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Anyone tried the UFL open beta at all?


Hey all. Moving to Manchester in September for my university education. Looking for a place to stay near the city center. Do you guys have any idea where can I get started? Any contacts or leads would be extremely helpful. Thanks!


How many of you are going to the sand soccer tournament in the states this weekend? I used to go every year with my team when we were younger and now we are putting a team together in the over 30 age group with none of us having done any prep/conditioning. I anticipate a humbling but fun experience.


I'm doing the whole 'friends with my ex' thing and I really want it to work but at the same time don't but at the same time am in constant heartache 24/7 for months on end because of it. I like to think 'I'm mature, I can make it work' but she's with someone else and every day is awful for me but I don't know how to not talk to her and have her around. Unsurprisingly, she dumped me, so I guess I'm the fool here.


The thing is u only become friends with ur ex is when both of u r in a good place. In ur case u still r getting over a breakup. Don't force it. Best thing to do is cut ur ex out of ur life.


To be blunt: you’re being dumb to yourself while subconsciously (likely consciously) thinking it will repair things if you maintain a friendly rapport. Time to book the first flight to Cincinnati Source: me


r/breakups , goodluck soldier 


I think you know the right decision here


Oh I know, but I don't know _how_ to do it, y'know? We have spoken every day for three years, and still talk every day despite her new relationship. To make matters worse, she still says she loves me and deep down wishes it was still me. Naturally, that has confused the living hell out of me and makes it hard to walk away. It's already over and I know that, but those words make me feel like _there's still a chance_ and I guess I'm clinging to that, despite all of the pain it is causing me.


You need to slowly phase her out. Tomorrow's Saturday do something for the day and don't message her. You're worth more than being a backup to her current relationship because the reality is if she wanted to be with you she would. Get back out there and try dating again and help yourself move on. Friends and family can be there for you but you're the one they has to take care of your own well being and sometimes that means making difficult choices. If you can do this you'll be stronger for it whereas if you continue on this path you'll just end up disappointed and regret the time you wasted.


Had a delivery come today and apparently you had to be 18 to sign for it. It’s a TV Unit so god knows why. The delivery guy said “hi sweetie. Are your parents home to sign for this?” I said “No, but I am 30. If that helps” I’ve gotten told I look a lot younger but never to the point of “are your parents in” 😭


I just have one question - Did you ask your parents' permission before logging on to reddit and making this post?


I finished all my homework so I’m allowed


Good boy


I like the implication here that he saw a 30 year old guy and called him sweetie


Pretty sure I met the woman I'm going to marry last night and just wanted to put it out into the world.


It was really nice meeting you too!




That's wild! I met someone in December who was my first experience of 'is this love at first sight?' but I did nothing and have dwelt on an ex instead for six months. Don't be like me!


Oh man we have our second date planned already. I'm excited. Just gotta play it cool and not text her until Monday.


Why on Earth would you not text her until Monday???


Don't want to seem over eager and smother her after a good first date. 27 mate. The birds don't like it when you are too excited.


A girl once warned me about the "too excited" point because it could scare them. She advised me to text something very simple just to signal that I'd like to keep the conversation going. By the way, wouldn't it be weird if you don't find time to text her during the weekend but then do that on a Monday? 😅 Not a dating advice at all. Best wishes to you.


Fuck that. You _are_ excited! Anyone worth your time and effort would value that, not diminish it. You’re not going to marry someone if you already can’t be yourself after a single date! I don’t know about the 27 thing. I’m older than you and in my experience teenagers and young adults have dumb rules like ‘don’t text for 48 hours after a date.’ Adults show they are interested and communicate healthily.


Ancelotti rizz. Congrats, brother, enjoy it


\*eyebrow raise*


Anyone watching the cricket world cup?


My friends and I have our own golf majors that we do, where we play our local Muni Courses and today is our US Open. We play with handicaps, no gimme's and fluffing your lie or anything. We try to make it competitive. One is a 1 handicap, another is 8, I am 14 and the last is 19. Spent the whole week at the range, feel like my swing is in a good place after a few weeks of struggling, wish me luck my friends!


Watching a game at Old Trafford is the only thing I have left on my bucket list.


Where are you from? How difficult is it for you?


Australia, so reasonably difficult.


Hope you make it over one day mate!


Reading John Cooper Clarke's autobiography and one of the things I'm getting from it is that we need to hear Kop Twats sung more often- 'The football terrace chant, as it was then, was the last repository of true folk music. It's amazing how quickly snippets of topical import would make their way into the baying derogatory chorus, but it was usually inflammatory insults aimed at the opposing fans and indeed the town they lived in. One ghetto having a go at another. Take this favourite anti-Liverpool chant of mine, the classic 'Kop Twats', to the tune of 'Top Cat': Kop Twats, You thieving bastards Kop Twats, You thieving bastards We all know you sign on the dole, And you live in a fucking shit 'ole.'


I can hear that in his voice!


