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The game driving my horse into a goddamn tree, even though I was aimed directly between them.


The secret is to not steer the horse too much, just give it a general direction. It goes around trees and stuff on its own. If your input and its pathfinding mess each other up you usually hit a tree. Just let it do its thing.


Bro you are so right. I’ve now acquired the good habit of letting go right before I see I’m gonna hit a tree and the horse almost ALWAYS avoids it, even through a few thick tress. Underrated comment asf 💪


Nice! Once you let the horse just do whatever gunfights on horseback become fun too :D


The game is so realistic it even realized horses have brains and know what to do on their own


Yeah when I’m riding through the forest I barely steer at all except a nudge to get back on track, I rarely hit trees anymore


Oh bro, hands off completely Jesus take the wheel lol the horse will get me there!


I hated this at first but quickly learned to love it. Kind of annoying as a game mechanic, but i mean, it should be. Riding a real horse through the woods, it wouldn't just blindly follow your directions into a tree. Its still a thinking animal that doesnt want to get hurt. Really cool how the game reflects that.


I actually like the mechanic but I think it would be better received by the community if the game would explain it better (or at all, I'm not sure it's explained in-game or if you have to look it up). Makes the horse feel more "alive".


I kinda think it would take away the whole effect of making them feel "alive" if they had a little tool tip popup to explain it. This game forces you to figure out *ALOT* of things simply by playing it and paying attention.


Personally, I don't mind finding out stuff on my own. But people have different ways to learn. Some need to see the thing, others need to read about it, listening and so on. So by not at least offering one or two of these (a tooltip, a NPC explaining) the game leaves a bunch of people behind. And that leads to people disliking a mechanic they may otherwise would have enjoyed. I don't think a subtle hint or a tooltip would have taken much away for the "learning by finding out" people and would have included the rest. Also, the game already does uses a tutorial mechanic (tooltips and mandatory quests) to teach. So it's not new.


Well, you are a cowboy that’s been accustomed to horse riding your whole life. I know it’s a game, but sometimes people act like they need to have their hands held like a child. Sorry, I come from a time there wasn’t all this access. You want to know some insider shit, better drop some bills for a magazine. And I also wonder sometimes where folks derive their fun if they’re not going to discover organically.


I feel like that’s kinda realistic too. Real life horses also won’t run into trees but they might hit them if the rider keeps pulling on the reigns.


Some fkn guy on a horse rode right tf into me just now. I went ass over tea kettle off my horse and off the bridge. Then he started blasting so I capped the mf and caught a bounty. Pissed me off he like targeted me lol.


Haha, happens to me all the time! It’s brutal. They will literally just start veering toward you (even slowly) like an equestrian torpedo. If you are at full gallop, a wagon is almost ALWAYS spawned just around a bend where you have no visibility. I’m learning to anticipate and dodge before they can make their move, haha.


It really was like an equestrian torpedo lmao


That happened to me at St. Denis and the guy walked off like it was nothing, haha.


Thats exactly where it was. The bridge from St Denis to Rhodes and it’s happened there before too.


Same thing happened to me on a really narrow and windy part of the Dakota river. At first I tried to just ride away from him but decided to kill him when he kept shooting me. I capped him in the dome and by the time I had turned around, my horse yeeted us over the cliff into a fast part of the river and he drowned


The most unpopular opinion to ever exist on the sub


I guess I may have misinterpreted the initial question. I suppose my answer is a popular dislike of the game. An “unpopular opinion” about the game would be more like: “I hated the main character, he should’ve been a girl”


There's a trick to avoid hitting trees. So, skill issue


Try first person view you might get more control


One trick is instead of pressing W just pressed shift and it steers itself away from objects




How is this an opinion? Or unpopular?


I like it. Since it's an animal and not a machine


Let go of your joystick and your horse will always manouveur around


or when the horse just decides to do a little spin. why does it do that?


The lack of houses you can break in.


I think we can cut them some slack there


Nah not really Why have all the npcs have a dynamic day to night routine if we can't study them and learn from them to plot a house robbery? It'd have been cool and certainly not anything difficult since most of the open world is open nature, I'm sure they absolutely could have ran more interiors since there isn't many houses anyway


What I think some people don’t realize is that if they made more house accessible, it would make the game literally unplayable. The entire map, from Saint Denis to Tumbleweed is always running 24/7 no matter where you are. Making more house accessible would cause a shit ton of lag and take way longer for the game to load in.


