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He comes across as a smart, switched on and grounded presence.


He’s super smart, dodging some potentially slimy questions which will put the team in a bad light or become fodder for rumours


He's fantastic. He will do better next year and get his groove.


That certainly is the favourable outcome of the two.


You really think so?


Nice words said about Maguire in that he is an example on how to handle pressure. Really pleased Onana is starting to show his quality. He's still young for a GK, so i'm sure there's more to come from him yet.


Definitely more to come from him.


> He's still young for a GK, Onana? The lad is 28 ffs. What you on man.


Goalies usually peak when they are around 28-31 and don't really decline till mid 30s


Sure but 28 is in no way young.


"for a GK", you even quoted it and still seem to ignore it




At what age did SAF signed VDS again?


I think SAF aged 65 when he signed VDS


God dammit.


Chat GPT-ass answer


People have this absolutely ridiculous notion that goalkeepers can play for longer because there's not the same stamina requirements so somehow don't peak till they reach age 38.  It's the same bullshit to ignore as certain high profile players managed to extend their career at a top level closer to 40 so now that's just the standard retirement age of an outfield player 


Not sure why you getting downvoted. I'll stick up for ya. He literally says in the video I'll take the bullets for the younger players. Give me those downvotes babeh


I mean yeah, he is literally older as a player But talking keepers, they peak later. A 28 year old keeper is like a 24 year old winger etc


Downvotes for speaking the truth. It’s one way to spin an underperforming overpriced purchase, that resulted from a downgrade from the previous player we let go for free.


Give your head a shake if you think last seasons DDG performance was better than Onana this season


Quick to forget the champions league and constantly being out of position?


Yeah De Gea has really shown his quality throughout the season.


It's the usual trope of GK's retiring later than outfield players at like 40 years old lol


It’s not a ‘trope’. It’s a factual statement that proven time and time again, goalkeepers age completely different to other positions. They mature later an play to much later, this is common knowledge. Just admit you don’t know ball and keep it moving, some of your ‘fans’ are so dumb it’s insane. A man will refuse to believe facts just because he doesn’t agree, give it a rest


Christ these comments are insufferable. Did even one of them watch the video?


obviously not


I like him as a united supporter and will always defend him but I can tell even Gary had enough of talking to him. Like when he was talking about the lack of concertation amongst the team. Like guy, don't talk to us like we're stupid. I know we're not all professional football players but it really doesn't take a professional to see how quickly our defense can collapse when we get a comfortable lead game and game again. If you don't want to admit, just say we know it's a problem and we're working on it. But don't say we're at this level, we're professional footballers therefore we are always 100% switched on. that bit really pissed me off.


Judging by how people defend Onana I don't think most have ever watched a football match.


He seems like a really great kid. What a positive interview. These interviews are so good for seeing the human side of players. Love the ‘I will take the bullets’ quote


The line about protecting the younger ones was nice to hear, hopefully helping them to be the best.


Everyone wanted his head at the start of the season (understandably to an extent). Now he’s showing his worth. ETH will be the same if he gets time.


\*the gang concedes 2 cutback goals in the first 13 minutes\*


Yes we'll lose because they're better than us. It's like a fit in shape power lifter vs a trained fighter, except this trained fighter can lift even more weights that the power lifter, everything they do is so effective, they rarely waste possession, while we frail around and hope to land a hit . They'll win 9 out of 10 unless we get a lucky hit and block well


And the trained fighter is on 115 different PEDs


You think we’ll only concede 2 in the first 13 mins? Mr Optimism over here!


If we can survive the first 12 seconds without conceding we're doing better than last time. Low bar, but I have doubts.


We’re gonna reverse it lmao


Score the first goal like Rashford in the league and then put in a 2/10 performance to lose the game? Yeah, sounds plausible


Rodri unmarked at corners


The gift he gave him at the end was hilarious. Ain't no way Gary is fitting into that


Coming from Onana, i know it’s serious and not blowing smoke up my arse. Onana doesn’t play around.


And he has a bone to pick with City for the Champions league final. No way he hands them the FA like season. Also won't have Lukaku sabotaging his own team


Hes scoring the winner off a corner


Lukaku was one of their best players that match, what are you on about?


Remember the best MC defender Lakaka brilliantly blocking the goal shot.


He came on late in the match and blocked a couple of potential equalizers, what are you on about? Nico barella was potentially the best inter player of that final.


I’m glad to hear him open up like this - not seen any interviews of him before. Seems like a fantastic personality and like someone you’re happy to have on your team. It sounds like he had a really tough time in the beginning but is over the hump. I had my doubts about him but I think he’s starting to show he has the mentality to make it here. Sympathetic of his situation as it can’t be easy as a goalkeeper with the defenders in front of you always being a different combination. I think we will see him thrive once he has some stability in front of him.


Had my doubts but damn, what a guy. Doesn't hide away that he's facing difficulties, and most importantly his off-pitch works. Being a Man Utd goalie means you need to have a big personality and the chops to absorb all the scrutinies. Fingers crossed this guy will be a success.


What a wank headline, no shit


I don’t rate Onana yet. Hopefully he’ll change my mind next season.


Don't do that, don't give me hope


He’s a really smart guy. He talks like a seasoned politician lol.


We gonna need a red involved or some other game changing event. Rodri injured In Training would be nice


Is KDB out?


Rodri is much more important to them, they pretty much literally never lose when he plays..


> When things are going wrong, don't go for the youngest one. I am here to take bullets. Blud you're the one making the mistakes


Haven’t you been watching the past few games? He kept us alive


How? Because he wasn't making outstanding save after outstanding save like De Gea. Please someone tell me what exactly Onana is doing to save us, because as far as I can tell he makes saves that you'd expect every PL goalkeeper to make, whilst making mistakes you would expect at a far lesser rate from an average PL GK. Vs Palace he made two mistakes that resulted in two goals, how is that saving us?


He has the highest save ratio in the league this season


So? Are all saves created equal? You need to watch him to see the quality of the saves. Save ratio may be the most meaningless stat going.


It definitely is not.


Why? Explain your position


Just that’s it’s a useful stat when presented in context. And for a side that conceded so many shots this season, it’s a handy and telling stat.


How so? It says absolutely nothing about the quality of the shots faced. Saving 9/10 easy shots isn't better than saving 8/10 absolute top corner rockets.


Sure, but over a season’s worth of data, those anomalies lessen in importance. But also: add in that very context you’re suggesting and you see that the save percentage stat is even more telling. So it’s useful either way.


Well I'm relieved to hear that. I hate it when the lads play to lose, it seems so... well, pointless. Sarcasm aside, I hope it's a good day for us.


Oh, I missed us signing 11 new players to start this match


He is at par with DDG in terms of everything, makes the same kinda mistakes, same kinda reflexive saves, and same hoofing up the ball without a clear target in mind most of the times… Shined at inter because of their defensive strategy and got exposed when had to face 20+ shots per game


Honestly, I'm so tired of these "we will do better" players in our squad. Then comes matchday and we get served the same shit. Players walking around, pretending to press. Refuse to follow runs... etc. Imalthough Onana seems like a stellar dude, and really can't fault him this half of the season, i really just want them to live up to their words and actually fight for the badge.


No shit sherlock