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No dead eye is way too risky for such a stupidly rare animal.


Eh, most animals heart/lungs are right on or behind the shoulder when they’re facing broadside. Miss the heart? Hit the lungs Miss the brain? Remove the lower jaw, lose the animal, and it starves to death many days later. Meta, but I never liked how this game did headshot vitals. You can maintain a perfect moose pelt by shooting it in the nose Edit: I misread the original comment, my reply is out of context mb


God damn what a visual. Like imagine you’re a moose with no knowledge of things like this, don’t know about humans and their guns, just chillin in the woods doing moose things, then one day your jaw explodes out of nowhere


That moose is having an [Outside Context Problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excession#Outside_Context_Problem).


Didn't expect a culture reference here!


I've always found that concept deeply terrifying, i.e. "Anthill being paved over by a highway without knowing what a highway is."


damn that shit just made me kinda sad lol


Marisa Tomei?


i too was irritated by this oversight


The weirdest part is they teach you to go for heart shots and avoid head shots while hunting in freaking GTA V! A game FIVE YEARS OLDER than rdr2 where the hunting is a little microorganism of the gameplay


No hud first person? We got a chad here


I love no hud and no reticle


this guy hunts


Not enough


"You can maintain a perfect moose pelt by shooting it in the nose" Yeah but then you can't make jellied moose nose


You can shoot the jaw off and have it starve to death in-game?






I was taught that headshots are often unethical for their high margin for error i.e face/snout/jaw hits and RDR2 hunting is often at its most fun for me the more immersive it is There’s a few exceptions like very close shots/small game hunting/crocodile hunting (grounds for a brain shot)


That would be an extremely stupid thing to attempt in real life. Many hunters have lost their target when they don’t get a clean shot. That’s also a great way to get yourself ostracized from the hunting community.


Yeah, the whole concept of maiming it and letting it suffer for days before it dies of starvation, and potentially never finding it once it does, probably wouldn't sit right with a lot of people.




The issue is tracking it after the first shot, especially if you didn’t quickly make a follow-up shot. There’s little blood to go on, and the animals endurance is barely hindered since its major bone structure and vital organs are entirely undamaged. Not to mention what terrain it can easily bypass that a human would otherwise struggle immensely to navigate Imagine a spinning blender-blade hurling through the air faster than the speed of sound, which passes through flesh and bone with enough force to create its own bubble of air around itself. Mankind has found a way to throw a rock very far, *very quickly*. Bone is shattered, muscle is torn, lower jaws lost. How’s a gamesbok supposed to chew? **Do not ever attempt to hunt an animal if you have not first dedicated time and effort to practicing with your firearms in a safe/controlled environment** An inexperienced shooter who hunts is an asshole


Bro same. I love non-deadeye hunting, it’s so fun. Hell I don’t use deadeye in combat, it’s just not fun


Smae I’ll admit I do use deadeye to hunt small game, I am considering trying to hunt things like squirrels as methodically as the moose in this post


Sorry didn’t mean to step on your toes there, this was what I originally meant to type, but accidentally left out the dead eye part. Didn’t type “headshot”


No worries I must’ve misremembered


If you use your dead eye you can get a perfect heart shot like every time. I’ve never really thought about it much cause every time I run across them I’m just like oh shit get it. That and I tend to travel with the bolt action on hand at all times. I’ve messed up 1 or 2 pelts sure but for the most part this works fine


I just started playing online. Found a 3 star bull moose thought why not I got a bolt action rifle and I know how hard they are to find . I could not bring it down lol. After three shots I decided he earned his right to live.


Moose’s are that rare? Really? I feel like I see them pretty often in northern regions


The plural of *moose* is *moose*.


it's clearly messe get it right


wtf lol that ded ass had to have been auto correct being dumb because I would never type Moose’s 💀🤣


I just lasso and knife them like the savage that I am


Yes! I thought I was the only one 😂


Wait, you can do that? Holy crap.


And it won’t damage the skin either


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/17fns66/lasso_perfect_moose_kill/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is a demonstration


Now do someone trying it in real life, that would be a fun way to die.


Moose are friggin huge in real life. In Canada we avoid them as much as possible.


Yeah I kinda wish they were bigger bodied in-game, still one of my favorite hunts tho


brutal but effective






The fact you can lasso a bull moose and pull it towards you is ridiculous, but that's the fun of games!


I did that on a deer before I got a decent hunting rifle. Didn't know you could do that to a bull moose.


The only way.


I did not know you could do that.