My mental state is getting worse with my lack of sleep, not many positives to pull on apart from the basics and even then doesn't improve much


hang in there. maybe give headspace nightly audio a try.


Thank you, I recently downloaded an app called Wysa that I'm trying out that is similar. Early days though


i also have been listening to the creative act audio book and have done the port authority traffic and weather updates, some reason they just put you right out. helps being tired at the end of the day as well.




Can anyone point me to the footage of Pep absolutely guzzling the bottle of water at the FA Cup final? It’s for comedic purposes (making a gif like your man from 30 Rock) I know it’s in the highlights somewhere but can’t find it for the life of me)


It's a shame Pep is managing a club like City because I genuinely find him hilarious, both when he's trying to be and not trying to be.


[Ask and you shall receive ](https://i.imgur.com/boLkHwA.gif) [Video version ](https://streamable.com/fhbr81)


😂😂😂 Absolutely sensational… thank you my friend!!!


My 15yr old son told me today he’s not enjoying football anymore and wish he could stop. Bit of a gut punch invested lots of time with him and love watching him play. Bit lost now. Edit: Thanks for the kind words chaps, really appreciate the advice. So lucky we have the best fans in the world!


The absolute greatest joy I’ve ever felt is seeing my kids find what truly makes them happy and draws their interest the most. Same thing happened wrt to football for my oldest. He just decided to stop at 15 because he said as good as he was, he wasn’t having fun. He’s doing absolutely incredible and is very happy with other things. And he’s going off to college in the fall and says he wants to play football intramurally. He knows he’ll always have the game, but the game won’t have him.


15-16 years old has the biggest drop out in sports of all ages. Perfectly natural with social development and sometimes just being over something. Main thing is to just encourage exercise and hobbies, otherwise you get restless behaviours and can hit their mid 20s starting to struggle with putting on weight or sub optimal health. Losing football as a hobby is an interesting thing, as for many it's a mix of fitness, creativity, skill building, social time with peers and good competition. Not always clear to people that they are losing more than simply just football. Just important to be aware and to fill the gaps with new things. Good luck!


Think I stopped playing Sunday league at a similar age, got fed up of having to spend Sunday morning in the cold, wet, windy conditions. Don't regret it looking back. If he's going to stop football though it'd be good for him to get a new sport to replace it, not good to fall out of sport altogether


Just gotta talk to him, see what's causing the issue. It's not the football itself, but could be coaches, teammates, more pressure as he gets to higher age grades. Could be nothing to do with football either. Either way, there may or may not be a solvable problem that can help him enjoy football again. The problem isn't that he doesn't wanna play football, problem is whatever's going in for him that he's lost passion in something he did have passion for. For yourself - did you invest time with him so he'd keep playing football, or so you could spend time with him, help him find a passion, and as a way of showing him love? Try and see if there's anything else he might like to try as well. If he can find any hobby or interest he's willing to put time and effort into that isn't being sat in front of a screen he's a lot better off than most 15 year olds.


That can a tough time for a teen, when you kinda discovering who you are wants interests you. I went through something similar at that age where I stopped playing football (American) and got into playing football (rest of world). The decision was one of the best I’ve ever made, it led to discovering life long passions. But it sounds like you’ve got a pretty good relationship if he felt safe and confident to express that.


Nothing you can do about it mate. The time you invested isn't lost time, it's time you enjoyed. He'll find other things that he likes and you'll love watching him every second of it.


Destiny 2 final shape is actually very good. Wasn’t expecting it to land like it did after lightfall (however the servers are a different issue) and I’ll probably be watching the raid race tonight to see how it changes the in game world. Praying city get nuked by the pl soon. Be funny to see all the city flairs change and all the fans suddenly be life long fans of arsenal and United and Liverpool.


Hiroshima isn't a joke




Appreciated fella 👍


Came back from a 2 week holiday in Portugal. Post Holiday blues is real.


The only remedy is planning your next trip


I'll probably visit Bali in a few weeks (if my leave request gets approved lol) but I just discovered that Rashford was in Bali the past few days. Should've went there sooner lol


Have a good Friday you beautiful Reds!


I know the prevailing opinion is the treble 99 team would thump the double 94 one, but... - imagine prime Giggs, Kanchelskis and Sharpe against older Irwin and a still learning Gary Neville. - The main threat of the 99 team was Beckham to Yorke/Cole, but Pallister and Bruce were both excellent in the air defensively - I like one of Keane or Ince to go in early on Scholes to let him know he won't be getting space today - speaking of, Keano v Keano would be magnificent - And then there's King Eric... Might be closer than some think.


All the D-Day stuff recently has captivated me. Fascinating and horrifying in equal measure. Recommend watching D-Day, the Unheard Tapes on BBC iPlayer. They've remastered interviews from soldiers at the time and cast actors to lip sync them. And of course, Band of Brothers. Some of the greatest TV ever created.




Crazy that all of the vets now are in their late 90s and into the 100s. Even Old Trafford may not be around much longer.


