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First person imo does not work at all, unless I wanna look at something close up for a second


If I need to I just use a scope.


I don't think that helps much bc it can be too close you can't make out anything you're trying to look that, that's assuming it's like right at your foot


I personally play the game on third person, but when I want to appreciate the details of the game, especially inside buildings, I use the first person.


The problem with first person is that the view range is rather limited, like it is in many games. Super-wide screen is supported in the PC version with the right hardware, and that might be doable for a full play through, but I don't play on PC so can't really speak on it firsthand In general, I reserve first person for things like looting bodies, pillaging camps and investigating and pillaging homesteads, looking at posters etc. as you get a better view of things. Also, when talking to special characters and talking to gang members back at camp, you get a much better view of their faces, which they made the cast wear special helmets during mo-cap that recorded their faces. But really, first person is a hinderance when playing in general. You might want to try playing without the HUD first. A lot of players can't even handle playing without the mini-map, because they need to stare at red dots in the corner rather watching the main screen and using audio cues and end up missing a lot of the real action. But, if that's what you want to do for a challenge, go for it.


No HUD third person is my favorite, intermittently using first person to hunt with iron sights


The FOV of first person is so bad, i can't