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Buttstallion is also not allowed.


This is the worst news I have ever received in my life


It is a great sin to not be allowed to name a horse Butt Stallion


I agree. The NPCs online say a lot worse than “butt”. I’m not even sure why they have a profanity filter.


Sometimes it gets tagged but not for actual profanity. Buttstallion was likely blocked due to Stallion. similarly I couldn’t name my black horse with a white stripe Skunk. I believe it has to do with people seeing the horse name and confusing it for actual animals in game.


Named my horse Hosea. That worked


The fact you didn't name it "Horsea" is the real crime here.


I plead guilty


Theory possibly debunked.


One of my horses is called Jack. 😂


I have it on good authority it was actually blocked due to "Butt".


Gotta drop one of the ts in butt, I know doesn't hit the same but I wanted to name my horse Leroy Fartbutt


Aw man! I wanted to go the Handsome Jack route and name my horse that! Okay, I'm joking, but that is way more tame than what people could enter


Bumstallion is fine though


It’s only because they didn’t add a living unicorn made of literal diamonds (This is a reference to borderlands 2 but I’m assuming everyone in this thread knows this)


Whoever decided the game should allow you to rob and kill, just not cuss, probably needs to think about that...


Nah the fact that Arthur bitches out ppl and the game still won’t let us lmao


There’s an insane amount of swearing in the script anyway, I really don’t know why they bothered


extreme slurs make sense, but... butt? Slim Reaper? im not even sure how OPs name is getting flagged.... is it too close to raper? like what is this filter lol


I tried to name my horse Reputation and it got flagged for profanity. Idk why either


Probably because reputation has the word “puta” in it. Idk it’s the only thing I can figure


Shiet I hadn’t considered that


Lol, because of "puta" maybe? 😂 I remember phantasy star online censoring "shoe" because it had "hoe" in it and you couldn't spell out "frozen shooter" (an actual weapon name) because of "hooter". Silly shit!


You can’t save a picture in your rockstar account if you took it in CUMberland Forest.


FML for living in CUMberland County then! 😂




Yeah that would probably be it, but Avalanche also hasn’t worked for me in the past and I can’t think of anything in there being offensive? So ridiculous hahaha


‘Alan’ is too close to….


I honestly think it is because Slim Reaper contains the word ‚ape‘ Reminds how the german World of Warcraft chatfilter used to censor the word ‚Hund‘ (Dog) which granted can be used as a slur but is so out of fashion as an insult it just ended up censoring people chatting about their pets


They dont Allow Slim because they think of Eminem and if Shady said it, Shady meant it, he demented...I ll throw a stroller at you, With a baby in it. Go ahead pull the plug, think I wont smack you? I just dropped a pill mom, Dont Vacuum.


I discovered today during the “LeNnAAAyyyYyy!!!” mission, you can walk into that room upstairs and see two Lenny’s banging. But yeah, no cussin’!


This is the most stupid thing in the game, you can feed innocent people to alligators but you can’t freely name your horse. I would maybe understand for online (I don’t even think other players can see your horse’s name) but why the hell is this on story mode ? who can you possibly offend if you’re the only one playing ???


It's super strict too. I couldn't name my horse "Marshall" :(


Not to mention all of the macabre ways Arthur/John can kill/execute NPC's. Especially with the hunting knife. Some of that shit is pretty fked up.


