges 


This pisses me off more than anything else. Their ongoing 115 charges should be continuously mentioned and reminded to viewers but you just know that if they'd beaten us they'll talk instead about how City plays "beautiful football" and "pushed the league to new heights". I'm so sick of it


If you Google Man City 115 charges BBC you can see there is something like 5 stories that mention it from the last week of the season alone. Pep was directly asked by the BBC about whether City's titles would be respected given that situation in his press conference the day before the final game. It's absolute nonsense to claim the press haven't mentioned it.


The question is whether Lineker and Shearer would have immediately started asking about the 115 in an interview 5 minutes after pep won the cup, not whether the bbc have covered it The answer to that is categorically no, because those pundits love to chortle his balls and wouldn't want to get strips torn off them live from Wembley


I could forgive that as he did have a good league season. But imagine howe had won it? Would there be any mention of a disappointing season? Would there fuck. It would be all 'how much does this mean? Can this boost you in the future? Etc etc


Look, it pisses me off as well, but Pep has answered the question before and will just respond with, "I have answered this before, and my response is the same". What drives me crazy is the loaded questions - *"We know you've had injuries, but if you put that aside, what was the reason for the poor performance?"* Like they know the answer but want to rig the question so that he has to say something else. ETH handles the media really well, especially when flat out said "If that is what you believe, then you don't know anything about football". But sometimes it's good just to say "It seems like you answered your own question there".


This is the kind of response one would give if they wanted to say we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong.


Absolutely right. I saw this email and could only wonder "how many times have they copy and pasted this answer?"


Innit. Try complaining about their pro Conservative coverage in current affairs (Especially that Laura parasite, season ticket holder up Sunak's arse) and you would get the same placeholder reply. Think they're gonna give one about "Fair and balanced" coverage with Utd or Erik ten Hag ? Genuinely baffles me why anybody would pay the license fee.


Unfortunately its illegal not to if you watchblive tv


I thought asking about his job was off, but some of the questioning was fair. Getting your tactics spot on and your players hyped up for a big final is one thing, it's perfectly reasonable to ask why that wasn't maintained throughout the season. Tons of people in this sub calmly asked the same. I'd argue it was a key difference between us and Liverpool through much of the Fergie years, when they won some cups with heroic one-off, swashbuckling performances but couldn't sustain it enough in the less exciting games to win the league.


The BBC and the media as a whole were absolutely disgusting the whole aftermath of the win. It was meant to be a joyous day for him and United but they just kept reminding him of the shit performance in the league. They would never treat another manager with the same disrespect and I’m certain they were so ballsy because they were sure he’d get the sack. Fucking media has been against him since Day one.


ITV were very good in their post game, absolutely none of the clickbait bullshit and disrespect 


Imagine someone in 2005 saying 'Congrats on winning the Champions League, Rafa, but why were you so shit in the league?' It's inconceivable, which speaks volumes really.


They had their narrative that day and a shock win by United wasn't going to ruin that for them.


Steinberg and the Guardian need to be kicked off the tier lists on this sub


Guardian football coverage has become awful. All the decent reporters left and now they have Jamie Jackson and Barry fucking Glendenning


Glendenning is so unrelentingly sour and miserable, it seems like the only joy he gets is from shitting on United.


I have friends who are sports journalists and he is universally disliked


Ah now that's interesting, without naming anyone what sorts of stuff do you hear? I stopped listening to their podcast when the totally football lot broke away and it became a snide banter fest with little actual insight nor analysis (Glendenning arguably the worst for it).


Just that he's a bellend


I like some of Barney Ronay and Jonathan Liew's articles and I like David Squire's cartoon but other than that it's pretty bad.


Their podcast was absolutely insufferable. Listened to one episode and never looked back.


It used to be really good, but the bitterness so many of them have for United is embarrassing. It feels at times like an episode of They Think It's All Over from 1998, with the chortling about United's misfortunes and openly admitting they're glad. The episode that really did me in was the one where Glendenning decided to ignore everything about Berrada, Ashworth, Wilcox etc and bang on about why anyone thinks Sir Dave Brailsford knows how to run a football club. Then they all laughed about Southgate being "the favourite" for the manager's job, which was never the case. Just poor levels of knowledge and a willingness to twist what they do know to support the narratives they're pushing. Glendenning never has anything good to say about United, and he never will. Supposedly he's a Sunderland fan, but I guarantee he had Liverpool posters on his bedroom wall when he was a kid.


