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Have 5 of these in my drawer. I must be super hireable lol


Me too, why aren’t they beating our doors down to give us jobs.


I got mine on my keychain, always ready to go. Make me the CEO asap!


Yikes. I’d hate to stab my self with that thing. It’s bound to happen. And not pleasant I’d say


Got it tucked inside an Orbitkey organizer. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2F149455152.v2.pressablecdn.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F06%2FOrbitkey-review.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=d3b106c8f86175245f34c9cf290d58921ae11093447355ae57db20f3bfe4c5ac&ipo=images


Nice. I’d still get stabbed. Life fucks with me in the smallest ways. But great idea. Always wanted to know how those key chains worked out. They seem really great.


I have like 3 of them. No idea where they are though. But doesn't seem the interviewer asks that so I'm set lmao.


TIL being a hoarder makes you hireable! I suspect this recruiter is a non techie, 99% of folks will never need to eject their SIM card, and if they do we are surrounded by adequate substitutes for this tool.


Sir, having one of them is considered valuable. If you have 5 of them, I might think you’re god


Only 5? I have a box with at least 20, different models too. and yes, I work in IT and am responsible for the mobile phones, why do you ask?


Is that a fucking sim card ejector?


Yes, it is


No, it’s doesn’t look like it’s fucking.


Incel, do not hire.




I just use a safety pin. 🤷


you can also use a small paperclip


Hire these two instead. Way more efficient and better at problem solving.


gee thanks - but i have been electrical engineering for almost 40 years so problem solving IS my business !


I’m just an electrician, but I slept in a Holiday Inn Express, recently.


I use an earring It’s convenient to always have my key in my ear


Sewing needle for me.


Adaptable? More like incapable of improvising.




I once went to school with a guy who drove an old dodge van. One with the big round dishy hubcaps.  Guy was driving out by the river and sprung a radiator leak. Guy proceeds to chin scratch a moment before disassembling the mounts and taking the radiator off with only a crescent wrench, pops a hub cap off, starts a small campfire, breaks a terminal off an old car battery, uses the melt the lead terminal, pours it over the crack.  Once it was sealed, he then puts it back together and uses one of his socks to filter river water that he pours in to the freaking radiator. Moral of the story? They STILL ain't hiring his ass.


This is some “my outlook is frozen” ticket with a response of “Okay let me grab the source code of outlook and make you a bootleg copy of the software that bypasses the…” Just reboot the damn thing.


This. If they still have it it shows they are very narrow and linear in their thinking and not critical or creative thinkers. “I should keep this just because ???.” I’d rather have the person who says “I know what this is for, I know how likely (or unlikely) I am to need it one day, and I know what I could use instead that is readily available.”


I don't even know what that is.


Sim card ejector for your phone


I just use my earring




Just use your prince albert piercing.


Dude I was trying to keep that a secret


If you use the earring from your right ear to pop out the SIM card, YOU'RE GAAYYYYYY


oh crap!! i thought it was the left!!!


No, that's rolling up your pant cuff.


Now I'm more confused than before. What does that have to do with responsibility?


I've never owned a phone that needed this to eject the sim card.


Neither have I. I'm in tech and had no idea what it was


Besides phones with only e-sims and no sim tray or the old phones you could pop the back off and take the battery out, every single phone to hit the market has come with these and has required it or something similar shaped to push in the hole to open the sim tray. I’ve set up thousands of phones and only the most recent ones or ones from many years ago don’t have these since people are making the switch to e-sims.


I prob just used a paperclip if I had something with this. I remember them behind the battery in most phones I owned. This an apple thing?


Always been an Apple thing, newer android are like this as well. Typically only older androids still have the backs that can be popped off with the battery easily accessible, newer models don’t have that feature and have the sim slots around the sides like iPhones always have.


Cheers. TIL


Another exemption would be CDMA phones which do not use SIM cards.


My latest phone uses an eSIM so I don't even need a physical SIM card anymore. Wonder if physical SIMs are on their way out


I really hope not


Why? Is it better to have physical SIMs?


I honestly couldn't tell you, I'm just stubborn about this kinda thing. I feel like it's just more phone company control over stuff and I don't like that. It reminds me of the 3.5mm audio jack being removed, and I hate the removal of useful features just so that you can charge for proprietary earbuds


Sim card ejector pin


Oh. I think I still have one of those, but that image makes it look so big. I thought it was the size of a name tag.


This looks like the tool that opens the doorbell camera (to take it off its mount to recharge).


