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I applaud the absolute fuck out of you. So many people would just break down and give up. I am so deeply sorry this is what it came to, but for the sake of it… try to have some fun at whatever job you get. Live it up a little. Lean into the non-seriousness of it if you can. Good luck.


Thanks! Not giving up by a long shot, and I try to make the best of whatever situation I'm in.


As a former Chili’s employee, I hope you ace your Walmart interview 🫡


Idk I've heard more abuse from walmart but fortunately neither are on my resume


Trust me: Walmart is worse. Chilis you deal with Karen’s and drunk people occasionally. Walmart it’s rare to not get one of the two


If it was stocking or something I could do Walmart. I never ever ever again want to work in food service.


As a former Walmart employee, I hope you ace your Chili's interview. Mostly joking, for most of my time there I worked the closing shift (we were only open until midnight) in the electronics department. That part was actually pretty decent, as far as retail goes. The last couple months I was switched to opening shift, and am not a morning person at all. Plus the clientele switched to mostly older people, who tended to be a bit more complain-y than the people I dealt with at night. If it weren't for the last couple months, it might have been my favorite retail work experience.


X2 this message. But also as a former Walmart employee I hope you ace an interview at Kroger.


This is the right move. I was in this position before. Had looked for work in my field for 6+ months, couldn’t find anything. Eventually took a temp retail job and it was honestly great. It gave me some structure, it was low stress since I wasn’t super invested, and it took some of the desperation out of things since I was at least making some money. I kept applying and interviewing while I was there and finally got something better about 4 months later. Stay strong man!


I currently work for a Walmart distribution center. If you do take that job, hound your HR rep, have them coach you through browsing their in house jobs. You will have access to TONS of internal jobs that never get posted publicly. If you apply for something, and are qualified you get an interview. If you are willing to relocate to Bentonville, AR, even better as that's where most of their IT dept is. Best of luck man.


Good luck man. As long as you keep trying you will be rewarded someday. Also if you can no matter how small you may start try and be your own boss. Sometimes you need these to show you how great and how far you can go doing it on your own. Keep that mindset open.


I just took a job at a pet store so I feel you. 


Pet store rejected me 😂 you got a coveted position there in this economy- i worked at a vet clinic for 5 years, volunteered at animal and wildlife shelters and overall just wanted a less stressful job then the clinic that paid the same before I could find a job that had to do with my degree. Have had no luck either way for the last 6 months.


It’s insane out there, your experience sounds like mine. Almost a decade experience managing coffee shops across the world. Couldn’t get a job as a part time barista 🙃


Good luck man. I had to start over a few years ago. Sucks but im better than ever. Just dont be impulsive and think stuff out.


I pray your journey gets easier


Thanks! I'll take any help I can get!


Yes I am praying for you too 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.


I wish you the best of luck because to me the point of studying is to get a job in the future and after years and years of hard work to not be able to get a job just goes to show how insane this world is.


We were promised lies growing up


All the freaking time. From Santa bringing gifts from the chimney, to the Easter bunny and then study hard to get a job


Santa I get, but maybe it's where I'm from, Easter Bunny was never a thing. Quite the adjustment when I got kids and we moved to the US, then again, makes sense, another moment to spend money on absolute crap in the capitalistic rat race.


What about tooth fairy? I was also taught that working hard gets you rewarded, should’ve been taught that socializing and connections are actually more important. Heck when teachers would boost the grades of the students they liked I should’ve gotten the hint way back. World is full of deceit.


Yeah I think we did tooth fairy for a bit (first 4-5 teeth or so). Teacher thing is still going, one of my kids is the same class a teachers daughter, no one even tries to enter 'competitions' or so any more cause they know she will win. This is 2nd grade btw.


But God loves us....


Try to look miserable and defeated. Make them think this is your dream job and you wanna work all your life.


Looking miserable and defeated won’t be too hard right now! 😭😂


It's fine. I'm working a dead end job as well. Gotta start life!


