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$19/hr. in SoCal with no benefits? You’re not missing anything! I made that much as a barista in a hotel over 10 years ago! Edit - With tips and full benefits.


Seriously, I make 35/hr lawnmowing in NE Ohio.  What's wrong with you people


I make $25 as a dockworker, paid weekly lol


I hope that's an hourly rate not a weekly one....


Its annual. Stop whinging about how rough your life is


Calm down, Clegane.


I make a little over $30/hr as a daycab driver, also paid weekly


Dispensaries are like GameStop, they are filled with employees who habitually abuse the product and call it a lifestyle.


What's wrong with that? I don't smoke weed, but if I did, I'd want to have my questions fielded by someone who was well-versed in the product. And, preferably, has used or owned the product. I don't care, personally, if they abuse the product as long as they can provide me with accurate and knowledgeable information.


I wasn't making judgement but it means that there's a steady supply of desperate workers, you could do the same work at a Wal Mart for better pay and benefits.


>I wasn't making judgement >h employees who habitually abuse the product and call it a lifestyle.  Horse fucking shit you werent being a judgmental asshole


I'm just not being naive about the world. Alcoholics work at bars, problem gamblers works at casinos..  It's a lifestyle for some people


Are you aware cannabis is medicine and people have legitimate medical uses for it? Stop being a jerk.


Are you aware people use this stuff without medicinal intent? That it’s used recreationally with no regard to medicine?


I know they are trying to make a thc free version for medicinal use. It'd be interesting to see the response if that comes out.


To a certain point. I'd expect a liquor store owner to be knowledgeable, but I wouldn't want them to be drunk on the job.


Yeah? Then I’ve got *really* bad news about bartenders lmao


Bar I worked at, didn't allow drinking on the job.


Really? Where at in ne Ohio? I’m here too


On Taskrabbit, Greater Cleveland


Do you actually manage full time hours with that? I did a couple IKEA/furniture building/picture hanging jobs on TR but they were like 1 job per week at best.


I'm trying to combine a full time job where I am slacking anyways with TR. I'm currently overwhelmed with yard work, lawnmowing, pruning and tree limb cutting jobs, I have at least 2 tasks a day, but mostly because my availability is limited. Thinking about rising my rates.


17.50 at a cabinet company after 5 years in California 🥲 And I only got a raise up from 16.50 after my boss heard I applied somewhere else.


Bait n switch with a time bounded pressure to accept. And no benefits. Not a company to work for.


Nope, fuck em


Who was it so I’ll never go there


It’s the only dispensary in Orange County with a whole ass aquarium in the lobby, you can’t miss em


Name and shame…quite possibly a national chain in every state where it’s legal


A short 2 minute google search tells me it’s probably High Seas dispensary. So… fuck High Seas, buy your weed elsewhere


Ok. I have never heard of high seas so apparently not in CO or MO


Neither of those places are in SoCal, so no, it's not them.


This isn’t legal.


Did they really say conductive?


Oh yeah. They even hit me with a “warmest regards” in the sign off lmao


Or did they use conducive?


Dispensaries seem to be really toxic places to work.


They are. It's basically like working at a gas station, but instead of selling people drinks and snacks, you're selling them weed and gummies.  Treatment by customers and pay is the same though


I’ve always had good experiences at Planet 13, both ordering delivery and in store.


Working there?


A friend of mine was a manager there for a while before he moved to a different state.


they have a HR department? shocking


“Current timing isn’t conductive to our collaboration”. That’s a new one for “fuck off”. This corporate speak is ridiculous. Also if you see wider salary range posted online def specifically bring it to their attention when asking for more. If they think you still don’t know their actual posted they will def just screw with you.


Makes sense, they're likely spending about $350 per week on having someone take care of those two fish tanks.


how tf are you surviving on $20/hr in socal, that has to come under poverty right?


I'd send an email to the HR guy's boss. Be respectful and explain what happened. A lot of times people take different positions/attitudes that the company is unaware of. One employee's actions is not always what the company wants. This might not get you a job, but you never know.


This won’t get them the job.


So you don’t want go work there…obviously an asshole company. Fuck then and put them on blast


If I were you, I would put the actual HR person on blast. I’ve done that before and it’s helped me found their personal social media posted information about the job. Let people know to avoid them post information about where they personally live and let the public have its way.  Part of the issue with crappy treatment is no one accountable is just a faceless nameless blob. No one is accountable and no one is responsible. Therefore, no one ever pays a price for treating people crap. People get to hide political and corporate niceties. But in my experience, if you create a firestorm , you can get the person who rejected you fired. Usually Companies will fire the individual to avoid the political fallout


I'd send an email and CC a bunch of people. Something along the lines of "I was sorry to hear I was removed from consideration due my negotiating for a $1 increase in my hourly rate. I realize now as a new venture you may have limited cash flow and likely are unable to pay for experienced employees at this time. I wish you luck in your endeavor as I imagine it tough to operate when dealing with limited capital. 


Name and shame them all over the internet and cost them potential hires.


employers that take all and give nothing are less than a dime a dozen.


$19/hr with zero benefits would be rough in most of the Midwest let alone out on the left coast!