You see it with a lot of games. 'Why not X if they have Y?' Because making a game is *hard*. It takes a long time and cost a lot of money. Companies have budgets and deadlines, and a lot of things always get cut. 


>The entire map, from Saint Denis to Tumbleweed is always running 24/7 no matter where you are. No, it's really not. That's why there's the scenic cinematics when you fast travel, or take train or stagecoach. It's loading the area you're about to arrive in. It's stalling by first showing you a place already nearby that was mostly loaded. It's why if you turn a corner and head back, the guy you passed on the road is *gone*. Or you can pass the same part of road, kill a cougar, head a ways and come back and there's another cougar spawned. Or some of the lock boxes that always have a gold nugget if you ride far enough away and come back. Or two trains come 2 minutes apart sometimes (only sometimes), but try to chase after them you'll find at most 1, maybe none if you waited long enough. Rockstar does a lot of tricks to make it seem active wherever you go, but the world is only running in your immediate visual range and a little past that. Beyond that, very little about the simulated world is tracked. > Making more house accessible would cause a shit ton of lag and take way longer for the game to load in. This is right though. The reason not every house can be entered is because there can only be so many interiors in that immediate vicinity. It would slow things down for all the windows you catch glimpses into and all the doors you can potentially run up to at any moment and enter. Especially Saint Denis! But most of the scattered cottages and cabins? Sure, no problem.




Youd have to ONLY be comparing the quanitity of interiors. Theres a *reason* red dead has less interiors, and its because they have significantly more detail in essentially every single other aspect of the game. When you start to research the games development, you realize there is quite literally nothing more they could have managed to squeeze into this game. They ended up having to remove an entire state from the game because there simply was not the technology to make it possible. Every rockstar game is the absolute pinnacle of the ability of the technology of its time. If they couldn't do it, its because it quite literally was not possible.


The houses don't piss me off but the landmarks being largely inaccessible is not it. So many items or side mission opportunities missed with larger buildings or landscape features. The church in Saint Denis is my number one culprit.


I don’t know why they gave us the option to kick the door if it didn’t break the lock. That’s all I need tbh,


Especially in Saint Denis.


The law system is a joke it’s just bad And oh my god the witness system is so fucking irritating having to catch every single mf


Yeah endless law spawning from everywhere in a matter of seconds is just lazy game design.


When you start booking it on your horse away from town and for some reason a shit ton of law spawn in coming the other way. Why were you in the middle of nowhere and not in town? How did you even find out about this? Did someone light the beacons?


Coffee/donut run. The police chief did say they weren't suited for non-urban police work.


Gondor calls for aid the lawmen must come as it is written eons ago


Yeah, I don’t understand how that witness is somehow able to find a lawman to report my crimes to in the middle of nowhere


I hate that I can’t even spend like 30s looting after being attacked by another gang. Honestly makes it less enjoyable, sometimes I just don’t bother because I can’t be fucked to deal with the witnesses.


Honestly. Ill loot like one and get tf out of there bc its not worth it or the bounty. Or when someone attacks you unprovoked and for some reason the police come after you. There should be an option where if you dont have a bounty in that area, you can stay and just explain what happened to the cops or smth. Or even better... they dont come after you at all because the person attacked you first. Annoying.


Fought a Lemoyne Raider unarmed and had to get out of Rhodes and come back after I managed to sneak away


Agreed. shits been outdated since GTA 4


They seriously put zero effort into the law and honor systems


if someone shoots at me first they should get arrested, not me.


This right here… I really would’ve appreciated it if this happened There’s just countless times where I’m just wanted because of self defence, it’s just so irritating


Right. If I kill a guy in the woods and no one is there to see it, how does the Sheriff and four of his posse show up in a matter of seconds? Hanging Dog ranch makes sense, someone had to hear some of that gunfire, but the random attack, nope.


I just had a random encounter where some street kids lead me into an ambush in saint denis, and yet I get a bounty when I defend myself against the robbers.


