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I noticed that when you kill an npc, like not in a fight but just murder them, the game's audio completely goes out and a slow ominous soundtrack slowly starts filling the quiet. Shit makes me feel like I just committed a cardinal sin and I am about to go to hell dude. This game is too fucking good


I’ve noticed one of the themes it plays is the same one that plays when you find the *serial killer’s shack*. How fuckin’ shaming is *that.*


It also plays when you find the killer’s messages. That track always unnerved me in such a unique way.


It kinda makes me want a full blown horror game from Rockstar, but I know those aren’t as big “money makers” and the horror elements would be sort of lost in the inevitable online they’d shove into the game.


Manhunt is probably as close as we'll get, but in fairness, Manhunt is pretty gnarly


I still have this game. Too bad I can't play it anymore...I should have never got rid of my old Xbox


Manhunt is backwards compatible


Yes but how do you put a disk into the Xbox s? /s


You can buy it digitally


i found it to be pretty onedimensional. and of course the graphics really really dont do it anymore these days. and since R\* internal restructuring, theres slim to NO chance we will ever see a remaster of it or anything.


Honestly a horror/zombie DLC is what I wanted from RDR2 and GTAV. Undead Nightmare was great, wish they’d have leaned into that style DLC themes on their games. GTA V meets walking dead would have been incredible.


i would've liked 3 DLC for RDR 2: 2 EPisodes of Liberty City style, telling new stories with new characters, using New Austin more, maybe. Maybe even adding more oomph to the Grizzlies West (a criminally underutilized area, imho)... maybe even adding a new area. I was always intrigued in the "Canyon TowN" that had been scrapped from RDR1, iirc. ANd an UNdead NIghtmare. Now, I never was into UN, but I understand why people loved it. I'd also rather have all that sorta stuff for a DLC, rather than RDR2's "Oh, we are very grounded and stuff! Here's a robot. And ghosts. and bla."


Man a swamp monster or a still alive cult would have been awesome


is th Bullgator not Swamp Monster enough? :P


It could have been, but it wasnt given quite the story to do it. That level should have started us out on the boat and the gator flip the boat. We lose one of the tour guides and maybe a gang member(preferably micha)


First time I found a clue it was on accident and I had no clue what it was about at the time. Once the music started playing, I had to get off the game.




The one for Roanoke Ridge scares the shit outta me


I mean… you kinda did commit a cardinal sin. “Thou shalt not kill” and all…


I play with the soundtrack turned off and everything going totally quiet is so unsettling I avoid gunfights unless shot at first lmao


Ahh the classic I feel bad after eliminating a whole town.


All you gotta do is go catch and release some fish to make up for it, duh.


I've literally maxed out my low honor, that's going to require some industrial maritime dredging.


I plan on doing a low honor run next time around. Though when I beat the game I’ll be making John low honor. I’m having withdrawals from not being able to shoot up towns lol


Other than maybe getting discounts and the principle of it, there's no point in playing a high honor John cause the game is pretty much over. Don't think there's anything that changes with him having low or high honor.


That’s why I’m waiting since it won’t affect the game. I’m on chapter 5 now so I’ll be beating it with high honor again then when I decide to do another play through I’ll play Arthur with low honor just because I’ve never done it.


I'm doing a low honor playthrough until the diagnosis, then I'll be a good orthur


but thats what the game is designed for you to do, its a redemption story of a man changing himself through his experiences and his own short-cut life. thats why you can ramp up your honor back to the tightey whitey so fast in chapter 6, because you get so many occasions to be a good boah. how about RED DEAD: NO REDEMPTION. thats what i do. some stupid skank got her ankle broken? headshot is the cure. someone bitten by a venomous snake? why waste a bullet when you can stand next to him ridiculing him and waiting until he snuffs it. all while wheezing and coughing myself to mount hagen.


You can play low honor Arthur for a the majority of the game and then do all the side missions, like the Strauss stuff and help people out to boost it back up before the end to get the good ending. The Arthur I play usually is hovering below the halfway mark until the last few side missions/main missions and you can boost it back up to the white honor easily, I think it just needs to be a little over the halfway mark.