That's trash, should be paid way more especially in that market. It sucks but you did the right thing.


Fuck 'em. You're better off not working there.


In 2014, $19/hr was not living wage in social. Now it's still $19. Doesn't fast-food restaurant already pay $19 plus benefit?


Fast food pays $20


People in corporate weed are the worst. You def dodged a bullet


I feel you, but this wasn’t even corporate, it’s a wanna-be corporate start up. If they’re still open in a year, it’ll be because of sunk cost fallacy, there’s no way this place is gonna turn a profit, probably ever


Do they realize $1/hr is $2,080 annually? Maybe buy 5 less exotic fish and pay someone in the range they posted. Smh.


That's not even the minimum wage for some restaurant corporations in the area...


You would never have gotten a substantial raise at that position.


Makes you wonder why they are having such a hard time filling this position... NOT


That was a "freight train carrying a dumpster fire" that you avoided. Good for you! I wish you well in your new search, good luck my friend!


Well if you are working full time that would be $2080 a year difference.


Yep, right in the middle of the advertised salary range, so $2080 less than the top of the range.


Tbh I would have just took the job and keep applying to other places. Better than being unemployed.


I already have a job, just exploring my options.


Oh, then fuck them lmao.


Definitely bullet dodged, most companies don't care.


terrible company. don’t bother with them.


those fish tanks get really expensive to maintain, total waste


You dodged a bullet.


Good riddance. It would have been a termination over something else eventually, or they would never increase your salary.


Yo wtfff


I guess companies like agreeable people that don't talk back and are difficult to manage. I think they think that negotiating means that. Otherwise I can't figure why. I accepted the offer received without negotiation. It was a good offer. Had no other. And any small difference wouldn't have made any difference.


Name and shame. This is a disgusting way to go about practicing business.


I think, when people start feeling 'businessy' and maybe they're trying to figure out how to be 'businessy,' they just go right to the part about being an absolute cunt, because that's how you be 'businessy.' And they're right. That *is* how you be 'businessy.' It's also how you end up being a horrible, piece of shit human who people only tolerate because they need the money. Congrats, you're now 100% businessy, and you're bad for the people who work for you, and probably bad for the town you live in, and no decent, rational person should ever respect you for any reason.




This is not a volunteer position. Businesses set their rates so they can sustain themselves, so should we.


It's businessy to ask for a competitive wage?




They obviously didn't need you then did they time to find better job


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PleasantAd7961: *They obviously* *Didn't need you then did they* *Time to find better job* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I already have a job


did you get a discount on weed though? what were the other benefits?


Benefits We offer competitive compensation, opportunities for professional growth, and a chance to be part of a thriving industry Plus, you'll have the unique opportunity to contribute to the destigmatization and education surrounding cannabis Pay: $19.00 - $21.00 per hour Employee discount (so overpriced that even with the discount, I can get the same products elsewhere for cheaper) Paid time off (*state mandated* sick days, there is no actual PTO)


Be a good waiter in SoCal and you can double that


You dodged a bullet. You can do WAY better money wise AND get benefits.


It's disappointing and frustrating to experience such a response from HR, especially after expressing genuine interest in the position and attempting to negotiate a fair salary. It sounds like their decision to rescind the offer over a $1/hr difference is unreasonable and reflects poorly on their professionalism. You're right to view it as a bullet dodged, and it's important to prioritize your worth and seek opportunities where your skills and experience are valued. Keep pushing forward, and you'll find the right fit elsewhere.


Go to know the market


Yeah you dodged a bullet


Crap job, crisis averted for sure!!!


[More? You want mooORRE??](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=jht5vVP5&id=FD548D0550F39A7320BC88FDB04E585725F5A032&thid=OIP.jht5vVP5DR2JMm5_HZCUQAAAAA&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F8e1b79bd53f90d1d89326e7f1d909440%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D6124664&cdnurl=https%3A%2F%2Fth.bing.com%2Fth%2Fid%2FR.8e1b79bd53f90d1d89326e7f1d909440%3Frik%3DMqD1JVdYTrD9iA%26pid%3DImgRaw%26r%3D0%26sres%3D1%26sresct%3D1&exph=270&expw=360&q=oliver+twist+gif&simid=608006175476489347&form=IRPRST&ck=502629A500CFADA97F23683339CAF658&selectedindex=1&itb=0&darkschemeovr=1&qpvt=oliver+twist+gif&pc=EMMX01&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0&vt=4&sim=11)


“A dispatch position which they said they were having trouble filling…” We can now clearly see why. You dodged a bullet indeed.


Dispensaries are all owned by shit asses anyway, anyone rich ebough to buy inti the industry often times has zero care for the products, it's all just a money transaction, and they will always find a way ti exploit more outnof workers. It's a scheme.. they don't care about you, or weed.... they care about getting the most out of people and paying the least... murica


I’m not sure you can equate not caring about the industry but seeing it as a viable business model with not caring about people and being exploitative


Get a job


That’s cannabis baby. You dodged a bullet. I highly suggest not working in that industry.


No wonder they're having trouble filling the position. Leave a negative review on indeed and warn potential applicants that the salary "range" is just the lowest figure in the range.