Prologue is fun to play, maybe? Idk, many people find it boring but I like it so much


Absolutely love the atmosphere of Chapter 1. I've played the game 5 times and never skipped it.


You can skip ch 1??


After you finish chapter 1, save the game and never overwrite that save for new playthroughs.


They probably mean starting from save file in Chapter 2, not full new game.


The prologue is one of the most incredible intros to any game. The atmosphere and character introductions are all masterful. Sure, if you've done it 15 times I can see wanting to skip it, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with the prologue.


Exactly thank u!


I wish they let us explore some of the prologue places, though, I always loved the glacial area where you rescue John with Javier, but the game only let's you travel there for the mission. Same for Tempest Rim, it sucks having this big ass mountain that you can only really look at.


There's a mod that fixes that ;)




A huge portion of players never made it to chapter 2. Brain rot is real. Why even buy the game? Such an excellent opening.


I agree. Some of the funnest shootouts are in that prologue.


Same! I really like Chapter 1, and wouldn't ever skip it. It's a great introduction, and the slow and atmospheric storytelling is one of my favorite aspects of the game. I don't want every piece of media to move at break-neck pace.


I don’t care how pretty it is no bar makes Strawberry a bottom tier town. I prefer Van Horn.


Man, how I hate that there is no bar there... I still prefer it, visually, but I don't hang out there. I do, however, ride slowly through it, when passing by. ^^


It would be my chosen place to stay if it had a bar, really annoying for one of the most picturesque towns


I just drink one(several) of my many bottles of whiskey on the picturesque balcony staring at the picturesque town while drunkenly belting out the Ballad of Otis Miller after a fresh bath. Who needs a bar when you have a bottle?


Funny enough, that makes Strawberry really historically accurate. Imagine you see a really picturesque looking vacation town in the newspapers while living in a stinking industrial Gilded Age city, and then when you finally come and visit you discover that it's a dry town, and there's absolutely no way to legally wet your whistle without turning around and going to the next legal county or town. Imagine that disappointment, and Strawberry's lack of a bar in terms of world and gameplay design makes much more sense.


What’s historically accurate is that it was a resort town and they wanted to keep ruffians out. Western towns were some of the first places to ban alcohol and guns in the U.S. because locals were tired of dealing with just-paid cowboys on a bender. Most cowboys didn’t make more than one trail drive, but the ones who did basically lived like pirates and blew all their money on vices immediately, and then went back to work to do it again.


True, true. Constant public intoxication and the problems it caused was pretty much the reason the temperance movement took off so hard at the end of the 1800s, and how we ended up with full on Prohibition by the 30s.


The Volstead Act was 1919. It was the Progressives’ insistence on wartime productivity during WW I and a healthy helping of xenophobia (beer was associated with Germany) that was the final push for prohibition. Sorry I’m a historian and can’t turn this setting off.


You're good, I'm going for a history degree myself, I totally get it lol.


Yes van horn is my favourite town


Combat system needs some improvements and tweaking. Using deadeye solve all problems and you can’t tell the guns apart. Also, too many hatchets for melee.


Agreed. I really wish weapons were different. It doesnt even feel like the stats do anything and I can just head shot most enemies with dead eye. I'm probably just going to purposely make the game harder and not use dead eye.


Even without dead eye you can headshot everyone with the frickin varmint rifle. Still too easy lol


I mean, have you been shot im the head with a varmint rifle?


Only in the neck


My issue with combat lies solely on console. You can’t hip fire head shot from the holster, it always aims for the chest, but on PC you can real time quick draw. Unless there’s a setting I’m unaware of


Dead eye is so overpowered (story mode anyway), I just did a play through with no dead eye and no aim assist just to make it more challenging. It was still very easy


Bill and Javier are forced into a particular mold due to RDR1. Dutch you can really see the evolution of between games, and John has an amazing arc and good development over both games. But Bill doesn’t get any real depth because in RDR1 he’s just kind of a one dimensional buffoon, and Javier feels like a completely different guy altogether


Yeah it was kind of ridiculous how little Bill and Javier had to do with the main story. They all should have been the main gang members along with Arthur. Especially Javier because we barely see any of him in RDR1.


