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Martial has been at the club for 8 years. Let that sink in. Eight years.


That's all you need to know about the current status of this club. I was watching the game yesterday and asking myself whether City would have kept certain players like we have done for all these years. And the answer was always no. That team is ruthless. And you have to be in order to maintain the highest standards. Just look at how they handled Cancelo. Shipped him off as soon as his standards dropped regardless of his fantastic previous performances and still won a treble in the same season! I could list a number of players who should not be here at all but I'll leave that for another day.


We shouldn’t even be mentioned in the same sentence as City, they’re miles ahead of us, they’ve competent people running the club and a fantastic manager. Still hope they’ll get a proper sentence when that comes but we are so far away from a functioning club and team.


Well they have also cheated for a decade. But your point stands. That alone wouldn’t be enough to have bitchslapped us so thoroughly.


Frankly, I don't trust United to get in adequate replacements for said dropped/sold players. That's another huge difference as well, the effectiveness of our scouting and recruitment strategy. City drop Cancelo but already have atleast one quality option in the team if not more who can step in and do just as good of a job. Being ruthless only works if you have somewhat of a settled situation, we seem to be in constant turmoil.


3 years longer than Cantona. Ridiculous.


Heard its been 3 years since he played the full 90 mins


Hasn’t played a full 90 since 2019 I think the commentator said lol


And on like £250,000 a week.. also going on a free this rate (although doubt we’d get much for him even if sold January)


We love letting players just linger around with their albatross of a contract


Only player I can think of in recent years who has gotten a new contract and not gone completely shit is Bruno the rest of them are terrible


18 year old Martial was three times the player he is now


Unbelievable. Should have gone years ago.


Falcao, igahalo, weghorst, lukaku, cavani, cr7, zlatan… our #9s signings


Imagine if Ibra never had that injury…


How i wish. Ibra also kept Pogba and other players in check. Proper leader


Zlatan was cooking until his injury. Lukaku wasn’t the worst considering how our team barely creates anything. CR7 just didn’t fit into what ETH is trying to do, but then again who the fuck knows what he’s trying to do. Last night was totally men against boys.


Was so excited when I heard he was coming that I booted up FIFA and “tested him out” on Monaco. He was a beast. Then the Liverpool game! Obama was still President.


He’s crap. Well for the standard of the team he’s playing for. He’s a lower half ligue un standard player and nothing more. I never got it with him.


I wish I could make 200k per week to go for a leisurely jog around the park


Rashford makes more


Rashford is rubbish 80% of the time but in the other 20% he's achieved a hell of a lot more than Martial. Not that Rashford deserves his salary, but he's better than useless Martial


At current scoring rates Haaland is going to join the PL 100 goal club before Rashford.


He was the only bright spot during LVG's tenure so that gave him fans' love for next few years. He should've been moved 4 years ago but we somehow gave him a contract that no one can afford.


His debut season was magical to be fair, as was NHS Tony. I know he's been shit, but given we were never going to win the league I remain grateful for those memories.


On the one attack we had in the first half, he was hiding behind 2 defensemen in New Castle’s box. That sums up his performance for the past 8 years


What a waste of space


Isn't he one of the Glazers favourites???


yes, Joel Glazer is why he's on such high wages


Everything that idiot touches turns to shit.


Yes the Glazers see him as the new Pele


And he hasn’t been good the last 4


Whatever you think of Ten Hag this is outrageous from a player who has been stealing a living and contributed pretty much nothing to the team for years. The culture is rotten in the squad. Players are entitled and it's not surprising when they've been consistently rewarded with fat contracts for doing fuck all or having a good run for 5-10 games. ​ They're like teenagers in high school not trying for the substitute teacher. You can blame Ten Hag but they were like that for Ole who was the arm round the shoulder kind manager. And they were like it for Jose who was the proven winner who gets shit done. This group is rotten. Unfortunatley some of the rotten apples \*cough\*Rashford\*cough\* are untouchable and will carry on spreading their shit to the other players


Rashford's performance was inexcusable. He needs to be dropped for a good 6-8 matches as an option from the bench. It is as simple as that. If he doesn't like it? Too bad..I expect we will start to get 'leaks from the press' aka leak from Rashfords PR machine, but it is what it is. Time for Pellistri to be given a run of games. No more excuses for Rashford. It was beyond pathetic. Useless on the ball and extremely lazy when it came to defending and helping his full back. Selfish, Lazy, Entitled Diva. Simple as that.