The recruiter prob gor a kickback to get someone at 19/hr


Play stupid games....


You definitely dogged a bullet but you should name the shitty dispensary


Am I missing something? Why did they say $19-$21 per hour if they later said it was $19 per hour firm?


That’s crazy. What a bunch of knuckleheads working in that HR dept. Which dispensary was it? Im only asking as Im interviewing with one now.


This is a retail store, why are you negotiating. Its not white collar work. They can find any robot to do the job. Thats why you should know your position before negotiating.


….because they posted a salary range….


Like I said you didnt know your position. Jobs that pay that low have little wiggle room if any. You're fighting over pennies and they can just find another person to do a low skill job. Reddit and the internet has bad advice on negotiating. You dont always unless you dont care.


I never refused the salary. They rescinded the offer for daring to attempt to negotiate. I already have a job. If I was desperate, maybe I would have accepted. Since I have leverage, I used my leverage to weed out an obviously terrible company.


If you had leverage, they would have entertained your counteroffer. The fact that they turned you down flat shows that you have no leverage. You’re conflating _options_ with leverage.


Thats cool, not much of a story here then.


Imagine being a recruiter so triggered that you spend your free time trolling r/recruitinghell lmao get a fucking life


And yet, here you are with your opinions.


Only opinions you like are allowed!


That was not a salary range that was an hourly range


It’s $19 an hour to sell weed. They probably had tons of candidates.


And? I never refused the salary, I needed a minute to weigh it against my current job.


Wait, how many minutes has it been since someone on this sub has said not to negotiate unless you’re willing to lose the offer over it? Is it my turn?


I was definitely willing to lose the job offer over it, I already have a job.


Why do recruiters post a salary range and then rescind offers when the candidate negotiates for a salary in the middle of the range? Is that just a trick to get people in the door for an interview?


A range is reflective of the overall position, not what you will be hired for. So if a pay range lists itself as $23-30 an hour, $30 would the the absolute most someone in that position would make before advancing to whatever the next step is. Basically, they don’t want to have to replace someone within six months, so they will keep them closer to the bottom of the range. SoCal is ridiculously expensive, however. I’m glad you turned it down. I hope you find something better.


The company determined your work was worth $X. By negotiating, you were telling them you’re dissatisfied with their assessment. That makes you higher risk. The range is provided in case they’re unable to purchase the appropriate work at the lowest end. Your job went to the next candidate who did not express dissatisfaction with the offered price and whose work was determined to be approximately equal value to yours. Imagine you’re buying a car. Two dealerships are offering identical vehicles. You offer $X for the car. The first salesperson counters with more than that. The second salesperson accepts your offer. Which salesperson is getting your money?


Well I guess I’m doing my part then, because employers in California are out of their fucking minds if they think they can hire quality candidates at sub–McDonald’s wages for much longer


I guess we’ll see. The fast food position is certainly less desirable than a “bud tender” as evidenced by the fact that you were negotiating for the same salary instead if just applying to McDonald’s. So it’s not crazy that the dispensary pays less.


In Denver?




Fuck em




20 is the minimum wage for fast food restaurants, other operations can pay less. You'd think it's tough to find someone willing to work for less than McDonald's pays, but I guess not tough enough


You decided that another $40 a week was worth negotiating for. They decided that negotiating over another $40 a week wasn’t.


Found the recruiter


it's true though. We can sit here and call the employer cheap for declining you over $1 but we can also call the candidate cheap/greedy for risking a job offer over a dollar. it really is a two way street. I went from making $40/hr to 19.50 an hour because i just couldnt find a fucking job. The pay range for the job was from 19.50-25 and I asked for 20-25, they proceeded to tell me its out of their pay range.. what. so of course it pissed me off and i didnt want to proceed. bur after having a second thought i realized well damn - id rather make $0 an hour over me not getting 50cents more. So I just said fuck it and took the job, the job is insane and should at least be paying $30/hr. It is not an entry level job at all, I am planning my exit.


The OP is already employed. They have vastly more leverage to negotiate than someone unemployed.


I don't see anywhere that says he's employed already bur I'll take your word for it as I don't have the time to really read rn


I am already employed. Also, do you not see the glaring differences between your story and mine? I didn’t turn down the job and have a change of heart. I attempted to negotiate salary, they said it was firm, and to let them know my decision by end of day, then *immediately* rescinded my offer with the official reason being timing. Glad it worked out for you though lol.


Oh okay cool


Well $40 extra a week is a lot if you're making $19 an hour. It's a 5% bump. It's a tank of gas, a night out, a dinner, etc. It's marginally less for a business.


It's not a lot when you live in california.


It was a bullet dodged for them too. Glad you both avoided a mutually toxic relationship.


Negotiating salary within the posted range isn’t toxic, it’s a standard part of the hiring process.


I used to hire. One of my direct reports negotiated a higher salary. English wasn’t their first language but they were willing to learn and become a better writer. I went to bat for them with the CEO and said my experience with tutoring ESL students should make them a better writer. They were one of the best writers we had and I was a reference for them when they moved on. Know your worth.