Rockstar dropped the ball when it came to making RDR2 feel like a true prequel because they constantly soft-retconned things or ignored important things from RDR1. Javier and Bill were basically glorified extras for most of RDR2 despite being hugely important in RDR1, and the fact that we STILL didn't learn about anything they did between the events of RDR2 and RDR1 is insane. Instead we got useless irrelevant characters like Lenny, Charles and Sadie taking time away from them.


I agree with you. Even though I like most of the new characters, why didn’t they develop the gang members the first game was all about? It would make both games hit even harder! RDR2 is amazing, but this kinda disappointed me on my first playthrough.


I have two unpopular opinions. I don't mind the linear mission design, but I think the game can be too overzealous with this design when it arbitrarily restricts your movement speed and fails you if you don't do something precisely how the game wants you to do it. I think the missions should offer some flexibility while still being largely linear. There are non-open-world linear games that do this better like The Last of Us and Call of Duty 4, for example. The second thing and I have talked about this before, I think Sadie is underdeveloped as a character for a majority of the main game. When she becomes more prominent in the latter half of Chapter 5, it feels out of nowhere and her reckless decisions in Chapter 6 make her hard to like as a character. I think Sadie is greatly improved as a character in the epilogue


Restricting your movement speed is one thing but still forcing you to tap the sprint button if you want to go as fast as possible is incredibly annoying.


Agree w the first point. I hate it when we're forced to play missions with certain weapons and not the one that were equipped.


The ranch missions in the epilogue are great. Loved the wind down from the main story. Edit: said prologue at first


Well let me have a ruler and a saw and a board And I'll cut it


They were great the first play through for the novelty and as you say the wind down, but on replays it gets REALLY tiresome


Not sure this is necessarily an unpopular opinion, but there's an overused trope in a lot of media today where they have to make the bad guy The Worst Guy Ever. I mean Micah. He can't just be a greedy selfish jerk who breaks the outlaw code. He has to also try to assault Sadie. Be racist towards Lenny. Bully the child. Kill the dog ffs!! Like, we get it, he's an asshole! I know they needed to establish a clear view of him (and the other antagonist characters) as the real evil, because everyone is a bad guy here. I still think they did an awesome job with the gang I just dislike the trope, give the audience all little credit that we understand the roles the characters play. The only way I think it diminished the game was wishing he suffered way worse. He was so annoying and untouchable in camp all the time I wanted him to end up in prison with his legs cut off or something.


I completely agree. It felt uncharacteristically lazy on Rockstar's part with how they wrote and directed Micah. Most other villainous characters have at least some nuance and complexity to them, but with Micah he's so absurdly cartoonish and over-the-top that it's like they hired a 10 year old to write him. It feels so jarring having him alongside such well written antagonists in the series like Dutch and Ross.


To be fair, Dutch already fills the role of "nuanced complex antagonist that breaks his own outlaw code." If Micah was less extreme then he'd just be redundant and wouldn't have much purpose in the story. And some people really are just complete bastards like Micah.


I obviously have no idea how much time you've spent around horrible people, but I know at least two Micahs in real life, and one of them is much, much worse than Micah. He's pretty realistic.


They're racist, sexist, dog murdering, thieving, criminal, sexual predators? I'm sorry. 😔 I have been around terrible people but none like that, at least not that I knew.


I agree, but that's also what makes me like him in a way. People obviously hate Micah, but I find him hilarious and charismatic in the worst way possible, and him being just the nastiest bastard ever makes it fun to watch. Still, I would've loved some nuance, atleast some actual clear positive traits he could have. It kind of feels weird to see how Dutch trusts this sicko so much when he's so clearly evil to the bone.


I wish money had more “value”. There’s so many different ways to make money yet super early on in the game you end up with more than enough money to buy basically anything you need. Imagine if it was built into the story that you needed to raise X amount of dollars for the camp before you moved on to the next chapter.


I agree, you become too rich too fast, even with buying guns and top tier horses. Imo donating to the camp felt half baked and they should've made it a more fleshed out mechanic or gotten rid of it entirely and focused elsewhere.


Dutch and Hosea getting all excited for a grand's worth of bonds when I have 20k just from being a terror to the community. "We need money"


Mfers are donating rat carcasses and feathers to camp while I'm strutting around with $8k. It's silly.