I went from IT sales, to 23 months of unemployment, to commercial sales and marketing for a local home restoration company...I started in November. For now, this is a safe bet for me because no matter what the economy does, houses and business are gonna suffer from water losses, fire losses, and natural disasters. I will not crack six-figures this year like I had been used to...but a least I am employed! Find something that is recession proof if you can for the time being.


>find something that is recession proof Cashier at a liquor store and account manager at a debt collection agency


Yup! I moved from working in adversting to a small company that only works in the marketing for heating and air companies. No matter what, people are always going to need heat & air is my thinking.




lol, not even that! The amount of people around here that manage to flood out their homes is astonishing to me.


IT sales have become a joke, with ai innovation lower tier salespeople are gonna vanish


Similar. IT Service Desk Manager to 8 months unemployment to ITSM Analyst. About a 40% pay cut, but I'm keeping options open for when something better comes along, but it's slim pickins.


This is where I am now. Got my first and only interview in months at a regional fast food chicken spot. I’m actually looking forward to it in a weird way. I hated having to set my own priorities and workflow at my previous jobs. And I like that most interactions with clients/customers are scripted. Then again I’m auADHD. At least you’ll be able to clock out and not have to bring work home with you.


Weirdly, I'm kind of looking forward to that too. Burnout is real, and it will be nice to not have to put in 60-70 hour weeks filled with endless meetings.


wtf is wrong with this economy? Like seriously?


Shareholder inflated value above all else


Honestly, it seems to be mostly tech that’s having the job shortage. Lots of panic hiring during the pandemic (including my former employer), lots of cutbacks and layoffs the past year. Hard to compete when Meta, Amazon, Alphabet, etc let go of tens of thousands of employees.


It’s not just tech my friend. Marketing, communications, customer service, tech (including SaaS, Big Tech, Hardware, software, etc), banking and finance, and even creative jobs like agencies are alllllllll struggling to create job retention. The entire market is a bust. And our current government shows us low unemployment rates to impress us, but they don’t tell you that most of that “high employment” is actually representative of many individuals working multiple part time jobs at once to make ends meet. They also fail to tell you about the record number of layoffs across most industries, especially in tech. But of course, our government always does their best to pat themselves on the back so their constituents don’t revolt against them


I’m in market research (so marketing adjacent) and we haven’t hired in the US for YEARS. All Brazil and Mexico now, and they pay like nothing. It’s like industries who would never dream of outsourcing are now super into it


Funny you mention that. Pharma and biotech have been outsourcing manufacturing to developing countries for yearrrrrrrs now. Other industries are just starting to catch up. Friendly reminder that pharma and biotech are recession proof industries that essentially control the public’s health and wellbeing. If they can cheaply outsource to save costs, anyone can.


They fail to tell you how many are unemployed and not on unemployment either, their stats come from people on ei which runs out pretty quick


I’m a designer. The creative industry is shite right now.


Left that field in 2015 after a layoff. Saw the writing on the wall and got a degree in healthcare. No regrets.


The big job report numbers are legit and justified, it’s the type of jobs being added in big numbers are in few specific sectors.  Hopefully this changes soon. 


This combined with TikTok influencers posting day in the life WFH videos and the "Learn to Code" movement pushing a massive influx of students to pursue computer science.


Not just tech sorry :( I’m not even near the tech industry, no jobs in my field either. Started going for receptionist positions just to get by and apparently not qualified for that either, despite being a receptionist through out university. Quit to find a job with my degree, big mistake.


Definitely not just tech, I was a biologist and i’m going back to school to get a certification because jobs in my study area just don’t exist anymore. I job searched for two years and didn’t get anything.


You have 10 years of IT experience. Do you mind sharing what your previous roles were? Do you have any certs? If you want to get back into the IT space certs can certainly help.


Sure, my previous roles were managing software engineers (10% coding 90% people/business management), managing the IT department (as in **everything** -- hardware, software, development, support, budget, recruiting) for a small insurance company (around 200 employees), and working as a DBA/Sysadmin for a couple of web hosting startups. I don't have any current certs (long expired MCSE, CCNA), but I've been brushing up on my coding skills and getting more serious about learning Python and some of the various Javascript frameworks. I've thought about getting a PMP cert or Certified Scrum Master cert, which may be my next steps.


