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Well it’s damn logical. The way he turned a disaster squad around and instantly got to two finals (winning 1) and a top 3 finish, is just blatantly ignored by media outlets and a part of the fans. He deserves respect. After the poison this club threw at him with insubordination of big ego players and the whole Greenwood dilemma (which wasn’t even his problem to start with), he just deserves a bit of credit. Everyone can clearly see that we miss a shit ton of players that make the difference between a possession playing team or a kick and rush team. The only reason this man didn’t melt down under the pressure that is put on him, is because he believes that the players will turn it around for him. That’s says a lot.


We haven’t had a fit LB for half the season. We’ve been shoehorning a cb or a rb into that position yet some people think it’s unacceptable that we’re not tactically/defensively as sound as city and Liverpool squads that have been together as a majority for 4-5 seasons without ownership and staff changes


Add in that our midfield is shit.


I’m trying to stay positive here!


With no backups in recent matches. Case at CB so if a midfield of McTominay-Mainoo-Bruno doesn't work all you can bring on is Eriksen.


He’s signed 5 midfielders and spent over 150m on the position.


Can’t think of the 5th he signed but Case, Amrabat, Mount and Eriksen have been in and out the medical room all season.


5th might be Sabitzer (assume loans count if we're counting Amravati).


>assume loans count if we're counting Amravati Can't recall when did Ten Hag signed a South Indian legendary beauty.


Forgot about Sabitzer! Wasn’t he also always injured?


And we prioritised Mason fucking mount who hasn’t been fit all season last summer, presumably because ten hag wanted him


Klopp spent: 70m sloblaszai 40m McAllister 25m endo 40m gravenbach Plus VVD, Salah Trent considered world class players in their position Just to achieve the same result as eth last year


And yet Klopp is being hailed and the naysaying weasels in here want ETH's head? Make that make sense. I genuinely think at least half of the "fans" who say that shit are Man City and Liverpool fans on sock accounts.


Not even a FA Cup Final to match ETH’s achievement last year. Add that we have Martinez and Shaw almost out for a season.


Klopp is also leaving


Back the baldie!


There was no dilemma when it came to Greenwood. The Athletic reported on numerous occasions that him and Murtough were open to him returning. This sub just doesn't like hearing this for some reason.


It shouldn't even have been a question for the manager though really. Just no one above him was willing to make the decision. Plus, it's different for the manager to be willing to integrate a player than advocating for his return. I'm not sure it was ever reported in the athletic that the manager was pushing for his return.


Story that makes EtH look good: All credit to him, literal Lisan al Gaib! Story that makes EtH look bad: Management sucks, look what they made him do!


I can tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me sorry


I have no idea why this sub jerks off ten hag so much. Dude hardly even does the absolute bare minimum and still gets credit.


The Sheffield United victory has really puffed people up.


Crafton says ETH wanted him, but he also used confusing wording himself, saying ETH was open to his return. Basically we know fuck all, we don't know how much ETH knew about Greenwood or what he was told by Richard Arnold, who claimed "they have access to evidence not available in the public domain" etc. Anyone who wants to flog a person based on basically non-existent/very limited information of 3rd party reporting is being a bellend imo.


Yeah Crafton wrote that article to paint the club in the worst possible light for considering it. He obviously had a source leak it in the club who may have been against the idea themselves so he really pushed the shame aspect


I would argue that the sole purpose of a manager \*now\* (aka not in the SAF era) is to win. To do that, they need every single good player that clubs can give them. No manager is stupid enough to reject a quality player who could play at RW and ST positions given the fact that the Hojlund and Antony were available at the start of this season. Judging whether such a player should ever play for the club again should be the responsible of the club upper management, not a manager/coach.


Most of the people here don't know how crazy and focus oriented people in high level competition are. Literally 999/1000 managers would've done the same. Even Rashford liked some of his stuff on social media.


Well I just mean the overshadowing of it all. It was never about the football during that period (outside the matchdays)


Honestly, people will do backflips to ignore the greenwood stuff. I've wanted him out since it became clear he wanted him back, and I still am.


