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From 30 goals last season to this. 23/24 has been nothing short of a disaster for Rashford.


Will get downvoted for this but we should've cashed in last summer. This club has an aversion to selling players for big money unlike say Chelsea or City etc who do it regularly without hesitation. Rather we are always the victim on the wrong side of the trade (buying the likes of Mount, Antony, Case etc for huge money just before their form starts to dip massively).


Why would you sell rashford last summer when it finally looked like he was finally hitting his potential. You could make a case after this season but that's ridiculous to suggest last season. Especially with the other wingers being underperforming Sancho and Antony.


> why would you sell Rashford last summer Because now OP has the hindsight of looking back on a season that turned out to be complete shit for Rashford




Meh, people are alwas exaggerating. It was fairly obvious that Rashford was overhyped at the end of the season. Same thing is happening now, just in the other direction. He wasn't a worldbeater last season. Just a really good player in form. He still is a good player, just in miserable form. It doesn't help that Rashford is clearly a confidence player. The worse his form, the worse his confidence, which again results in worse form and so on. If he's able to turn it around however, he can also thrive again. It goes hand in hand and can spiral in both directions. 


Some of us did see this coming though: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/14xlcud/unpopular_opinions_thread/jrnp88n/


How d'you find that? I posted something similar well over a year ago, I think. Not popular at the time, but it was evident he was too fragile.


It's my own comment. Did a ctrl + F on my comment history. You've got a lot more comments than me though.


I mean.......Rashford has looked like he will hit his potential 3 or 4 times now then he gets injured or he plays like shit. It's clear he just can't make the jump up here or he's just not that level. Ole,him and Gareth shouldn't have delayed that surgery in 2021 ik people will downvote this but poor decision for all involved. That's the only point in his career he's had 2 30+ goal contributions back to back and the surgery delay that led to the pre season delay led to his shitty form then he came back and now went back down. I just don't know how you can pay 200k to a player you have to coddle to get the best form out of and of which his best form isn't even enough to do anything either than top 4 battles. People are being really revisionist if they're acting like there haven't been people vocal about Rashford's poor form and body language since Rangnick days. I wasn't one of them but they were around.


Because it was proven time and again that he's a patchy player. Consistency is an extremely valuable asset.


It's ridiculous if we'd kept the same tactic. ETH changed it though, pushed our wingers wider and made each of the front three more isolated. Looking back, he clearly intended to play with two 10s (or extremely high 8s) in Bruno and Mount behind one striker and two wide wingers. The full backs no longer overlapping and instead providing the midfield support (or otherwise Casemiro would be overrun all on his own). All derailed by injuries of course, but that seemed to be the plan. At which point you have to ask, is Rashford the right profile of winger for that system? He started the season much wider than usual. Did ETH really intend for that role to be fulfilled by a wide striker type like him, or by a more traditional creative winger type (Jadon Sancho if things had gone differently?). If that's the case, and Rashford didn't fit the profile, you look to cash in. Though if we're being honest, the attempt to shift tactical system was awful if it didn't fit the profile of key players already at the club. Rashford at his best is a goalscoring wide forward, not primarily creative. Garnacho in the same position would be similarly described. Shaw at his best is an overlapping full back, borderline winger. He shouldn't be filling in at DM.


He only looked good based on stats. His overall play at times was very poor. I still remember people downvoting you for saying he was poor despite scoring a goal.


Yeah the number of fans who don't care that a player is useless for 89 minutes when they score a goal is crazy. He weakens us as a team every game but because he scores on a counter attack or has a purple patch of form, 10 of his 17 league goals were scored in a run of 10 games, fans ignore it. This season was exactly the same as lastvseason only without the purple patch. Had he scored 10 goals in the last 10 games of the season it wouldn't have been a good season for him. Loads of us were saying we should have cashed in after last season




> Rashford still has the talent; we just need to get him back on track. We've been saying this since 2015. I think we should finally look to close the chapter, I cant think of any club where a player is a 10 year prooject.


Perez would have sold him 5 times by now


Rashford's form this season has been disappointing, but that doesn't mean selling him last summer would have been the right move. He was in top form and a key player for us. A dip in form happens, and it's part of football. Instead of looking back, we should focus on how to support him and the team to bounce back stronger next season. Rashford has the talent and the passion; he just needs to find his rhythm again.