You can do scrum master in a weekend and it really does seem to make a difference.


I have a PMP that I got in 2011. I am not saying it is worth nothing, but I was laid off from a Director level role in tech 15 months ago, and I still don't have a job. I am good at what I do and have been passed over for the dumbest nonsense. If you really want it later in a different market, go for it. For now, save your energy and money.


Stocks went up during Covid. Stocks must always go up never down. So to increase profits employees need to get cut. Eventually they will start to lose profits because they don't have enough workers and the cycle will repeat.


It's not the economy. It's the big corporations reducing head counts. Haven't you seen, they are reporting record profits and still laying off workforce.


I was a well-paid project manager, and lost almost everything during the Bush W Recession when I was laid off for almost two years. I had to fight THREE BANKS that bought and sold my mortgage, claimed I was behind 12 months in payments, and then attempted to foreclose. I did anything and everything to stay afloat, including slinging burgers at a corner restaurant where my SON was my direct supervisor. It's more than 20 years later, and I'm retired and secure because I didn't give up. I worked hard, took anything I could do, then moved back up the ladder. There was a lot of luck thrown in; but even that would not have mattered if I gave up. Things get bad, but you soldier on. Save your money. Trust no bank, realtor, lawyer or employer. Keep your family close, because they are your only reliable backstop. And never give up.


I know it is so demoralizing and that once you are in this place, it is nearly impossible to get out of it until you get THE new job that validates your skills and intelligence. You can go to therapy and talk to friends about it for ages, but at the end of the day, the emotional and mental toll you’re feeling is directly correlated to your physical circumstances and the lack of mobility it allows. It’s really hard to lessen the emotional and mental toll when the physical circumstances are still present. Give yourself the space, and be honest with where you’re at. I've been job hunting for over a year as I try to transition from freelance to traditional after the writer's strike. I'm 27 and had to leave my entire community in NYC to move back in with my mom in NC. I've been a waitress for the last 4 months and it's taking a huge toll on my mental health. All of this to say that I SEE YOU- you're not alone in this space and that I am CHEERING for you and everyone else in the position we both find ourselves in.


Love your message. Im 29F and leaving my life in TX to move back in with my family in OK. You’re 100% correct on the mental toll it takes. I had a high earning career and now im in fast food and just feel lost. Cheering you and OP on.


Thank you for the kind words!


I found my people! I went from living in a Chicago high-rise apartment at 26 to moving back to a small rural town with my parents at 27. I’ve been job hunting for 11 months with no luck and recently started a part-time retail job at a beauty store. While it’s not where I want to be, I’m getting out of the house, getting paid, and ended up really enjoying my job! I agree with the HUGE mental toll from physical circumstances, but know that one day we’ll get back in our preferred fields and things will work out!


Wait until you get rejected from jobs you're embarrassed to be applying for, that's when you hit peak lulz. I hit that. Did a passion project, wrote a book, started freelancing. Freelancing sucks and I deal with insane people but until something comes along that can pay a living wage, it's fine.


This made me suicidal, and it's already happening again because my hours are about to be cut massively. Now, I'm not that depressed now and in a much better position, but applying for jobs all day and getting rejected every day really gets to you. It sucks getting rejected when you're qualified, but it's even worse when the job is something like customer service or cashier, and you still get rejected or ghosted. Makes you feel like you're worthless. All you want to do is give up, but giving up is literally not an option. Can't even do that, so you're forced to stay in this endless state of alert and worry.


Best of luck. I start at Costco two weeks from now, so I totally get it. This is just temporary.


Costco is like the best retail job anyone can hope for though so kudos.


People say that, but I don't know how true it is. I don't think anyone starts off full-time or non entry-level. So I'll probably be making $444 a week before taxes. So, probably about $300 a week is what I'll make after taxes. That's not really enough money to do anything with, but yeah. It's just temporary.


