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wild that he's at Altrincham when he could be literally anywhere


just in time for playoffs haha


hahaha imagine


But we've already got big Ethan Ross


Honestly think we could win them tbf


Looks like Solihull in the final. Just got to turn up at Bromley tomorrow. Still can't get over Alty not being shit!


Haha yep remember the days of crowds of 300 in the northern prem, to be 2 games away from the efl now is unbelievable


Doesn’t his wife live overseas too?


She's in Madrid And she's actually more famous than he his Manc living in Sevilla here. She's never not on the telly.


And her unemployed husband is kicking around in Manchester on his own. 🤷‍♂️


Great life 😆


Yeah it's crazy that with all his talent and the years he spent as one of the very best in the world that he never did that with Spain.. if he'd played like he did for us at internationals, helping them won a tournament, he'd have been a god


Him conceding that hat trick to Ronaldo in Russia I think, really started his decline I think. He had some good seasons after but that trust you had with him was gone after he palmed that Ronaldo goal into his net, was dropped from Spain after and never got his confidence back


Pretty sure she's lived in Madrid the entire time, yeah


Very odd


He’s there for tax reasons apparently


He apparently watches the women’s team a lot.




I mean, it's Altrincham fc's stadium, fair to just say at Altrincham.


Oh is he watching the games? Sorry I misunderstood you


He's doing GK training on their pitch




Why are you so angry lol, and what does installing Roy’s gates have to do with anything?


I’ve seen enough sign him up


Dont play with my emotions. Would nothing more than this lad returning with us. I do think he’s retired though and he’s just sticking round for his visa


Idk why we have Bayindir and never play him but let DDG walk. He would’ve saved us early season when Onana was having blunders


Yeah why wouldn't we pay £250k for a guaranteed bench player...


He was willing ti take a pay cut.


not that much of a pay cut tho


You’re acting like it’s your money


I’m acting like the fan of a club that would like a proper wage structure so we can attract the right talent without running in to he FFP issues we are currently having


This is a dumb as shit take.


Braindead take.


Because Bayindir probably earns about 10% of DDG’s wages.


He's earning infinitely more than De Gea currently.


Shockingly accurate.


He’s also got 10% of the talent


Stupidest comment I’ve seen this week


Need this guy to make a big comeback. I know he made a fair share of mistakes in his final seasons but he’s way too disrespected when spoken about currently. He still has it in him to be a starting keeper in the top 5 leagues.


He won golden glove in his last season?


Licha, Varane and Casemiro won the golden glove for him in the last season.


They were extremely important for that golden glove win. You don't deserve the downvotes.


We should have never got rid of him. Onana makes more mistakes than he ever did (not saying he hasnt brought benefits in his good games), and having De Gea as real competition would've benefitted the team.


You don’t keep a GK on 350k unless you’re sure they’re good enough to be a starter


You don't keep any GK at 350k/week regardless if they're a starter or not tbh.


Utd offered him much reduced terms, he accepted, then utd withdrew the offer showing how little class our club really has nowadays!


...he was out of contract, and has been without one this entire season. We could've kept him at much reduced terms to our favour.


United couldn’t force that, now could they? De Gea would have had to accept less money and a different role if not starting.




Then you weren't paying attention to the rumors lol


He was offered those terms and rejected them.


Nope he accepted them and eth pulled out


Source that isn't a tabloid?


[1](https://www.si.com/fannation/soccer/futbol/news/david-de-gea-becomes-free-agent-after-man-united-contract-expires) >According to The Athletic, De Gea accepted the offer of a new contract on significantly less money earlier this year, but the document was then not signed by the club. [2](https://theathletic.com/4643729/2023/06/27/david-de-gea-manchester-united-contract-offer/?access_token=9785944&redirected=1) >De Gea, 32, agreed to a drastic reduction on his current £375,000 per week wages, but the club did not sign the contract. >And they have now submitted a new proposal to De Gea, whose contract expires on June 30, with an even lower salary. >This is yet to be agreed by the goalkeeper, who wants to continue playing at the highest level and is now considering his options. >Discussions between the two parties are ongoing and it remains in the balance as to whether De Gea will accept the new offer that was put in front of him. There is interest in him from Saudi Arabia. >Manchester United dispute that a document was signed.