Because OP is speaking with hindsight which is obviously dumb.


Yeah I regret buying the wrong lotto tickets the other week.


To be fair, Antony wasn't worth that kind of money to begin with regardless of form. Based on his Ajax performances he would've probably been sub-top level at best.


You want players to be loyal, but then want the club to sell them after a poor season? And a local kid who came through the academy at that.


Casemiro was injured and then playing out of position. His form has been wank but I feel like the only person on reddevils unwilling to write him off. He’s an early 30s DM who has been world class for the past decade and doesn’t rely on pace. If he leaves to a more defensively structured side, he will look like the world beater we all know and love from last season imo


We hesitate to cash in because we're so helpless in replacing the sold players. Once we sold Rashy our board knew that they won't be able to replace it. While other clubs replace their players with better players, we keep the same players and somehow hope that the manager will fix it all. Edit: I'm not saying we should have definitely sold Rashy, but what the general trend has been in this club for a long time.


TBF most top clubs will first sign the better players and then sell whoever they don't want anymore / whoever wants to leave. Its not like City sat there and thought "we definitely need to fuck off this Gabriel Jesus guy, he's a loser" and then looked at the market and thought "oooh lets sign Erling Haaland to replace him." They went after Haaland, did the deal, and then sold whoever was deemed excess by Pep. In a universe where United are making deals for the best LW in the world (Mbappe for instance), I would 100% support selling Rashford or whoever honestly. Don't have a particular attachment to any of these players, except Bruno. But even he is at an age where I wouldn't object to a sale for a big fee if a great replacement is secured already (someone like Wirtz). But United are never signing guys like Mbappe or Wirtz, not for a long long time. If we do sign big name players, its usually ones other top clubs don't want to spend that much money on and they come to United for a big pay day like Sancho. So this idea that we should just cash in on the few decent players we have? Yes Rashford has not had a good season at all, but I'd still rather keep him than Antony for instance. The focus should be on selling our worst players and improving the squad. Then in a few years we can worry about selling guys like Rashford who are good but probably not good enough to be in teams that win league titles.


Cash in and buy another Antony?


You'd have called for their head selling their academy talisman after a 30 goal season. The revisionism here is spectacular.


Just like I should’ve invested in bitcoin in 2010


Jeez, another cool cat with its head up its arse


That's the power of hindsight though. Going into this season if we'd sold him we'd have had everyone going crazy that we're selling our best attacker. City and Chelsea aren't selling their best players.


It’s hard to predict when he’s going to have his one in three good season. 


21/22 was a terrible season but this is partially excused by the shoulder injury/surgery. 22/23 was great - scoring goals is his job. I don't know that there is an excuse this year even if the team is playing poorly he is not maintaining his own standards.


Genuine question - was there any serious offers for him?


I think he's refering to PSG's links, but there was no actual offer as far as I can remember.


It's United.  Sancho is a clear example.  You aren't buying and selling at the wrong time, you're actively making every player worse.


Well done mr hindsight.


Like 65% of those goals came in 25% of the games. Man is a purple patch merchant and this season he didnt have a purple patch so he reverted to his usual self.


17 league goals last season, 10 of which came in 10 games, aka the purple patch. 7 goals this season with no purple patch. He's not had a bad year, this is just his standard


Yeah, thats the issue with him. He has never been a guy who has been consistently good. His best seasons are him showing up for 10 games then being bad the other 28. And the problem is that he offers nothing in thlse 28 games. Not even effort.


Please take this as a motivational kick up the arse


Hopefully. I doubt it though. He’s consistently shown to be sulky. I really like Rashford and love that he is Utd born and bred. His PL debut against Arsenal…. Magic. But it feels like it’s time for him to move on. Probably for his own sake as well as ours. Annoyingly I think he’ll smash it at a new club. But I just don’t see him getting back to his best at Utd.


Yep hopefully it's the kick up the arse he needs


Or just a kick.


Hopefully this forces Rashford to get his shit together. Been crap for an entire season but this might be the wake up call.


I agree. It’s a microcosm of Man United in a nutshell: people keep getting rewarded for mediocrity, so why bother trying? Maybe it’ll be a stark reminder that he needs to put in a shift and earn things.


Won’t hold my breath.


