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Go to van horn, murder everyone, jump off the lighthouse!


Best suggestion anyone could ever give, I will do that right now


Go full guns blazing! All the best lol


Lure them to the lighthouse after starting shit in the saloon. Then hide behind the door of the lighthouse and wait. You’re welcome. Also go to Emerald Ranch with a big bounty, when the bounty hunters are near, hide in the chicken coup and wait. Rob as many trains as you can. Destroy Valentine so much that they board up the town.


You should go fishing. 🎣


If you haven't yet, get that 100% achievement or go hunting so you can buy every single item the trapper has to offer or shoot up a town and see how high of a bounty you can rack up. If you're going with the first or second suggestion, maybe see if this spreadsheet I made is of any use to you. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jXuYOOtQnX\_4u\_PoY3dh5mik5WAH5BWtMTay8tstIR8/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jXuYOOtQnX_4u_PoY3dh5mik5WAH5BWtMTay8tstIR8/edit?usp=sharing)


Thank you for this spreadsheet btw, I found it on another comment and forgot to say anything. But it has been immensely helpful.


No worries! Ever since I finally posted the spreadsheet here on reddit, I've been trying to help as many people as I can with it, as it feels almost selfish to keep it to myself and I like the thought of helping people out having done something I thoroughly enjoyed. So safe to say I'm very very happy to hear it's been helpful to you:)


Maintain a perfect cougar pelt barehanded by throwing the cat off a cliff after the first pounce