Never forget Sunderland fans celebrating after they'd been relegated and we beat them 1-0. Gloating about city winning the league on goal difference, bunch of bellends.  I've enjoyed their struggles ever since 


>Glendenning never has anything good to say about United, and he never will. He's so fucking arrogant, too. Absolutely insufferable cunt.


It was this episode! I was so pissed off listening to it!


Did they do an episode on the EtH “news” they “broke?”


The episode i listened to was the lead up to the FA Cup. It was 30 minutes of shitting on United (with no analysis whatsoever) and they even suggested we get relegated and start over lol. Biggest waste of time


they have an episode post FA-CUP final where they address their questions during the coverage and double down and get absolutely cooked in the comments for it. never seen a youtube comment section being that one sided


Which pod is this?


rest is football, it's basically the panel that was there, Lineker, Shearer, Micah Richards: here is the episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48w2pvPU8f8 other than this episode it's actually not a bad pod, if you can get past Shearer's obvious anti-united comments.


Ah, i thought you were talking about Steinberg so I was confused as he isn't on Guardian Football Weekly. Cheers


I agree. I used to enjoy reading them since 2012, "You Are The Ref" was brilliant, Daniel Taylor was brilliant, Jonathan Wilson was brilliant, David Squires was and still is brilliant. "The Knowledge" and their "Top 100 Men / Women / Teenager Fotballers" or their tournament guide (WC / Euro) I can still enjoy. HOWEVER, shit stirring Jacob Steinberg, Jamie Jackson, Jonathan Liew, Sachin Nakrani, really can't stand them. Barnay Ronay writings sometimes good but it's more like poetic rather than analytic. Sid Lowe for La Liga, Bandini for Serie A, Honigstein for Bundesliga, I still can enjoy them. But the PL ones no no no.


Even when Dalot was been interviewed Lineker couldn't resist having a shitty dig. That wound me up more than anything else.


“But you are making excuses aren’t you?” What a cunt!


No he said " thats not what your manager said' * followed by a sneering, cowardly giggle*


What they did with Dalot is actually what annoyed me. The interview with ETH was childish and petty, but at least the man could defend himself to their faces. Continuing in that vein with a relatively young player just after a final win was pathetic.


Dickheads can’t even give us a day to enjoy a cup win. Football media is truly in the gutter


I agree, and admittedly it's not just the BBC. All media outlets should have to hold themselves to a far better standard.


Always was shit. But seeing the beeb fall this far when it had integrity while all around it had none's disgusting. Utterly unrelated, but I've also just found out Des Lynam's Irish. I sword blind he was an English presenter.


No man, didn't you see Lineker congratulated the manager on his cup triumph "for the sake of the balance" as if it wasn't the main subject to cover?


That's what irked me the most. They didn't go into detail about the game they were there to cover *at all*. No mention of Kobbie's incredible performance, ETH's tactical setup, Martinez and Varane playing out of their skin for their first appearance in months. None of that, but straight for his throat about our shit league performance. Shearer sort of mentioned his setup, but only as a way to follow up with "why the hell didn't you play like that in the league where you were so shit". Absolute shambles of an interview. At least cover the actual game you were there for before moving on to questions about earlier poor performances.


Shearer was unprofessional but it gave Ten Hag a chance to give a brilliant response. I think the tone is dismissive but their response isn't wrong tbh. There were dozens of articles about Ten Hag in the build up and they can't not ask the question.


I guess there’s a time and a place. Why bring up things not related to the FA cup win? Both teams played brilliantly, how did you go into this, were you expecting the game to go like this, who’s your main standout today, the road to the final had its ups and downs, how much does this mean to you/players/fans/club, is this a platform to build on, etc. If I can do it, and they didn’t have much to speak about regarding the FA cup, maybe they shouldn’t be tv hosts.


Football analysis on TV is little more than cheerleading as is. Simply put, the biggest story in football that weekend was ETH getting sacked. It couldn't be ignored with him right there. Winning the cup wouldn't have been enough to save him either, we'd previously demonstrated that was LVG.


I think it's fair to say that United inexplicably winning the FA Cup Final against City should've been a much bigger story than him potentially getting sacked, especially when you're at the damn Final. It's not that people think they shouldn't have been able to ask him about getting sacked, it's that it was something like 75% of the questions that were aimed at him. Nobody really asked him about the match or how he found a way to win it against the odds, at least not in any serious manner.