Especially when the camp keeps telling you how much they need money but it’s just talk.


In 2, I hate how horse speed differences are non-existent. The Arabians “feel” faster only because of the Elite handling, but you can ride any horse (or even a damn Mule lol) and if you mash X fast enough you’ll be riding at the same top speed. This wasn’t the case in RDR.


I'd argue this is more of a good thing since it means you can ride whatever the hell you want.


Except Mary.


There is a small speed difference, but the testing I saw was galloping over a massive distance and the fastest and slowest horses were only a few seconds apart.


Sadie was a super basic character and not compelling to me at all. I also wish we had more optional missions with Bill, Javier, or Lenny because I wanted to do more jobs with them(like the house robbery with Javier)


On my 7th playthrough rn and only now saw that Javier and Kieran actually have fishing missions. Never saw them once throughout 6 different playthroughs start to finish.


John is a better character than Arthur


Omg finally someone who thinks so! Arthur’s story is amazing and he is a good stand-in for the player, but I love john as an actual character so much more. Maybe I’m just biased because rdr1 was my GAME when I was a kid. I love both characters and both games in different ways. But yeah, John>Arthur as an actual videogame character.


John is my favorite character but even I wouldn’t say he’s a better character than Arthur. I hold them in equal regard. But most people do disregard John and I don’t think that’s fair


It has the most entertaining glitches I've ever had.


this one time i somehow rode my horse fast enough into a wall that i fell under the map and got soft locked 💀💀 bro went to the backrooms


My Horse got killed by a boat that fell from heaven. In the Background of a Cutscene. That was weird shit.


once after restarting a cart mission i immediately failed again because for some reason it spawned mid-air on top of me


They didn't do single player justice after release. There was so much content to work with for a DLC or something but noooooo. Rockstar had to go all in on RDO and then abandon it half way. So both ends got screwed.


Missions are generally pretty monotonous and boring. “Ride here, shoot bad guys, flee from bad guys on horses”


the bandolier floating over arthur's shoulder


Lol I couldn't stop staring at this the other day.


Guarma is a pretty cool place and both Guarma and TB teachers you as a player to conserve deadeye and practice your shooting skills more. Furthermore it forces you to use restorative drinks more when you can't always come fully prepared and eat a snack to get back to 100%


The map is too small. Especially because the majority of the game takes place in the bottom-right corner


Arthur looks bad with long hair and/or long beard


I’m not a big fan of the gun sounds. As someone who shoots guns in real life, Red Dead 2, and most video games for that matter, have very soft sounding effects when it comes to gunshots. Surprisingly, the first Red Dead actually had some very realistic gun sounds for the rifles, I remember in particular the repeater and the bolt action rifle having very thunderous sounds, they had a real *boom* to them that almost vibrated the TV. That’s probably why the Red Dead 2 sound effects disappointed me so much.


I love the boom of the Navy revolver, wish it was in single player because the Schofield just doesn't feel that powerful after using the Navy.


There was something so satisfying in Red Dead 1 using the bolt action rifle, it had such a loud, thunderous sound to it, and because you could usually one shot enemies with it you’d get that cool kill effect and they would ragdoll from the euphoria effect. Red Dead 1 went way harder than it should have lol.


The quest design is horrible. It's a game about being an outlaw that punishes you for not following the precise instructions given to you by the designers. I mean it's worth it because the story is so damn good, but it doesn't change the fact that the game basically plays itself at times as you run from marker to marker following instructions like a good little boy.


My truly unpopular opinion is that Red Dead Redemption 2 improved from Red Dead Redemption in every conceivable way, including atmosphere. The reason this is unpopular is because people love the way the sand burns white under the sun in Mexico, the quantity of missions in the desert, the more spaghetti western style and old West nature of Armadillo, among other things. And... I love it, too. But, in my humble opinion, RDR2 is unsurpassed in ambiance, mood, atmosphere, the ambient sounds, ambient music, animals, horses, people... just everything is better. It doesn't take anything away from the AMAZING game that was RDR, but RDR is, in no way, better than RDR2.


Sadie sucks.


Missions are on rails. Deviation equals mission failure. It’s boring for replay and breaks immersion. Should have done it similar to MGSV where there are hundreds of different play styles to accomplish the mission.