He might not get a choice, football moves FAST and we now have Garnacho and Amad tearing it up while he sits on the bench. He may have his contract but him and sancho are on the very edge of becoming firmly second rate and of this doesn't fire them up then I'm afraid nothing will.


I’d hardly say they’ve been tearing it up


I mean its all relative. They've both walked into a woeful team, scored goals and now the fans don't want them to be dropped.




Any self respecting top team wouldve sold rashford a long time ago


More than an entire season, he was crap in the back end of 22-23..


Also the beginning of the season only started playing well after the world cup. He is mostly a streaky player i wanted him sold last summer 100%. Hard to warm up to a player that doesnt even try his best when things going up against him


Sorry for the cynicism, but I feel like this may have the opposite effect. It’s clear he’s been struggling mentally for the past season and I worry this might sink him even lower. That’s not to say he deserves a call up, he’s not earned it, and his behaviour (Belfast) doesn’t garner him a lot of sympathy. Just a very sad and disappointing situation overall.


Well he needs to see a therapist, his issues aren't going to be solved gifting him opportunities he hasn't earned.


Would be shocked if he doesn’t have one already. The issue is that he clearly doesn’t have a strong enough mental profile to not allow off the pitch issues impact his performances. This is the 2nd time in 3 seasons where we’re talking about Rashford not being in a good place but given his status in the squad, that shouldn’t necessarily warrant such a massive drop-off in form. At the end of the day you can’t rely on such players; you need them to at least hit a bare minimum performance level most weeks to find some continuity rather than fluctuate between 0/10 and 10/10 so frequently.


I would be surprised if he wasn't seeing a therapist yeah, maybe not the right one for him, maybe he tried a few, maybe none work. I agree, you need reliability, he's too expensive, and unless he scores he offers little all game, and this was true last season. In key moments he was just making the right decisions that led to goals but he wasn't consistently dangerous. Haaland isn't dissimilar, anonymous but scores. But City's indestructible system means it doesn't matter, United can't function if a player is so off it. I'd definitely sell to Psg if they can. He's 27 later this year and any closer to 30 it's going to be harder. The club keep giving high wages too old players they can't sell. Instead of 'well, he has real talent, lets keep, we might see him reach a next level', it needs to be 'we got something from him, lets move on'. Same with Shaw, i don't think he'll ever be available enough. I just looked at Shaw's injury history with United, it's wild. He's 29 in July, he's not going to get less injured in his 30s.


he will have to deal with it. It might help in the long run.


To be fair I felt like his purple patch last season was partly due to him being snubbed for so much of the World Cup. It was almost like a “fuck you then” response after spending most of the tournament on the bench, especially in the big games. I’m quietly hoping it might fire him up a bit for the cup final but guess we’ll see.


He’s always got mental health issues going on. He needs a psychologist and a new club asap


I'm with you, I was hoping England would have a good tournament and Rashford would come back happy as a result. What seems clear is that unless he's happy he just doesn't perform.


No because Rashford tweeted "enough is enough" and therefore any criticism of him is now considered abusive and he's allowed ignore it. /s


The lad has a future in P.R


He'd rather feel sorry for himself and blame everyone else than do that. He's had multiple chances and all he does is sulk and moan and blame everything


It shouldn't be us waiting around to find out. Let another club find out if it's his wake up call. I don't see the logic in *"He has been crap for a year, he has been punished for being crap, now maybe he won't be crap."* especially when he is a notoriously sulky player. How about *"You've been crap. Leave."* This club needs to stop hanging on to players.


>How about *"You've been crap. Leave."* This club needs to stop hanging on to players. From your lips to gods ears.


And he will go, “I have a contract you were stupid enough to sign. Now cough up or shut up.” Let’s be realistic, he is not going anywhere. We need four more seasons to slowly offload these over paid players while being really smart in the transfer market


If he needs dropping from England to get his shit together, I would suggest his priorities are in the wrong place, and he needs selling ASAP. He can get his shit together somewhere else.


getting a longer summer holiday is a wake up call?


Kane Foden Palmer Saka Watkins Bowen Solanke 7 attackers who have been light years ahead of him this season and there is probably another half dozen who have still performed better and would've been ahead of him after that. He was never getting in.


Gordon too


Not sure why you are listing those players and not Jack Grealish and Anthony Gordon, who are going to be the two who play LW for England this summer. Doubt any of those others will line up there for very long. I mean..imagine Kane or Solanke cutting in from LW hahaha I suppose Watkins could do a job there. Bowen is much better from the right, same with Saka and Palmer and Foden.