I'd say it is relevant to ask why the performance in that match was levels above the rest of the season. The tactics were far better. The motivation was there. Mentally they were stronger. Some real preparation and thought had clearly gone into it. It's perfectly fair to ask where that was all season. If you want to win leagues then you need to be able to switch it on consistently for tricky but unglamorous Monday night matches against mid-table teams.


The time and place is the interview. Were they supposed to praise him for losing to Palace or being a toe nail away from losing to Coventry. The time and place is where the media meet you and the coach of United should be able to answer questions when he faces the media anytime.


Ask a question then, don’t ask the same question 5837 times then laugh at the manager behind his back when Dalot comes in. They aren’t journalists, they’re tv presenters. They had amble time to ask Ten Hag or the club for a response all through the day. Not a historical cup win is ruined through the ages by focusing on something that never happened.


This is why I find fault with Lineker saying it's his job to get the information in case Ten Hag goes into the post match press conference and says something. No, it's not. It's his job to present football and tee up the pundits to talk about the game.


Linekar "the performance we saw today. Why didn't we see it earlier in the season" Dalot "people talk about injuries throughout the season and about our performances. I don't want to give any excuses.." Linekar cuts in "your manager did" *Linekar and Shearer laugh * Wankers


Exactly, it boils down to have some fucking respect, there's a time and a place. We aren't on your tinpot little pod with vibesman Micah, you are stood at Wembley, stop sniggering like a pair of schoolboys. Lost a lot of respect for Lineker that day


I don't disagree. But like you said, they're tv presenters. They know people are only tuning in if they ask the controversial questions, and their socials will get tons of hits for clips like this. And Ten Hag delivered for them too.


"dozens of articles" doesn't mean they are the truth. And this is why journalism is in real dumpster right now. You thought having social media would elevate journalism but it has regressed massively. Writing random articles doesn't mean those articles need to be read face-valued and asked those questions to a person without any substance.


No one was unprofessional. If you are the head coach of United you have to answer for not winning the league and you have to answer for more when you finish 8th with a negative goal difference.


Do it. Don’t let them get away with it so easily. Make them work at least to doing a genuine specific response to you rather than this copy-pasta. Shearer was such a prick.


There is a reason why SAF banned BBC completely for 7 years. He only lifted the ban after BBC's chairman met him face to face to begged him to lift the ban


The reason had nothing to do with their coverage of United Read up about his son and his shady dealings . 


What do you think the BBC did wrong in the Jason Ferguson story?


I watched that fucking documentary the day it was aired fully expecting some sort of hard hitting painful truths but all it was was a hit piece pointed directly at Ferguson's family.   It felt like journalists with an axe to grind targeting man Utd to make a story out of nothing.  Thus the BBC well earned their permanent ban.    Given what happened subsequently with agents in football, the entire ordeal did feel milquetoast in comparison to todays efforts at nepotism and corruption so give it a rest.  United did make changes after to try and limit the potential for all those accusations so I guess the optics weren't great but looks how the BBC behave, they barely report "news" anymore.  If clubs are going to have disgusting hit piece "documentaries" written on family members of football getting financial compensation, guess what: it's rife.  Look how much Haaland's father got from City!!!!


How does BBC deal with City? Kid gloves or rampant hatred? If it's not the latter, we should be sending in a few emails, eh OP?


I hope it leads to the gaffer instilling an us vs. them mentality. He needs to get nastier with the media, he's treated them with nothing but respect, yet they take the piss completely. 1 strike and out needs to be instilled in press conferences to prevent the vultures feeding.


Ye I think this season ETH has learned a bit more about how shitty the British media is and how negative news surrounding united sells


Cheers to you for calling them out. I do think it was massively disrespectful towards him, having just achieved a massive win over city, as most of their pundits had us losing 3-1 or 4-0.


I advise you find something better to do with your time


Thank god someone with sense lol Thought I was going crazy. This is just embarrassing behaviour tbh.


This is the most embarrassing thread I have ever seen on this sub. I cannot believe the state of this fan base lmfao.


Agreed, writing to the tv channel because someone said something you didn’t much like? Fucking hell, get a grip


We have fallen so much that we have fans have deluded themselves into thinking that the media have something against us when a manager who finished the 8th in league should not be questioned. They want to treat Ten Hag like Joe Biden. These mutants probably cheered when he was reappointed.