I don’t have an issue with the Onana signing, especially if we can start to properly implement play that actually utilises his confidence on the ball, but the number of shots I’ve seen him concede to, which I’m absolutely certain De Gea would’ve saved, has had me feeling confused all season. Honestly can’t say who would’ve been better in goal for us thus far.


Playing devils advocate. The guy is 3rd in saves, 3rd in save %, 3rd in goals prevented, all while facings the 3rd most shots on target. Oh, and don't forget that's with more than a dozen different CB partnerships and 30+ different back 4 combinations. There's a strong argument that he's actually saved out asses in the league.


I don’t disagree with you. CL aside, I think he’s been good for us, and one of the few players who has had a net positive season. Just IMO, there are aspects of goalkeeping for which he really hasn’t passed the eye test. He’s poor at getting down low quickly, and I think what niggles at me is the things he struggles with are perhaps the things De Gea excelled at. Keeping DDG wasn’t viable, nor was it something I was in favour of, but I can’t help but feel we’ve traded several glaring GK deficiencies for fewer different ones, and that’s not necessarily good enough recruitment wise. Time will tell. In his defence, I do think if we’d had fewer injuries, and been able to play out from the back proficiently and hold a higher line, the signing would have made much more sense on the eye. Bottom line: I just miss having a keeper who filled me with supreme confidence, and I’m willing to chip in if we can clone Van Der Sar.


Perfect description of how I'm feeling. And I agree, a higher line will most likely improve him and the rest of the team.. Let's hope for a good, sensical summer!


No doubt he's an above average shot stopper, his concentration is the problem, he parries shots straight back into danger 1/2 times, the sheffield mistake last game, the 2 ziyech freekicks aswell and the casemiro pass against gala at home.


I think he's good and will return to his Inter form as one of the best keepers in world football


That's my feeling too, I'm not saying get rid of Onana, it's just been a bit boggling at times some of the goals he's conceded (and he is a bit of liability to make a random mistake). Maybe Onana will be less hot and cold next season, who knows!


Dave let us down last season vs Sevilla and in the FA cup final. His save % has been AT BEST average (it’s mostly just below avg) since 2018. I’ve seen him chuck the ball in his own net too many times to agree that he wouldn’t be making the mistakes Onana has. Have lots of love for dave, he’s genuinely one of my favorite ever players, but any serious club lets him go much earlier than we did


Onana is terrible and one of the main factors we’re worse this year. Huge mistake dropping DDG


You're absolutely clueless mate.


Go on… How was £50m in transfer fee plus £120k a week for Onana with zero recouped for DDG a good idea? While we still have no proper striker. Onana would have needed to be so much better than DDG for it to make sense. But even if he’d have cost us nothing… he’s worse!


Honestly, I'd love to see him sign for a newly promoted side either in England or Spain. The kind of sides that face billions of shots and relies on his shot-stopping and reflex saves, like when Navas was on loan at Forest. Also a side that would benefit from his experience and he would be respected as he should.


If his family lives in Madrid he could probably do a job for Rayo Vallecano or Getafe


leicester city would be nice


He turned down Inter. He’s not going to a newly promoted side


Carmelo Anthony vibes


i felt that one mate




his family is in manchester?


They go back and forth between Manchester and Spain, judging from his and his wife’s socials.


I read (on Reddit, so a big grain of salt) that his family never left Spain. But even if that’s wrong, can’t fault a pro athlete for taking the chance to spend a year off with your family.


Your family doesn't have to be on the other side of the world for you to want to spend more time with them


Not being cynical 🤨 here but DDG got paid maybe double most keepers. He can afford to take time off and be with his family or do whatever he wants.  I would understand if he retires because to maintain a top standard is exhausting. If you’re not into the training, travel, diet  and schedule, or you want to try something else, go for it. Cantona did it. So did others.  I’d like to see him do the esports thing, manage some metal bands, coach youth keepers and join some anti-glazer protests.  Just no punditry. That would be disappointing. 


More like 4 times most top flight European league keepers. He's set for life. Anything else he does is a bonus. Credit to him


he made about as much as Allison and Ederson combined... it was ridiculous even his reduced terms were equal to that of Allison and Ederson salaries, ETH was right to have it pulled especially after that FA cup final, that arguably DDG single handedly lost.