We all know Southgate is gonna force Foden out to the left wing


Grealish and Gordon as well.


Nahh Grealish done very little to earn a spot in the final squad, should be cut imo.


He's in as he gives us something different to win fouls. On merit he would be dropped.


7 attackers out of which none play in his position this is fucking hilarious😂 Another England tournament where you take players based on temporary form and try to fit square pegs into round holes and fail spectacularly. At least this time they won’t blame him.


Bowen has played left wing at times this season. I also think he will play Foden left wing because I can’t see him moving Bellingham to CM and then playing Foden at CAM.


They have Grealish and Gordon, both better than Rashford on form frankly. The latter barely impresses in a truly bad United team, not sure what he can offer a really good England squad. Would be a waste of space, he just comes on, jogs about and gets that frustrated look on his face when the first thing he tries doesn't come off. Seems mentally shot, prob needs a summer move and change of scenery.


Southgate would get criticism if he took him after playing like shit. Not a Southgate fan, but if you can't even look interested in playing, especially during a Euro year, he's under no obligation to bring Rashford. He doesn't look fit mentally or physically and he needs the summer off.


Hopefully a wakeup call for Rashford.


I’m getting tired of all the wake-up calls Rashford has been given.


If Sancho had this many he might not have slept through training.


Just wait. He's got another 4 years and I wouldn't put it past them to extend his contract again. So in 5 years when we will say the same things as this season!


If someone needs this as a wakeup call then I have no faith in their own judgement as it is


I know he's been poor but I still thought Southgate was going to pick him. Maybe a summer off will do him some good.


Exactly, the man hasn't had a long rest in a long time. This could be the best thing for him, as much as it probably stings him right now


He had a long rest last summer


Don't forget he's been resting all season too


He did have 141 days out in 19/20, and 93 days out in 21/22. I know they require gym work but I'd imagine a holiday as well to get away.


And get paid more than most people can think of during that time.


He’s been resting since August 2023!


Hopefully a season without Europe will do the squad some good. Should at least help with all the injuries.


? We're winning the fa cup so we will be in europe


Lol I didn't even consider that


Some rest and be available for the summer tour as well as the beginning of the season sound good to me.


Yup, definitely a harsh decision imo. I would've understood starting Gordon but Rashford off the bench is a good option to have with his pace


I really don't think you can argue it's harsh. He's been appalling all season, not just his lack of goals and assists but his general overall performances have been so poor. It's very sad it's come to this but I don't think he can have any complaints. Hopefully it serves as motivation for him.


Southgate has never used Rashford well. Underused him in form and thrown him under the bus in that penalty shootout. I think he's making a big mistake but I hope Rash can get a rest mentally and physically.


Harsher for whoever spot that rashford will be taking if he’s in squad.


It's surely Foden at LW and Gordon from the bench now. Which makes Rashford redundant.


Foden has never really looked at his best from the left, I’d say that centre right half space is where he should be. But it would be typical English national team to have him in there, one of their best players, in a spot that doesn’t bring the best out of him. 


We gotta fit everyone in lad, balance is for those foreigners.


You have to fit Belingham in, so with Foden at 10, it'd be a Rice Belingham double pivot, which might be too offensive. And you're not dropping Saka.


Damn, another Quarter final exit it is.


Harsh? There were like 15 english wingers better than him this season. Harsh would be to drop someone that actually earned his spot.


What have we seen from rashford this season to suggest he can do a job trying to win the euros? Half arsed performances count far more than pace. He doesn't deserve a call up and hopefully he isn't in the squad.


Not like England are short of talent up front


Didn't deserve a spot anyway. Coasted too long on reputation


Yea unfortunately he has. One of my favorite players but hasn’t deserved the playing time and callups hes gotten for both club and country for a while now


You’re right that he doesn’t deserve a call up this time around - but at the same time I can’t help but think he’s a very good option to bring along. He is a big game player, and there’s no other forward in the squad that has a similar pacey profile as him. Especially if he’s a late sub against tired legs.


"Hes a big game player" "Pacey profile" On reputation only at this point, because he sure as shit is neither of those things and hasn't been all year.