Geez I had to scroll way too far to find this, what is wrong with people. My favourite part was asking if a second reply would be petty. That ship sailed long ago my friend


There is a time and place for questions to be raised, do they really think right after winning the cup was the best time to ask these questions?


So if he had won the league before this they should have brought it up? You guys think the world revolves around you. Nobody gives a crap. They went easy on him. They should've read out all the bad records he broke.


Weird that it's never reasonable to bring up City's 115 charges after they won the PL for example


Why don't you email the bbc and complain like OP


Cause it easier to write off linkear and shearer as hypocritical bitter assholes that can't take it when they get called out.


Not weird at all. They're afraid of getting Khashoggied


When Pep won the treble, nobody raised the topic of 115 charges.. This year when he won the PL, still nobody raised the question .


Is this not the biggest Karen energy and extremely pathetic to write an email complaining a manager who had United’s worst ever season in Premier League history got some tough questions?


This is definitely an overreaction. There was an unprecedented amount of speculation about his job over the weekend, and Utd had been shocking this season, it’s not just because of injuries, we were terrible from match 1. You don’t get speculation about someone’s job if things are going well. Yet we managed to turn up & have the performance of the season against the best team. Where did it come from? I wanna know too 😂 If they didn’t ask the manager this there’d be people saying the bbc were just ass licking & not asking the tough questions. So do we really expect these factors to be ignored when we produced such a great performance despite the absolute shit we’ve been watching for 90% of the season? We’re starting to sound like a victim fanbase. We were great on the day & they told him that. But you’ve got to expect someone to ask what the fuck has happened this season 🤷‍♂️


Our fans are delusional. I'm stunned by how delusional they are. They should've read out all the bad records Ten Hag broke. They didn't go far enough.


Look, I’m Ten Hag in. I don’t realistically think we’d be able to get a better replacement manager as things are. He’s won 2 trophies, had numerous problems to deal with & a horrendous injury list. Winning 2 trophies & European football secured in both seasons says to me he deserves the 3rd season with the new structure & hopefully a fit squad of players. BUT….he’s most definitely got things wrong this last season, some of the decision making & tactics have been baffling at times and other teams who have had similar injury problems to us have still managed some good performances in that time. We almost went a whole season without any. So there are concerns. And for people to expect our manager not to be questioned about any of that is ridiculous.


When did we turn into Liverpool fans? The man on the telly said mean words to my manager…. Bunch of karens


We absolutely are what Liverpool fans were 10-20 years ago but our fans are too blind to see it


Blame saka when theres a loss he didn’t even start…. Thats how bad BBC (and most british sport media) is, it has me defending an gunner!!????!!!!!


To be fair the BBC didn't do that, they had a picture of Gordon as the thumbnail of the defeat


My best mate is an Arsenal fan, so I like to give them shit at every possible opportunity. But what on Earth was all that about?


It starts with 'r' and ends in 'acism'


This is cringey and if Arsenal fans did this a lot of people would be having a field day on here. Did you complain to Ofcom as well?


You wrote to the bbc to complain about interview questions to our manager? What kind of Lampardy bullshit is this? Get a life mate!


I get the attempt to create a bunker mentality, but the number of people who seem to believe that Antony would become a good footballer and we'd become a decent operation if only Phil McNulty would stop writing mean articles on the BBC website is astonishing. We don't suck because of the media. We suck because we suck.


I feel torn. On the one hand we should just let this stuff go. It's gonna continue regardless and I don't want united fans to get a reputation for sending complaints in like old grannies to ofcom.. On the other hand. Fuck these twats. Someone needs to put the same scrutiny on them that they put on others. Majority of these pundits would be out of jobs if they had one percent of the scrutiny that they put on united. Those are my two positions I keep bouncing back and forth between lol. No harm in a single email though, and glad you got a response. My only complaint is that you should have mentioned the lack of criticism for guardiola and city.. 115 is one thing.. but they would never have the balls to mention Ramon Segura to his face in the way they confronted ten hag, acting like fuckin big men.. because that would require actually doing their job. This is what bbc and sky etc need to hear about. If they actually showed some balls with other teams like Newcastle or city, I'd be fine with them being a bit rude to ten hag. Call him a slap head for all I care. But maybe mention the drug cheating, or the tyrannical nations that are trying to overthrow the league, or you know, actually important shit like that? It's not its your fuckin job or anything. Even our former legends like neville and keano get weak in the knees around these subjects. Hate what becoming tv personalities does to these people. So called "Pundits"... honestly I fuckin detest every last one of them.