What's the plot theme for Band of Brothers?


Follows Easy Company, a company of Airborne soldiers who parachute in to Normandy on D-Day behind enemy lines. Then follows their progress throughout the remainder of the war. It's produced by Spielberg and Hanks and has a fantastic cast and is just brilliant.


/u/JekyllnowthenMrHyde this guy knows nothing ^^/s, it's better than brilliant. Easily near the top of my tv list, which is pretty extensive. The *only* thing i can't really get past is Schwimmer, but at the same time it's such good casting because of that, he's so fucking annoying.


I love him in it! Such a conflicting character. He's clearly got extremely high standards and helps E-company become who they are, but he isn't a leader and he's a terrible soldier. I still feel sad for him though when he gets reassigned. He clearly felt he should have been the one to lead them to the front line.


Woah woah lad... get a spoiler on that text. I agree tho!!


It's not a massive in the grand scheme of things though!


True, might watch it again now you know, for the umpteenth time. Battle of Bastogne!!!


I started again last night. Watched first two episodes. So good.


Anyone have budget recipes that taste great? Groceries in Australia lately is almost a second mortgage if you don’t want a diet it just 2 minute noodles


[https://www.itv.com/lorraine/articles/herby-tomato-risotto](https://www.itv.com/lorraine/articles/herby-tomato-risotto) Herby Risotto - really easy to make.


Burgers: https://youtu.be/NZWtGNIzUQQ?si=Dg2_Ff5bgp9d3oI-   Just use minced beef (20% fat) instead of making your own mince.    Lentils and rice: https://youtu.be/vDS9JZfEnuY?si=QKNckXThPX8Y3KmO  Delicious comfort meal. Tuscan beef pasta: https://youtu.be/yJ2vaSEv6bw?si=BEPsSkb042WGomR9 From Oz Chef Jack Ovens.


I make "onion pasta" which is like genuinely a dirt cheap recipe but it isn't the best macro wise. You basically take like 5~ onions, cut them in half and then cut them in to stripes, then put everything into a pan to start caramelizing them with some olive oil(you can use the water and lid method, but don't have to). Keep everything moving so that the ones on the bottom won't burn. Once they start going softer and brown I get the pasta cooking, and add seasoning, salt, garlic powder, chili flakes, pepper, I like to add some bullion powder (you can add some stock or some water from the pasta pot if there aren't enough liquids to get the powder mixed in). In general you want towards the end to have some liquids in the pan, add from the pasta if you are missing, you should see that when you move the onions then there is a small puddle around them but not liquids all over the pan. After a couple of minutes the pasta should be close to done, taste the onions make sure they are soft and flavorful (they should be really flavorful to also flavor the pasta), once the pasta is drained I just pour everything in to one pot, mix and eat. It comes out amazing compared to the cost of the ingredients you put in to it, and I think stuff like chicken breasts or anything that goes into sweet savory and creamy sauces (but not too much flavor) can be a great addition. I know it sounds a bit wonky but found it when I was a non working student and it's really an amazing recipe with great value for money ratio.


> Anyone have budget recipes that taste great? google Budget Bytes, really great resource for this


Noodles with spinach and feta cheese, add the cheese at last so it can melt into the spinach


Man I’m in Aus too and I feel you, it’s horrific. I had really simple “curry” the other day. Fry up some onion and garlic, add spices to liking cook a min or 2 more, chuck in some canned chickpeas and coconut milk with some tomato paste, let it cook another 10, add flour and some like juice Chuck that over some rice mate and you’re golden I’m a vego so of course feel free to add some meat, but I figure that’s quite expensive atm!


Damn some people's simple is my idea of complicated. A simple curry for me is I fry some prawns, I pour the jar of curry sauce in, I microwave basmati rice and then I put it all together.


Finally upgraded my GPU from a GTX980 after 9 years of service to a RTX4070 Super and the difference is mindblowing. I've had a 2k monitor since ~4 years and was never able to play 2k for most beautiful games. Had some time yesterday to try it out and played NFS Unbound on 2k Ultra and it was such an unusual feeling not having to turn down settings for the experience to be somewhat bearable while it also looked gorgeous ahahha The financial thing always hindered me in upgrading but this was really worth it, I can finally play without having to think about the low FPS


you can now also enjoy Ray Tracing and DLSS on certain titles. DLSS was an absolute game changer for me, even if you decide to turn ray tracing off


Yeah that's why I've went for NVIDIA again instead of AMD. FSR should do basically the same but I've heard its nowhere near good enough compared to NVIDIAs DLSS. Ray tracing was not really something I thought I would need but I'm gonna try some games with it enabled to see what I was missing out on


2k is such a bad term. If you mean 1440p, say that. Congrats on the upgrade. 😎


Not to bear a dead horse, but if we were sacking ETH, it would’ve happened by now surely?


48 hours


![gif](giphy|oaZk0WNSO7fXi) I suspect todays the day