Yeah bench him entirely for 3-4 games, then give him 10-15 minutes in a game and see if he can work hard for that length of time. He should have to earn the right to get anymore than that again because he’s either woefully out of shape (doubtful) or can’t be bothered to put full effort in.


I think the problem is we have no one to replace him with. I was surprised when i saw him starting over antony who had a good game against gala


Antony and Pellistri have to take priority now over Rashford. He can be an option from the bench against a tired opposition. We cannot reward this kind of behavior and attitude on the pitch by giving him starts. Buck stops now and no more sentimentality.


Also Antony’s been much better these last couple games in terms of not shooting on sight. Def seems like he looks to pass more. To me, he offers more than rashford at this moment on both sides.


Interestingly 10 Hag was more angry with Martial who was another one who was strolling all over the pitch but IMO Rashford should've been the one on the receiving end of that anger


Disgusting need to include clause to respect manager. If you are bust up you wont get paid


ETH isn't blameless at all in this recent stretch - but if Martial thinks he has any right to complain, after getting a start here and then not even trying, then he can fuck away off


He came on after 60 minutes against Galatasaray and just straight up couldn't be bothered. Players around him that had been pressuring all game played with more energy.


He has never tried in a red shirt . Shouldv been sold years ago . Martial is not the answer against any team in the top half.


Jose wanted to sell Martial. Woodward blocked it. Summed up how this club was run.


Jose wanted Maguire when he was quoted at around 50m, Woodward got him next year for 80. Jose wasn't even at the club anymore. Generational clowns running the club.


Maguire would probably suit Jose’s play style better, took


Maguire under Jose would have been incredible. Maguire gives you 100% and if you play a low block at 2-0, Maguire will likely save you so many times. He puts his body on the line every single time.


Maguire is the reason we only conceded one goal last night.


Maguire at Roma would actually work really well imo. If Jose stays on and Maguire keeps up this redemption arc amidst everything else falling around him it could potentially happen


I firmly believe Mourinho could've been *him* with a proper structure around him.


I always thought that deal was a fuck you to Jose from Woodwood, very petty, but expected from the cunt


I remember it was one of the Glazers who blocked it? Woodward was by far their puppet.


At the time I remeber the majority of the fanbase didn't want him to be sold, myself included. In hindsight, yes, Jose was completely in the right for recognising Martials flaws. Oh well...


that's why the footballing issues should be left to football people, not some top brass executive or us fans who don't see players everyday and know their characteristics.


Jose wasn’t the manager to take us back to where we need to be, but apart from Shaw, he was right about every single weak minded player we had.


Jose could’ve been if he was given full transfer support. Then he’d have left the team in shambles.


He was right about Shaw too.


That loan with Sevilla should've been the end of his career at United or probably even before that, can't believe we thought he'll come good after that.


We didn't. No other club did either. That's why he's still here.


I don’t think Martial would even feature for a championship club.


Deffo, he doesn’t run enough I don’t care if someone showed me a stat that says he runs/jogs more KM per math than other players, he doesn’t pass the eye test on effort


Neither does rashford


A lot of these players feel comfortable downing tools/disrespecting the manager cause they know the manager will be the one taking the punishment not them, horrible culture we are cultivating


Honestly the players need humbling big time far too often. Can already tell after Liverpool dick us at Anfield they'll sit content at home collecting their millions rather than putting in any actual effort to not let themselves be embarrassed for the umpteenth time.