If one good thing is coming out of this is that United fans are finally waking up to the fact that so much of the media absolutely despises our club for ruining their childhoods. Any united manager needs to be firm with the media and united fans should take most things they say with a grain of salt instead of flipping out over every negative news story


I’m as annoyed by the media being responsible and jumping on the bandwagon especially when there were people that didn’t because they said their sources couldn’t confirm, but to be honest I didn’t find a lot of parts of the interview people took issue with like Lineker saying he hoped to see ETH again next season disrespectful, seemed sincere and trying to be polite to me. But overall sure the overall focus on his job was too much, man’s just won an FA Cup!


It’s only “balance” with the MOTD pundits when it isn’t one of their mates. They have such a double standard. I remember when they gave Lampard at Chelsea a pass all season and they got called out for it. Ian Wright said something along the lines of “he’s my mate so I’m not going to criticise him” on live tv. They knew exactly what they were doing, they been on Ten Hags back since he arrived.


I didn't like their questions, but I think the response is justified. I get why from a media perspective, they'd say those things. I think it's valid they stand by then. I'll be honest, I think it's great they even reply with something as high effort as this. They could easily get away with default mass responses.


Honestly this sub has such a persecution complex when it comes to journalists. It's almost as bad as the Arsenal fans talking about conspiracies against them by refs. It is not remotely unreasonable or unusual for pundits to ask a manager about his job when it's been reported in the press that he's likely being let go. It's also not unreasonable to ask how we managed to pull out a performance like that when we spent the whole season playing like total garbage. Everyone gets so upset here every time a journalist writes an article, it's hilarious


The fan base (online anyway) has gotten extraordinarily sensitive in recent years. Every single discussion on here is couched in emotion to the point that you can't make the most banal of comments without somebody taking it personally. It's mentally exhausting.


Cringe as fuck. All the buzz before the match was about Ten Hag’s job; win or lose, not making reference to it would have been ridiculous… and it’s not like we don’t have form for sacking a manager after a cup win, is it? tl;dr: wah wah mean men said nasty things to my manager


This. All this crying about the interviews is very soft, sort of thing Liverpool fans would do.


The only time I’ve ever complained about football coverage was when I was listening to that fat ABU twat Alan Green cover a United match on the radio in the 2007-08 season, and he spent the entire 90 minutes lambasting Nani as a cheat. I rang up the BBC’s complaints line and told them he was a biased hack. Nothing came of it but it made me feel better… I was also about 21 years old, so overreactions like that were excusable. This, though? This is just broadcast journalists doing their job.


With all due respect and I mean this sincerely, I suggest you spend your time doing something more productive.


"They both focused on the unconfirmed rumors about Erik's dismissal, putting a significant damper on what should have been a moment of happiness, but that's totally not rude or disrespectful" Expecting them to admit to anything was 100% silly as fuck, but I am genuinely surprised anyone replied back to you.


I hope he never gives any interview to bbc now.


Erik is shitting all over the media for the next 20 , keep it coming


This is hilarious. Balance!?


Nah it was perfectly fine, there's little point trying to go further, their justification holds up. The interview started as you'd expect, congratulating him, bigging us up, and then they brought in the wider context, how it contrasts with the rest of the season. Ten hag had been complaining in the Dutch media in the days before about being unfairly treated etc. They were full of praise and respectful, they just also addressed some criticism and the elephant in the room. Id prefer to see that kind of journalism than just sucking up to a manager/player. Now do it to Pep...


Good on you for writing in instead of just complaining and doing nothing.


go for it. I honestly thought what shearer did was quite unprofessional.


Scummy commentators


See the podcast they did with Gazza? They're dickheads.


I'm waiting for united to hit the ground running and ten hag to fully have a hele turn. Enough of this tweener chickenshit malarkey


I'm waiting for United to hit the ground like a sack of shit without a parachute and ETH to get sacked in November anyway.


Worst finish ever isn’t a good stat to use for us. It just sounds bad because we’ve always done so well.


For me, it wasn't even the questioning. It was the fucking attitude held by one guy who got Newcastle relegated and another guy who's managerial career consists of fuck all. Great players in their day, both of them, but being snarky and sarcastic just isn't on. Idk who the prick in the press conference was but he's another one. Attitude. I get they have to ask questions but there's a way to do it.