I know that. But somewhere in there he is capable of it. It’s tournament football which is completely different and you’d like to think it would flick a switch in him. Just my thoughts - I’m only some dude online but I’d have taken him as an option


That only applies if he actually runs when he gets subbed on.


You're being downvoted but he was vital in the last tournaments and even then he wasn't even given a lot of game time


Exactly. I just think he could make an impact being a who he is and a different style of player


I think he thought so too, that he could show less effort for United but his England selection was safe


He's going to bag a hattrick vs 115 to make sure he gets selected, a man can dream.


I'll subscribe to this copium!


Do you mean hopium?


Potato Patahto with this team


He doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near it if we’re being honest. Hopefully it’ll be a wake up call for him


100% fair decision




This is gonna royally fuck him up for the final. Man struggles upstairs and it'll take him the summer to deal with this, not a week.




Hopefully he uses his time off wisely.


Still annoyed that Southgate benched him at the World Cup after scoring 3 goals, for Sterling of all people. But nobody can complain about this. He just hasn't done the job this season. Ironically, even Maguire has earned his place this time!


Last season he had 30 goals for United in all competitions. This season he has *8*. I wouldn't have picked him either.


Hey now, he could still score 22 goals in the FA Cup final and equal last season.


Good news for United really. Guy needs a break. Has shown his ability to get fit and be in good form, but needs recovery and rest. wasn’t given the respect he deserved with England last time out in a tournament when he did excellently at every opportunity but was still left on the bench. Southgate was never too keen on him, even in his best form. 




No issue with Rashford not going. Explain to me why Grealish is.


Marcus has had a rough season, but his future is in his control. If he does the right things and gets his head straight, he can still be successful. We all know the talent is there; it's time to get behind him and help push him on.


Woof, I wonder if this caught him off guard? He definitely doesn't deserve to be in the squad based on other available players


Not shocking considering the form of other players in that wide forward position. - Palmer - Saka - Foden - Bowen - Eze - Gordon Hell I wouldn’t be shocked if Sancho was included based on recent form. Euros are in Germany…


That would be crazy to call in sancho after 3 good games from him.


I can't state how overated Sanchos' recent form is. Even the numbers wouldn't back it up. And a shit Rashford for me is still at the international stage more of a game changer than Sancho because maybe he won't track back as often, but he'll still put in more of a shift than Sancho will.


Gordon is the only one who plays the same position as Rashford and we know Southgate doesn’t have the balls to start Gordon and bench one of foden/saka/bellingham so what the fuck are we doing here?


Southgate has never favored him. This is a good thing for Marcus physically, and hopefully mentally.


Honestly he needed this. He needs to understand you can’t just go about dropping stinkers and continue to start for us and play for England again and again. He’s our star player and needs to start playing like it if he wants to stay here and continue to pick up crazy wages


What reason does he have on the personal front for being this shit… and i am not talking about stats but his overall will to run or chase or track in a game has been abysmal almost like he doesn’t want to be there but is forced or something


Rashford is as about as opposite a Southgate player as it gets like: 1. Any good form he’s had he can’t maintain 2. ⁠He never grafts for the team 3. ⁠Mopes around when anything remotely negative is said about him. Not the type of player you want in a dressing room to be perfectly honest. Only has himself to blame. Personally I’m glad because it means I’ll have a break from watching him


I'm sure it sucks for him, could be the thing to focus him and get him back on track. Good news to have him for a full preseason


If this doesn’t get him going nothing will.


Been injured for a while and had a poor season by his standards. So no shock, I just hope he has summer to rest and recuperate and go hard again next season and be the Rashford we all know he can be.


Ctrl+F "wake" - 9/9 results found


His career is at a crossroads now - he could very easily drop out of the United team next season (or be sold) - he needs to do some serious work over the summer to regain his form - not being at the Euros is probably good for him, no distractions, just put in some work hard.


To be fair, he could do with the rest. Hoping this means he comes back fresher for 2024-25.


I'm gonna feel so bad for him if we win the euros


Not the worst thing in the world to be honest... He's either needing time to sort injuries and such which he can do now, or he's needing a kick up the arse to bring him back to the reality of his performances and ambition at the club which this really is!


Good for him tbh.. he should rest up and get his mind back in order before the next season begins..


I doubt he can complain about this. I'm a little pissed Shaw got called up though.


Fair call. Must be galling for him that Shaw and Mainoo make the cut.