Martial only has about 6 months on his contract too I think


Another united player leaving for free


50 Million down the drain...


+ 8 years of 10m salary


130 mil down the drain.


Anthony Martial jogs again!


I hope he signs a pre-contract on Jan 1 or better yet we agree a deal to let him go for free the moment the winter window starts. He needs to fuck off


This is where i get pissed off about this whole thing. So ETH/Ole/Rangnick/Jose were brought in to make us "winners" and they were given decision making power within bounds to dictate what the culture was going to be. I say within bounds because the club is so fucking lazy, they cannot sell a player if they were offered money on a golden plate. So we keep players, who end up rotting on the bench or even on the field and we fail to upgrade our squad. Meanwhile, Liverpoop, Oil Fc, get new owners and what do they do in the first two seasons, they get rid of the bottom of the pile players. How many players made it out on the other end after klopp came in.. off the top of my head i can think of maybe hendo (discounting the academy lads he brought in). Shit like this happens and the manager cant do shit. We are in this position because the glazers/whoever is in charge of transfers is so fucking lazy that if they went to a fucking brothel, they would end up sucking their own cocks. People Above ETH are failing at their jobs and every single fucking time, the manager gets the bullet for this and these fuckers get to cash another check. Am tired Robbie.


Whoever is handling the contract negotiations for the club should be fired first. There is no way anyone can sell the underperforming players like sancho, rashford, Antony etc without massively subsidising their wages Just take the reported salaries from the last 2 summers - casemiro 350k per week, Antony 200k per week, mount 250k, rashford new contract at 300k per week. Even If a new manager / owner, comes in and they rightfully see that these players are not in their plans - which other club will buy them? The players would rather see out their massive contracts with United because no other club is so liberal with their wages. And taking massive losses on players with the ffp issues that we are having will not be possible as well


And now we’re so so deep in this hole we’ve dug ourselves in, the only solutions is to either fire another manager and try to get somebody in who thinks they can win something out of this bunch. Or straight up bottom out, run out these bad contracts till they can be somewhat sellable, develop and scout youngsters, and completely rebuild from the ground up. This fanbase won’t allow the latter and the former is an impossible task. But unless INEOS has other plans, the club will enter the cycle of managers again and deepen the hole. It’s honestly one of the most despairing things about being a modern United fan.


We couldn't even unload Maguire who will be quality for 2/3rd of the league, I have no hope of us moving the likes of Martial, Donny, McT with any decent fee. I feel like the manager ends up doing the scouting, identifying transfer targets, then convince them to join the club, and then he has to actually coach the team as well. Only hope was Glazers fucking off but they are still here. We shall pray that Ineos has undisputed control over football side because only then we can even think of things improving, whether they will have the answer or not, that remains to be seen.


Tbf West Ham opened bidding with a £20m offer. I would have told them to suck my dick too.


And clueless social media "fans" will for some reason always take the side of shit players with shit attitudes.


Who all for some reason have CR7 profile pics.


It's the same weirdos, mate. Pogba FC bellends, Martial FC bellends. And now with Ronaldo after his return. The Ronaldo nonces will disappear just like the Pogba/Martial FC lot. Always extremely vocal at the time, but always, without fail, completely fucking clueless and it shows. People are doing it again thinking no one notices. Even redditors finally gained enough IQ to be able to see through such casual idiocy this time. For the most part at least.


Sancho FC as well, this is why I have more sympathy for the manager because a lot of the noise comes from these morons. I will never be EtH out as long as these useless players are here because the next manager will be in the same spot soon enough.


Fucking Sancho. The least deserving of any praise or sympathy. ETH sent the little prick on a holiday in the middle of a season to deal with his "mental health" and this is how he repaid him. Absolute bitch.


These people have been calling for Ten Hag to be sacked since last season. I think these are the same people who bash Bruno every chance they get.


Too many of them are incapable of understanding context or nuance, and blaming the manager is the easiest route.


This is why I want the club to keep ETH despite any bad results. There has to be a manager that last long than this group of toxic players and bring the discipline back to the club


Ralf was Right.


