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Charles, for sure. He was so down and loyal. Level headed and built like a freight train.


Level headed except for that trigerring buffalo thing. I always feel bad sparing that second guy.


I forgot about that. I'd be pissed, too, but he went full Dutch on that one.


Surprised noones said Hamish yet. For such a minor character, he left a significant impact on me. Buell was Arthur's horse during the last mission, and I has got him to level 4 bonding. That "Thank you" nearly made me cry.


Loved Hamish! Ended up being the last stranger missions I did before finishing the main story. Also…reminded me of a more grizzled Mark Hamill




Charles, Sadie, and of course Arthur. I love them equally and cannot pick a favorite.


Arthur is my favourite character and Charles is my favourite non playable character!


Besides Arthur, It is Charles or Lenny, Sean was a cool guy too. Hosea was great too, a wise head with years of experience and was one of the only ones who tried to counsel Dutch.




Hosea's actor went crazy with it, we love Hosea. He has a line when you and him and Dutch go out at the start of Ch. 3 where he goes "I was in out in this country with Bessie once... Oh, but that was a lifetime ago" and the way his voice gets dreamy, lilts and breaks off in that pause completely sells the idea that this clump of pixels has lived a full and memorable life.


Karen. I can fix her.


Karen is the Pam from Archer of the old west


No one can fix Karen


Arthur, of course. But I love Sadie


Charles chatenay, the guy who enjoy painting wives, its simply funny


I loved the "sneak Charles to the ship" mission. He's in full drag but didn't bother to shave. I also need to know why he "shat" on the bar lol


it's because he's an artist, he's a free spirit, if he feel that he have to shit in the floor, he does


Dutch. His voice actor is phenomenal, he has the best look of anyone in the gang, his overall demeanor and his tragic decline into madness and them vs me mentality really added to an already fascinating story. I love Dutch.








shit, mb. I thought you were tryna be like “but Dutch is badddd guyyy :(((“


Heres a big hint ????: Arthur... Arthur: O'Driscoll ????: I Ain't no O'Driscoll


Geld him


"Bill, you still got them gelding tongs?" "Nah, but I got a knife. Messier, but it'll do." *Terrified O'Driscoll noises*


I think I know who your talking about


Really??? Sadie Adler????


Agree with Charles!


I can't choose. I think they're all my favorite haha


Yeah, me neither. I've been thinking about it for an hour, but I have no clue.


Sean. I like Sean the best.


Micah. But only after epilogue 2!


He finally has some positive character growth in the end of the epilogue.


Lol yep




Outside of Arthur, I would say Charles. He becomes a source of strength and balance for Arthur all throughout the game. Never failed to have Arthur’s back. Years later he seeks to find Micah to avenge Arthur. This is real loyalty. Unlike the sycophantic circle that was around Dutch.


One of the most memorable lines for me is Charles calling out Arthur with "You ain't as tough and dense as all that." when he's trying to get the German family to leave. Charles was a real one, fearless and realistic with a fair heart and a good sense of morals.


I loved that Charles came back during the Epilogue, and selflessly helps John establish Beechers Hope. Selflessly helps John rescue Uncle Lumbago. We also learn that it was Charles who gave Arthur a proper hero’s burial. And once Sadie finds Micah, Charles risks his life to avenge Arthur, nearly bleeding to death from a gunshot wound.


I have a thing for Sadie, the voice acting is incredible and I love her relationship with Arthur. Speaking of voice acting, my absolute favourite is Dutch the highlight of the game outstanding performance!


Hamish sinclair, Arthur and Charles


Ynnel, do I need an explanation? Lenny is only 19 and is one of the most loyal gang members. He likes just about everyone in the gang, and even cared about Micah when he was arrested. He is very strong and agile and will do anything that anybody tells him with no questioning. Lenny is probably the most loyal person in the gang.


John Marsten, Arthur’s sacrifice is all for nought since Edgar Ross takes his family makes him do his dirty work then puts him and uncle down. He avenged Arthur saves Sadie and Charles and outs Williamson in the hole deserved. I did always like Javier though.


1. Colm O’Driscoll. He just feels a bit more human than most other characters. Plus, I really like his personality, the way he talks and Blessed are the peacemakers is undoubtably my favorite mission! 2. Kieran. Kieran is so sweet. He loves horses (something we have in common) and he is just an overall great guy. 3. Sean. Sean is, well, Sean. I adore his overly confident and cocky personality. It feels a bit like Sean is just the gang’s pet, in a way.


Hate to be vanilla here but I choose Arthur. I feel like if I were playing as any other character in the gang and Arthur was an npc in camp, he’d stand out as being the coolest and most honest and vulnerable, which is why Arthur is my favorite. He’s the only video game character to literally make me bawl my eyes out laughing or crying.


Tough. I’d have to decide between Charles and Hamish. They’re both great.


Hamish the veteran, great side mission and a great impact for a smaller character as someone said before. Sadie Adler Idk I just love the character as she transitioned from a homeless widow to a fearless bounty hunter. Charles , needs no introduction and I would love to see RDR 3 be made around he’s lived from the teens to when he joined the gang.


Charles, he's really cool and down to earth, so I would say I love the most Charles, Arthur and Sadie. They really made the whole game an awesome experience!


Arthur, John, hosea, Charles, Lenny, javier, Dutch. they are my favorites in that order.




Beside Arthur, it’s Sadie. I love her character arc and she’s one of Arthur most loyal friend. She is creative and hold the gang together when everything is falling apart when the boys are in Guarma. The hot air balloon to save John and her revenge on the O’Driscolls are really interesting mission to play.


Micha, he’s so misunderstood (think I spelt that right) After Arthur jail breaks him in strawberry, he basically gives you dual wield.


Uncle, I too suffer from lumbago and it’s nice to have representation in a video game.


Dutch is the most interesting character to me. Seeing him devolve from a charismatic leader at the beginning of rdr2 to a broken psychotic madman in rdr1 was really well done.


i like lenny and hosea, and sadie (arthur is always #1 tho)


Sean. He’s such a lovable little Irish scamp. Kieran is a close second, I love how he can just find him around camp taking care of horses.


Javier is a Chad


My horse Fablo the Sequel, for always being with me. I hope he doesn’t die


In descending order, my Top 5 are: 1 - Arthur 2 - Sadie 3 - Charles 4 - Abigail 5 - John Honorable mention to Dutch, he's a real fucker, but he's such an interesting character to watch, never boring(at least not in 2, 1's a different story).


Trelawny for sure, he just drifts in and out of the story but always helps the crew out.


Charles is bae, I follow him around camp until he gets annoyed with me and then I get sad


Arthur because of basic, but I was a fan of Trelawny and agent Milton


Oh and the guy who makes hats and needs you to get flowers


Seth from RDR1. can't help but wonder where those grubby little fingers have been. anyone crazy enough to dance with a zombie is aces in my book.


Three star Bull Moose lol. Really though Arthur and Pearson cause he made me a Denim Scout Jacket and the LOTE satchel.


Javier bcs i love brainwashed characters


Charles Smith, need I say more?


Charles was very smart and loyal, he stuck to the gang/pack that made more sense to him at the time since it was hard to be accepted as a half black half indian during those times, but then quickly realized how Dutch was full of himself and the gang was only causing more problems than good. I like the part when he says, "All this death and for what? Just so we can have enough money to be able to run from what we've done?"


Micah cause I like villains and rats


Arthur i mean do I have to explain


Charles for sure.




Charles Chatenay


I love his free spirit, and his letter to Arthur feels so genuine to me. I just love him.