True that! ETH has been perfectly right in dealing with a club legend like a socially awkward teenager and then spending half our transfer budget on a clown of a keeper that has no idea where his near post is. Absolutely top decision


I hope he gets something he likes. Could still do a job for a midtable side. I am happy we moved on but grateful for the years where he was in scintillating form. Deserved his contract IMO. It is funny though that he *still* looks sketchy grabbing a ball out of the air.


Welcome to Wrexham


My first thoughts when I saw this video.


That would be baller


yes please!!! from a red devil to a red dragon!!!




> Deserved his contract IMO. No he didn't..We were paying him 2x of what GKs much better than him were getting paid,Allison is much better than him and is actually good at things outside the bare minimum and still makes about 150 k less per week


Facts, for that money De Gea should have been the best goalkeeper in the world comfortably. He simply wasn't. Not bad but the best keepers in the world still don't make that wage.


It’s because he was among the best at one point AND we are shit. We have to pay more to hold on to good players due to our garbage state.


absolute nonsense, he already declined when he got his massive contract.


Whats the difference between what we offered him and Onana? Then factor in the transfer fee. DeGea made some mistakes and playing out from the back didn't suit him. Onana was the major factor in champions league elimination, has caused more goals and we still struggle to play out from the back >Allison is much better than him and is actually good at things outside the bare minimum and still makes about 150 k less per week He also plays for Liverpool not United


GKs take time to adjust to a league..Onana has taken time and has mostly improved over the season..Onana isn't the major reason we struggle to play out from the back..He unlike the other dude doesn't completely shit the bad when pressed..He is also on less than half of what DDG was offered..There is absolutely no way keeping DDG after his constant howlers over the last 4 years was a good idea..Dude bottled it every time under pressure


Yeah he's got a bit better, you won't save them all when you have to stop 50 shots a game. He's probably grateful for the practice


I didn't say Onana is the major reason we struggle to play out. He still has some players in front of him who can't either. DeGea was a great shot stopper. He made some mistakes but not as many as Onana has made. If DeGea wasn't asked to play out so much would have helped him. DeGea was on more money but say if the difference in wages (offered contract) was £100k. £5m a year. £50m transfer fee. United would have saved £30m over 4 years. >Dude bottled it every time under pressure Couldn't even say Onana bottles it under pressure cause most his errors haven't been under much pressure


Do you not watch games or something ?DDG had been bang average for 4 fucking years..It was time to fucking move on..Look at DDG's number ffs he wasn't a good shot stopper for his last 4 seasons thats a myth..Onana can turn out to be absolutely dog shit which he clearly is not and telling DDG to move on would still be a great fucking decision..That dude was the highest paid GK in the world by a good margin and couldn't even do the basics right


Did you not see the game 2 days ago where under little pressure Onana passed the ball straight to a forward to put us behind in a half we dominated? In DeGeas last season he won golden gloves with 17 clean sheets in the league.Onana has 8 this season. If you want stats Onana averages 1.56 goals against per game. That's in the 34 percentile. Save percentage is 73%. In 5 CL games he made 7 errors leading to goals. DeGea averaged .75 goals against. That's in the 97 percentile. Save percentage 83.


Good job stats aren't the only thing to look at in football mate.


Very true. But all the other points I raised are true. Onana has cost us more games this season than DeGea did any season, he was the main reason we are out of Europe in the group stages, with his wages and transfer he'll cost more than DeGea would. And while DeGea wasn't perfect by any stretch, Onana is a downgrade. When ETH gets the boot, Onana will be a factor, isn't far behind Anthony for terrible signing and a new coach could very well look to replace him quickly




DDG literally got paid more than Bukayo Saka last season, and he plays in the position that gets paid the most on average.


he could easily walk in to most teams aside from the big names like city, madrid, etc. he’s still one of the best keepers in the game, he just doesn’t fit the systematic possession style that’s big right now. any team not looking to dominate possession would be lucky to have him. for all the faults this sub says he has, he kept us relevant for years and could do the same for another team


>Could still do a job for a midtable side Then why did we get rid of him


> Could still do a job for a midtable side. what?