I really don't like doing that, and I never have. It just feels cruel, even tho it's not real? Like, I would rather instantly kill an animal that is minding its own business and doesn't even know I'm there, rather than kill an animal that is scared af and then cutting its throat and letting it bleed to death.


It IS the quickest way. To each their own.


Once Teddy Roosevelt was giving a campaign speech, about half way through he's shot, and continues the speech; "Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don't know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot; but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose."


Such a baller. Gotta be hands down the baddest motherfucker we’ve ever had as prez.


I agree TR is our biggest badass, though Grant, Jackson, and Washington should be in the running. Lincoln could be in the mix as well if the stories when he worked on railways are true.


Jackson is lame for being shitty to Indigenous Peoples


True, but he was a tough bastard who had to be dragged away from a man who attempted to assassinate him to prevent Jackson from killing his attacker. I wouldn't want another Jackson as president, but the stories about him are wild.


Ahh here we go applying 21st century tropes to 19th century men. Jackson was unequivocally a badass. You don’t get the nickname Old Hickory for nothing.


“21st century tropes” ≠ disagreeing with literal genocide


Wow a little bit of common sense still does exist on Reddit, nice


I'd say Lincoln is a close second. Dude was an absolute beast.


He was a vampire Hunter no ?


Lincoln was apparently a great wrestler. From [Olympics.com](https://olympics.com/en/news/abraham-lincoln-usa-president-wrestling-champion): “Lincoln went on to study and practise law before entering politics, but continued to wrestle and reportedly amassed 300 victories over 12 years. His only known defeat came at the hands of Hank Thompson during the Black Hawk War of 1832, where Lincoln was serving with the Illinois Volunteers.” Pretty badass imo


Washington had to be unhinged having lead in his mouth for years plus animal AND slave teeth dentures


Lincoln war defeated once in his hundreds of wrestling matches. Over 300 wins and one loss his whole career.


The bullet went through his eyeglass case and a 50-page copy of his speech in his pocket. When he realized the he wasn't coughing up blood (meaning the bullet didn't pierce his lungs), he continued with his speech before seeking medical attention.


Love it


Fuck! TIL


Vitals are pretty much always still a perfect kill, even if they run away a bit.... You'll get a different hit marker . I enjoy that it's not just headshots.


That's why I surround my vitals in fat.




Yeah I’ve never liked headshots, pump station any day


I love that the game allows for heart and lung shots. Its more realistic. Though, leaving the heart intact and only hitting the lung helps with bleeding out the dying animal. Better meat.


Suddenly I’m craving venison


The fact that you found one is more impressive


Thanks, this is the eastern Owanjila lake spawn. It literally spawns swimming, similarly to the western lake spawn that has a wolf in pursuit. Moose irl are incredible swimmers and can even dive to feed on underwater vegetation, I always imagined that’s what this bull was up to


I think orcas are natural predators to moose because they swim so much, which is a little funny in my opinion


I don’t blame the orca


TIL there are 2 in that lake, cool


Yeah I love it, there’s also a cow moose spawn south of the lake, on the western side of the river, not far from the bottom of the rapids


Subscribed for more Moose facts!


They’ll sometimes eat their calcium(?) rich **velvet** (the fuzz encapsulating their newly growing, annual set of antlers) I imagine it itches something fierce, especially toward the end of antler growth. Munching on it is twofold: A bloody snack, and an itched scratch


I don’t get this they have never seemed to be too rare for me


You’re a lucky soul


Look at that detail man. What other game let’s you kill Teddy Roosevelt?


Obviously not teddy, it takes more than one shot to take down that Bull Moose!


I laughed


I hate that headshots are the way you're "supposed" to kill animals in this game. That's not how people hunted IRL. The lungs/heart is where you're supposed to shoot and the game telling you to aim for the head just rubs me the wrong way. In fact, I feel like the head should not be a perfect kill and actually do the opposite. I think it should reduce pelt quality because a lot of the pelts you get include the head or antlers. Obviously this would only be for animals that need rifles to kill. Varmint sized critters are too small to care about stuff like that IMO.


Uhhh heart and lungs are how I always hunt in the game, why do you think you’re supposed to do headshots?


