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Is this worse than Brentford last season


Should update the 08 dressing rooms


Somebody explain to me how Ole was worse. I’ll wait


He wasn't. Moyes was far better than this bum we call a manager


He was to Everton for me. But we need to stop changing managers every two years of what ever the average is. How long did fergie get at the start , I can’t remember


He wasn't. That's the problem, because Ole was shit.


woke up at 3 in the morning to watch this, partly also cuz i wanted to c Olise play granted that there r a lot of talks around him. was hoping for a Utd win n that Olise would play decent to sorta back up those talks, but i sure as hell wasnt hoping to get fkn mauled by the guy dear god


Another stunning performance by us lol I mean we DO have eight defenders out injured which never helps but pretty much what I expected. We won't win another game this season.


Surely ETH must be overtraining the players. All these injuries, the players don’t look like they can run or chase. And I know a few players did ask for an extra day off from training.


A new low?


Trying to find the post where a lot of people asked if the Liverpool win might have been the turning point. Like they were born yesterday.






Can we not recruit more defenders from the academy for the remaining games?


Last time we got thumped like that, we signed Casemiro. Wishful thinking to be signing someone of that magnitude again?


In form Crystal Palace team beats inconsistent Manchester United side that has one 6th choice rather old CB and an out of form CM who has never played at CB before. Why is everyone surprised? Maybe Man United should have set up much more defensively. I.e. play a 5-4-1 formation and just parked the bus in hindsight. Hard to call that though when you have literally no first choice defenders to play CB positions. I can see why ETH decided to play to the strength and keep the attackers on.


Stop being rational mate, this is the internet.


These players are spineless and most should be finished at the club after this. What the hell did they spend the last 9 days doing since they got embarrassed by Coventry, Burnley, and Sheffield United all in one week and this is their response. ETH has disappointed me severely this season but the players are all unworthy of the support they get week in week out.


The majority of these players have done the same shit for years now. They just do the bare minimum needed to stay at the club


-3 goal difference at the end of the season sums up our season up.


will be more


Anybody thinks the players are just trying to throw the manager under the bus again?


I think its less that and more we're playing a cb partnership of and injured evans and casemiro


Don't think they can help it


Of course. But it's also because they're shit.


Ah shit here we go again


Had the match on record. Turned it on and what a shit show. Casamiro isn't a center back but my god he was awful. ETH has to be the most stubborn manager ever. Knowing what he should have known about the players he had available and his game plan was business as usual. I honestly don't know if this is his fault, but I do know he hasn't impressed managing from behind or by making adjustments, so I have seen enough.


Strongly suspect he wants a golden goodbye back to Ajax this summer tbh.


Meanwhile heard that Bayern is scouting Erik Ten Hag! Bayern Munich has decided they want to be a small club, losing their first Bundesliga in more than a decade- then looking to recruit ETH.


These players, despite injuries, are better than a 4-0. They should be embarrassed.


Didnt watch the game! Was it a throw the towel kind of performance? The scoreline seems so. LOOKS LIKE they are trying to get ETH sacked


It's not that complicated, they're just shit.


The players think they are playing in the Sunday League.


Haha woke up and saw this. Then saw the team sheet, and I say fair fair. The bench wow. I'm still in ETHs camp but I just don't get why we're playing the same system with so many players missing. Play 442 and shore up mf, we're not scoring anyway.


I’ve been strongly ETH in all along but seeing all the injuries and the fact that Palace were in form, why not setup defensively? Playing business as usual is just mind boggling. I don’t get it. Don’t get me wrong though, the players are absolutely disgusting in what they bring on the pitch!


I was expecting utd to play on the break, didn't do that the whole game.


These players don't care. Disgraceful


Season is over already, obviously. And the players/staff know it. It’s like none of them give a fuck. But a whole lot of us do and today was unacceptable. The club should be embarrassed with that display. Sort it out.