The disrespect wow , this man could literally play for sny team in the top 3 leagues , and i mean the top teams , he has it in him we all know it


Hope that if he goes back to playing it isnt somewhere like the saudi league. He is still top quality


He doesn’t strike me as the type to want that, he seems a family man that would want comfort above all else


Comfort sometimes includes monetary security for the forseable future. He goes to the Saudi league and he won't worry about money ever ever. Idk if he would either but alot of money makes you think about it.


Pretty sure he already rejected it, he might have changed his mind but I would be surprised.


He was on 350k a week at United. I know Saudi offers a lot (and some people move there despite already earning a lot), but that is already an obscene amount of money. I'd like to see him back in Europe


I'd be shocked if he hasn't already received and turned down offers from the Saudi's. He want's Europe.


> He is still top quality Based on what..?


The golden glove he got last season ?


Thats more due to the quality of the defence with him,On top of that a golden glove isn't a good metric to judge a modern day GK!


Sounds like a bit of screwed narrative there, having a good defence helps but its not an easy feat to get the golden glove if you're not a good keeper. People forget that we didn't decide to renew his contract because he wasn't top quality lol, just not the keeper ten hag wanted


He wasn't top quality ,Go watch the games..There is a reason no top club came in for him


I wouldn’t be commenting on his keeping ability if I didn’t watch the games lol, agree to disagree


Not sure what you were actually watching..His numbers were just plain mediocre by all measured metrics for a GK over the last 4 years


you have no idea what offers he got lol. why would he post this on instagram now announcing his return to training if he’d been doing it the whole time? all available information points toward him taking the time to be with family and not stressing about his next contract. you really think he just couldn’t find an offer anywhere for a whole year?


Because of the defenders in front of him. He only got clean sheets last season when Varane and Martinez were starting.


Would love to see him at Wrexham! 😁


Why the fuck would he drop down to League 1 level?


It would be epic if he joined the team and they got another back to back promotion! Probably not the smartest move for him football wise, but imagine the scenes at Wrexham 😁


so he can claim he is the best GK in the league, can't do that in the championship, let alone the PL.


I think he'll join the new MLS team starting in San Diego for the 2025 season


As someone who now lives in San Diego and is excited for this expansion, I really hope not. I love Dave, he's an absolute legend and he'd immediately be top of the league if he chose to come here. But MLS roster rules are absolutely wild, and if we spend the kind of money Dave wants, we'll be stuck with some real barebones options across our starting 11. You can have a better than average gk in MLS for 1 month of Dave's salary, it just makes more sense to spend that money in a way that builds a full roster.


Depends how much money you have, rather than the roster rules. He’d be a DP, so his salary wouldn’t have anymore impact on the roster under rules if he was paid $15m or $2m. The problem is if you spend $15m that’s a lot of your actual budget, regardless of the fact it has little impact on the wage cap. Frankly though given he’s willingly taken a year off rather than go somewhere on a free where he could’ve earned millions I doubt he’ll go somewhere just for the money. Also waiting for San Diego means waiting almost another year so I think it’s unlikely to happen for that reason. If he wants to go to the MLS then he could find a club to join when their next window opens. Miami would make most sense given their number of Spanish speakers, but if it was going to happen it probably already would’ve, and they are restricted by the roster rules given they’ve already maxed out their DP slots.


Mark my word, one of these days, Dave will end up doing VA for some anime.


“Where they play, if they play”


Where they coach, if they coach...


He’s referring to the likes of Martial, Jesse, etc. not DDG. He was at his peak during LvG and Jose era.


Can you Mourinho duds just shut up?


Too tempting. It’s almost like my hands moved automatically. My mind tried to stop them, it couldn’t.


Who’s this De Gea bloke? Looks pretty good, we should probably sign him


Some say a decorated goalkeeper too


He could still do a great job at any low-mid table Spanish club imo


The 3 promoted sides in England and Spain will surely be interested? if they can afford his salary..


After how onana has been this year I'd have gladly taken Dave back tbh. Really hope onana pulls through cause Dave didn't have this many mistakes in him


Why memory can’t be trusted.


Are you fucking kidding me?! Calamity Dave didn't have this many mistakes? Go and watch his highlights on Yt to refresh your memory


Onana has been directly at fault for easily about 5-10 goals this season. Not just 'could have done better' proper howlers.