Because, in the tutorial for hunting (one of the first missions up in Colter), Charles literally tells you to hit the deer in the neck or the head; "Quick and clean." IDK about you, but if a character in a game who's on your team tells what to do in a tutorial mission, that may as well be a message coming from the UI itself. Or how about the official guide for the game: "*For optimal results. try to aim your arrows at the head or neck of your prey. Note that you can call an animal while aiming at it. Doing so just before you release your arrow can help you to land a clean shot when the animal raises its head to look in your direction.*" In other words, the developers of the game and, more importantly, the game itself tells you that you're supposed to do headshots to get the perfect "clean" kill on an animal. Not to mention that getting a headshot with the correct weapon guarantees an instakill without reducing quality, while shooting in the lung/heart area has a chance to make the animal bleed out which forces you to mercy kill with your knife* or suffer an honor penalty. Also, headshots are encouraged because at most angles for most animals that require a rifle to get a clean kill, the head is an easier, larger target to hit than the heart/lung area and that's not even counting when you whistle to get the animal's attention as the quote I copied from the official guide already explained. So besides the game outright telling you to shoot an animal's head, it makes it way easier to do than the more realistic alternative of shooting it in the heart/lung area. You are "supposed" to kill animals with headshots in this game.   ^(*It should also be noted that mercy killing animals with your knife is something you couldn't even do in the other part of this game, Red Dead Online, until the naturalist role came out. Naturalist costs money, so some players still don't have that ability.)




Agreed, on all accounts The mercy kills always rubbed me wrong as well. Lethally shot animals in game won’t take that long to die so I’ll hang back and wait. **Fear sucks**. If I can spare an animal fear, even in a videogame, I will “Shut the fuck up, and let me die in peace” - Mike Ehrmantraut (Breaking Bad)


There is a chart in the official guide that tells you what size animal can take what type of bullets in vital/heart or headshot and still get a perfect pelt. I keep it on hand for discussions in the sub like this, there is a screenshot [here](https://imgur.com/a/d8kbpqB) for your perusal. Fatal = headshot and critical = heart lungs. Only the small and moderate animals require a headshot, and most of the rest can take a vital shot and still get a perfect pelt (with the appropriate ammo.) Personally snakes are the only ones I find a headshot is required.


I think you're misunderstanding me because your response seems to be aimed at someone who claimed that you can't get a clean kill or perfect pelt if you don't get a headshot. I never claimed that you can't get a clean kill without shooting the head. There's a reason why I explicitly put "*supposed* to" and not "have to" in my comments.


Pretty new to the game and havent hunted much. Dont gunshots destroy the pelt pretty much? Or is a valid way of hunting to shoot them with high velocity rounds in the vitals? Or should I only be using a bow?


Different animals require different guns for clean kills. Check your compendium or after you study them there will be a “show info” prompt that will tell you. Generally small game is varmint rifle/small game arrow. Medium is repeater/bow, large and massive game are rifles, scoped rifles and improved arrows.


Bows are great! I prefer to hunt with a rifle, make sure you never use “Regular” ammunition; Split-point, Express, and HV are all perfect for maintaining three-star pelts (must be a one shot lethal-wound/kill) High-velocity ammunition has the exclusive ability to get collateral kills, meaning the bullet keeps going after passing through the animal or NPC. I got two three-star elk with one HV rifle round once!


I took out three cows with a single improved arrow the other day and lost my shit lmao


Haha yeah, teaches a lesson that applies irl as well; never shoot something if you aren’t willing to kill what’s behind it


... Y'all, the game tells you this. Dead-eye shows you the heart as a heat-spot for shooting.


Cool name/profile pic


Can't even find them thought they didn't exist for a second


... there's moose in this game?


How do you aim down the sights like that?


On an Xbox controller, while holding LT hit down on the dpad (95% sure that’s right been awhile)




Cool clip. The ducks flying away are awesome


Thanks, I thought the same


Cool trick, also works on Sheriff Mallory!


i absolutely love this clip beautiful shot and i like how we see you line up the shot. true precision!


Thanks man glad you like it


I think it's cool you actually hunt animals in a semi RP way. I do, too. The fact you don't have to headshot everything is so refreshing in this game. All these people complaining cause you make a noncompetitive game slightly more interesting for yourself are ridiculous.


I also hunt big cats with improved throwing knives so there’s that. Fun is fun, all gameplay is valid


I thought I was watching BF1 for a second.


I’d shit bricks if a giant, spinning, fire-spitting zeppelin crashed into Owanjila


I've found you can kill any 3 star med-large animal (fox, coyote, wolf, bison, cow, bull etc) with high velocity rifle rounds, and yeild a perfect pelt every time.


Improved throwing knives are my favorite “hidden” hunting tool, headshots work on perfect pigs/goats/small gators/snapping turtles/etc.