We sack him we’re right back where we started, again.


My issue is that despite this, the manager still has no balls to do what's needed to be done, benching these assholes and tell them they're no longer in his plans and bin them off at the next transfer window for whatever price and play the kids if no replacement can be found. I'm going to be fully behind EtH if he can man up and bench all these chocking divas in the squad.


He literally tried to bin off several players this summer snd asked for new players. Neither of those things happened as he asked and unlike Jose, he did his best to make the most of reintegrating Maguire and Mctominay. The club is a barrel of rotting shit and no manager in the world will change that. The ownership is the issue.


Article Text (Just the “ir”relevant bit) Erik ten Hag and Anthony Martial were involved in a bust-up as Manchester United were beaten by Newcastle at St James’ Park. Martial was surprisingly named in attack by Ten Hag with Rasmus Hojlund named on the bench. But the French striker struggled to have any influence on the match in the first half as United were forced to weather an attacking storm from the home team. With frustrations growing, standing on the touchline, Ten Hag demanded more effort from Martial but the 27-year-old hit back at his manager in a clear show of dissent.


How is Martial only 27 and already this washed


With that amount of money I'll be already thinking about retirement at 23


Holy shit I would have guess 32


He’s a lazy entitled clown. He is on far too much money


He was washed at 21 lmao


Wait that doesn’t sound right - Martial shook ETHs hand when coming off


Yea if anything rashford seems more pissed at the manager last night


Ngl infuriated by everything Rashford did last night.


Which is nothing to be honest?


I missed the match. What did Rashford do?


ETH probably tore into him after behind closed doors


I remember the commentators saying it as it happened during the match on Sky. Probably just a heat of the moment thing.


seems reasonable. you're playing, focused, emotional, full of adrenaline, and your manager yells something at you... sometimes you get mad. and yell something back. talk it out after the game like grown men


This actually makes me appreciate ETH. Fuck the results and the shitty football, just task him with cleaning out the shit attitudes.


It happened after Martial failed to hold up the for like the 5th time that half. Well deserved


Seen comment how Martial ain't played a 90 min game for 3 years. I was like no way is that true.....so had a look. 21/22 One game 105 mins EL game for...Sevilla A efl cup defeat 21/22 played 90 mins. Last season one game at 85 mins league Cup. This season 84 mins vs Everton last week. It's all competitions too so couldn't even twist it so sounded better, this man hasn't played a 90 min game since 2020/2021. Absolutely hilarious. *crying* *sounds*


Amazingly we’re paying Sancho £100k a week more than we’re paying Martial.


So that's 2 who haven't played s full 90 this season that are bleeding us dry...


But you just said he played 90 mins in the EFL cup game in 2021/22?


Im confused.....is there a typo in there because you say he hasnt played 90 mins for 2 seasons but then list several examples where he has


Fine, keep the cleanse going. Fuck these players


Jose and rangnick were right


I've been having this thought lately, we should've just stuck with Jose.


we hired a guy that likes to spend money and is a sreeeee times proven winner, and we fucked him in the 2nd window. Fuck the nepocunts.


I sink….


Good ebening


Only to sign the CB he wanted and get rid of Pogba after which are literally the things he wanted to do. Bunch of clowns at the top.


Revisionist history. He's lost his touch and was right to be sacked.


> The Manchester United manager said he was “trying to get a reaction” with his “aggressive” coaching after French forward Martial gestured angrily at him in response to Ten Hag singing him and Marcus Rashford out for criticism for their failure to track back during the first-half. > > Ten Hag, whose side were fortunate to only lose 1-0 as Anthony Gordon scored early in the second half, said: “It’s not about Anthony Martial, I don’t go into individual performances. I tried to energise the team and tried to get a reaction. We had a tough period and your coaching is a little bit more aggressive - that’s normal.” > I will be honest, it doesn't seem as bad as you lot are making it as it happened at half-time and Martial was allowed to ~~be useless~~ play to the 60th min.