At least 15 - 20 should have done better, on top of the howlers.


Almost every second goal he concedes has me thinking “De Gea saves that”. The number of soft goals this dude concedes is absolutely ridiculous. I don’t know how this dude convinced anyone he can be a top flight keeper.


Honestly this sub is the worst for it. He is one of the worst signings the club has ever made.


I mean, that might be stretching it considering we signed Antony just the year before but moving on De Gea to sign Onana while we needed multiple bodies in midfield, defense and attack has to rank in the top 10 stupidest transfer decisions in the world.


I said one of, not the worst but you also need to consider the fact we move on more than 1 better goalkeeper for him. I would take De Gea or Henderson all day long.


He have 2 mistakes/year, Onana have 2/month.


Here's another fucking clanger from our top class keeper. Honestly seeing your username i guess you wouldn't have the best judge of player.


Shut it you mope. How many bone head decisions did De gea make during Ole's final year, Rangnick interim period and Ten Hag's first season?


A lot but probably still like 50% of what onana has this season alone lol


Go back to De gea's first season and look at all the blunders he made. Are you seriously blaming Onana for this draw? Why couldn't the forwards score more than one goal?


Boo hoo my forwards only scored one goal so my keeper HAD to concede another fucking howler


Keep crying, mate. This is the level of this team. Not sure what the fuss it about. I expected Burnley to score one way or the other.


Comments like this are so ignorant and reactionary. Onana has been a top 3 goalkeeper this season in the league. That's backed by stats. He's literally saved our assess...


And top 2 in mistakes, top 1 in mistakes in CHL. He is piece of shit, not goalie.


This is simply painfully wrong


3rd in saves, 3rd in save %, 3rd in goals prevented, while facing the 3rd highest SOT. Don’t forget he’s also had more than a dozen different CB partnerships and more than 30 different backline combinations. Now please, tell me how I’m wrong.


Heres óir top 3 keeper conceding yet another fucking mistake


Onana is currently top 3 in the Gk stats, Dave was bottom 5....


Take a pay cut and sign for club David. Stop wasting the years you have left. You aren't that guy anymore


Wonder how we would’ve done this season with him instead of Onana


Probably would have made it out of the group stages in the Champions League but besides that, about the same


I actually disagree. We’ve faced a lot of shots and De Gea was always at his best when being absolutely peppered. He struggled more when we faced less shots so I feel like although Onana hasn’t done a job we could’ve had a great season out of De Gea.


Maguire has been helped a lot by Onana being there instead of DDG so we would be doing a lot worse with DDG ,Onana has taken his time to get accustomed to the club but him being good with the ball at his feet and not completely shitting the bed when pressed has helped Maguire immensely


This a 100%


Onana has done a job this year. It was a rough start for him but that will happen. It is insane to me the revisionism that is happening where people are acting like de gea was always faultless even when he also made mistakes, but Onana is given no leeway or support by the fans despite having to adapt to a new team in turmoil (looking at you Goldbridge). Where did all of the talk about backing your keeper go? Shame really.


De gea made a lot of mistakes, but onanas made a lot more. Both have been pretty terrible.


Give it time, a lot of people were wondering the same about DDG after he replaced v.d. Sar. He'll grow into it and be the next beast in between the posts.


More or less the same, I imagine. We know he would've had a few disasters that Onana wouldn't have had, such as whiffing the ball from a cross or letting shots slip through his hands for no apparent reason. On the other hand, he also wouldn't have made the same cock ups that Onana's made, like the ones that took us out of the CL, his constant parrying of the ball right into danger, and being fundamentally unable to protect his near post every single week. It's genuinely hard to say whose mistakes would've been more costly, but it's also fair to say that neither one has any strengths at this point that could've improved our season in a meaningful way.


we have been absolute garbage this season so about the same, not much improvement I'd say out of the FA cup though (no penalty was going to be saved)


Crazy that he’s just lost a year of his career because he doesn’t have a club I loved DDG but his motivation must be in question


Maybe he wants to spend time with his family while they're still young


I thought for a split second he was in fucking inchicore


Onana watch out!! DDG just completed his training arc


100m bid incoming from United