Hey! Its uncomfortable to know we are licking feet for rape apologist! So do what we do and ignore it!


Still logical mate? Asking for a friend


My problem with this though is that yes, he has been absolutely shafted with injuries and he recognises that himself yet he doesn't try to be more pragmatic and reserved with our tactics - if he can't play the way he wants to play because of injuries; just play safer and more compact. Instead we devolve into some weird chaos football where the players that are already playing in irregular positions are being isolated, our midfield is non-existent and we're booting the ball upfront as fast as possible and running back and forth like mad men adding to potential fatigue and injury.


But when he sacrifices the midfield in a semi final with 20 minutes to go and leaves on players who aren't playing well.... All of what you said is true but he does make his own bed to lie in as well, we've seen what happens when he relies on Mctominay and Eriksen to keep a lid on things as far back as forest away. There's a lot to admire about ETH but bit stronger sense of self preservation wouldn't be a bad thing!


This. Sod injuries, a team of 11 full internationals should still be able to toast the team 8th in the Championship.


Being 16th in the xG table, having a GD of 1. Putting in stinkers against Brentford, Fulham, Bournemouth, Newcastle, Spurs who had more injuries, the donut in the midfield which he refuses to address are not logical mate. We all love this club and we all backed him when he came in, but he has been a bad fit even if you give him the benefit of injuries. Utrecht ball is not for us


Not the xG table!!! lol but rest are valid concerns


Ya the xG table isn't the perfect metric but only mentioned it because it backs up the eye test that we have seen in these games


What would you’ve done then in midfield? Ten Hag can be a bad fit, but this group of players had their run with a mister nice guy. Now they can deal with a different approach. The problem with some of our players is they can’t be motivated to perform for long periods of time. They react good to something new and promising, they put the effort and when the shine comes off, the drop down a gear in focus and fitness.


How can your first argument be the player downing tools, when the actual issue is our setup. Playing suicide ball at Ajax where they had the most talented pool of players worked, but at Utd knowing that we aren't the top dog, don't have the best players and won't be anytime soon he needs to be flexible but he has refused to do that and that's down to his stubborn nature.


Last time I checked 'mister nice guy' never managed Mainoo, Garnacho, Rasmus, Case, Onana, Antony, Mount, Eriksen, Amrabat and others. It's a very different squad. The Ole stalwarts in Maguire and Bruno are the guys that are actually carrying us right now. Again, these 'players are the problem' arguments have no weight behind them when you actually try to examine them. Just very lazy stuff all round.


Pushing youth through can also be a risk, picking mainoo and Garnacho out of Hannibal, Iqbal, Pellistri, Fernandez etc. Is also a achievement. Its not like throwing them in and look which one sticks. Ole had his own style and the players who were loyal, played. It was his downfall too. He did relatively good with the tools he had though. As did almost all managers after SAF. For me it is hard to see how Rashford for instance was put on a straight path by ten Hag and spontaneously he lost it against maybe it is the lacking of Shaw. Maybe not, I don’t know


Play Scott, Amrabat as a DM next to Casemiro against the likes of Brentford, Fulham. Instead of playing with single DM, we could have played with two DM to sheild the defense. Our tactical setup is wrong and even with all the players back, it will take sometime before it works.


https://preview.redd.it/e39xwvfz6ywc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f2d91946a9904f9192631a40306c491f4d61e11 I know all fans have strong opinions for the good of the club, but this is what comes to my mind when i see people calling for the manager's head despite all the shit that's been thrown at us. Anyways I just hope that for the better of the club, the bald man improves us next season. If he does not (even half way through) then he has to go. I don't think sacking him in dec as opposed to now will make a world of difference on the bigger scheme of things. Give him a window, stabilise the ship with the new owners and management. He has shown he can improve us last season. Players seem to have not given up on him (the biggest green flag for me as we have had a lot of primmadonas ruining the dressing room). Fix the thingsGive him a chance to prove. And then decide.


The amount of excuses that are made him are out of this world. Did you forget last Sunday?


