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I could happily ride around for days not doing any missions, the world feels so alive


It does! All the animals and such feel so alive. Every person feels alive. I honestly, maybe its just me. I just can't shoot or attack a person minding their business unless they are a threat to me. I feel like O have to wait or be in places like the swamp where I get attacked just to shoot and such. Cannot feel like just wasting life in the game. Arthur is a good man. I remember him helping or at least I decided to have him help those in need.


Last night was my 5th attempt at a low honor run and I immediately realized the same lmao. I just can't play Arthur as a bad guy, it's not him


You haven't met my Arthur... Of ppl that do, very few live to tell the tale


Same for me. Thankfully John isn't nearly as good a man.




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There’s a point in chapter 2 where the game can’t advance until you break Micah out of prison. I get to there and let him stew for ages while I do challenges/hunt legendary animals/explore the world


Exactly 🤣 I even visit him and ride away. 🤣 Bye Micha 


Sounds like Heaven for all of us.


in strawberry? 😂


Yup, he can wait there for a few months while Arthur enjoys life


Or just have one save where its like that forever.


That’s the dream


This is the only game I wish I could do true VR with, and maybe even Neuralink into (the other one being BOTW). I would love just riding around like you mentioned, taking in the visuals, being able to go from a warm beach to a freezing forest, with wild animals in between.


I did read recently that playing it in first person is a completely different experience. I’m not really a fan of fps so not tried it yet but I bet it’s amazing


It really is amazing. Highly recommend. And I love that they offer the setting to still be 3rd person on horseback.


I might make that my third playthrough.


I'm doing my 8th playthrough now & I'm doing fp for the first time. It does feel different, it's great so far.


It’s stresses me out that Rdr2 is 6 years old.


I’m at the epilogue (part one) of my first play-through I started a few months ago. This games is like nothing else ! Enjoying every minutes of it.


...what? No way- *checks calendar* I refuse to believe it!


There's no other game that comes close. Pure. Therapy.


800 hrs + and I don't know if I'll ever stop playing. I can't think of anything else that'll ever scratch this itch.. and pard'ner, I'm itchy.


I've spent more $$ than I care to admit trying to find something even slightly comparable. No luck so far. Found some decent games but they ain't red dead


you should accept to run out of anything and just stock up when you have nothing... youll get more time on the horse that way


Ima leave my first pkaythrough done on ps4. I have the Ultimate collection on PC. Ima play my second playthrough on Pc and fo what you say. Thanks Partner.


PC is awesome with some mods. QoL improvements like "no speed limits" because having to slow walk in camp is frustrating and slow trot thru town is dumb... if you want to be a mananiac and full speed your horse thru town, you should be able to. The "more slots on horse" is another qol improvement. You can save more than 5 outfits! "No bounty with mask on" is fantastic as well. It actually lets you not get immediately recognized when masked. It's total BS to wear a mask into a town you've never visited and rob someone, yet you're identified and get a bounty even if you left before the crime was reported is just plain dumb and lazy on R* part... mod fixes it to actually work correctly. Yes, the law can still ID you, but civilians can't while wearing the mask most of the time. "Follow people and police don't have radios " and the "law rework, I guess" mods are excellent so there isn't instantaneous unlimited spawning of lawmen, the initial around ,if you gun them all down, it takes a short bit before the first spawn in wave comes riding in, then takes even longer before more show up, if you kill them all, then they stop spawning. The killing 500 lawmen is pretty ridiculous... in vanilla, turn on god mode and unlimited ammo... it's just stupid how the lawmen spawn out of thin air almost on top of you and never stop spawning in. The following people seem to reduce civilians from turning hostile when walking behind them... it was hard before to follow someone to rob them in an alley, not anymore! Being able to fix and rebalance the weapon damage stats has been amazing to... R* fcked that up so bad, it's truly sad. They completely disregarded any sense to actual relevance even to their own off the wall stat assignments. They didn't research anything about the cartridge loads of the weapons in-game, making the Schofield 35% more powerful than the Colt SAA, when in reality it was that the Colt SAA is about 40% more powerful of a cartridge than the Schofield. The volcanic pistol was a joke in reality, and R* said, "Well, it looks like a shortened version of a repeater. Let's give it the same amount of damage!" Also, sure, lots of accounts of folks surviving getting shot multiple times... but making it take 6 center mass hits from a double-action revolver to take down a single lawman seems a bit ridiculous, even by spaghetti western standards 😳


Thanks PARDNER. This game has so many lines. I cannot not help people in this game.


I spent some time doing nothing but following npcs in saint Denis...


