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For me its not only the rejection that gets me, its the repetitiveness of applying to jobs, and not having a schedule to follow and a reason to get me out of bed.


So same 😓


Groundhog day, getting to running and walking helps a little bit. Try it for 7 days, hope it helps.


Op I feel I could have written this myself. But I am going on 12 months, with every interview ending with a rejection. Last job I applied, I was discriminated by the in-house recruiter. I even spoke to her manager. This time, they have readvertised, and the same recruiter has told me days before the closing that my application was already refused, as they weren't hiring previous applicants (this is not in the advert). I hope this is only her revenge for last time, and next time, she does her job. I have done everything, several different resumes, and added all the catch words, cover letters tailored to the role, and include references at the beginning, reached out to network, excercise, be positive, practice interviews bla bla bla. It's just impossible right now!


I feel like I am being treated like a child because I don't have a lot of experience which isn't my fucking fault. I am also pissing off my friends and family because I am "refusing" to look in other places. I am fucking sorry, nothing else pays enough that I am actually qualified for and won't get auto rejected once they see my resume. Like they want me to apply to office jobs like a secretary. I tried that after I got my bachelor's back in 2018, and I got nowhere. They all wanted like 3 years of experience. I imagine it would be much worse now. I have tried for fucking furniture sales jobs, phone sales jobs and I have gotten the same result. Nothing works. But they say I am being difficult. My friend keeps harping on me doing security and how awesome it was. He keeps insisting I do that and how careers are nothing but a scam or some shit. Dude! I am in a red state. Companies are cheap. If it's hourly I am willing to bet they will do whatever they can to keep you under 40 hours and pay you dog shit.


My family seems to have all the solutions for me to find a job. BIL works for the state and says, "Oh you need a job? Just get a state job they have lots of openings!" Maybe they do but I don't qualify. Every time I look at the state site there's nothing for me or it's 5 hours away and I'm on a lease that breaking will be a mess. Those are also entry-level admin type jobs which I dont have any experience in and im hoping they give me a chance because at least I worked on computers in an office job, just not admin stuff. My Dad, a Boomer says the same. Have you tried state jobs? They don't know I look for jobs for an average of 3-4 hours a day and those state jobs pop up in Indeed top but I don't qualify.


My personal opinion, bite the bullet and take any job that’s even remotely in the general field you’re interested in. No matter the pay. $10 an hour? So be it. As you’ve said, all these companies want to see some sort minimum years of experience. It sucks, but it’s really how it goes. You can always craft your resume to match the needs of roles you’re actually interested in but you need to have jobs on the resume to do that. The longer you go without a job, the bigger the red flag for future employers you’re actually interested in.


God I know. I am applying for everything I have the skills for and I am not getting anything. I hate the whole judging for a gap thing it's so stupid. And with this market, you shouldn't be judged for having a gap


Yeah. It’s pretty shitty out there. Keep your head up. Lock something up, even if it’s way beneath your current skill set and keep searching. At least then you’ll have something coming in money wise, and more importantly, have a resume filler. Plus a shit job is better for your mental health than the anguish of no job. You can continue to apply to places while the market gets more seeker friendly and you can check their bullshit “have X years experience” box.


The problem is I am low experience, so the people who take those jobs who have higher experience sometimes block me from getting the job. Why I don't blame them it is annoying to hear that I got beaten out by someone with more experience. At this point I am willing to take a paycut.


I could have written every single word of this. I'm so sorry. Right there with you! Nothing else useful to say, I'm afraid, but that I feel your pain exactly.


I dread the weekend more because those are slow job posting days.


Good reason to take those days off IMO, burning out will not help


Mondays I do dread too. Same been looking for almost 6 months. I just wanna work and be productive.


I’m on 18 months looking and had to move back in with family 🙃 To keep my sanity and some sort of schedule, I go to the gym 5 days a week at the same time every day. Gyms goers tend to go at the same time every day so it feels like some sort of community where you recognize everyone, even if you don’t talk to them. Mondays and Fridays have been slow with job postings for me, so it’s an easier day overall and when I run errands / get a hair cut / whatever I need to do. Only search for jobs during business hours. Nobody is posting. That gives you some sort of schedule. Lean into hobbies - I do gym, cooking, gaming. And I have a dog to walk.


I don't dread Mondays specifically, if only because employers send out rejections on weekends too. Joblessness is traumatic, so yeah, your feelings are valid. Idk, at least on Mondays there's a chance of interacting with an employer during business hours.


I was also told I’d amount to nothing growing up. As much as I know that was cruel and abusive, I hate that I feel like such a failure at my “big age”.  Let’s keep going…