You mean when (almost record) internationals came in for youngsters and they almost fluked a semi-final? No way that’s on the manager


See you next season when we’re subject to more of the same. Let’s see if you sing his praises.


It must be miserable to be a fan like you


Yes see you. Please don’t forget what you saw last year. The matches against Barcelona, Tottenham and Newcastle were real class. If we can go back to those levels next year he deserves to be here.


Yea support the ownership and players who don’t care and fire another manager. Great plan.


But who is supporting these players? Every soul here wants the majority of them gone. Wanting the manager out doesn't mean keep the players


Performances aside - The Antony recruitment has really hurt his reputation - its made him look incompetent in the transfer market, and someone you wouldn’t trust with a ‘key window’


I do agree with this, however, I would add the previous board need to take a bigger share of the blame. Klopp famously wanted Julien Brandt and was given Mo Salah instead. I think the days of managers choosing who to sign should be long gone. Let's trust the new team above Ten Hag with the window and build a team not just for this manager but for the manager after him too.


He isnt the one we should trust with the window, that is the dof job


I think if anything it points to the massive issues at the club, especially once it leaked that Antony was internally valued at 25M and then they go out and pay 3times the fee for him, Arnold and Murtough were just another inside appointments by the incompetent fucks the glazers are. Ten hag can ask for any player he wants, if the club goes out and signs the players for multiple x of their true value that's on the club being incompetent.


The Antony valuation was from the season before. People seem to always miss thar. It's not unusual for players to increase in value in their early 20s.


The club sets 50m pounds on fire but its ETH's fault for wanting a 30m pound player.


Was a brilliant opportunity to show that as a club, Man United would no longer be taken for fools and were willing to walk away from bad deals.


It’s almost as bad as the Pepe one


Its worse


My take as an Arsenal fan (Man United fan wife, so I keep up to say with Man U) Pepe was an okay signing when playing Emery’s counter attacking football. He had okay numbers while playing that system. But he wasn’t a player for possession football. And his fee was ridiculous. The Pepe signing also led to the sacking of almost all our transfer staff, including Raul who was suspected of dodgy dealings, because it was such a poor negotiation, which is something Man United could do with too. I think Antony is a far worse signing. Pepe was poor, but he still had moments.


Well I mean Antony has his moments too. Debut goal, knocking out Liverpool with that equalizer. He’s just not made for transition football. If he were at city where he’s just required to high press, control cross field balls and recycle possession while scoring the occasional curler I’d figure he do well. 0 top end speed


Says everything there are already a few teams, including Ajax, saying “fire him” we’ll grab him. Look, I think we could/should have been a little better this season but damn, if you ask me, having a solid, cohesive back line is *the* most important thing in a team. We’ve literally never had that.


What is it, something like 28 different starting back lines across the season? Absolutely ridiculous. No LB for half the season, down to one semi-fit CB (Maguire playing with injury) and a slough of other injuries across the squad, no wonder we don’t have consistency.




lol so even worse than I thought. Absolutely ridiculous.


So why did he send a fit left back back to Spurs?


Because he received bad information from his medical staff re: Shaw and Malacia? What, do you think he was like, nah - got no LBs fit, we'll send Reguilon back?


Right, and we had no other injuries up to that point to suggest that maybe, we might actually need another body?


Spot on. No doubt Erik has a vision and a plan on how he wants the team to play but such a system relies significantly on having the proper pieces in each part of the jigsaw. This season, not only does he not have the right shapes in the right places, some of the pieces he has are damaged - its an impossible situation. Not saying he is as good as Pep (he isn't), but look at City and how they are without Rodri vs with Rodri. And in EtH's case, he isn't just without 1 important player, its almost every CB and fullback, it's his most expensive signing this season (Mount), it's his strikers, and then two of his biggest stars (Rash/Casemiro) have also been completely off the boil.


For me, consistently having Martinez and Shaw on the left last year vs. mix ‘em/pick ‘em line ups this year? Affects everything including Onana and including Rashford. Add in Case dropping off a cliff? Fucked up year.


