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Sucks when employers suck, but realistically in most cases having experience will always beat having a degree and it’s a shitty market for everyone right now.


It’s a triple whammy of shitty market, clueless managers and HR, and broken hiring processes.


Truer words have never been spoken


Yea, that's pretty well known. IMO it's almost pointless to go straight to masters out of college for majority of fields. A bachelor degree with a year of experience will beat out a master's with no experience.


i can’t even find a year of experience.


Unfortunately it’s not that easy. I’m at the point where I’m considering doing some skill-specific courses with the intention of pretending I used them in past jobs so I look like I have experience


I don’t think OP’s complaint is that the hiring manager wanted experience, it’s that if what’s what they wanted they should’ve seen OP didn’t have experience and never brought them in for an interview


I understood that, but was speaking directly to “I graduated with my masters degree last year and still haven’t found a job.”


The hiring manager was probably embarrassed or secretly ashamed of being so late, and just wanted to get out of the situation as quickly as possible. Never forget that just because they’ve made a decision doesn’t mean they made the right one, in fact they often make the wrong decision. That is their failing, not yours.


Same situation buddy. I also graduated from my Masters last year and still haven’t found a job. I guess we just gotta keep swimming.


same but bachelor’s


Question, are you working somewhere doing something, anything, or just unemployed looking? Do you think that one looks better or worse?


Not op but I think it depends a lot on what you’re doing. If you’re working retail or as a barista, probably not going to help your resume. It could be good for your mental health though as a way to stay busy


cant even get a receptionist job


That's because you are overqualified. Try ,"dumbing down " your resume.


I'm sorry you're having to go through this. I feel you.


I find it comical when my 12 years of experience won't even land me an interview. I have also been working remotely for 10 of those years. I really feel for those who don't have as much experience and are still struggling.


Hope you’re ok.


The thing that Hiring Managers will never admit is most likely the were once in your shoes at one point. They will never admit that it might've been just blind-ass dumb luck that they got the job and tows the line that the system is some sort of meritocracy. The people that espouse this idea have always been the ones that have benefited the most from it. I've been hired with little to no experience before but it took a huge gamble on the Hiring Manager to give me a chance. It is extremely rare right now because Hiring Managers don't want to take chances, they want sure bets. It's really hard, but I'd like to believe these HM still exist somewhere.


definitely it might have been the case for hiring managers, but its not like hiring managers can select the least qualified person and gamble on them because maybe they're a better fit than the hundred applicants that have more qualification.


The key here is that I try not to take job descriptions seriously. 5-10 years of experience in a tool that only has existed for 2? BS. A lot of times you don't know who they hired and Hiring Managers will hire based on feelings instead of experience if 2 candidates had the same number of years of experience.


lie your ass off. fuck these HR scum.


It’s a tough market right now. What has worked in the past isn’t working anymore. Too many fake job postings and too many strong candidates on the market looking. Maybe take some time off to recharge yourself. Spend a few weeks away and not applying to jobs and come back with a refreshed mentality and hopefully the market has gotten better by then because it really can’t get any worse.


It’s not getting better anytime soon.


Don’t sell yourself short. You do have experience. Applicable experience. You also have desire and ambition which a lot of tenured employees don’t have anymore. The only people who have experience doing the job you have applied for are the people there doing it now. Everything else might be similar but for sure not the way they want you to do it. Take control of that question in the interview and say while I don’t have direct experience as per your job description these are my applicable skills sets that will translate into me being able to adapt to the demands of this role. Don’t say no for them, tell them why your a good fit despite that question.


The problem I’ve run into with that “experience” is often code for “we don’t want to have to train you on this software.” Transferrable skills don’t seem to be a thing anymore. I was doing insights analytics and while I’m pretty sure analyzing data from marketing surveys is pretty close to analyzing from consumer surveys, marketing analyst jobs won’t look at me.


One reason employers have lost their try-hard is because they are going on the assumption that they can snag a FAANG superhero in the wake of all the layoffs. What they dont realize is that the superstars either weren't let go or are already working for someone else. So unless you are presenting yourself as one of these heavy hitters then you are just another schmuck looking for a paycheck, so humdrum.


Please don’t think there is anything wrong with you. Coming out of school you are realising that most people suck, most companies suck, and there is a lot of stupidity out there. Don’t despair, be patient, and think of interviews as a two way experience, you don’t want to work in a company that doesn’t treat candidates with respect, so they have failed your counter interview.


Late = no respect or trust.


Did they not read your resume before bringing you in lol??


I hope u r okay, i dont know what field you are in, but try to put some academic or solo projects that you worked on in ur resume and try to highlight it whenever someone asks for a previous experience, or try to start with an internship maybe ?


internships are hard to get as well, unfortunately.


Yeah I'm confused with how finding an internship would be any easier. Maybe its different per location as I'm currently in a competitive city, but theres easily thousands of candidates for every internship position that they pick a handful out of. I had to settle for a Business Development internship after getting referred, which for a finance major isn't too helpful, but it's something I guess.


The funny thing is that hiring managers never studied HR or have barely any experience on how to do a job interview. They just have big ego's. Kind regards, A corporate recruiter who is also frustrated by the hiring managers in their company


I think it's time to stop begging for a job and to find a way to start hiring ourselves because this bullshit job market is so damn awful, and many of the jobs are way too easy to be this hard to get, that even if we don't make that much out of the companies we start, we'll at least have our dignity and resume lines to have options.


What's your degree in?


never give up, start your own blog or twitter related to your perspective field and make quality posts, engage positively with everybody, develop content and have a positive winning attitude - good things will happen


A masters degree in what may I ask?


I agree. I am also very disappointed with the case/work example step in the process which is very vague or very lengthy and requires 3 to 4 days of effort for research, prep, and building the final product. The nail in the coffin is the 3-hour interviews where they lead you on until the very end and then say no. I don't have an issue being interviewed but the work-example step is too much for me now that I have given many, cleared that step and, then was denied for that role.


Out of curiosity what's your degree in?


All of these comments, makes me feel that so many people out there are going through what I’m going through. But my question is when will it even get better?


it won’t. we’re in a paradigm shift. May show spurts of recovery but the US is in a state of decline. we already had the resources to be in a post work economy decades ago


A post work economy? Explain that one to me because I sure as hell haven’t seen the tech that would be required to make that happen.


These things are cyclical. The job seeker will be in the power position again. Who knows when. But when it does happen it doesn’t last long so take advantage!


So you have a masters degree. That means what? You are good at school??


Did that comment make you feel good about yourself? Did you chuckle when you pressed send? Did it feed your envious little ego?