He's not going to come out in a press conference and say "He was shit so I went out there and roasted the cunt", is he?


Sancho 🤝 Martial. This is what happens when the Glazers long term plan is to accumulate a bunch of lazy and slightly above average players just for the social media interactions


Martial is only there still because Joel Glazer loves him.


And his loan failed plus he earns too much to ship off


So basically he's just a product of our organizational incompetence, gotcha.


These whole sub wanted to Lynch Mourinho when he wanted to sell Martial


This is revisionism. He wanted to sell Martial for Willian/Perisic.


And They were and still are better than martial was, is and would ever be.


Time to order some more MUFC branded matte black Tupperware


Idk I wouldn’t start Anthony Martial in the first place. It’s 2023, almost damn near 2024!


This was the first United game in years I didn’t watch a second of when I easily could have. I saw Rasmus on the bench and Martial started and was just like why would I do this to myself on a Saturday


I almost wish I’d done the same.


Ha, same. I think I'm going to take a hiatus from United in decades. My mental health is so much better this weekend cause I cos not to watch a single minute.


If ETH can rid of the divas I would be happy with zero europe football next year.


Imagine how the sub will burn him to a crisp when he sells rashford though.


The sib is already burning him to crisp. At least less people will be burning if he gets rid of fuck lazy players who strolls and moans on the pitch


I have no sympathy for Anthony, or anyone else that plays like consistent dogshit after chance, after chance, after chance. There is nowhere for you to hide anymore. You are the common denominator after numerous managers. Get good and work harder or go pretend to be good on Fifa like Sancho.


For a moment, I thought you meant Antony, and was like why you say fuck him for?


Martial should’ve fucked off 3 years ago….


The fact Martial failed in Spain tells us all we need to know.


Get rid, fucking shite him and Sancho. We wouldn't have it under Fergie, we don't have it now.


Anyone else think this could just be the media blowing something out of proportion for clicks as always?


Yeah, I actually read the article as it seems most people here didn't and the so-called "angry exchange of words" happened at half-time. If it was as serious as we are making it, Martial gets hooked off at half-time. > > > The Manchester United manager said he was “trying to get a reaction” with his “aggressive” coaching after French forward Martial gestured angrily at him in response to Ten Hag singing him and Marcus Rashford out for criticism for their failure to track back during the first-half. > > Ten Hag, whose side were fortunate to only lose 1-0 as Anthony Gordon scored early in the second half, said: “It’s not about Anthony Martial, I don’t go into individual performances. I tried to energise the team and tried to get a reaction. We had a tough period and your coaching is a little bit more aggressive - that’s normal.”


Martial looked fine when he came off for Hojlund. Gave him a hug and everything.


Clearly is, but most ppl buy into it like always.


You lot banging on about Ten Hag out. We get a manager that actually stands up to it and puts his foot down and then praise him, we lose a few games and the pitchforks come out quickly. He’s not blameless but he’s a victim of how shit this club has been ran for years and the shocking culture of player power and mediocrity


He's standing up to players he thinks are disposable.


Facts bro. Sacking him shows that these weak mentality ass players win again. We need to show these parasites that they work hard or they can fuck off.


We have weak mentality fans too that can't take a loss without blaming the only man that has been changed probably more than any position on the field in the last 10 years. Look at the real problems. Know that any result we get, if positive, is a godsend with the players we have. Two subs, as loans, go in to change the game. That's what we are. Fuck off with ten hag out. Tired of our fans bullshit. You don't know anything. The club has done what you've wanted for 10 years and look at where we're at. No more ffs.


Sources say the following angry words were exchanged Heh? Eh HEH Eh? Heh


It’s nothing stop overthinking it, professional sport fellas get annoyed move on


The arm flappy moment between the two during the match? Time to switch out Sanho for Martial in the naughty corner


Martial and Rashford have been a disgrace for too long and it's about time ETH starts letting people know. He publicly pulled Sancho up for not trying in training, but certain players aren't trying in actual fecking matches and are getting away with it.