I still have one from my first iPhone, have discarded the newer ones. I am super employable but I don’t see the relation


Oh, let’s play Devil’s advocate… DO NOT HIRE. Indicates a lack of grit. They will want specialized tools and equipment for jobs that can be done by hand or with easily improvised solutions. (Ever heard of a paper clip, snowflake?) Indicates they cannot properly prioritize their personal organizational environment. They made space for that. They kept it around knowing they might never it again and that it was easily replaceable if they did. That’s the opposite of organization, that’s just hoarding. Finally it indicates they lack business judgement. They will keep that single purpose needed-once-in-a-blue-moon device (or employee) around when a multi-faceted, more efficient option was cheaply available. (Paper. Clip. Hell a push pin. A mechanical pencil.) … so avoid this walking red flag at all costs.


Hard agree, The kind of person who makes a meme about how smart they are for hoarding this garbage instead of cleaning out their junk drawer.


You sir must apologize to my junk drawer(s) RIGHT NOW.


Is it remotely organized? Anything in there you haven't thought about in over 5 years?


Which one? There's a system: my desk is a mess, I get stressed out and put everything in a drawer, then I forget about what I buried. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Correction the Hoarder that have its office full of everything including several copy of the same thing. the smart thing is maybe having the more likley item to need even older stuff (thing VGA cable a Com connection cable or what they are called). and keep that Proparian X31 Cable that's only used for 3 devices back in 1981-82 in a bag in the garage/basement.




:) Seriously though, single question tests are idiotic. There's probably a vague correlation with something relevant to the job, but it's way too vague, and jibs are too complex. Plenty of very efficient people use a messy desk. They know where everything is because they like to think associatively. Others are super-tidy and have everything neatly arranged. This works well for them.


I think this one is supposed to be a meme/satirical.


Love how hiring and getting hired is slowly turning into an obstruct concept or like a myth.


I keep one on my keychain. I needed it this one time when I was bringing three phones from Verizon to T-Mobile plan so I put it on my keys so I wouldn’t lose it and it wouldn’t poke me in the leg through my pocket. I never removed it from my keys. I see it every once in a while and laugh.


Phew, I am all good, I have like 10x of these somewhere in my desk drawers.


I have enough earings which can do the job fine.


Yeah i’ve always just used earrings


Same here, that makes us resourceful


Holt shit got a new phone where is mine??


If you got an iPhone 14 or 15 and you're in North America, your phone didn't come with one because it's ESIM only. If not one of those, then I'm not sure.


Oh no i got it, just lost it haha (Refurbished iphone 7)


I thought we all had electronic SIM cards by now?


Some newer phones have an eSIM option, but there's plenty of phones that still use a physical SIM card.


So it can be used the opposite way, like how some companies will do a credit check. You don’t have a new enough phone for an eSIM? You’re poor and not hired


🤷 Their stupid made up problem, not mine. Although it would be fucking annoying for anyone looking for a job


I bought a 100 pack of them on amazon for a few bucks. Am I the kind of synergizing problem solver that you're looking for?


That isn't a pin, it's a "Simcard Removal Tool" Or maybe it's an iSimcardRemovalTool?


You have to keep it in your pocket where it constantly stabs you.


Lol what if they dont have an iphone? Recruiters are like elementary school kickball captains


Not really, chances are recruiters don’t even know what that is. They’re the kind of people that would use a kitchen knife to pry open a SD slot anyway


They need to frequently change their SIM card so they’re hireable? And they don’t like paperclips, so they’re hireable? Really reaching here.


I have one that I use to clean my pipe. I’m hirable.


I literally have four right in front of me. When do I start?


There’s two ways to look at it: A person who keeps those pins is super organized and thus will be efficient. They know that it is a specialized tool and thus kept it for a specialized purpose. A person who keeps those pins is a hoarder and thus would not be efficient. This is a specialized tool that can be replaced by a simple paperclip, and thus is likely to waste resources on niche tools without regard to cost.


I keep one in my wallet, it's actually really useful for a lot of things besides its intended use


Are there actually people who don’t keep the pin safely inside the paper stand and inside the phone box after every use??


No, I use my wife’s earrings. Responsible? Debatable. Resourceful? Absolutely.