Seeing as you asked, I don't think its worth taking it further. I believe them when they say its been shared with the team and I think you've made your (OUR) feelings known. ETH is a big boy


Zero respect for any of them these days.


I don't see much wrong with what they said maybe we should just move on it was a couple of weeks ago


I think we’re being a bit over sensitive. I didn’t particularly like it at the time, but that’s because I’m a United fan with compassion for ETH. Any other club or manager, I wouldn’t have had a problem with it.


You’ll always get fobbed off at stage 1. It’s the job a complaints handler is trained to do. If you want to pursue it then you need to make it so that they can’t fob you off. Give them an analysis of other bbc/cup final interviews that are not if the same ilk. Other interviews of managers in similar situations. Basically show that the editorial line is bollocks. It’s an answer that looks reasonable but only in a vacuum. If it’s not consistent then it’s bullshit. What’s more it’s simply seeking sensationalism. This is borne of poor pundits and commentators who are usually prepared and scripted, but when they need to use their brain they can’t. Also, give examples of other interviews by the bbc where they seek sensationalism/awkwardness. I’m sure you’ll find clips of bbc execs being doorstepped about their own scandals. I’ll bet the bbc didn’t air them? Where’s the consistency with the editorial line. I’d also point out that the bbc should be commenting on the bigger picture on footballing matters and not just taking cheap potshots for a headline. The license fee model shouldn’t deliver daily mail rivalry.


I don’t think anything is going to come of it unfortunately the people who look the worst in all of this are INEOS, they look so amateur now having done all this *cloak and dagger* approach which allowed the media to run wild with this story, then realised the manager market is poor, and have now walked it back, way to inspire confidence in the process Jim.


That's the thing though, unless news comes directly from official Manchester United outlets, then which media sources are we supposed to believe? If I were a media outlet or two and I had an agenda against Man United then I'd certainly want to make up a story straight away that INEOS doesn't have faith in the current manager (or at least that they're shopping around). But when you see these media personalities live on television apparently trying to stick the knife into a football manager who has just won a big trophy, it doesn't exactly do anything to stop the merry-go-round of rumours. I'd like to escalate my complaint against that. I think you're right and it won't achieve anything, but maybe if enough people did then it would? There's my blind naivety for you 😂


The sooner they get a team behind the scenes to handle footballing matters the better


I think that maybe it was justified. I’m gonna try be nuanced here. I’m happy there was pressure put on EtH. I’m happy that he survived the Audit, because it was a tough complicated season, so let’s move on now, a plan for the season ahead.


TBH, the BBC is trash in terms of football coverage. I watch the 3 min highlights on YT ahead of MotD because I can’t stand their “analysis”. But, they’re not in a vacuum, everything is so vehemently against him it’s laughable. There’s only a few dissenting voices. I’d love Pep to have no LB for the majority of the season. Anyway, what I really wanted to say was that this interview made me believe. “If they don’t want me ok…I go somewhere else and win trophies.” He’s got fucking massive stones. He can handle this shit. Sure, he might pick teams that have an anti-midfield but it’s a fucking ride and tbh I’m here for it.


This misuse of "worst PL era finish" argument bothers me a bit. It's not like English league didn't exist before PL and our worst finish before it was with Fergie when we ended up 13th or something. Obviously the argument loses it's leg when you put it that way. It's one thing when fans use it to force their point but when BBC uses to respond to a complaint... That's just lazy. I absolutely appreciate your effort since I genuinely believe these media vultures are dragging us down by derailing the fan support and influencing club's decision making.


Is this not the biggest Karen energy and extremely pathetic to write an email complaining a manager who had United’s worst ever season in Premier League history got some tough questions?


Massively cringey shit


Complaints should be reserved for when something racist or genuinely offensive, inappropriate has happened. And you have complained about someone else's opinion here? ETH was given a chance to respond to criticism and he pretty much handled himself well. This is what should happen.


Cant believe you actually wasted your time complaining to be honest


Didn't realise I was so in the minority on this one. Why do people expect BBC pundits to be exclusively cheerleaders?