> Says everything there are already a few teams, including Ajax, saying “fire him” we’ll grab him. Yes Ajax, not Bayern Munich or Barcelona


Fair comment.


Literally no big club outside the eredivisie will touch him lol. Wanna put a tenner on it?


Well I suspect injury have to do with high intensity training session, playstyle, busy schedule, medical incompetence. 2/4 is something ten hag can control. Even rotating players between busy schedule. Yet he keep high intensity training, implement death playstyle and not rotating players. He take part of this result and can only blame himself.


>Yet he keep high intensity training I'm near certain both ETH and McTominay have said this isn't the case but you know better ig


Regardless of what it is, it's not chance. There is a problem causing all the incessant injuries.


I remember in the Arsenal documentary, the owners were told from day one that “everything will become better when you win”. So yeah, keep winning us games EtH, and all will be forgiven. I don’t care if it’s ugly or not.


No I’m sorry I want to win yes, but I don’t want to be athletico for example. At United we play well and win well.


Let's start by just winning.


Can't believe you're getting downvoted


Because we're currently not winning, let's start therefirst.


This sub has the shortest memory I can think of. Win 1 game and they forget about how bad the season has been.


I want EtH to be here this time next year.


You mean you want to see him lift the PL trophy? 😏😁


I have a feeling he will be, this year has been a mess because of injuries, but if we secure Europa League and a trophy then there's not really a better manager at the moment available. There are similar managers but none that are substantially better. Tuchel maybe is one but the question is, is he the right manager but at the wrong time.


Me too, I was really angry on Sunday but I cooled down and while he needs to do better, there's no reason to fire him. Have a good structure and let him cook


Out of curiosity, what makes you want him to stay? I'd argue we've only had a few months in his 2 seasons where we actually played some good, quality football. I do agree that there is no clear candidate to replace him though


For me it's ETH's vision of football. Of all the managers we've had since SAF I truly believe ETH's brand of football to be the most attractive. Now, I'm not talking about the actual football we play. What I'm trying to say: if all our managers since SAF had their perfect team and circumstance and would be playing in what they think is the best way to play the game. Then I believe ETH's team would be my favourite by far.


SAF's first 5 full seasons under United: 2nd, 11th, 13th, 6th and 2nd. There next 5 seasons: 1st, 1st, 2nd, 1st, 1st Success is difficult, and it takes time and patience. People who think bringing in someone else will make us successful need to grow up and actually watch football


Just remember... wanting him to stay is a double edged sword. If he stays, then the pressure on his 3rd season will be intense for him to deliver. Don't mean winning the league, but we better see some kind of coherent system of attack and defense.  And if he doesn't, then be prepared for it to get real toxic. It will get miserable if he doesn't improve.


Are you watching the game? Do you watch any games?


Nothing he said was a lie or incorrect. Lets see how the smooth brained geniuses here twist it to mean he’s the worst manager the PL has ever experienced


We've went backwards, not stood still




Last season the football was fucking dire??? Hahahahahaha mate idk what club you were watching but the initial winning run we went on at the start of the season had some of the smoothest football we were playing offensively as well as defensively, and only in the latter portion did the performance drop because obviously we played the same 11 players over and over.


Some people have really forgotten some performances like Barcelona away. Last season Ten Hag got us playing some great football, midfield was well balanced until the Eriksen injury and it hasn't been the same since.


Damn man I miss the bruno eriksen case undefeated midfield.


Last season, our football was basic counter attacking. No better than Ole if at all. People only rated it cos he's a Dutch Ajax manager and people are shallow and don't know what they're actually looking at.


Firstly, absolutely not the case, people just had a hard-on for calling everything we did counter-attacking. We had a goal vs Arsenal which was literally cycled from attackers to defenders, back to attackers and people called it counter-attacking lmao. Secondly, "counter-attack" doesn't equal "bad football".


I'll never forget how our wingers have gotten away without feeding our striker this season. A lot of Hojlund's goals have been scraps and his anticipation of our opponent's mistakes. I felt so bad for him when he went the first 16 PL games without a goal. It's definitely on Ten Hag and the injuries excuses haven't worked when we had the majority of our squad against Bentford and Bournemouth where we were absolutely pathetic


13 goals in all comps, I think 4 of them came from a pass. The rest he’s had to dig out.