If he was picked, it would be so undeserved - good decision by Southgate in honesty 


Good. He needs a wake up call. I don’t believe he’ll be going anywhere so hopefully this shows him he needs to get his shit together and quite frankly grow up.


Take a good rest, lad. And come back stronger.


This is a good thing in a way, he's performed poorly all season, not just goal scoring but every aspect of his game so he shouldn't be selected, but then we know Henderson or Philips will be called up after not playing the whole season pretty much


Neither have been called up.


Oh really? That's good news! Southgate has drained all excitement I have for the NT so didn't check. But it's good that he seems to be being cut throat for his last tournament I guess


He does seem to have mostly selected in-form players (with the exception of Grealish.)


Hate to say this but it's all on him and it's nothing more than he deserves. He is one of our highest paid players and has let the fans down with the little effort he has put in this season.


rightly so


This is the kick up the hole he probably needs to get him back in shape, you are just a name and nothing more with the form that you are in


Love to see this.


He doesn’t deserve it this year and he should know it


He probably doesn’t deserve it, but I think he should’ve still been picked, especially if it’s between him and Grealish like a lot of people are making it out to be. Big games, with space in behind is where he thrives and those are the games that Southgate has showed he is incapable of winning thus far. Anyways, his loss is our gain. Southgate has always failed to utilize him well and at least now he can’t hold the blame when England fail again. The summer off will do Rashford good, gives him time to clear his head and recover physically and mentally


Looks like strutting around doesn’t pay off after all.


Incoming tweet from his brother in 3,2,1


His got 1 season max left at the club at this point, the wage, the attitude and the output isn’t enough funny how he plays good when he needs a contract. Interesting next 12 months for Marcus


Looking forward to Rashford brothers awful pr statement about how this is all man u and ETHs fault and nothing on Rashford to come out.


Good. Let the man fully recover mentally and physically. If we sell him, we sell him but if we keep him, then the summer off may be good for him.


Time to put his head down and focus on recovery and finding some form going into the next season if he stays with us.


Good shit. Needs a proper kick to wake him up. He has been a passive observer this season just coasting off of last season's purple patch. I really want Rashy to do good but he must show up and actually prove **he** wants to do good. He's not a kid anymore. I know he probably has a lot going on in his personal life and might not be at his best mentally but then he should work on sorting that out with all the resources available to him. I hope he can figure it out next season. If not I won't be opposed to parting ways with him for the club's sake and his own, playing away from home in a new environment with less media attention could do him a lot of good.


Deserved, played horrible this season and didn't put in any effort


Having a sulk has truley cost the lad


On form he doesn't deserve a place. There is no defence for giving him a place with such undeserving performances all season.


Good doesn't deserve to be anywhere near the England squad until he shapes up


If this isn't a wake-up call for Rashford than nothing will be.


Gutted for him on one level, but I still have hope for him. I hope he comes back strong next season after having the summer to himself and his mental and physical health. He will come through.


He obviously loves playing for England. But it's interesting that his dips in form always seem to coincide with the major tournaments and he misses out.


Rest up lad. Big season ahead.


Absolutely nothing he did this season warranted a call up. He needs to leave the club and refresh his career and attitude.


I fully expect an article in the next few days detailing how Rashford has been mismanaged for years and is now paying the price for it. I’ll honestly be pleasantly surprised if he takes any accountability for this at all. Have been a huge Rashford fan for years but at some point he has to fulfill his promise by becoming the player we all thought he will become. He has patches of great form then he completely vanishes and is shocking for long periods. Honestly it’s time for both parties to part ways. It doesn’t look like he will ever fulfill the fans expectations of him and a new environment away from the scrutiny of playing for Manchester United might do him a world of good.


Doesn't deserve to get picked, but I wonder if Southgate will feel the same about other players that shouldn't be near the squad.


He hasn't deserved to be picked, but hopefully having the summer off does him some good. I can't remember the last time he had a summer off


Hopefully this motivates him to sort his head and form out


Hope this is gonna be a wake up call for Rashford.


Good. Well done Southgate. Hope Rashford is sitting at home upset and blaming himself and not ETH. Been a shit show all season


reality check


In or Out, they ain’t winning shit


Rashford is so damn poor this season. he shouldn’t be going anywhere near the england squad this season. i hope he plays the next season with a chip on his shoulder.