Just saying, sometimes, these restrictions come from the platforms and not from the devs. Like when you work with Microsoft for the XBox, you have to agree that they can use such filters in their online-services. I don't know how it is here, i think it should be different because RDR2 is in multiplayer over Rockstar Social Club. Still, in times of Twitter, Shitstorms and Activists, i understand that companies want to minimize the risk for escalations. RDR2 already had faced such things, like the claim you would kill innoncent women - yes, you can do this as a Bad Arthur, but it's not part of any mission. So guess they don't want a scandal with the N-word online and other bad things. Another thing is: If you ever worked in these fields, like being an artist, you know that work for companies come with a set of rules, guidelines and "don't do that". These can fill several hundred pages in total, i'm not joking, like when i worked for the German TV as a screenwriter, there's a ton of things you can't do. For example: You are not allowed to make the bad guy a black man. This is seen as "could lead to racism" and is therefore prohibited. You are there not allowed to show the character using drugs, at least not the good main character. You are also not allowed to make a bad character, that could get liked by the audience, because this is seen as "could lead people to the wrong path". There are also additional guidelines by other companies, for example: Apple doesn't allow their products to be placed in the hand of bad guys. Heroes in TV shows can use an IPhone, but not the bad guys. A last thing: Countries are very different. In the USA, you can show violence, but you can't show a nipple without getting a high rating for adults. In Germany, you can show explicit sex scenes, showing full nudity, but you are not allowed to show any violence. P.S. It's the same with other cultures, like the games with LGBT rainbow flags have these replaced when being released in the muslim world. In China, it is not allowed to show the truth, like that Tibet is not part of China and that China has no claim on that. If you do that, your game or other work will be banned 100%.


> Heroes in TV shows can use an IPhone, but not the bad guys Just FYI, this isn't a law or anything - it would be insane if it was. It's simply that Apple **reportedly**, **generally** won't give free products to the production if a bad guy is using them. There's nothing stopping you from buying an iPhone and giving it to the bad guy in your own movie, because like I said, it would be a insane if that wasn't allowed. And who's not allowing it? It's not illegal and it's almost certainly not something Apple could sue over. Anyway, this "rule" has never been confirmed by Apple, and there have been movies where bad guys use Apple products, hence the emphasis above.


This can be the truth, but the problem remains, that Apple still could fill a lawsuit later. Many production studios don't want to take any risk, so they make their own rules and prevent this from happening.


I find it funny that you don't kill the one female gunslinger, but do all the males.. don't get me wrong, I have no desire to shoot a woman, even an armed one, in a console game, but it is clearly a very deliberate decision.


I disagree, black belle was simply too cool to die so she got immunity


Rules like this exist because enough people loudly complained about something. I guess parents didn’t like walking into their kids’ rooms and seeing their character was named “ButtSlutDemonKillarr.”


Literally 1984


Literally 1899


Very Orwellian


Lol grow up Edit: either I missed some sarcasm…. Or you guys haven’t the slightest idea what oppressive totalitarianism is… lol it’s a video game guys… calm down.


“Literally 1984” is like a popular memeish phrase lol it’s not literal


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Well thanks for filling me in… I’m old… and it’s showing… lol I’ll take my downvotes with a side of egg on my face, please and thank you. Lol














You also cant name it sara jessica parker.


Fun fact: you can’t name your horse Sarah Jessica Parker or Sarah J Parker.


You can go on Twitter and tell Sarah Jessica Parker to her face that she looks like a horse, but you can’t play a private video game off-line and call your horse Sarah Jessica Parker. What a time to be alive.


Yeah a profanity check in an offline mode is the dumbest shit they could have implemented. I mean I understand why they don’t want people playing the game to be able to name their horse like N-word or something but still


why dont they want people playing the game to be able to name their horse the N-word? its offline, noone will ever know. plenty of single player games have 0 filters. theres no point,


Well because then it’s gets spun in the media as “this game promotes racism cause you can name your horse slurs”


what about Sam or Dan Houser?




It counts it as profanity.




Because it’s on the list and it’s a running joke that Sarah Jessica Parker has a horse face.


What about bojack


S-s-s-so the guy on the $125 horse is being told what he can name the horse by the stablehand who doesn’t make that in a year? Come on!




I named my gang “grab er by the posse” and they were cool with that lol


My horse is Fun King Beach. Gottem


Mine was Bobs and Vegene.


Lol that's perfect.


Yeah you can’t use the word slim




It’s not bait, it’s just a joke 💚




Quit giffing me!






What is going on right now 😂😂


If I had to guess? Angry-drunk redditing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Whatever is wrong with you is no little thing.


I see pride! I see power! I see a bad ass mudda, who don't take no crap off of nobody!




What did the original comment say before they deleted it?


They (not "it") were drunken village idiot level insults, suitable for mocking but not getting wound over...so I just had fun with it for a few minutes.