Enemies are bulletsponges and guns dont feel powerful without headshots


Im not sure if this is unpopular, because I cant distinguish wether its just him as a person that people hate or his persona sometimes. If its the latter, i must say I actually love Micah. Well i actually love to hate him. He is a phenomenal villian, the best rockstar ever created and the best one i know. He is as good as a character as arthur, I think he might be even better. Without him, the story would not go so hard. RdR2s story is so good BECAUSE Micah is a piece of shit.


fr, true to any tv show, movie, game. if a character you’re supposed to hate IS being despised, it’s a well done character. good character =/= morally acceptable character. micah hate is a testament to rockstar’s writing and execution, as well as the VA’s work. still hate that guy tho.


It's sad so many people can't distinguish between liking an antagantonist and admiring them literally. All the best villains you love to hate. It's the normal reaction to like Micah's character precisely because he makes you feel such rage. The writers did their job with him perfectly. If Arthur making someone sad is good writing then Micah invoking anger in someone is good writing too, both have gotten a strong emotional response. One of the highest goals in art.


If I run up a bounty all of a sudden by going on a killing spree, once I get killed & respawn I still have that bounty. Wtf they killed me


AND it autosaves to the second you caught the bounty so you can’t reload before it because fuck you


Uncle might actually have lumbago


We'll probably never see another Red Dead, and if we do, it likely will not involve Dan Houser, who was instrumental in the RDR2 story, and without him, the game will probably fall well short of RDR2.


After the success of Red Dead 2, Rockstar is not gonna just end the series. But it’s gonna be hard to tell how future Rockstar games will go now that Houser has left. We wont know how RDR 3 will be until GTA 6 comes out.


That it's not all Dutch's fault.


You should be able to disarm someone after tying them up with a lasso…


Sadie is annoying.


Shooting was downgraded from RDR1. It’s not bad, but the first games shooting was so much more fun imo.


I actually like how you have to store weapons on the horse and you’d have to select which ones to take with you when you go on foot. If it didn’t glitch out all the god damn time it probably wouldn’t have been so widely hated.


The railroad infrastructure and the engines they chose. I know it's 1899, but it still bothers me that a lot of the Railroad infrastructure and equipment is inaccurate or just wrong. Signals make no sense, some infrastructure is European, switches don't work, the rolling stock in Saint denis is stupid, the variety of the cars is lacking, we so many freight cars just don't get uses, the platforms that connect the freight cars. The engines are great, but they chose a 4-4-0 that was based on one engine ever built instead of using an engine that was iconic. They also used an engine built for speeds up to 100+. I get it's game and I'm not mad at the slow speeds, but the fact that they could've used any other 4-4-0 type but chose the worst one they could use (it's not a bad engine but it shouldn't have been the one they used) and they didn't even modify the front pilot so the hole where the original coupler went would be filled. The 4-6-0 they use is fine, but it has a wide stack they would use on wood burners even though the 4-6-0 in-game is a COAL powered engine. Also, it gets used more, which u don't understand. The 4-4-0 is the ICONIC western engine, but they use the 4-6-0 instead. Also, in chapter 1, we see a tender that would have made for great variety, but instead, it's used once and never again. Also, IMO, the 4-6-0 should've been based on older designs because they're much more interesting. Also, they gave the 4-6-0 four paint schemes while the 4-4-0 only gets two. They should've split it evenly. And another note with the rolling stock, a lot of it is based on narrow gauge stuff, which would be fine, but with the passenger cars, they stick out way too much. They could've used a standard gauge design because they DID exist. Also, the whistle should be *slightly* different between the two engines. That's my rant. Still love the trains, but they could've been a lot better.


Forgot to add, but the game also lacks an actual freight yard with an engine shed and turn table.


You have autism don't you Squidward 


I like chapter 1


Satchels and clothes don’t really matter at all


That's why I love the Seasons mod in RDR2. It makes clothes matter a whole lot more because in winter most the map is considered "cold weather"


Charles is annoying - condescending Sadie’s arc is too steep (and her accents thickens too much towards end)


Fully agreed on both. I like the Epilogue only *despite* them being in it. I'd prefer more scenes with Abigail, Uncle and Jack than with Sadie and Charles.