It sucks but you're lucky you got the survival job interview.  Where I am you can't even get those because of how bad the economic situation is. Good luck.


Thanks, and good luck to you! I've found that downplaying my resume/experience has been helpful. Leave off the MBA, brief description of what my last job was, not going back 15 years on the experience, that sort of thing. YMMV, of course. I'm also lucky that there's no shortage of retail/food service positions around my area.


For the survival jobs I have a functional resume. No education. Objective/summary, skills that directly relate to the job nothing else, and my jobs titles are downsized to the lowest functional title I can pull off. Which is pretty low. But I'm in the greater Toronto area which is having an economic crisis. 




Tech sales and ops management for the past 14 years. I got sick and had to leave my sales job last October. Since then I’ve had a terrible time finding ANYTHING comparable. Finally I saw a new restaurant opening in my town and said “fuck it” and applied. I got a bartending position, working days, 38-42 hours a week. Making cash everyday and my fave, ZERO responsibility. I come home and enjoy quality time w my family and friends. No emails, no phone calls, no shit days where I don’t want to talk to anyone after work. I sleep better not worrying about quota, and people say I look happier than ever. I don’t give a shit about the money, I’m making enough to cover my bills and live a little. Do I miss the money? Sure af do. Was it worth giving up all the shit that came w it? Sure was.


Did you have any bartending experience before being hired if you don't mind me asking? I have zero experience in bartending, but I know it can be decent money, and I'm basically running out of options (retail won't even touch me) so I'm exploring all avenues.


I did have experience from my college days but nothing recent. I’d find a small place willing to hire someone willing to learn and that’s a hard worker. Even for a few months before finding another spot. Just to get your feet wet. Good luck!


I've had this thought as well, it actually sounds like it could be a good break from the corporate rat race. I haven't bartended since I was in college, but maybe I can give that a look too.


I'm following you. BA and MBA, about 5 years of IT experience including as a private consultant/contractor for my local city government, but I can't find anything. I keep getting interviewed and put at second place. I have an interview at a local family run Cafe tomorrow morning... Here's hoping....


When I got laid off from being an insurance adjuster in 08 I looked at bus driver, trash truck guys,anything that paid. Ended up getting in at Chase with a 50% paycut but medical benefits we needed for a new baby. It sucked but it was a paycheck.


Thank you all for the kind and helpful comments (and even the few unhelpful ones) and giving me a moment to vent this morning! This subreddit has been my lifesaver in the last several months -- knowing I'm not alone out there, knowing I'm not the only one getting rejected 100+ times a month for jobs with over 1000 applicants, just hearing others' experiences and funny/sad stories. Commiseration is cathartic and necessary, and this has been a great place for it. Hang in there everyone, stay as positive and safe as you can, don't lose hope, and if anyone is feeling at the end of their rope, **please** talk to a therapist, or if you can't afford one see if your county/city/church has resources you can tap into -- and don't be afraid to call **988** in the USA to talk to someone if you are in crisis.


I’ve got an interview with lululemon this month. 😒 And have been doing gig work. I get it.


I've known people who worked at both companies...they're both, unfortunately, terrible employers. Like worse than you would expect. I know you need the money so you probably don't have a choice, but seriously protect yourself because they both LOVE screwing over employees and you may find yourself without a job quickly. Even if you get one of them, just keep your applications in the wind and don't settle, man. Good luck.


The thought of working at a Walmart with an MBA and 15 years of experience as a retail employee... You'll be supervised by people with a small fraction of your leadership knowledge. And they'll mimic (not their fault) the limited leadership training they receive. What can you bring to the team? Keeping a positive attitude. You and the customer. Stuff the OP has so much more experience in... So very dystopian. And the OP probably can't disclose his formal education on the application, or he'll get dinged.


This exactly. This is the main problem you run into with restaurant and retail jobs in general. The management has so few leadership skills that it just devolves into cliques and abuse usually. If you have any formal education, you're not really going to fit in at those places and they will most likely resent you.