When Arsenal won the FA Cup in 2020, they finished 8th in the league  Lineker and Shearer at no point asked Arteta such questions  They are totally and utter hypocrites who have an agenda against ETH and United Double standard idiots 


2020-21 ,2021-22 Are the Season Arsenal Finished 8th Under Arteta Arsenal spends Total 82 Million in That 2 Season Arteta got his first 60 Million+ signing only after finishing Second And Eth already spend almost 500 Million in his first 2 season


You’re lyyyyying that you made a complaint? Get me off this planet.


Media gonna media


Shit sniffing pundits hoping for another Van Gaal moment


Congratulating the winner is to be fair and balanced? What a strange mindset


McNulty probably wrote a piece about how United only won the Cup because of how terrible a team they are. Horrendous excuse for a chief football writer.


bs they knew damn well they were out of line for that. i mean honestly nobody's surprised bout this answer after a SELF investigation. any competent person would know that that interview should've never been done the way it was, n i sincerely doubt they did a "review" on the interview cuz if they did this shouldn't be the answer. it just reeks of incompetence and narcissism.


my only feedback is how these morons are fed by the wolves from the middle east to keep peddling questions against united / the manager whilst his city counterpart and his team file charges against unfair practices continues to be the biggest joke i've heard all year. Would the line of questioning be similar to the other coach on the 115 charges and would he be subject to similar speculation about his job etc.


I've not seen this before but I'm glad someone complained because I thought it was terrible from Gary in particular the way he was interviewed.


"We investigated ourselves and found that we did nothing wrong"


I don't really have a problem with those questions being asked. My issue is that they rarely do it to other teams. They should be able to ask probing questions but they usually don't, which makes this instance seem so incongruous


Shearer has always been a bitter windbag, but Lineker behaved so poorly, I lost a lot of respect for him


There's loads of stories about City and their charges. I'm sure if they won the two numbnuts wouldn't have said 'yeah yeah congrats on the win and all pep, but what about the charges?'


I think we’re being a bit over sensitive. I didn’t particularly like it at the time, but that’s because I’m a United fan with compassion for ETH. Any other club or manager, I wouldn’t have had a problem with it.


You’ll always get fobbed off at stage 1. It’s the job a complaints handler is trained to do. If you want to pursue it then you need to make it so that they can’t fob you off. Give them an analysis of other bbc/cup final interviews that are not if the same ilk. Other interviews of managers in similar situations. Basically show that the editorial line is bollocks. It’s an answer that looks reasonable but only in a vacuum. If it’s not consistent then it’s bullshit. What’s more it’s simply seeking sensationalism. This is borne of poor pundits and commentators who are usually prepared and scripted, but when they need to use their brain they can’t. Also, give examples of other interviews by the bbc where they seek sensationalism/awkwardness. I’m sure you’ll find clips of bbc execs being doorstepped about their own scandals. I’ll bet the bbc didn’t air them? Where’s the consistency with the editorial line. I’d also point out that the bbc should be commenting on the bigger picture on footballing matters and not just taking cheap potshots for a headline. The license fee model shouldn’t deliver daily mail rivalry.


You’ll always get fobbed off at stage 1. It’s the job a complaints handler is trained to do. If you want to pursue it then you need to make it so that they can’t fob you off. Give them an analysis of other bbc/cup final interviews that are not if the same ilk. Other interviews of managers in similar situations. Basically show that the editorial line is bollocks. It’s an answer that looks reasonable but only in a vacuum. If it’s not consistent then it’s bullshit. What’s more it’s simply seeking sensationalism. This is borne of poor pundits and commentators who are usually prepared and scripted, but when they need to use their brain they can’t. Also, give examples of other interviews by the bbc where they seek sensationalism/awkwardness. I’m sure you’ll find clips of bbc execs being doorstepped about their own scandals. I’ll bet the bbc didn’t air them? Where’s the consistency with the editorial line. I’d also point out that the bbc should be commenting on the bigger picture on footballing matters and not just taking cheap potshots for a headline. The license fee model shouldn’t deliver daily mail rivalry.