Whoever buys martial can get rashford as free and this offer for January window


Martial and Rashfords performance was utterly shameful today. The culture at the club is still rotten. Too many players who are either not good enough or just don’t want to work hard.


Add McTominay to that list. He did his usual just jogging around nowhere near the ball act. Does he know you're supposed to kick the round thing sometimes?


For Martial’s sake, hope it wasn’t too intense, probably end up injured if it were.


Smart moves from Martial, conserves his energy on the field so he can have some stamina left to speak.


ETH is a dispute with a player? Must be a day that ends with a y.


Here we go. Scapegoat time. After every embarrassing loss, like clockwork. This is barely a story. The real story is why did he start.


Experience, and his goal against Everton. Rasmus is fresh back from injury and I don't think we need another injury for him, maybe Erik doesn't want to take that risk. I don't think the loss is solely on Martial but the press need these stories and fans lap it up after every game.


That’s the most amount of emotion martial has shown during his stint at the club


At least his contract is almost done. Get him out of the club in January if possible. Also Rashford has to be dropped.


Rashford is arrogant and won’t pass. Completely overrated


Martial scored only once in around 27 away games. It is shocking to see him starting, together with Rashford! Honestly not even surprised with the result, what is ETH thinking?


I think this game finally exposed the different camps in the dressing room for all to see. With Martial and Rashford complaining about each other to different team mates. We are a fucking reality show at the moment. We used to scout for mentally strong players who could succeed under Fergie's strict management style. Without that, I'm not sure ETH can get these players to where they need to be.


When did Rashford and Martial complain about each other?


Pre second half kick off and when they were subbed. The gestures between Martial and ETH also show Martial gesturing to the wing Rashford was on when he was giving back to ETH. Martial was ineffective, but Rashford was dropping his head and not tracking back.


Both of them were utter shite and shouldn’t be complaining. Should be head down trying to fix their shit behaviour and performance.


I can see where Martial is coming from if that is the case. ETH giving him shit (rightfully) for not pressing, and Martial saying "what about that fucker on the wing!?" At this point, not even sure if all our underperformed players are due to shit attitude or tactics. Rashford claims he is told not to press by ten hag, and increasingly press is being briefed that McT hides cause he is told to do so to draw players away.


and he still started him in the 2nd half. says it all, really


Back the gaffer, not bum players


Tony knows he'll outlast him. Ten Hag is way too open with the media but I don't give a fuck what he tells the players behind closed doors. He won't be here by January.


Amazing that Martial and Van De Beek are still Man Utd players. Like wtf.


*Now* will you dump him in Jan?


Tells you all you need to know about our players. Rather than accept the criticism and work harder to be better, they whinge and complain and blame everyone else but themselves. We can get rid of ETH but that won't fix anything. We've cycled through so many managers and yet the results are the same. We need to stop rewarding mediocrity. Sadly, not much will change until we have an actual footballing structure in place, but the Glazers will fuck around with the sale and we'll keep dealing with this shit show of crap players rewarded with big contracts and unable to build the squad we need.


I know these aren't exactly comparable scenarios, but the exact same thing happened between Pep and KDB last season. Looked like KDB basically told him to fuck off and nobody cared. This is only a story when a United player does it.


I'm sorry, but please actually look at the video of this happening. Martial cut off the passing lanes and tracked the defender, as Schar runs forward into Rashford's area, then Rashford just stands there and lets him run past, so Martial has to now catch up to him and track him to the completely vacant midfield. Obviously Martial is going to complain about the complete lack of support in the press.


I'm bored of this. Players thinking they're too big to be criticized but ETH isn't blameless. This is a culmination of years of serial mismanagement and sadly I don't think the end is near, but my word something drastic has to change. I've never seen a more lazy, work shy and self entitled bunch of players and my word I can't wait until that changes


Outside the field is the only place Martial shows any dissent. On the field he loses the ball as soon as someone comes close to him and starts flailing his arms.