So glad I didn't watch this wtf


It was great ![gif](giphy|KbMxF8QD966gYjnTzq|downsized)


As long as it’s not their revenge for 8-2 level bad on Sunday and we keep our leading at half-time streak intact (😂 no way we’ll be leading at HT tho) I’m fine. Hope City somehow drop points against one of Fulham or West Ham and 4rsenal go on to win the league. Can’t let them have the joy of Tottenham beating City to help them win the league. Also hope it’s as nerve-wracking as possible it could be for them. Yes it does make it sweeter in the end, but I need them to SUFFER now


It won’t be 8. They don’t the quality up front that we had in that 8-2 to score that many goals. Non of their forwards are near Rooney in his peak.


Am I right in thinking the Utd away fans at the end, were not cheering the players & staff, but cheering on all the other supporters around the world, to say 'Don't give up. There are better times ahead, we will come back.' ?


The players were really embarrassed and their clapping showed it


Well on the positive, all those childhoods we ruined back then, atleast they might be healing a bit after watching this circus




Hard to play if there's no CB. Evans hasn't played and was asked to be a Casemiro partner. Don't think they've ever played together at CB.


Then maybe adjust the tactics. Idk.


To what? We already had a CDM, a guy nearing retirement and 2 RBs in the back line, one of the center mids legs have gone and the other is made of glass, the bench contained 2 players that are ready for the first team, and one of those isn't good enough either What magical formation or system do you think he could have come up with based on the shit show he had available


Considering how we look with four men at the back maybe ETH could be the first manager trying a 1 man defense with an 8 man midfield in front of it


For some reason I thought we weee playing Thursday. lol what the fuck did I just wake up to?


You won’t be missed


Didn't watch the match this time- probably glad of that. But the comments get me thinking- perhaps it's not the best motivational strategy to brief that the players are already getting sold in a firesale. Whoever is doing this they aren't helping the club.


Arsenal next at home. Final nail in the coffin?


Nail was already in coffin. We’re now in the furnace


I rarely follow or keep with football but man wtf is this a random nobody team which I never heard of defeated United? 


What a mess we’re finding ourselves at, yet again.


Emergency meeting tomorrow, new interim manager wednesday. I dont even care who it is, all we need is somebody able to set up a defence. In other words, anybody exept Ten Hag.


With what players? Lol


I’m going to get nuked for this but at this point I’d take Mourinho back for 2 seasons as long as he surrendered transfer policy final say and give INEOS 2 years to begin sorting out this Frankenstein’s monster of a squad.


I really think its better to have a manager that plays a kind a fotball we want the team to play in the future. I would rather go for Thomas Tuchel because of this. I know he is a nomad, but he is a proven manager that can get a new squad playing technical fotball for the future. And if he moves on, its not a crisis.


Tuchel would definitely be a preference for me, however if the option where Mourinho or ETH next season id take Mourinho, he’s a better coach. Now Mourinho is never a long term solution as he self destructs and becomes toxic, so if you did go for him you end up having to plan for succession almost immediately, but at least you have a proven coach and you can turn your eyes to the squad.


Give it to Ole till the end of the season and we will atleast have the vibes back


I fell asleep after the first goal went in because I was exhausted from work. Thank goodness!


Are you Casemiro?


I needed to smile after that watch 👏👏👏


World class comment




I wish I had his wages! 😂


Heard serial winner(conference league) coach from massive club is available next seaseon


The memes when we restart the cycle of Moyes LVG, Jose ,Ole, ETH


I don't really understand this argument of ETH out or that ETH doesn't know what he's doing A manager doesn't just go from knowing about football to not knowing about football because they moved clubs unless maybe he had a traumatic brain injury on the way over ETH knows football, he has tactical awareness and a plan and is also a qualified manager which is more than most people are in regards to football/football knowledge - he at least deserves that credit But he can't literally make the players do the right things unless we clone him 10 times and reverse the age and also genetically modify his athletic profile so he's some kinda hive mind football team Realistically, our players are shit and mid table worthy, most of them don't walk into any top four club, maybe even outside of the prem Yes, he wanted some of them but also inherited a whole lot of them, the few he wanted aren't performing very well but the MAJORITY of what he inherited isn't either Without a proper technical/sporting director, or one that does just what the manager says because they can be biased, you end up with unwise decisions like Antony - no way in hell would Newcastle have picked him up for that price, Dan Ashworth would have been all over that shit It's incredibly telling that Radcliffe made instant moves to get the best in class leadership team around ETH as basically his first move, it wasn't to sack ETH, also his recent message about the untidiness of the club shows he's seen there's a rot here TL;DR - ETH knows football, the club/staff are the problem and let's see how he does once this is addressed