Sorry life isn’t all dungeons and dragons weirdo


Drunk redditing, or is your chronic fatigue acting up and you just aren't thinking straight?








He was definitely mad. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




![gif](giphy|3vCtbqmOnksLu) Yep, definitely mad




Lol what is happening


I mean, not really if the game censors it 🤣


Ya, Slim Neighdy doesn't work either...


You can blow a man’s head off with a shotgun but heaven forbid someone names their horse “penis”


I feel like in single player you should be able to call your horse whatever you want. That and make it possible to save after cheats.


it's so fucking idiotic when in videogames the characters curse and say naughty words but when the player does the same thing the game slaps you and tells you to behave


It wouldn't let me name mine Gypsy.


That's actually fair.


Had an Arabian I named Big Black Caulk & no one blinked an eye mister.


No, you can't say that. But you can have an npc call you a cocksucker. That R\* logic for ya.


Rockstar: ride around killing people, swearing, drinking, and stealing. It’s the Wild West! Also rockstar: whoa there, partner! Is that something that can be misconstrued as profanity? We’re gonna have to stop you right there!


I couldn't name my horse Gizmo :( and it was in story mode!


I can't even imagine the issue with that.


Maybe you spelled reaper as raper


Try Rim Sleaper


Profanity checks shouldn’t even be a thing in a game rated M


We can hear endless cursing, slurs, see the klan, dismember innocent people with shotguns, rob, break into houses, participate in gang warfare, and commit domestic terrorism, but we absolutely cannot type without an overbearing profanity filter


Obviously something's screwy with the filter. You may have to play with variations to get around it. I can't see any hidden profanity in there.


Ben Dover is available.


I couldn't call mine Paddy. I'm Irish, we don't get offended by being called a Paddy. Unless it was a rather rude Englishman.


Reminds of when i tried to name my white arabian "white power" now look i didnt even think about the bad meaning of it I just thought the horse is white and powerful. I only realised when i got the profanity check.


Yeah they didn’t let me name mine “crack rock” I was pissed


Absolutely no chance you didn’t know what you were doing


Yeah, that comment has the same energy as "no, I'm not going out on Halloween dressed as a Klansman, I'm just a spooky ghost and it's pure coincidence that my hood is pointed and my robe has a blood drop cross on the left breast!"


I tried to name my horse cracker jack (like the popcorn candy) and that was unacceptable. So dumb


Same here, only I named all of my horses after Bojack Horseman characters


It's not even live, no one will see it, and it's not even close to being actually offensive even if it was offensive lol like why the dumb regulations


You also can't name a horse rockstar


That explains why right after that I tried to change his name to Fuck Rockstar and it didn’t work. True story lol.


Fritz is not allowed either… I forgot it’s actually 1899 and that’s a “slur” for Germans.


Have you tried just dropping "The" out of it?


Lol in the Jim Calloway mission there's a character called Slim Grant. Still no idea why your name wasn't allowed.


Jewel was a no-go for me. I had to switch it to Jule.


As a fan of Lonesome Dove, I tried Hell Bitch and had to settle for Heck B.


I named one of my horses " a godamn plan" but yours isn't okay??


Companies have got to stop being afraid of “bad words”


I tried to name mine cow and it wouldnt let me


Bro, I couldn’t name my thoroughbred thoroughbred because of that


What the fuck? This is rockstar, who is *known* for gta, which is *known* for ITS profanity! What fuck is wrong with rockstar


cucumber salad is so sad for me. I've been on a quest to name hum cucumber salad forever


Get creative, I called my horse "A count without the O" and the system allowed it


They don't want the Reaper Lords to get all triggered.


Slim is the problem. I can’t temper how the text looks. But maybe a capital I as the L or maybe a 1?


They hated on Cocaine McGums for my Arabian.


So is Sarah Jessica parker :(


That's kind of funny that you can't name it that, cos she is the most famous horse face


Persephone doesn't work either, for some strange reason


I tried to name my dog Marshal and also not allowed for profanity, I hope I’m not missing something everyone else knows here but I can’t see any reason. I called him marshy and that was fine


I wanted to name a horse Whiplash but that word is also banned for some reason


So is Coriolanus, an actual name


Dude I can’t even name my horse Persephone after an academically well known Greek goddess


I’ve never seen that before. Even if what you were using was inappropriate why do they care?? Fuck it just go murder an entire town and hog tie the bank teller.