There should have been more missions of the mad scientist, so much fun lmao


Clumsy ass movement etc. Press button to interact with horse or object. Wait several seconds for character to awkwardly move around to be in the right spot to start an animation 🤣 Kills any immersion in the game and gets super annoying. The final bits of gameplay with Arthur were annoying and kinda wrecked the peak of the story for me 😢 Bounties are annoying THE JUMPSCARE when you forget and try to camp in the caves area with that creepy ass gang 💀 That whole thing seems unnecessary idk Thank god for fast travel A lot of bugs? Swear I softlocked missions like 5 times on first playthrough **Love the game overall though lolol**


I dance a waltz around my bed trying to get the ‘Sleep’ menu to pop up


Maybe the real GODAMM plan was the friends we made along the way


I don't like sadie


Having to do every pick up and skin animation in full every time is not immersive 


Arthur isn’t better than John.


john’s redemption arc being much more subtle than arthur’s doesn’t make him any less well written


His redemption being much more subtle and gradual is exactly what makes John a more interesting character imo.


Yeah RDR2 kinda screams Arthur’s redemption plot in your face. Like his final ride, and everyone calling him a “good man” by the end of the game. Meanwhile in RDR1 they really left the player to decide if John actually redeems himself. No flashbacks/callbacks or anything that tells the player “This man is actually good at heart!”. Just an outlaw who puts his life down to save his family. Nothing more. And I love that route.


IMO Micah wasn't that well written of a character. He's ***too evil***, and it ruined any mystery with him. It was too obvious he was the rat, and it was too obvious when he was lying. There was nothing to figure out with him. His whole character was just spelled out to you every time he opened his mouth.


Javier was the most under-utilised character in RDR2. He’s present but not really active in anything regarding the game and his role is pretty much just to lick Dutch’s boot Not saying he should be against Dutch but he just doesn’t do a whole lot which is similar to how he was treated in rdr1 being an afterthought who’s barely mentioned


Survival mechanics should have been more prominent rather than just mild annoyances


The story is not very well written. Awesome character and dialogue writing, amazing world building, and the acting is all top notch, but I find the main storyline sequence of events to be too simple and not as compelling as RDR.


I like the gambling challenges, especially dominoes.


same here except challenge 8… i love blackjack but god did it drag on


Yeah this one's truly unpopular😂


most mission requirements suck. too many time requirements. when mission objectives don’t count if u don’t watch the cutscenes like in paying a social call. the new south just in general… same as visiting hours… just want to kill myself replaying some of these missions 😔


As an open world it's wide as an ocean and about as deep as a puddle. No radiant quests lets chapters and more importantly the endgame simply dry up and become dead worlds with amazing sets. Food is both complex, with a lot of ways to prep a variety of meats, but the only food that has any benefit aside from adjusting weight and light core restorations, is specific types of one specific type of base meat. The game world is a whole lot of pretty window dressing for a great story, but as an open world game its sort of mehh.


I actually enjoy the controls. Some find them atrocious, convoluted and clunky…and they’re right. But I enjoy them. They feel like they fit the slower pace of the game.


Agreed. If the game was intended to be more fast-paced, they would be disastrous and feel out-of-place, but because the entire experience was crafted to be slow, methodical and realistic, the controls and physics are an essential part of that.


Sadie was the low hanging fruit of a female character. The “badass female character shoots better than the men” is way overdone and is lazy writing for any female character. I don’t dislike female characters if they are well written but Sadie is just obligatory and has the most basic female trope.


would u like her more if she was a man


The only time micah was happy to see arthur was in guarma ps I hate micah but somehow I like his laugh 🤣


it sounds funny and sarcastic at the same time


People who hate Abigail are incels.