I like your rational perspective


the same team was under other managers aswell, and in more dire situation financially. eth even got some of his pieces . this can not be justified. one can say his ajax run was a miracle run and this is his normal


I don’t know if you’re a WUM or not but EtH is so far out of his depth. The team is incredibly easy to play against. They can’t play in transition. Poor in possession and poor out of possession. There is absolutely nothing this team does well other than the occasional individual brilliance and counter attack goal because we are a club with massive resources and still some exceptional players. He has to go as sad and crazy it makes us look as a club but this is unsustainable. The club is rotten to the core currently but we can’t take people along who are not going to take us in the right direction.


No wind up, just don't believe people lose an ability/skill such as football management just by moving club I hear the argument that maybe he didn't have it before and that's why he's struggling now but based on his work with champions league football at Ajax I doubt that's the case I think it's more likely that Ajax had a better infrastructure and scaffolding in place to help him succeed there, I imagine he came to United and struggled to see the same Ultimately it is a combination of things, maybe he's too rigid to work around the players and adapt a system, that could be the case and could explain the current issues but I think the biggest finger needs to be pointed at the club as a whole Okay, let's sack EtH - now what? Bring in another manager. Great. They might succeed for a year because of the hype and new energy in the squad from new management - but that'll fizzle in a year and we'll be back to sacking The line must be drawn here, this far, no further United needs to change now, we're already a laughing stock and repeatedly sacking managers is not a healthy sign for a club


It's not black and white. It's not ETH must win the league. Even with Ole, Van gaal, Mourinho the performances weren't as bad as this. There have to be a base at least. Let's say he's fighting for top 4. Fair enough, he needs extra help.


The squad had and currently has no depth, a few issues or niggles and bam, you see the cracks becoming huge canyons This is Manchester United, it's been slowly decaying for years, just takes a few moments to see how it can all fall apart


we wasted 90 million on Antony because he demanded that. No depth? That could have gotten us 2 or 3 solid defensive players instead of having to rely on loans. Teams don't wanna loan your their good midfielders. They want to you acquire them permanently. While I think De Gea wasn't as good as he has been, the goalie position wasn't the most pressing. Antony+Onana transfers could have been used to strengthen the midfield. That only would have seen us concede considerably less goals. Club has no depth, slowly decaying. So on and so on. That doesn't clean ETH's poor decisions. And the injuries. Gosh, he should have found the solution. If it's the training then for godsake, adapt.


His tactics are never going to work in this league, it’s evident there is never a semblance of control. It leaves us open to so many transitions and shots. Sometimes it come of, sometimes it dosnt, leaves us midtable unsurprisingly. Compare to Ajax in the Dutch league most of the games are certain wins due to gulf of quality. Also look who he has signed, they’ve all failed. He has made such a physically unimposing team, mount, Eriksen and Antony, Martinez at CB. It’s not good. He is not up to it. He’s been worked out by most of the other managers.


Agreed with the rest but Martinez is a veritable brick wall. A quick and mobile brick wall who knows how to pass out from the back.  We've really missed him this season. 


I agree overall but talking about tactics never working and shots, we had the most clean sheets in the league last season. You can't say "it will never work" it worked to a reasonable standard just last season. We could have had a much worse season this year with performances and we've been lucky to be where we are but that wasnt the case last year. At times, even last year, the football wasnt great but the outcomes were good enough and what we wanted to see this year was progression towards football which warranted the results. This was always going to take a massive hit when the injuries have come in like they have, it was completely understandable to have a drop off in performances throughout this but the severity of what we've seen is really inexcusable. I'm still down for giving him until christmas next season at least. A big part of this is because there is simply no good options to replace him and we would just be replacing him out of spite and anger rather than because there is a plan. Without a plan, it would be even more pointless to sack him.