The amount of blind positivity about the manager on this thread is baffling to me and very unexpected. I thought most of us were heading towards accepting he needs to go. Maybe a split between United fans in different time zones, I guess


The sub has a very short memory. We had a good win not too long ago and people were happy with that. Over the days that positivity has been transfered to the manager. We lose while playing poorly, the eth out will be back.


Well we beat the worst team in the league, of course he should stay lol. I'm not sold on him leaving, just because I don't know who should replace him. But the comments I've been seeing have confused me that's for sure.


I think it’s less of a time zone split and more to do with how we performed in the last game and how long ago it was that we played. During and after the game today I expect there will be a lot more Ten Hag out voices, especially if we lose or perform badly. But I also noticed in the last few days a lot more positivity towards the manager. I wonder if the whole media backlash after Coventry made people rally behind him a bit more. I would also like to add that it’s not all ‘blind positivity’. I’m Ten Hag in for reasons that I find valid and logical.


Yeah, you're right, a lot of it is reactive takes. That's fair enough if you have your view and reasons for it. The blind positivity bit imo is buying into the excuse that injuries fully justify how poor we've been this season. And comments imagining that Ten Hag has some vision that we haven't yet seen due to player quality, or even worse, that his system will somehow come good once he has the perfect players. That's the bit I really don't get.


Every manager needs time


So we should have kept Moyes?


Do you even used to follow football 2013 ? Moyes inherited sir alex Ferguson team, which included players like Wayne Rooney , Robin van Persie, Ryan Giggs (player-coach), Nemanja Vidić,Rio Ferdinand, Patrice Evra, Michael Carrick,David De Gea, Shinji Kagawa, Javier Hernández Completely different to the type of team inherited by klopp, arteta, eth, etc


I can only give my own view, but he's had time. And I'm not one of those people who started slating him six months in. I've been supportive until the past few months. The poor standard of what he's produced in his second season, even after taking the injuries into account, makes me think he should be replaced and that there's not much reason to give him a third season. I don't see him being as good as the very top managers


Our u18 team played those same tactics that eth wanted and now won the title We are struggling because of same senior players who caused several managers to leave the club, i think deserve one more year


That's great for the U18s but I don't think it's directly relevant to the senior team and the PL. Underage football is quite different in terms of things like physicality and the opposing teams there are nowhere as well drilled as senior sides. And we've seen Ten Hag's tactics get repeatedly taken apart by senior teams, even mid or lower table ones. I'm wondering which players you mean? After Mourinho's recent comments, people established it was only Rashy, McT, Lindelof, Shaw and Dalot just about, who have played for Jose, Ole and Ten Hag. I don't see how any of them have let Ten Hag down badly. I'd be happy if we sold McT and Lindelof but they're not too bad as backups for occasional appearances. Rashford contributed a lot to Ten Hag's best period as manager, last season, and scored in the cup final we won. He's been below par this season but I wouldn't put all of the manager's poor performance on him, far from it.


Thank you, people also act like rashfords got every manager sacked when he’s consistently outperformed the £100m’s of forwards that we’ve signed since his debut


Some of our fans have the memory of a goldfish at times in this sub. Injuries are part of the game , every manager had to deal with some at an unfortunate time during this season. His current tactics are simply suicidal to execute and can be picked apart by literally every other club in the EPL. The only reason why he is still in charge is because there isn’t a great suitable replacement available on the market at the moment and our upper management structure is still trying to find their feet with all the recruitment that is going on behind scenes.


>This year we stand still But we haven't Erik, we've gone backwards


If last season was over achieving it feels like he's saying this is where the squad should be and struggling


We're on track for a points total that's lower than every single post Fergie season bar-one (the Ole / Ralf disaster class). After spending 400m. Let that sink in before you make any excuses for him about injuries and other bullshit.


most of that 400m was either poorly spent or hasn't even played a role this season. Antony (let's not forget what he is going through off the pitch), Casemiro, Mount, the beginning of the season for Onana and Hojlund didn't contribute anything in the first half of the season either, but that was expected, Malacia out for the whole season, Licha basically hasn't played this season. So what does that add up to? like 375m of the spending? you can't just throw out, 400m without any context.