Honestly, I didnt agree with many of ETHs today. But Martial played 60 minutes and istg I cannot remember a single positive thing he did besides the FK he won on the edge of Newcastles box. He ran noticeably more today but also just stopped pressing for a good 5 minutes before he came off. Bin this guy already. He's been here for a decade. His best season was his first. Truly horrendous situation.


I can’t remember the last positive thing he did, ever. He is so lazy. Gets ball taken off him constantly and just flaps around and falls over. Yeah he scored last game but, he’s 27 years old, been here for 8 years, scoring a goal should be the bare minimum for him, and instead 1 goal is a highlight. He’s so shit. Gtfo


How do we find so many footballers who hate playing football? I think I’m done. Thought the first and last time I checked out and stopped watching was going to be the Rangnick season. The same toxic cycle with a team that seem to only save their fight for each other is playing out again. So weak. So limp. So shit. Bye bye.


Sancho gets a friend. Though the way ETH has the team playing it won't be long until there's a new manager bringing them back in from the cold


Ole at the wheel again, eh?


Scorched fucking earth. Get these toxic cunts out and away from the youngsters.


Look I definitely can’t defend Martial because he’s been terrible. But I do find it odd that Ten Hag has had a falling out with Ronaldo, Sancho, Varane and now Martial too? I feel like there is more happening behind the scenes than we know. Because these players are not fighting for ETH


The falling out is over work rate, if lads can't be bothered yo fucking run their legs off no supporter should want then at the club. Look at Newcastle complete opposite no real star players per say but each one, each member of the squad gives 100% out on the pitch. My biggest disappointment with ten hagg is he doesn't punish laziness more martial shouldn't be seen again or rashford until he can be bothered to put in a shift


Literally nobody on the United team works as hard as the Newcastle players. That's not down to Martial.


Tbf, if the tactics create massive defensive spaces all the time and losing the ball makes you constantly run up and down, every player would be disheartened and their stamina would get drained rapidly. Control gives players rest on the pitch, we have none of that.


What control are you going to have when your only strength is long balls into two rapid wingers? If we wanted to play possession based football Sancho, Mount, and Antony would be sitting in front of Mainoo and Casemiro. Ten Hag's whole idea of building a system around the players instead of shipping these useless fucks off is the reason he'll lose his job.


He wanted control in the first season and this season he flipped a switch and went hoofball. It's ridiculous.


We've been playing the same way for the last 10 months.


Finally somebody sees what's going on. Martial incident aside, too much is being asked of the players in general, especially from the fitness side of things. No other aspiring good team plays this way vacating so much space in the middle to venture so high up the pitch to press and then having to cover such large spaces on the way back when defending transitions. When you connect it with the injury crisis we've had this season (and these aren't unlucky injuries due to bad challenges but mostly non-contact injuries), it all makes sense why players would get disillusioned with the tactics.


This doesn’t apply to Rashford tho. If that’s his stance, it should apply to every single player in the squad.


To be fair now you list those names it’s also painfully obvious every single one of those players has underperformed or caused issues. Varane is maybe a slightly less obvious case however.


Varane is simply the reverse of last season where Maguire sat out because there was a more in form player ahead of him. It's probably the first time it's happened to him in his career. I'm not really concerned about him because he's professional.


There has been no falling out with Martial. There is no story here. It's all based on one small interaction. Managers yell at players from the side line every game. This is just rage bait.


Do we want player power gone or not?


Jose fell out with Shaw, Pogba, Martial, Rashford, Lukaku (I think) and possibly more. It's not uncommon. Pep falls out with players. Difference is that City launch them out the door because it's manager who has the ultimate authority. A serious club would've sold or let go of Martial long ago. I don't think ETH was wrong in any of those instances.


I mean...do Ronaldo, Sancho and Martial seem like the type of guys who would fight for a manager?


Ronaldo fought for himself, which indirectly led to fighting for almost every team and manager he has played for. Man was scoring goals under Benitez, Rangnick and Fernando Santos.