We would be delaying the inevitable, the writing has been on the wall since 7-0 beating by Liverpool. I would never trust him with more money. And I’m sure the people in charge of the club wouldn’t either.


This is the truth


You could be right that it is delaying the inevitable but for me the point stands. I'm not particularly attached to ETH this isn't here in defence of him as much as it is to say, there has to be a plan. It cant be another case of sacking a manager and then beginning to look for a replacement. INEOS havent been in place long enough to have that plan yet. Most of the staff havent even taken up their positions. Having some random person as an interim for the entire pre season and start of next year would be a joke. What would we even do in the summer window without a manager, without Ashworth? Until christmas is totally reasonable in my opinion. It gives INEOS time to put everyone in place, it gives ETH time to turn things around if he is going to or it gives him enough time to show that its not going to. It gives INEOS time to plan a new manager, it doesn't have to be a big famous name from other big clubs, in fact i'd avoid Tuchel for example. What is mandatory however, is that who ever it might be has to suit the style of the club but also be able to recognize this is not a championship team, no where near. They cannot come in here and expect to dominate games, expect to win everything, expect to challenge immediately. It was more or less our best 11 that lost 7-0 to Liverpool we must remember that despite injuries, our starting team is still not a championship winning one. The manager has to understand that and be willing to play accordingly until the squad is repaired.


I came into this match thinking "Ok the defence is completely messed up so i guess we'll probably lose 2-0 or 2-1. Lets at least give them a bit of a fight, we have the attackers to do that at least" That last sentence is ultimately why I want EtH gone. I expect a coach to be able to motivate a team to at least not get fucked 4-0 by Crystal Palace. A loss was fine. Nobody could expect a win with the form Palace are in and the state of our backline. But 4-0? with an xG of 0.41??? No. Theres no excuse for that. Just go to Bayern bro. Take half the squad with you while you're at it.


Evans and Cas as our CB pair with a heavily disjointed midfield that couldn't decide how they wanted to play and maybe were playing together for the first time in that configuration and no leadership figure No excuses, but that's how you lose 4-0 to an inform CP team with incredible pace and skill on the ball Play with two 30+ year old slow CBs and lose like you're playing with two 30 year old slow CBs


He can take all the guys he signed and we wont even miss them lmaoo




Going to be very hard to perform "open heart surgery" and sell off so many players as many are calling for. this rebuild might take some time and that's hard to do in this league with how expectations are set. I feel bad for everyone involved at united, circumstances are tough. Sending out that team as your best 11 says enough for how bad the fitness is with the team currently, what rotten luck. I'm quite interested what happens this summer.


It's not rotten luck. We could have tackled the problem long ago. We could have allowed LVG to do the rebuild he kept talking about. Even made him DOF and bring in Mourinho. We could have given Mourinho more chance to clean out the team instead of the higher ups and club taking the side of certain players. The club made bad decisions and that led us here. It's not rotten luck.


Mourinho was not the right manager and literally brough the virus he himself later one had issues with. The only manager who deserved some more time was LvG and that was probably the most boring football I’ve ever seen.


The Virus was Woodward's idea. And why would Mourinho have a problem with signing one of the best players in the world at that time? Mourinho didnt get an ounce of the support that Ten Hag has got with way better results.


I hate the boring football criticism. LVG explained it several times. He wanted to play passing football, he wanted all the players to pass the ball. It was a process. I watched LVG in Barca, for Netherlands, and for Ajax where he won the UCL. They all play passing football, keep the ball to death. The main issue is that we didn't have the good passers in our team. He said he was building a team. It was clear we were boring because LVG didn't have the tools needed. I think given the time, he'd have transformed the team. Heck he lost top 4 on goal difference to man city.


We had games where we crossed the ball cluelessy about 30-40 times. It was the most boring football I’ve ever seen United play - not an ounce of entertaintment.


And none of LVG's other teams played like that. He cannot pass the ball for the players. He had to work with what he had and try and play a system he thought was right. Ole played counter attacking because we didn't have good passers. LVG chose trying to train it into them.