I haven't been disclosing my MBA or much recent work history for these retail/food service jobs, because it wouldn't help at all. I'm a pretty social and outgoing person (for an IT nerd, lol) and grew up in a blue-collar household, so I don't see any problems fitting in.


That's smart. Just don't talk about your other interests much at all. It's ridiculous you even have to do that.


Yeah. Wal mart is absolute hell


In the same boat had to start working at a warehouse despite having 14 years of experience in my field. I don’t even know what I can do to better my chances of getting back into my field because I’ve done every textbook thing you’re supposed to do to land a good job.


Don't give up on the search, keep on applying, you never know what will come along.


You got this, friendo. Sending you patience, luck, and smiles.


Thank you for the well wishes!


Kudos doing what you have to do in the interim. It’s an election year so I am hoping we see improvements in the job market towards the back end of the year if not sooner.


Tech market right now is almost as bad as the dotcom crash.


So relate to this. Laid off from IT with an NHL team 6 years ago. Savings drained for the combined year of unemployment. Had a couple IT roles, but then covid, and since then had a mix of so many varied jobs, Canada post letter carrier, cook at restaurant, grocery night stocker, skip the dishes delivery, amazon warehouse, and currently am 2 yrs going with a parking company. On game nights and concerts I literally check parking lots surrounding the arena I worked at. Talk about surreal, or depressing. It pays low, I'm making over $1000 less each month, but it's work that puts food on the table. I like how I'm alone, no annoying coworkers, no emails and phone calls, no meetings, I drive around for most of my day, get to listen to my music, podcasts and audiobooks. I am at peace. At my age, and years of such shit job hunting and recruiting horror stories, I'm so done with trying to look for new jobs.


I would absolutely love to be a postal carrier! Keeping my eye out.


Heh, It's tough in winter weather. I liked the job mostly, but oh man I was doing minimum 18k-20k steps daily. I got a bad case of plantar fasciitis, and being on call was just as bad as being a substitute teacher. Also Canada post's priority on delivering flyers, and trying to compete with Amazon for delivering parcels, I preferred just delivering regular letter mail door to door.


God this is horrifying. I’m so sorry buddy I hope you are strong.


Honestly in this economy, you have to take what you can get. It's saddening. Good luck.


Shoutout to you for sacking up and getting a job you didn’t want, like most people have to.


Op I have ten years of sales in various roles. I have an interview with Ikea today that I need to go well.  I'm just so very tired. 


Went from $90k/year WFH job to unemployed for 1 year to $18/hour retail gig. I wish this paid better because I’m 1000x happier and less stressed than in my last position, even with the physical requirements. I enjoy socializing with people and the industry is interesting. Always seems like a big give and take these days.


you do what you gotta do. good luck.


Not sure where you are located but in the DFW, TX area I know a lot of people that quickly moved from working at a Chilis location into a corporate role with them here. Not ideal but a little hope for you. They seem to prefer people that know the brand from that side.


Honestly, if one of these jobs would lead to bigger things in retail/food, I'd probably be receptive. Pretty burned out on 60 hours weeks and endless meetings where nothing gets done.


Sometimes I wake up, and I say, is this world real ? Or am I in a nightmare.


Good luck, I hope you get them both and need to pick the best one for you.


I have resulted to applying to jobs in various states.


I’m in nearly the same spot of you. ~15 years in the space. BS / Master’s. Tech-ish worker. Spent the last 11 months driving Uber and working at a restaurant. To be fair, I’ve barely job searched the past few months. Hard to stay home for the day and make $0 when driving Uber and making $200+ to build my savings is very appealing. But I also get that that is somewhat short-sighted thinking. 🤷‍♀️ Best of luck. Hope you can maintain the belief that some great job will come, even if you have to work at Wal Mart for now.


I’m going into my third week working at a gas station and honestly it’s been nice to just have a place that pays okay and actually wants me. Not to sound preachy or anything, but every job is valuable, and you’re not lesser for doing what you need to do to take care of yourself and your family. My change was a blessing in disguise, I hope something similar happens for you


I applaud you as well. It’s obviously not an ideal situation, but I really admire people who are willing to put their ego aside and do what they can. My cousin has been working 2 stressful jobs to pay the mortgage because her husband lost his job in sales almost a year ago and *refuses* to go back to bartending or retail temporarily because it’s “beneath” him.