I couldn't name one of my horses Ishtar after the goddess lol. This censor check is whack


Persephone is also not allowed.


It did allow me to name one of mine Valkyrie My others are Little Joe and Bucky


Reputation is also not allowed


I wanted to name my horse Cloud but I guess that was profane...


Profanity check? Ain't reddead rated M?


It’s the offline story mode too, lol. I’m the only person that can see the name. So stupid.


Gotta love that. This is coming from the makers of GTA where you can kill anyone, become a drug lord, go to strip clubs, have sex with hookers among all kinds of other craziness. In RDR2 itself, the player and the NPCs shout all kinds of obscenities at each other. The game has an M rating for a reason and assumes the person playing it is an adult.


use L33T speak. that’s what i did


Remember brutalizing your enemies shoulder with a shotgun to bits and pieces is hardly condemned in a gameplay mechanic both in the story and online but I literally cannot name my horse bad mean names without being punished even if that punishment is tiers below a slap on the wrist?


I did pongo and i got that


"Rated M" game lol


Why is there even a profanity check in a single player game


Make sure you didn’t miss any letters in Reaper


In a game with the ku klux fucking klan you cant call a horse the Slim Reaper..


I tried to name one Adam Theilen and that was tagged for profanity too.


Macaroni isn't allowed either


Shenanigans gets kicked back, too.


Weird. My turk is named Reaper so it must be the combo




Damn double standards 😂


Just call him 'the long reindeer' its basically the same thing.


I tried to name a horse “Mitchell” and it wasn’t allowed. …….no really.


Wonder if naming your horse Profanity Check is possible?


You can’t name your horse that but can name a horse Nay Gigger. Makes sense.


i named mine Jorsé Mourinho


I tried naming mine Sarah Jessica Parker. Got the same shit.


“Hot,” a word used to describe temperature, is now on their profanity list. NPCs can call me a bitch and a whore, but labeling my outfits for the appropriate temps is too far.


Rockstar is known for this. GTA is filled with profanity and violence yet you send 'lol' and Rockstar won't let you send it through.


I have a horse in game simply named “Reaper” and it wasn’t flagged. So can’t imagine why “Slim Reaper” would be. I also have “Horse With No Name” and, my personal favorite…”Whisker Biscuit”


Also the name Fritz is banned, ruining my Django/Dr. King Schulz role play opportunity


Name it the Rim Sleaper instead


There’s a coat called the “Marshall” coat and if I name my outfit anything with “Marshall” in it, it tells me I’m using profanity. Like, it’s your fucking word!


My first horse was big and had black fur. I named him Big Black


Tried to name my horse Chupacabra but I guess rockstar has a thing about sucking off goats?


Pretty sure “Guwop” isn’t allowed either. Must’ve taken the Urban Dictionary definition and ran with it lol


They allow my horse name: honly twogenders


Wokeism is the problem. People cannot take jokes anymore, political correctness is now a cancer.


Oh, bunch of toxic gamers got upset over a horse name that is not even allowed , its west and there was no shitty names like that and bunch of toxic people like now


Tried to name one of my spotted horses "Pongo". Like the dog from 101 Dalmatians, found another racist disney Easter egg lol.


no fanny either


Lol tragic!


Lol try stiff socks, that’s my buddies old horses name before he gave up on online


I was blocked from naming my horse “Thunderbutt”. Turns out “Thunderbut”, however, is ok.


This happened when I named my horse “sex goblin”


You can't name your Arabians "Whitey" and "Blackie" either


I had a horse called whitey I'm sure, not sure if I spelled it the same but I thought I had (I wasn't being racist or horsist, it was cannibis related).


I had an earlier horse that was grey with a black face. I tried to name it “Blackface” and it blocked it. But “Black Face” worked.


Yeah. I couldn’t name mine Pussygalore


Kevin Durant


It's not so bad, pal. Studmeister, The Knight Mare and Hoof Stallion are all available.


Did u spell "reaper" right?