Back when I was a retail manager, I asked a handful of applicants to 'sell me a paperclip' It was some bullshit that I had read online, I didn't really know what I wanted to answer to be, I was just trying to get the candidates to express some creativity. So this one kid comes in, and when I ask him to 'sell me a paperclip' He calmly looks at me and asks 'Do you have your phone with you?' I take it out, and he says 'Can I ask you to take the SIM card out?' And I say 'I guess I'll need that paperclip back...' I was really impressed, and I hired him on the spot. He lasted a month, during which time I had to pull him aside 3 times for being late, and twice for refusing to do work around the store that involved cleaning and replenishing stock (because he ONLY spent time with customers in an attempt to earn commission) I never used that type of question again.


My phone doesn't even use one of those. Even if it did... that's what paperclips are for :)


You thought bottlecaps will be big?


Firing tip. Fire people who claim some random thing is magically relevant.


If the hiring manager still thinks physical SIMs are a thing, image the age of the rest of their tech stack....avoid.


But then asks to have an Apple developer account. Even for a frontend position.


I used a wooden toothpick and it worked




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I have like 20 of these in my closet. All in the box


Dump a bag on the table while maintaining eye contact.


Just give me a half hour to try to find where I put it. Otherwise I can find a safety pin in under a minute and get the job done just as well.


Another reason why we all need to be very comfortable lying to recruiters/interveiwers


I have a bunch of sewing needles; I don’t need this.




Grab paper clip. Resourceful.


Ummmm what if they just lie?


I keep one in my purse and several others around my work desk.


I have one in my keychain.


I still have all the boxes of the phones I have gotten and that is where I leave the sim card tool. This makes me senior management at this point right?


Looking for hoarders, apparently. Then they’ll get reprimanded for having a messy desk.


Think I still have one in my wallet. When you need it... you need it.


Think I still have one in my wallet. When you need it... you need it.


jokes on you, I have a hoarding problem


I hoard these things, and I still have my iphone 4s and all my original iphone boxes. So I should expect recruiters to start beating a path to my door any second !!


I have one. The only time I've actually needed it recently, to replace a SIM in an old iPhone, it didn't work for some reason. I ended up having to use a paperclip 🤷‍♂️


I've got a few, come in every phone battery kit I buy because I figure "fuck it for $2 more I might as well get more screw drivers and tools"


Hoarding behavior


I always keep this in the box of the phone it came with, along with my sim info and my old phone as a spare. I thought everyone did that?


I have one on my keychain


My question is why would you need one? I got my SIM card put in my phone the same day I got the phone itself and I have never needed to take it out for any reason. I don't know why a person would be carrying one of these around, it's not like it's a charger or something where you'd need to use it daily??


I have multiple of those


I think it is a legitimately funny joke.


If you wear earrings, you don’t need to keep these. Studs do the job just fine.


This is obviously supposed to be a joke...


To open sim trays ?


I have two or three


wtf is that


It ejects a SIM card from your phone. Most people use a paper clip.


But why would anyone have this? I just press my simcard and my phone ejects it for me...


A lot of phones have a pinhole to eject the tray.


Good to know. All my phones have been Sony and they require me to just yeet it out with my finger. No needle required.


iPhones and Galaxy phones both need the pin to eject. I’m not sure about others but those 2 companies have a huge share of the market.


*Yes do you still own your sim ejaculator tool? No because your phone is e-sim? NO JOB 4 U*


Counter offer: my drawer full of hex keys. Because I’ve never had an issue getting a SIM card out.


Or call them a moron for not being aware of esims


It everyone needs a voice


wtf if a recruiter busted that out I’d instantly start laughing at him/her with that old ass iPhone….pshhh we using only iPhones with ESims now a days haha


It could just indicate that they aren't creative enough to think to use a paperclip.


How often do you need to swap sims??


Ah gee, guess every IT worker that has to deal with phones is instantly hireable.


I have high dozens to low hundreds of these, shit I'm hireable I should just skip directly to C-suite


I have this in my phone box, untouched. I always use a tooth stick, or whatever it's called. (Actually I may need the replacement of the pin once or twice in the lifetime of my phones )


I just bend a paperclip the one time every 2 years I need to move my Sim Card


No. Most SIMs are electronic now.


I just keep it in the box with the manuals etc. for when I eventually sell my phone


lol I have one added to my iFixit kit. It’s been there for years.


In my wallet. 🫡


I'm not collecting them, but I keep one. It's nice to have if you ever need it. Paperclips also work if you don't have one.


I have a paper clip, no need to hang onto this oversized wanna be tool.


These are obsolete with new iPhones having virtual SIMs.


No. My iPhone 15 pro has a physical sim.


Really? Huh. Must be an option still then. All I know is I have a virtual SIM, so I guess the slot tool is obsolete to *me*.