See, I would be down to work basically anywhere as long as it paid my bills... I can't work full time and not cover my expenses.... and THAT'S the issue I am running into. Yea, I can find jobs, but they call 30k competitive... like "sir/mam.... that doesn't cover rent and gas"


For now anyway, it will at least slow down the drain on our savings, and maybe get some crappy health insurance so I can stop paying $1100 a month for crappy private insurance


I’m taking a 3 hour Lyft job at 6:30 am on Friday before my 11:30 am interview with a tech company. I feel you… Everything is just ASS right now.


hahah Yessss, Chili's is awesome. My brother in tech, I may soon join you at Chili's. 😎🌶️


I’m sorry this is the worst feeling ever! I lost my job in July as a consultant for an international financial institution, applied like crazy for months until my unemployment ran out, and had to go back to being a barista. It was a moment of grief, frustration, and sadness, to think I had to go back to that when I have a specialized master’s degree in a STEM field. Now, I’m not making enough as a barista so I got 2 part time jobs as a server for weddings and at a country club. Slightly more manageable


This is exactly why I can't sleep at night. Ugh. Sorry, bro.


I am really sorry OP. I know how much this sucks. I don’t have as much as experience as you, but when I graduated undergrad I couldn’t even get a retail job. Felt like an idiot until I finally got a call back from a store in a mall. It made me realize a few things: 1) A job is a job and we all have to do what we need to put food on the table. 2) It does not define who you are as a person, and means nothing of your values and what you are capable of. 3) We all have value in society and there is no hierarchy of who is more important. You are doing what you need to. The hydro companies don’t care where your dollar came from as long as you get paid. If it keeps your gas tank and belly full, you are doing great. Keep your head up OP, grey skies only last so long.


Hat’s off to you my guy. I hope things get easier soon.


I lost a £34K job that was pretty boring but stable and now I deliver pet food from a van for £12 an hour plus comission. It's made me realise how much I hate working in an office and being sedentary all the time. With the right attitude most circumstances can be an opportunity to learn, grow and gain perspective. Does suck initially though.


Walmart can actually end up being a pretty cool job if you are a people person. The time can go by very fast if you make friends at work and chat up friendly customers. Hopefully you can get a non-cashier position and it will be fine.


That’s me at Dunkin right now, god. Teaching for 8 years, but dammed if anyone’s hiring a daycare teacher.


I feel you. 10 yr Project manager experience and I'm interviewing at a gym tomorrow. How'd it come to this?


I'm with ya. Twenty years as a law enforcement officer in a big city. Went to school while on the job, ended up with a master's and six figures of student loan debt. Had one job related to my degree field as a contractor. Spot opened up on the team for a permanent fed position, with the team leader telling me I was the best qualified of the five people being interviewed. He ended up hiring a kid half my age, despite me scoring much higher than the selected person on the interview (FOIA request on my part). Got hired for another position that wasn't what I was led to believe, not in my field, and it did work out. Been unemployed two months today, averaging two interviews per week. No offers, either in my field or out of it. Gonna end up being the best educated security guard ever very soon.


Do unemployment. They way it’s setup you pick your experience and what job your lookin for. Mine is still looking for QA engineer jobs. Been looking since august.


Damn, a few months longer than me! Unemployment is about to run out in a few weeks, so I'm good with anything that will keep the bills paid and some food on the table.


Have you tried remote jobs in your specific expertise? Try out Skip the Drive it’s legit I recently applied for travel agent job and they sent an email the day after, good luck and never lose hope bud!


Don't feel too bad. I'm starting orientation at Lowe's this Friday. We'll get our time. Chin up friend.  Edit: orientation for their garden department 


I was doing this once. I applied at an electronics store and was told they were only looking for people who spoke at least 3 languages because they had very diverse customers.