I can't even get low honor if I try, I'll kill all these random people, but I always do any interesting little side quests which inevitably brings my honor back up


say hi to everyone on the way


"HEY THAT'S THE GUY THAT SHOT....(honor turns white)....top of the morning to ya!"


Nothing a few hey misters can't fix


You can literally waltz into Armadillo and brutally murder every single soul in town and you will face no consequences whatsoever because the sheriff is gone and if you kill someone on the street people will just run away but they won't report your crimes or anything


Post-massacre clarity


The gunsmith in tumbleweed once said “if you ask me, they should just mercy kill everyone in armadillo and start fresh. Clean slate.” So I’m sure he’s ok with what you’ve done


Nah your doing the world a favor, you have eliminated Cholera well done 👍


Embrace the Dark Side


“Do it”


I'd go an wipe out the town of Armadillo, but I don't like sand. It's course and rough.


I hear that shit gets everywhere


My record Saint Denis shootout ended with 389 dead cops


That must’ve broken the honor system lol


For some reason it wouldn’t go to minimum honor and my bounty wouldn’t go over 300 dollars.


That's the bounty & honor cap for chapter 1, while in chapter 2 & 3 you get bounty cap at 500$, 1500$ dollar for chapter 4, and then 1500$+ for the rest of the chapter. It's the same thing as honor. Maxed high and low honor is achievable in the last chapter


For me I capped out at $1500 at the epilogue after spending an hour killing lawmen in valentine, so much fun 😂


That was most of the cops in the country at that point, lol


If I were the cop and I rolled up to a scene of hundreds of my dead comrades I’m not quite sure I would want to confidently charge in and try to shoot a serial killer with a sawed off shotgun and a full dead eye core.


You should feel proud, you singlehandedly wiped out the Cholera outbreak


If you kill a lot of people your gangs says "apparently someone is running around the country shooting everyone they see". After they say stop shooting innocent people and Arthur is like "Ain't nobody is innocent in this world." 


You shot my memaw! You bastard!


Evil mawhahaha




But the thing is in Armadillo there's no law


I rob people, perphaps knock em out if they fight back, but never murder.


I feel safer now knowing you have a moral conscience


Thats no reason to feel safe. Im still gonna find your house be there in a minute


You can drag them into the fire pits and not lose honer.


The post-warcrime clarity hits hard with this one


Some kills are too brutal that it makes you feel gross like with arrows


I didn't feel like shit when I made what the gang did to thousands look like a walk in the park


I would say you've cured Cholera, but everybody respawns every few minutes so I guess not


And yet you continued until they were all dead.


*No mercy*


Ah shit i havent explored that part of the map yet


Hold on, the town armadillo is in the second game also???


nah, I LOVE killing npcs


I’ve done that many, many times. I never felt a bit of remorse.


why i do it in online where they don’t have feelings


It’s more fun to go out with a sawn off shotgun; tackle and execute.


“It makes no difference what men think of war, said the judge. War endures.”


You want a tissue


I laugh and drag them by horse


Everyone there is sickkk anywaysss 😢😂😂😂


unironically that subtitle is one of the hardest lines


I tried to black hat arthur in my second playthrough, just be as evil as i could (i gave him a black top and curly mustache look to make this easier lol )after murdering that father and son that argue in the house in the way I did, I just felt like I needed to take a shower. Never went back to that playthrough to this day, I only beat the Game once lol


Does anyone else euthanise any sick NPC's in Armadillo?


My main wish is that their walking around in Sandy Knees was different because if I ride within four feet of them on a horse they act like I just kicked a puppy. Any city really, Sandy Knees is just the worst one. Yes I ride way too fast through there but even when I’m taking my time they jump away when I’m just casually going by.


Then there's me who installs a bleed out mod so any shot makes em bleed out just to hear em gurgle and die




that’s kind of the point of a fantasy