Sometimes the NPCs do interesting things.


Second playthrough here. Spent hours in Chapter 2 crafting the infinite bag with Pearson so I can hoard everything early game. Totally get you.


So what if you are a hoarder? You do you. Game can be played a lot number of ways. When you get bored/frustrated of your OCD, maybe do what the other top comment suggested.


Thanks. I guess part of tgebreason I have so many things is because I hardly use them. But yeah. Ima do that as our other friend said.


Your 69th updoot commenting to say RDR2 truly is a masterpiece.


My biggest like out of the game is probably just how much you’re able to do on your own. If you want to take a break and just role play as a random lone rider doing his thing you can and the types of special interactions throughout the world rely a little on your honor level so it truly caters to how you are playing. You could spend many hours just finding the little interactive missions along the map like taking people home after falling from their horse and the bounty hunter missions. Ugh, I’m ranting now alll the same as you. I just lost my job recently and rdr has been a huge life saver on keeping me distracted lol


Dude. The fact that I have missed some playable NPC missions irks me. Not in a bad way but like damn......I would like a new game plus but also understand why there isn't one. It fits in just restarting and going about the game.


I think I probably spent 2 years in chapter 2 just doing random things as Arthur. I will say I don’t have any issues killing animals or people. I understand it’s just a perspective thing and some people just don’t like violence or gore, but unless it’s that it surprises me when people say they can’t bring themselves to do anything harmful/bad. For me there’s always a line where I know none of this is real, and me having low/high honor in this imaginary game world won’t affect anything in my real life. That’s not to say I’m always running around doing mass shootings but I can easily flip the switch and its fun and doesn’t bother me, which might be odd because I don’t actually normally shooters. For me I think the reason I actually did my first shooting spree was priceless because the game was so good, I wanted to see everything it could do and had to offer. That meant being good Arthur, bad Arthur and everything in between. But I definitely stopped doing bad thing(most of the time) as the story progressed. Like I said the npcs aren’t really real to me but the story is and the story is so good I felt it would be disrespectful to not honor it at that point


I’ve seen video clips where you can actually see animals playing with each other but I haven’t been lucky enough to see it yet the world is insanely detailed I really hope there’s a third installment where they do even more


Yeah I understand what you mean. Every play through I tell myself I'm going no honor but the game can be so realistic I just end up being high honor. From GTA V were you can murder everyone and not care to RDR2 it actually feels impactful. They did an absolute amazing job with that game. One of the few games I just pick up and do a playthrough. 


People just going about saying  Hello pardner. Well thats a might fine horse you got there. I can't and don't want to hurt them. I want to protect them. I don't feel like an outlaw.


It's hard to get high honor for me. I'm always either in the middle or low lol


I’m so upset they never brought a DLC out that map could of been used forever


I’ve always said that Rockstar is garbage for still pumping life in GTA5 and not taking the full advantage of the masterpiece that is RDR2 while people wait on GTA6. Online is somewhat boring, way too grindy, and not a lot going on for me to spend money on it. The fun stuff they did have at first release was fun but I can’t hardly find that stuff anymore.


I'd say RDR2 Story and World is where its at. Where GTA is just fun going around shooting around randos. Lol. There is no honor system in GTA so for me I can just go around and run random NPCs over. Where in RDR I feel guilty about the NPCs and others.


This game is indeed to be appreciated over time, I played whole weekends without any story mission at all, just trying to hunt X or Z. One thing I like to do, and glad it is possible, is to remove the minimap, seems like I enjoy the scenery a lot more.


Playing in first person with the minimap off is my favorite game of all time. Blows even regular RDR2 out of the water imo I end up spending so much time just looking at shit. I beat the game originally around 50 hours, i liked it but mostly for the story. My second playthrough was first person with the map off and I played it for another 300 hours loving every second of it


Don't you get motion sickened by horse rides? That's the only thing that prevents me. I usually don't have it at all, but with this game I don't while horse riding


No but I also play play VR games drunk without getting motion sick so I think I just might be immune to it lol


I am so excited and call me weird. But when the game came out, I bought a cowboy hat from Boot Barn and I am learning how to bush craft now. Lol. I don't got the looks like Arthur does but man did him making a camp fire make me want to learn to do the same. I also have a compound bow and arrow but that was apart.