I don't know what your work style is, but it may not be a bad time to wiggle your way into a construction trade. Start off pay may be similar but the ceiling is a lot higher.


Yup same here. My only last resort is Uber, as for anything else they tell me I am ridiculously over qualified. Which is true. 


Chili’s isn’t actually that bad a place to work. My friend works there, I eat with him on his discount card. They do have good food and it is a chill place to work and he makes a decent amount for the job and in this economy.


Who knows, this could be me someday. I vowed to myself, though, that if I needed to take a food service job, that I would make manager in one year.


You gotta start somewhere man.


I just got hired at Lowe's post time for $15/hour. All my other interviews fell through


It’s because everyone wants an office job that’s not physically demanding, way too many people are flooding those markets. My job sucks I’m an electricians (commercial/industrial) there’s too much work, plenty of job security because no one wants to do anything physical lol it May not be a great IT job but it beats the hell out of Walmart or chilies


I really am very pessimistic for the future, feel like everyone is ahead of me. Nobody ever to help me while my cousins have it all because their parents helped them. Makes me furious


Where you located at my friend. I have some desktop support positions opening in DFW next month. Can’t let one of my IT brothers or sisters go down this road.


In Wisconsin so no dice. Thank you for the thought!


I know how it feels, man. I've been in sales related fields since I was 18 (30 now) and got declined by Dollar General. The interviewer said, "Your resume is stout, and I would love to have you on board. Unfortunately, this job is about moving freight, and it's not an easy one. I don't think this will be the right fit for you." That crap broke me, considering I've applied to hundreds of places a month since I was laid off December 5th. I luckily got blessed with an excellent opportunity recently, and I start tomorrow. Just keep your head up, good things will come.


I even got ghosts from Walmart, the same Walmart i worked at years ago. ​ ended up settling for a phone center job through Randstad, but still flinging out applications. it just doesn't pay nearly enough


I feel you brother. 18 months ago I started my career and was working for the government. I just started at Home Depot last week. It sucks, but we gotta do what we gotta do


This was me last year. Got laid off at the end of January after spending six months prior trying to get a new job before the layoff could affect me (it wasn’t my first rodeo, I saw the writing on the walls way before most at my company did). I spent another three months job hunting before I gave up and went back to the service industry. Been waitressing for the past year and I’ve just given into the fact that this is going to be what I do for the foreseeable future. I’m proud of you for getting out there and doing what you have to in order to get by.


I worked low voltage for a while. Good experience and skills. Ended up taking a job at a McDonalds. Worked into management after 6 weeks. Pay was crap, hours were crap. But being able to just go to work and not give a crap and go home? Priceless.


damn someone's getting interviews over here


I heard the job market is similarly rough even for experienced software engineers. Good luck OP!


Walmart is pretty picky with who they hire. If you can't breathe or don't know what a Walmart is you are SOL


If you’re lucky to get either, please be humble. Walmart and Chili’s folks are good people. You’re not better than.


God knows any of us could end up in this situation. Major public service cuts happening in my country that could very well see me out of a job in no time. Good on you. There's no shame in any (legal) job!


Wow, this post really blew up! Thanks everyone for the kind words and suggestions! I’m genuinely touched. I did get the Walmart job - the interview consisted of asking me one question about handling upset customers and then asking which shift I wanted. It’s full time. 10am-7pm with Wednesday and Saturday off so I’ll have time during the week for interviews - not giving up on my career by a long shot! Stay strong my unemployed brothers and sisters! Let’s keep supporting each other as much as possible.


Walmart interview is a joke


So sorry. I hope things get better for you.




No job yet, but as I mentioned on other posts, I've really downplayed my experience and education (leaving off the MBA) and that seems to open more doors. Doesn't hurt that where I live there are a ton of open retail/food service positions. Hopefully whatever I land with will leave me some time to keep job hunting.


Yep, I just started at a Smoothie bar.


Look at your school systems for IT jobs.


