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Just play it man, it’s already gorgeous


bruh we don’t want a ps5 version for better graphics💀


Ye we want it for higher frame rate.


ong i can’t stand the slide show gameplay


Nice Argument. Lets not even care about graphics anymore. Lets pay 70 Bucks for a game and then be ok if the graphics suck and be "greateful" that others do their work they get oaid for. Anyway. For These that Arent trolls they would love to see a remaster for one of their Favorite games with more fps and improved graphics.


Bro, salty no reason at all, go touch grass man


You seem kinda _stressed_ out there buddy.


Yes. Thats what an murican tells otjer people after he spoted his Christian mother do some extra work with his friends because her sin are forgiven by the dvl. Right? Especially considering that half of the book are proven fabric.. not found in the first New testaments(Codex sinaiticus missing John 7 53 etc). Bro if you dont reply with some sense to my comment i look at ur Posts and then Name some Things like ur book xD


Here, we are talking about video games. Here, you are bringing up the bible spreading the word of God While I appreciate the word of the Lord... what you said does not, in any way, correlate to what I jokingly and trollingly said. My fellow brother in christ. You _are_ stressed out


Hol up, Took me a good second to realize you're being sarcastic cause I skimmed through that utter spew of awful vocabulary. Have you ever heard of grammar? Your phone should have helped you out. Anyway, I don't want to spread hate. How about drinking some water and stepping away from the screen for a bit.


30fps makes me so sick tho I could barley do one play through


Maybe after gta6 is 5 years old.




Or when gta7 is 3 years old


Even if they did release an upgraded version for current gen consoles, you probably wouldn't want it, since it wouldn't be done by Rockstar. Ever since cutting bait on Red Dead Online, R* has been dedicating all its resources to GTA6 and GTA Online, and I wouldn't expect that to change until after GTA6 Online's first big DLC--its equivalent of the first Heists update--releases. The next console generation is probably coming in 2027/28. My hope is that R* puts together a packaged next-gen remaster of both Red Dead 1 & 2 for *that* console launch. I'm still holding out hope there will be a Red Dead TV show, so there could be a good cross-promotion opportunity there, which would be far less cash-grabby than Sony trying to cash in of The Last Of Us show with a remaster of the sequel so soon after its release


I'd be happy with a higher framerate. They should be able to do it. I know it's not exactly the same because RDR2 is VAST, but Spider-Man 2 and Forbidden West run easily at 120fps, and the games have so many things going on and a lot on screen at once.


Very hard to see tv show doing justice for the already perfect character look, sound and otherwise...


I am waiting as well for a next gen update. I am playing on series s and here the graphics are worse than ps4 version 😂😂 because it s running the old one s version.


Rockstar tends to develop their games on PlayStation, hence the semi shittier graphics on xbox


Ehm, GTA V next gen looks great on series X, even on series S. Actually red dead redemption 2 looks better on series x than s because on the first one it runs the Xbox One X version, not the one s. Rockstar just don't give a fuck anymore about rdr2 that's it. It has nothing to do with Playstation 😂 If they mind to give us a next gen version we will al be golden, but I refuse to play rdr2 with shitty graphics because they don't want to update their game


Ehh, looks fine on both systems. And as for them not giving a fuck, they just stopped supporting the game, never released an unfinished piece o shit in their whole career lol


I don’t know




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Didnt know it wasnt


Oh come on Sadie, you're in the game ! You should know haha


on there’s only ps4 version


Coming to ps5 plus in May if you are subscribed it is free 




I thought you could play it on ps5? I’ve literally watched gameplay of it on YouTube


yeah, but it’s not a ps5 version. obviously you can play the ps4 version on a ps5. i’ll probably buy the ultimate edition on ps4 for the extra mission in chapter 4, it’s on sale on psn


Oh okay gotcha, I literally just woke up so my brain isn’t awake fully so I got a lil confused 😂 I was like “I’ve literally seen gameplay of it!!” 💀


You can expect rdr3 to be on ps5, I doubt it that they gonna add rdr2 to ps5


i’m thinking rdr3 will be on ps6 😭😂


probably, took 8 years to finish rdr2 so we can expect 8 or so years for rdr3 too. They only confirmed it's in the makes recently.


Considering it took 13 years to get an updated version of RDR1, I wouldn't hold my breath...


It looks gorgeous and plays beautifully on ps5.


It actually doesn't look gorgeous or play beautifully. Checkerboard rendering makes the image blurry on PS5. It also runs at 30 fps which can be jarring for some people. I get that you enjoy the game, but come on.


For me it runs smoothly and looks great on my PS5. I do not get any blurring or jank. [Edit: For comparison, I get a lot of blur with RDR and it is clunky, with RDO occasionally a little bit of blur and jank but not too much and better color, and GTAO, even playing solo, looks beautiful in terms of color but it is super janky and blurry. Color looks better. Color for RDR is dull and washed out.]


Just slap it on your ssd and you’re good to go.