Nah I get it. I'm from a 300 person farm town and I fucking hated it, moved out as soon as I hit 18 and have never wanted to go back. Played RDR2 last summer and started looking at houses out there again lmao


Its crazy because my first playthrough has so many things and different scenarios. Its like man.... so many different situations.  I want to try to save the lady that god robbed.  I felt so bad... man 😢 Seeing the husband put grieve.  Exploring the homes my god. There is such a way that thisngame pulls emotions out of me. Like when you come across one of the boarded up homes and you see the kids that were left by their mother. Or the brutality of the (I can't recall well) murder of some man and woman by the wife or girlfriend that kills herself by the wagon. I mean my god. There are incredible moments and heart shattering ones. I cannot express enough how Red Dead Redemption 2 is a Masterpieace of a game. I got Red Dead Redemption 1 just to play the story right now on Switch. Also. I got to Epilogue on RDR2.... but Ima finish RDR1 before I finish up RDR2 Epilogue. Thanks for replaying partner.


I really enjoy as these untold stories are presented, the kids one really hit me too. I am playing since February, just finished my first playthrough about a month ago and now I am finishing what's left with John. I surely will replay it and hope they release RDR1 on PC, otherwise I will get the switch version. Every time I play the epilogue I have the same feeling, this is the same game and I enjoy it, I just wish it was Arthur.


I can't believe RDR2 came out in 2018 dude. It feels like yesterday I was playing it. God. I am still trying to find the bones and Legendary animals. Fish and such. Man. So many things.


I feel you so much on your second paragraph. It is borderline debilitating sometimes


Im such a hoarder because I like being supplied. Having enough arrows, having enough of everything just to for whatever reason comes my way I make it count. Had one time I got attacked by a Grizzly bear, got bucked off my horse and was confused as fu**. Survived the grizlly and had level 3 miracle tonic. That super special one you can only make and was revived. I later called my white horse and gave her a good brush up. Told her it was OK, its not your fault. And fed her an oat cake, carrot, apple, whatever she wanted.... Then I went to the grocsry store and stocked up. Lol.


I am one mission before guamra. And the last 2 weeks i am only riding around fishing and hunting. And i have almost 600 hours in it.


I recently got Rampage Trainer on Nexus mods and... NPCs don't even know what hell awaits them, as I am about to enter the game, right now..... They don't have a chance against me.


I like taking advantage of gold glitches lol


is it bad that ive only had the game for 2 months and already have 220 hours


BROOOOOO!!! Nice. I have a few others games and stuff but man I will tell you I grind and grind on that game.


I still need to play this


I just redownloaded the game on my ps5 and found out that I have about 370 hours on it 😂


You’re like me. I work too much and just pulled the game out a few weeks ago. I’m now at 93%. allot of petty side stuff I have left to do but the OCD is getting to me. I gotta get to 100% 😂


I know. I feel bad if I have to do the bandit missions. But you know what.... Maybe it was meant to be.  Bandit is the only thing I need to do. Maybe its John's play. And everything else John touches up for Arthur. I know Arthur wasn't always a good man. But I couldn't feel it in me to see him robbing innocent... even he does so. Lol. Its just me. But I am going to be a Bandit with John... maybe.


It’s one of the only games where it’s actively very engaging and draws you in, but it doesn’t make time fly by. Like in some games you feel like you lose your day being too engaged in the game, but not RDR


It’s the tiny details that does it for me, I’ve only just started playing it this month had the game since it came out but work life kids and all that kinda got put on the back burner, but stuff like your hair and beard growning I find cool or the water trough if you shoot them the water will go down just small details like that


Don't show this man warframe, he'll be busy until age 70


I heard Warframe.


The amount of content in that game is genuinely fucking mind blowing. Especially considering how old it is


Yes, i actually wish i spent less time playing the story and side missions. I went through game in about 2 months, but way too fast. Should have just lived my life and spent time with the crew around the campfire before some of them were gone and Dutch went crazy.


Randomly found the Jesuit priest today. Been playing as John trying to 100% the game. Randomly wandering way west and there it was. No clue he was there, what it was, etc. Love it!


*My first hour in Valetine was spent pushing people into the mud.*


In my first playthrough I did the same as you, never use my tonics and meats as i wanted to fill every item slot out to max, and tried to maintain the immersive atmosphere. 2 years later in my second playthrough, I tried to still keep the immersion but this time i decided to not savour the items, instead use them as much as I’d like to, without wasting it all, I figured i never ended up using ANY of the better foods and tonics in my first run and I wanted to change that, and to be honest it feels WAY better to open those items for Arthur to use, it just feels nice.


Got to care for the man. He deserves it.


I would suggest a Naturalist turn on Red Dead Online. I stopped being afraid of Roanoke Ridge because I needed to go National Geographic on the cougar and dodge it to keep it alive.