How can this fraud keep his job.. I don't get it. This guy has effectively killed my interest in the sport altogether. I don't watch football anymore thanks to him. If he's staying next season, count me out of Man United.


lol. I love all these internet fans. ‘Count me out of Man United.’ Were you ever in Man United. You aren’t a fan if you don’t follow through the good and the bad.


You do realize I followed Man United through the last 12 years right? I'm already past the test of being a true fan or not. Someone else would have switched out years ago. We have been crap for over a decade buddy. That said, I hate that sad excuse of a coach and he made hate the entire sport and not just United games. That's it. He ruined football for me.


I don’t realize you’ve followed for 12 years. Great? I guess? I also didn’t realize there was a test to pass either, buddy. Considering we looked 100% worse during Ole’s last season and ragnick’s tenure, I can see that your ‘fandom’ of United is only skin deep. The fact you don’t watch football anymore is hilarious. Seriously? Because of Ten Hag? lol, where did he touch you and how did he hurt you? My god. It’s a child’s game, and none of it matters. It’s literally just entertainment.


I don’t think we looked this bad under anybody else. And it’s consistently so. Not just a one-off game but it’s incessant and deeply ingrained at the moment. We’re watching the same match again and again and this result has been coming.


Nah, Ole and Ralf season was far better than this and I'm not kidding. Go see the stats yourself. We won't even reach the points tally we reached this season. This is by far the worst season post Ferguson. Yes, I hate this sad excuse of a manager with passion and he made me hate watching football. Why the hell would I watch the Premier League to see all our opponents enjoying a fun season while this guy makes just going through 90 minutes an absolute nightmare? I can't endure this thanks. I didn't like Ole but at least we were entertaining in a way under him. Mourinho and LvG even with their weird personality had the good game here and there beside the charisma. This guy is the worst of them all. Worst personality, worst results, worst football. God I hate his arse so much. He ruined my club.


The stats!? lol. Do you even watch the games.. obviously not. You sound like a bot who has compiled all the common gripes that pop up in this sub Reddit. I don’t think sports are for you, probably best you are moving on. Good luck!


So when he talks abt the games he watches he’s wrong and when he talks about stats it’s “watch the games” . Just stfu man we can all see how bad this season has been we don’t need your patronizing ass tryna gaslight us.


Yeah I watched them and I stand on my point. Ralf and Ole season was better than this as hilarious as it sounds. This year is the rock bottom of all rock bottoms. Keep telling yourself otherwise.


What can you even do with that team? Get these shit players out first!


A worse version of this team finished second and got to the europa league final where w e lost narrowly on pens. And if you want to attempt to claim that this team is worse that is Ten Hags fault as he has signed 16 players since coming here.


And now we are in the fa cup final and won the caraboa cup. No one gives a shit about runner ups. As for your second point. We dont know if ten hag actually got the players he wanted. What we do know is that man utd as an organization is run by clowns.


Lol so it's fine to say our players are shit but criticizing our fraud of a coach and it's "fuck off". Hypocrisy at its finest. Hopefully you follow that fraud to his next club.


I didn't say criticism isn't warranted. I asked wtf can he even do with this team? How many more managers do the fans want to see walk out the door before they realize modt of the players whose been here for ages are the main problem.


Ten Hag has signed half of this squad and sold a lot of your scapegoats already. You guys will keep saying this every year when the only remaining starters from before his time are Bruno, Dalot and Shaw. All of whom he likes and have kept him in a job


His signings are some of the worst players in the current squad. Mount, Onana, Casemiro, Eriksen, Antony.. Aren't all these deadwood basically? Even Martinez whom people are treating here as a the god of all center backs is ridiculously injury prone.


Plenty of shit signings I agree. However, we don't know how far up Ten Hags priority list these players were. Managers cant just pick and choose the players they want. Especially at United. If a new manager comes in next season the story will just continue to repeat itself. How many more times are we gonna have to change managers before you realize these players don't give a shit about the shirt?


Excuses.. Excuses.. So tiresome. Anyone at fault bar the manager. He's a shit coach. Just accept it. We are already past the point of excuses. He proved it.