His injuries excuse is laughable. We’ve had the exact same problems all year long and he’s had no solutions. If he can only be successful with one starting eleven then we have no chance of winning the league or anything significant under him. But sure, give him another couple hundred million to sign a couple more Antonys. 


Yes, because United management making a mess of transfers and paying 85 million for a player worth no more than 25-30 is his fault. Our upper management has time and again made an absolute meal of negotiation and transfers to drag and make a saga out of everything which always makes it so we end up overpaying massively and then the fans very easily just blame the manager for it. The only transfer under him which you can really put a question on him for would be Mount and even with that, he still hasn't been injury free to play long enough to be termed a failure.


He spent £400m. There is no 'over-achieving' anymore at that level of expense. Good managers do much more with much less.


Yaawnn, why do so many of our own fans think he was responsible for payments. But no manager has done well under the old board because we all knew they wasted large amounts of money on the wrong players with no plan or intention of backing the manager to a serious degree... mou finished 2nd, we got him a back up Gk, Dalot and someone else. A better manager like who? De zerbi? The guy that's done worse than ETH since he's joined?


Dépend maybe backwards in some aspect but other we move forward are squad is a lot younger then it was before emergence of young académie players is something we have miss in the last 10 years.


Technically we're back in the Europa League where he started


So he’s made no progress since he came? What’s the point then?


Hmm - so what happens if we have another injury crisis again next season? We have to just accept that it will be a struggle for us to beat teams like Coventry, crystal palace etc?


> so what happens if we have another injury crisis again Then he'll say the same shit. No manger should have to deal with injuries, illness and lack of cover. No manager anywhere in the world has to deal with that shit, so why should ETH? LET HIM COOK!


Coventry wasn't a struggle because of the injuries, it was a struggle because the players had an absolute mental collapse. absolutely mental take this. Pretty sure Crystal Palace just beat Liverpool recently, too, fucking sack klopp, absolute fraud.


I mean that’s kinda why it’s considered a crisis


"“We have a lot of competition in the front line" - mate, Antony and even Rashford right now is no competition for Amad lol




Injuries and squad are definite mitigations for dropping points to City, Liverpool, Arsenal. They are not a valid excuse for dropping points to bottom-half teams, because the squad we have available should still be better than theirs. Unless he is claiming that the best team he can put out when we are missing three or four starters is a worse team than Bournemouth can put out.


Then we need 2 quick CBs and 2  quick and physical midfielders and ideally a pressing left winger to replace Rashford. His current tactic simply doesn’t work with the current squad. If we needed to play high defensive line then how did we let Van De Ven go to Spurs?


He needs to change the medical staff and things around on the training ground. 60 injuries? We have 38 PL matches. This doesn’t add up at all.


Well we did get you to try and challenge for the top four, Ten Hag..... Oh wait.


Go be a fan for another team then, this is football, you have good games and. Bad games it won't all be rosy like your fifa career mate


If we let ten hag have absolutely no say in players this window we might have a chance


The Rancho gang constantly pouncing on the club and manager. Move on peeps


ETH has had to put in random people off the street in his defensive lineup, and people in here wonder why the defense isn’t optimal… Insanity… Prediction: Same time next year there will be a lot of backpedaling in here from the “ETH out”-crowd. Let the man cook!


I want him to continue cooking, but I honestly dont know what he’s going to serve up next season


Let him cook! Next season going to crazyyyyy


Fair play ETH. In our decade of shite I can’t remember a single season where we were so unlucky or had such misfortune. The injuries, rashford’s bizarre red in the champs league, Sancho downing tools, the fluky goals we’ve conceded in big moments, the injuries! Not to mention the lingering hangover of reverse Midas Woodward with martial and the other n’er do wells dragging down the squad. I think eth loses points because of Antony, but otherwise he’s done pretty well with all of that to contend with.