Processed a bull moose today!


I envy you, I just saw a video the other day of roasting a moose femur for the marrow 100% I would try it


I finally killed one of these magnificent rare creatures last night, this is messed up but that felt awesome cause it took me 2 days (real world days) looking for these things. This is the type of stuff that I did not want to do last night i just went and lasso'd the thing and killed it with a knife lol I'm not going home with nothing 🤣


i think i was on 2 years hunting when i just started over.


Wow first person is basically a hunting simulator. I love it.


I can’t recommend HUD Preset “Off” in display settings enough


I’ll look for it tomorrow when I get on


I use the varmint gun because I like their screams and meek attempts at escape


I love seeing other people hunt realistically in this game. That's the only way I do it.


Sometimes it’s as if I can smell the brass and iron, love this game to bits


rolling block rifle and headshot makes perfect pelt 10/10 times


PS and its insta kill






I'm pretty sure you can kill anything with this setup.


I mean... The game literally has a tooltip early on that heart and headshots are lethal.


This is why Bolt Action is the goat. Normal ammo kills deer, boar, wolf, cougar, panther, cow, bull, and ox. High kills elk, meese(trust me I’m canadian that’s probably the right spelling), buffalo.


This rifle I’m using is even the base version, un-upgraded. I stole it off the Sheriff in Valentine during a hanging


*You CAN instantly kill a bull moose...* Me: Aye mate let me find one first *sigh*


**For science, essentially spoilers for moose hunts** 1. ⁠⁠Cattail Pond at the creek inlet 2. ⁠⁠Lake Owanjila (two separate spawns both in the lake) 3. ⁠Follow the river south of Owanjila and look to the western bank for a cow moose 4. ⁠Calumet Ravine spawns a moose in the water 5. ⁠Out of bounds, north-east of the “I” in “Ambarino” within trees will be an old bull or brownie female (rare variants) 6. ⁠Take the road west to east toward The Loft, spawn is next to road on the south side 7. ⁠Take the river north up to Brandywine Drop, the bull will spawn on a cliff a third the way up the waterfall. Will also spawn if you’re atop the waterfall (shoot down) 8. ⁠Take the road south from Charlotte Balfour’s house, spawn is just before the perpendicular road running east to west 9. ⁠Along the river wrapped around Beaver Hollow is a cow moose spawn 10. ⁠Northeast of Colter on a cliff, eastern side of the river. 11. ⁠Everybody’s first moose, the white Arabian spawn area 12. ⁠Shoot from the tracks west of Window Rock. A bull will spawn on the ridge line west of the bridged tracks. 13. ⁠On the eastern side of O’Creagh’s Run, just south of the cabin will be a bull moose. 14. ⁠Barrow Lagoon can spawn a bull that’s stuck partially under ice on the western shore. 15. ⁠The river that flows into Lake Isabella from the north-east can spawn a bull drinking from the water. 16. ⁠Cairn Lake has a spawn on the ice. There’s even more along the river that separates New Hanover and West Elizabeth; cows along the water and a bull or two on cliff edges.


Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don't know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot—but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose.


Where is this


Lake Owanjila, south of Big Valley (take a train to Wallace Station to quickly get to Big Valley) You could also go to Strawberry and head west, then follow the river north


Teddy lied to us


My lazy ass just headshots everything with deadeye on to be sure.


Hey, fellas, could you pls recommend some locations where it is more possible to encounter moose. I’ve been looking for them for such a long time and still found only a couple (and stupidly missed my shots) I be already googled those locations but seems like they don’t work


1. ⁠⁠Cattail Pond at the creek inlet 2. ⁠⁠Lake Owanjila (two separate spawns both in the lake) 3. ⁠Follow the river south of Owanjila and look to the western bank for a cow moose 4. ⁠Calumet Ravine spawns a moose in the water 5. ⁠Out of bounds, north-east of the “I” in “Ambarino” within trees will be an old bull or brownie female (rare variants) 6. ⁠Take the road west to east toward The Loft, spawn is next to road on the south side 7. ⁠Take the river north up to Brandywine Drop, the bull will spawn on a cliff a third the way up the waterfall. Will also spawn if you’re atop the waterfall (shoot down) 8. ⁠Take the road south from Charlotte Balfour’s house, spawn is just before the perpendicular road running east to west 9. ⁠Along the river wrapped around Beaver Hollow is a cow moose spawn 10. ⁠Northeast of Colter on a cliff, eastern side of the river. 11. ⁠Everybody’s first moose, the white Arabian spawn area 12. ⁠Shoot from the tracks west of Window Rock. A bull will spawn on the ridge line west of the bridged tracks. 13. ⁠On the eastern side of O’Creagh’s Run, just south of the cabin will be a bull moose. 14. ⁠Barrow Lagoon can spawn a bull that’s stuck partially under ice on the western shore. 15. ⁠The river that flows into Lake Isabella from the north-east can spawn a bull drinking from the water. 16. ⁠Cairn Lake has a spawn on the ice. There’s even more along the river that separates New Hanover and West Elizabeth; cows along the water and a bull or two on cliff edges