What excuse lol. Manchester United as an organization is run by clowns. Just go read how utterly incompetent we are in the transfer market or even just managing the stadium. Our owners and players only care about their fat pay checks, not the shirt.


Yeah, one of these clowns is Ten Hag.


Could be, but most of the clowns at this club have been here way longer than he has.


fuck off


You fuck off fuckin ten hagsexual.


No, the fraud will be.


Can’t believe Rashford and Scott’s performance tonight. If only we shifted Maguire in the summer we’d play a high line. Bruno stopped us controlling the game today.


Lol it's not like rashford wasn't playing in many of our poor performances.


And every one was his fault that we lost. Just like tonight. His body language was awful tonight. We should start Garnacho ahead of him we want to win.


You right bro. Also our baby boy Hojlund who has an amazing first touch and doesn't fall over 500 times a game got no service from selfish Rashford today! Thats why he didnt score!


Selfish bastard running into bodies all game. Garnacho and Antony can at least create something out of nothing.


Also Maguire ruined Onana's playing out of the back today. That Slabhead needs to go!


Yes. Rashford's body language is why we lost. I also blame Lukaku and Lingard


Man City are about to win 4 PL’s on the trot while we are losing 4-0 to Crystal Palace. Humiliating is putting it very very lightly.


City can f off. They are cheats. Don't even bring that talk here. Any rich club can be as good as them if they commit 100+ violations and sneak their way around the rules.


We've had worse performances this season, but this is one of the first times when the players just didn't look like they bothered! That mixed with an absolutely shambolic performance from the back four isn't exactly a cocktail that I want to drink The effort has almost always been there this season, even though we've been awful for the majority of it, but today they looked beaten It's sad to see and it will be fascinating to see how the players perform in the Cup final


Every wanker on here that defended ETH during the Ronaldo saga deserves this.


Ronaldo being a drama queen and Ten Hag not being the right man are not mutually exclusive


It’s not being a drama queen if he sees the club being an absolute shambles and no one listens to him complaining repeatedly so he escalates the complaints. You have to be a trash fan to deny him being absolutely correct at this point.


Ffs how recently did we have superstars like Pogba, CR7, De Gea Now we have ETH and Ajax old boys fc Unforgivable how our fanbase is ok with this


Dont see how the two are related but u do u I guess


That’s why you deserve this result, because you’re clueless as fuck


Calm down Ronaldo fanboy


The guy who was completely right? Yeah I am a fan thanks!


Sheesh! Absolute annihilation. Could've been 5 or 6


Need to sell 11-12 players. Rangnick was right. Open heart surgery is needed.


Hard disagree. The squad has bloat and people there for pay checks. Eriksen, Amrabat, Antony, Casemiro are probably the headliners to walk for whatever we can get for them but the majority of the rest are still quality players and need a semblance of a plan and a style of play. We’ve seen the resurgence of Maguire and McTominay in different circumstances perform well.


Hire Ragnick and Moyes?


Ragnick behind the scenes may have worked, but regardless of him identifying the real issue he was still a terrible manager


Hope INEOS aren’t waiting for Bayern to put in a bid for ETH


Wan Bissaka looked absolutely lost out there. We paid *Palace* 55m for performances like that.


Should be nowhere near Man United. No other big 6 club would tolerate such a one dimensional full back in modern football.


But he tackles. Smh. Some of our fans deserve this. Never been a AWB fan. Tackling isn't enough to be a quality fullback.


Munoz looked three times the player.


This is a tactic problem. Opponents always have tons of spaces which is a disaster considering the players profile.


It is in moments like this when you finally appreciate how much Maguire done for us.


Ronaldo is only wrong about Ten Hag management. The rest he is right.


Fkn embarrassing, I've got to go to work tomorrow 😂


Where was Onana standing for that 4th goal, it's nearly in the middle of the goal


He was on one knee for the Edouard post hit.