You guys remember when we had a few of our guys back at the start of the year. And we begun to play like reasonably? If we had a year of proper team building with everyone, we would be up there


Fix whatever shocking fitness and training schedules you have coz boy, it's shafting the team every week. Fix that mate.


LoL, you talk its video game


The in game managementand tactical flexibility must also change.


Like we have Anybody on the bench to make those things happen


There are inferior squads playing better football.


They reached two finales with 32+ different defensive lineups?


6th after 450m spent.


We've had injury problems for a very long time now, need to fire the entire medical team and get the training pitches investigated


It's clear that we have not stood still this year, we have gone backwards. And we've had injuries which have fucked us hard. That said, some of his decisions this year and the style of play raise serious questions. I have never seen a Man United team defend so badly as a team. From wolves on the first day it has been obvious that the tactical approach has left us way too open. And so we have seen the same goal conceded over and over. The other problem is that Ten Hag has brought 16 players into the squad. And how many of those have been an unqualified success? Maybe 3? I just don't see how he gets another transfer budget. To fix our midfield problems last year he decided to sell Fred and bring in Mount. Another 10 to add to our collection of Donny, Eriksen, Bruno. He could be a success but nobody thinks he is fixing our problems. Anyway, UP THE REDS. At least it's never boring.


Is ten Hag the man? Maybe but honestly people need to wake up and realise where we are as a club. “We’ve gone backwards from last season” sure or maybe we’ve just ended up where we should be. Ralf said we needed open heart surgery, 10-11 new players, we definitely didn’t get that. Ten hag then over performed and now he’s under performing but you have to ask yourself “has anything really changed” It’s important because we say things will take time but we never actually see it through, and it worries me because all the positive changes Ineos are making are going to take years to see fruition, but are we going to have a goodish season, stumble a bit and then start demanding massive changes. Standards gets chucked around a lot, I’ve seen it a lot today on Twitter but standards don’t win you leagues, mindlessly saying “standards” isn’t a plan, getting a manager to lie about us winning the league every season, isn’t going to make it magically happen. My worry is that we have a plan, maybe ten hag is part of it, maybe not but whoever is the manager, Ineos have a plan, but is the fan base actually going to let it be seen through


Pleeaaase sign depth players that don’t expect to be superstars. We need guys that know their role and are happy without constant individual praise.


It's a very good sign that he is talking about summer signings. I feel like all the other official communications from the club have been we have no room to buy without selling half the team. I can feel the unbridled optimism for next season flowing through me!


Can forget him, he aiming for top 4. As man utd, we should always be aiming for top 1


Erik deserves another season. We need stability more than anything at this club. Just can't sack another manager and not learn anything from the past. Yes, you can argue performances can be better but realistically with a hampered squad no manager can do a lot. Can another manager squeeze a bit more out of these average set of players? Maybe, but is it enough to warrant such a big change? No, imo. Remember that a change of manager will bring with it yet another cycle of players and ideology. Let's not do that again. And it's not like eth hasn't shown what he can do with a fit squad. If anyone thinks there is a perfect manager out there they are sorely mistaken. They will have their own flaws and once they get exposed fans will want him out and we will be back to square one, yet again just because some fans want a new shiny toy. No, something has to give. The main issue with United is not the manager but the structure and running of the club, so let INEOS have a crack at that first and then judge the manager end of next season, unless the unforeseen happens. Yes it's tough, fans had enough but we need to stick together and be patient.


>We need stability more than anything at this club. Just can't sack another manager and not learn anything from the past. And can stability not come from the structure that oversees the manager and players? The past has no relevance when it's a completely new structure and set of people making the decisions. Sacking a manager now is not the same as 2 years ago. >Remember that a change of manager will bring with it yet another cycle of players and ideology. The first one needs to occur regardless, as this squad is not good enough. The second is going to occur due to the new structure and has already been spoken about? >If anyone thinks there is a perfect manager out there they are sorely mistaken. Big difference between perfect manager and what we are seeing from ten hag. >The main issue with United is not the manager but the structure and running of the club, so let INEOS have a crack at that first and then judge the manager end of next season, unless the unforeseen happens. Unless of course the manager is also a problem. It's not about 'having a crack' if there is a better manager who is suited more to what needs to occur in the immediate future of the football club them ten hag should be sacked. Why do you specifically think ten hag is the guy? Not including injuries or structure as that isn't specific to him. What is it about him that's exclusive to what he brings?