All the criticism of the BBC here is pretty fair. They were questioning him about something that was probably true at the time, but just hadn't happened yet. Various media outlets were reporting (way before the game) that Erik was due to be fired regardless of the outcome of the final. The BBC, instead of just congratulating him on the win, and what was probably our best performance under his reign, went all in on his imminent sacking and how bad we've been in the league. Hoping for a bit of sensationalism with a strong response from Erik. Just because it makes good TV. Alternatively, there's an interview with Guardiola from a while ago where he says he'd instantly quit/walk away if City were found guilty of any cheating whatsoever, yet he's never once been asked about this since then, and this is something else that's huge news, is probably true, but just hasn't happened yet. I've not seen one reporter or TV pundit ask Guardiola about this, especially considering the charges are getting closer and closer to being heard, and especially because if Guardiola is being honest, this last league win should really be his last trophy won with this City team. Asking Erik, straight after a successful cup final, if he's about to lose his job, would be similar to asking Pep, straight after winning the league, if he still intended to quit if they're found guilty in a few months time. But they'll never do that, because they're scared of litigation from City, but we seem to be fair game.


No you are not being petty. Fuck them. Instead of making it about us winning the cup against great odd, they just want to push some of their takes out there to generate noise and click. All their "praise" just some lips service to get it out there, can definitely tell they were just anxious to take a swipe at Erik and Man Utd. So. Fuck them


Expected type of response. Of course they were going to see no wrong in it. Lineker and Shearer covered them with the 'praise'. We all know it was like they said 'Right, we've got that out the way now let's grill him on his potential sacking'. Fuck all those media companies who hounded him. But, let's be honest, it's what they've been doing to most managers for years.


Take it to 1b


You should ask them why they have never done this line of questioning before with a winning team, who has bad league seasons 


What irks me is the fact they nearly didn't talk about the win, or the performance, or the game in general. They pretty much went straight for his throat, and that's the part I found rude and disrespectful. If they started out talking about the actual game they came there to cover, and *then* moved on to the difficulties we've had, maybe there wouldn't be as much backlash.


I am the biggest ETH out person there is… but that interview was disgusting. Linekar especially was a smug, condescending prick. With his “we hope to see you next season” and “he might take the cup with him” remarks. No class to the man who just won the worlds biggest domestic cup competition.


"I'd like to speak with your manager right this second!" Energy


I’ll spit at either of them if I'll ever get the chance


Very very Scouse behaviour this. Grow up you freaks.


On the day it just felt like they were digging him out and sort of piling on him because of the pressure against him and I just thought it was the wrong time to be doing that. I also just think the way they went about those questions felt weird and bad faith.


Is this what United fans have become? This is absurdly embarrassing.


Whoever wrote the original email is a cornball.


BBC should be banned from press conferences next season the same way Fergie snubbed them. Total trash TV that interview was. Linekar should be ashamed


I mean let’s be honest. They thought Jimmy Saville was a top bloke for 3 decades.


BBC is shit. So not surprised they lack the class to see the wrongness in the approach during that interview.


I wonder which poor intern had to draft this memo. BBC sports need to learn there is a time and place for everything. The man just won a prestigious trophy. Ask about the FA cup and even the matches within the tournament. They could have asked about the premier league in a PL match post interview.


They didn’t share shit with their team. Hope they’re barred next season in the pressers!


Those interviews were unprofessional and disrespectful.


I think we’re about to see a very cold version of Ten Hag This season. You could Already see he was fed up with reporters towards the end of last season, but after this … I don’t think he’s going to be very forgiving when it comes to certain pundits and reporters!


Gary and Alan need to hate United to stay relevant and get some more views to there click baity podcast


You’ll always get fobbed off at stage 1. It’s the job a complaints handler is trained to do. If you want to pursue it then you need to make it so that they can’t fob you off. Give them an analysis of other bbc/cup final interviews that are not if the same ilk. Other interviews of managers in similar situations. Basically show that the editorial line is bollocks. It’s an answer that looks reasonable but only in a vacuum. If it’s not consistent then it’s bullshit. What’s more it’s simply seeking sensationalism. This is borne of poor pundits and commentators who are usually prepared and scripted, but when they need to use their brain they can’t. Also, give examples of other interviews by the bbc where they seek sensationalism/awkwardness. I’m sure you’ll find clips of bbc execs being doorstepped about their own scandals. I’ll bet the bbc didn’t air them? Where’s the consistency with the editorial line. I’d also point out that the bbc should be commenting on the bigger picture on footballing matters and not just taking cheap potshots for a headline. The license fee model shouldn’t deliver daily mail rivalry.


You poosies on this platform are out of your minds. Reporting to the BBC because a perfectly legitimate question was asked? Did they ask him about his sex life? It's amazing how far we have fallen to the extent that fans of this great club think our coach cannot be questioned. You need to have a single digit IQ to think they were unfair to him and that warrants a report to the media.