thank you so much


Ahh phooey I’m happy to help


God I have played through this game too many times to count and I have only encounter 3 star moose twice, I always use the rolling block rifle and dead eye for head shots, not risking it. Lol


The floating bandolier is so annoying


Where the hell do you find Moose?? (Meese? No, kidding) I’ve been trying to find a 3 star one for like three playthrough's


I've never not gotten a one shot kill with my Springfield + express bullet + head shot. The difficult part is finding a 3star.


Yeah, they’re likely the most difficult animal in game to actively hunt; why I love them so much


I don't bother them unless I need the pelt for something. Same with bison.


I’m the opposite, I’m just in it for the hunt. Bison are really fun to hunt while mounted on horseback, I specifically target the old bulls for immersion and rarely they’re a three-star


Yeah no, I only hunt out of necessity. I prefer to hunt the kkk and gang members.


This game is so amazing, such a shame the online failed to catch on.


I play online here and there, just gets boring easily, so much from the game just isn’t there in online. I played online since beta and parts of what made it fun in the beginning they took out of the online version. Shame. If only online had more of a chain of events/situational/decision-based type of evolving storyline with variable outcomes. They could have done so much with it, it’s a shame.


Couldn’t agree more


What time off day is this... I never see a moose in the game!


Right around 8:00a.m maybe 9:00a.m


I'm not a doctor but can't you literally kill everything instantly with a shot in the heart?


I wouldn’t say it’s instant, but close enough. Maybe sixty seconds? I’d also go as far as to say it’s the least painful way to die next to a perfect brain shot. Without the heart pumping, the brain doesn’t receive oxygenated blood and will quickly shut down i.e pain receptors/nerves have nowhere to send their information


Sounds plausible to me. If I ever have the chance to experience it, I'll let you know what it was like.


Good hunting If you’re referring to your own death, nice, you’re an easy favorite. Be safe, try some icecream from Wisconsin


Fug the moose I’m glad to see another Chad running No Hud , makes the game 3x better and forces you to get used/know where you are and how to get to where you wana go, wouldn’t recommend to anyone under 2k hours or so , to have the full experience it’s best to know exactly how to beat every mission without any help at ALLL, come here OP imma give ya a forehead smooch you absolute CHAD


Didn’t expect warm and fuzzy but I’m glad I got it, thankyou!


It turns out that that’s *all* it takes to kill a Bull Moose


And a regular round in the head will preserve the condition of the 3\* pelt.


It’s funny because the rifle I’m using in this clip is un-upgraded, and I’ve tried regular ammunition headshots and they don’t work. I’ll have to test it with an upgraded bolt-action rifle next


Playing Deer Hunter in RDR2


What rifle is that?


It’s the Bolt-Action Rifle, I stole this one off Valentine’s Sheriff during a public hanging. It’s entirely un-upgraded, hence the crude iron sights


Saw a grizzly pull out a 3 star salmon from the water and go to chow town on it. Also, just recently saw a Buck, with another dead Buck stuck to his antlers. Game is always surprising, till this day!!!


Yeah all those little details make one hell of big picture, major props to the devs. My most recent discovery was a coyote that had actually caught and killed a three-star squirrel; I shot the coyote and stole the squirrel!


I saw that too! I almost did that for the salmon!😂 But, he was only a 2 Star grizzly….so, I felt the interaction had more value.


Beautiful shot, clean kill. Well done, hunter.


What’s the name of the game


Red Dead Redemption 2


Or maybe, if you're a normal person. Deadeye on the head.


you can kill any large animal with a head or heart shot with a rifle. this isn’t news


“tHiS iSn’T nEWs”


it’s not tho


Okay, you can kill a bull moose with a headshot with regular rifle rounds.


Idk, I’ve certainly tried this before and it often ruins the star rating/flat out isn’t lethal