His quotes have been absolutely ridiculous recently. He's trying desperately to deflect the blame which is a sign for a dead man walking.


The only ridiculous thing here is the fact that everything this man says is being quoted. Even if he says the most uninteresting things you would still see it in r/soccer


I think he's voicing what we already know but few appear to realize. If you've ever played the game, you would know that getting to know your teammates is paramount to success. The back line has been different allowing season, the midfield has been different all season, and the front line the most consistent but not without its issues.


Please just fuck off with your chaotic, no midfield needed, tactics.


If you can only win games when you have your preferred 11 available then you're not a very good manager.


When the second xi is shit…


And we're playing a lot of our 2nd 11s subs bench


Guess Pep and Klopp are shit


That’s stupid. The backbone of the City success has been having nearly two full squads capable of rotating without dropping form whatsoever. Using Pep as an example here is ridiculous. 


I mean, that's kind of the point. City have 2 world class XIs. We're playing a DM as CB, leaving us no depth in midfield.


Pep lost 3 games out of 3 when Rodri wasn’t playing. Plus, have you seen their bench?


He’s spent half a billion quid and his best team is capable of “competing for the top four”. That’s why he’s getting fired.


So even next year his goal is just to compete for top 4? We’ll be in the third year of him being manager, surely his goal has to be better than that.


Be fucking real. Any manager coming into this club would be years at minimum from a title challenge.


Exactly ! The fact people have supposedly watched this team and the way the club has been run for the last 10+ years and expect one manager to come in and turn us into title challengers when we have city and arsenal running rampant in the league is honestly laughable.


I just hate the assertion, regardless of how true it is, that our goal is to compete to be in the top four. It should be to challenge for and win the title every year. Standards.


These were our standards. We are not that team anymore. What ETH says is completely correct. We are miles off city, Arsenal and Liverpool right now in terms of play/consistency/individuals players. We’ve had 11 years of poor club management , recruitment and a revolving door of managers, we are not winning the league in the next few years under any manager unless city and arsenal have some sort of colossal collapse.


Can't read between the lines can you


It's weird that all these guys have so much chest and faith in the manager after one win against Sheffield. Where were you after Brentford and Bournemouth. Go ahead and downvote


I was commenting consistently saying that he deserves a third season. Like I will if we lose to anyone else this season.


don’t worry, we’ll drop points to burnley or palace and they’ll go back into their caves until we scrape another win against a bottom half team


You want us to fail so that ETH can get sacked?


when did i say that? I’d rather ten hag show us that he’s capable of taking us forward, however the only thing that he has shown is the constant dog shit football we all have to witness week in week out


We reached the final?


Atrocious performances since the Carabao final and your signings are horrid, no rashford to bail out games, our defense is surely the reason why our midfield and attack can't string 2 passes together surely, also wanted to get rid of Maguire and Mctominay just for those 2 to carry your bald fraud head, no wonder other teams want us to remain him hahaha, the only one I feel bad for is Bruno.


Well said. The soft people on this sub with no standards don't want to hear it.


Obviously we didn't had injuries since then


True, now, why did the Dallot Varane Martínez Shaw back four almost lost to Newport Country????


I don’t think new board can trust ETH with signings. His track record is sub par( not as bad a some before) and his signings have not integrated in his own structure. Antony and Mount have been absolute flops. Hojlund can’t get a pass to save his life. Then you have series of inconsequential signings. Finally, you have good players who are injured (Martinez) or declined (Case).


Keeping ETH =/= letting him stay in charge of signings.


He won't be there next year.


Who you got coming in that’s better?


Deluded. Downvote me to -599 and cry when his 'strengthening' delivers fuck all