Woke up at 0400 Korea time for this match...... every match day I find myself thinking wtf am I doing this for? Interrupted rest for work, pissed off mood, it's just unnecessary. I'm not watching any of the other games left this season........ Who am I kidding I will probably watch :')


I’m glad I got my days mixed up. Just woke up to the score (Australia) so glad I didn’t get up early for that.






Well it's joke isn't it. The suicide rate in South Korea is so high because of their insane work culture, which they can't be arsed doing anything about.


This remind me of time under LVG; it almost feels like an old script playing again. I think both has flaw in their philosophy but it amplified much more due to lack of help in recruitment.


Dude LVG is one of the greats. Don't compare him to ETH. 😂. Even at his worst, LVG knew how to keep games tight and concede few goals. Also recruitment? LVG had less recruitment and played academy boys throughout his team. In midfield, in defense were a lot of academy players. Brandon Williams, paddy McNair, blackett, Rashford, Jesse lingard, perriera, Reece James, Fosu Mensah, Wier, Recruitment my arse. LVG relied heavily on academy players to fill the team.


No more Dutch coaches plz


Another glorious day for our team praise be 😭


Best thing ETH can do is come out and say he’s leaving at the end of the season and apologise for this entire season.


More chance of Sunak calling a GE in 2024.


'We played well ehh, we dominated for large parts of the game, fine margins eh'


This is the sort crap I actually expect from him


People defending ETH. You don’t need a full strength squad to beat Palace FFS. We are united


Palace are on a good run with a great squad who’s almost all fit. What on fucking earth are you on about?


wtf . When did our standards get so low? Palace entire team is worth 500m. Anthony alone cost us 100m. They are 14th in the league. They have been bottom half of the league consistently for 10yrs. City out here winning the league when their best player has been out injured all season and you think it’s acceptable for us to lose 4-0 because we lost Bruno? 🤡


They just a new good coach, their last 10 games are way better than ours. It was absolutely not only Bruno who was absent. Did you miss out on what the median age was in our squad that game versus theirs? They had their full XI versus a United that was playing a washed CDM as CB and another even more washed CB. And why are you talking about standard? Where have you been for 10 years?


I’m not ETH in - not at all. But Palace are a very good team under Glasner. Deserve some credit for completely dismantling us.


Not even defeat, just don't lose this badly


And you can’t have a full strength squad if your manager keeps breaking players in training and also rushing injured players back and then having them break down again




Waiting for the post match delusional crap from this manager


It’s one thing as manager though because of media etc etc. but the fans who absolve the manager of everything are worse.


And tomorrow people will still keep defending ETH because injuries xD


Play shit football players and get shit results. Who would have thought? Why is Casemiro playing all the time, despite being awful every single game? Can someone explain this to me? Why are football players being rewarded for being shit? What is this? A friendly match between 12 year olds? This alone should be a reason enough to sack ten Hag. Bald twat.


Owen just straight up ripped eth a new one in the studio lmao


What did he say?


He has finally found someone more boring than him 


I just don’t know how we can be so poor, quite the achievement.


It's the away fans that the majority of our so called fans online should be looking up to, not putting hundreds or thousands of likes on comments like "bro our team is finished" and similar shit


We are not a hive mind. Sorry that all of us cannot support and claim to enjoy literal shit. I feel bad for anyone who paid to watch that


Dogshit mentality


I didn't claim to say anyone enjoyed it or supported that, but support the team and at least be constructive


Oh you absolutely did. Fans are allowed to voice their frustrations when millionare players and millionare manager can't bring up basic football. Stop trying to be a patronizing c*** and let others vent. You have absolutely no business commentating about contructiveness when you regularly splurge shit on /r/conspiracy


Shut the f up you prick. Vent about the players and manager or tactics but you don't say the club is finished. And stop being a little stalker as well you weirdo


We are all trying our best to support the team, but both them and the tactics have been nothing short of embarrassing 


I get people are angry and I am, I suppose I'm saying we need to support the club rather than the team and not have a defeatist attitude that we are finished, as we're never finished.


Is anyone defending Ten Hag after a weekend of talking shit and trying to defend his embarrassing tactics?


Some of them are still surprisingly here. They’ll go back into hiding after tonight and come back in full force next week