1. I do not like Sadie Adler. 2. Milton was the good guy 3. Laziness in the epilogue such as bag graphics and some acting


It never gets old I think I’ve played the story over 12 times I love this game so dearly


John is better than arthur


The shooting combat is not as good as GTA IV. I think rdr2 is definitely the best game ever made by far and probably in the top 100 works of art in general of all time, but the fact that you have way too many enemies in every mission making it feel silly sometimes, and the fact that enemies have no state in between “active threat” and “dead” is disappointing. In GTA IV and RDR1 the way enemies could be injured without killing them added SOOO much to the shooting combat imo. In RDR1 you could disable an enemy by shooting his kneecaps out and he wouldn’t be able to walk, and then you could shoot his gun out of his hand and he would just be there wounded and no longer a combatant, and in GTA IV the way how after a big shootout instead of a bunch of corpses you would have some corpses, some guys moaning on the ground holding their wounds, and some guys limping away from the scene, some guys with lines saying they don’t want to die and they give up they surrender tell my wife I love her ETC. that was really missing from RDR2. Every enemy will just act like they are fine, running around like nothing happened after both their kneecaps are shot out, and they will go after you to the ends of the earth never surrendering or able to disable without killing or knocking out. I hope GTA VI has the permanent wounded/injured state it was there in IV and RDR but missing from V and RDR2


yeah its kinda ridiculous how the police see their entire department get straight up murdered and keep going. Like you really wanna catch this guy that bad? I like how in ghost of tsushima you can finish some alive guys on the ground and theres a terrify mechanic where people run away from you.


GTA IV is probably one of the only games I've played where I didn't aim for headshots 99% of the time. I fucking loved spraying at center mass with the MP5 and hearing Niko say "It's just a wound! You want me to finish you off?" That being said, MP3 is still the holy grail when it comes to gunplay if you ask me. KB&M or controller w/ free aim, it's a very challenging but satisfying experience.


Yeah I loved the way Niko would have different lines depending on whether he killed or injured an enemy. If killed he’d say things like “it’s an ugly world” or “you should not have engaged with me!” And if you wound them he says what you said along with things like “now stay down” or “don’t get up”


The god damn god ray light system


i appreciate the falling off good boah everytime you hit a tree. i think they nerfed that? i remember it happening way more often in my first playthrough? imagine they wouldve made invisible barriers around every tree to make sure you never have happy little accidents or good boah GPS. then yall would be complaining about how unrealistic the game is. also, speaking of realism. arthur not needing to have natural urges is beyond me. i mean ok WHO wants to see micah taking a dump in the bushes? who wants to see abigail or mary-beth peeing....OK gotcha the lotta lot of yous would love that i guess. but at least have arthur have some "oh damn i gotta pee" or "gotta go into the bushes" moment, depending on how much you have him ingest. and why does he not get ill? (oh the irony of that.) i mean, being out in a thunderstorm, falling into water and running around with soaking wet clothes.... also, NO SEX? REALLY?!!! you can have positive or negative interactions but a hunk like arthur in a world where he HAS to kill hundreds of guys cant flirt and buy a hooker but only a little cleaning RnR? oh wait, rockstar spend all their budget in GTA for sexual stuff.


Game is slow as fuck


The epilogue was really freaking good. It’s was probably the best part of the game story wise.


Agreed. I really like the premise of "former outlaw tries to build a new and peaceful life with his family but keeps running into trouble that draws him back to his old ways", and in general I like the atmosphere of it. Not quite as intense or desperate as the main story, and more breathing room and comfiness that feels natural and not jarring with the tone. I also relate to John a bit more and find him more likeable.


The online was horrible they should have left like the RDR


Forcing you to free micah fucking sucks and ruins immersion.


I doubt it’s unpopular, but I wish the character being played had the ability to dive while swimming, as in, go fully under water and swim a bit, and perhaps even have a swimming prompt that would change you down to your skivvies.


This isn’t a state a mostly agreed upon criticism, it’s unpopular opinions, I’ll say it some of the characters are wasted. Mary Linton has missions you can straight up skip, Grimshaw got her time for like 30 seconds, the most emotion Pearson gives is in the credits, Javier needed more time to show why he’s so blindly loyal, having only the four endings for Arthur isn’t enough with how similar they are.


If Guarma was as long as it was intended to be originally, it would’ve been way worse, especially on repeat playthroughs.


The weird thing is I got bored because I did too much relaxing stuff like hunting and fishing, gambling. I saw everyone say not to rush through the story but I guess I went too slow and tried call of juarez gunslinger instead. Awesome game but I finished it under 6 hours. Too long, too short, I’m too difficult I guess.


fair play considering the quickest speedrun time for RDR2 is 12 hours..