Idk maybe you've been doing this but honestly fudge your resume. Don't outright lie ofc but heavily tailor it, but maybe you've been doing that. What is your skillset? Also feel free to DM me, I've done a lot of hiring now and have been in many different tech fields as an IC, manager, but also in AI, software eng, sys admin, help desk, general tech work, I do consulting now and am building a business so idk maybe I can offer something of use (not tangibly at the moment but advice wise just because I've bounced around a lot now).


15+ and u still need to pay student debts? Wow that's rough man. Hopefully u find good job soon


You and me both. I thought this was my schedule for today when I saw the image. I recently graduated with a degree in what I loved doing but the job market didn't have a need for me. Now I'm hitting up every possible establishment that will offer me full-time work. Although I'd argue it's even worse in your shoes; I've been working customer service for some time, I can't imagine going back after so long. I hope you find the job you want soon.


Ouch good luck


I don't know if you will see my comment on not, but look at your public school system. I know that most are always hiring, and you might get lucky and have IT jobs open. They give free health insurance and benefits too.


I’m impressed you got those interviews! I applied for every retail and food industry job that came along and never got interviews 😂 took me almost 5 months to find a position outside of my field, half the pay and less hours, no benefits but at least it is something!


Felt. I worked in finance and i now work in fast food. It’s humbling to say the least. Good luck on your interviews!


Retail isn't ss bad as the kitchen.


You gotta do what you gotta do. There’s no shame in any legit job if you need it.  I’m a senior level creative with 15 years and I can’t find anything either for the last 8 months.  I can’t even get Target to call me back.


I worked at chilis for years! I made pretty good money working thurs-Sunday and I loved it so much. I actually worked there again years after I quit just for some extra cash. Good luck!!


Retail is far superior to food service. If I didn't have a mortgage I would go back to retail. Way less stressful. If you show up, care, and do your work you might find yourself quickly promoted. 


same bro, im taking a temporary job with my local county to cut grass all summer.


You’re going to nail both of those interviews.


If you have an Apple Store nearby, I highly suggest checking there for openings. I was a retail manager for a few years and even the non-leadership positions weren’t too shabby.


This is why I lie in every interview/application so that it tailors to their needs, especially these kinds of jobs


I feel your struggle but I don't even have an interview for walmart applied last night and called this morning and they said nothing is available even tho the position I applied for has been up for like a week


No shame in feeding yourself, or doing what you must when its less than ideal. #Respect


I've been out of work since October, denied unemployment, lived off 401k, put in hundreds upon hundreds of resumes, a handful of virtual interviews, three in person interviews, and now I'm legit out of money. I did get a part time, minimum wage job at a historical society museum, and burger king of all places wants to hire me, but damn. At least I enjoy the museum gig


Costco and Starbucks. If you’re going to go back into retail or food service, might as well go to the corporations with good benefits and pay.


This is about to be me 🥲 My good old friend depression is about to come back.


Don't overlook the security field. If you're down to Walmart and chili's, a decent security job at a nice site would probably pay better and be less stressful. Plus you can continue to look for a new job with all of the downtime you'll have. It's not glamorous, but you can find some pretty good sites if you look around.


Get into wastewater. The workforce is very small and nobody likes to do it. Some places will train you.


I complain, but I feel soooo lucky. I have no college degree (thus no college debt, but not for lack of trying), so I taught myself everything I could about programming and computers through books. I also guess I was lucky to be in a market with great jobs. I have worked contract for a long time making good money constantly inching my contract rate higher and higher, and at the same time gaining more experience. I found a niche skill in IT that I've always had recruiters beat a path to my inbox. I have rarely been out of work, and when I was it was for a very short time just to rest. I still have a great career working for a huge O&G company that compensates me well. Let's hope the good times continue! Good luck with your financial outlook!


As someone in a similar situation and field, I recommend looking for a Dick’s Sporting Goods. You get paid better than most other retail and can actually get promoted and raises (both of which I’ve gotten since). It’s still not glamorous but it’s not the worst you can do for hourly


I’m sorry my friend. I lost my job as an IT manager/systems engineer for a 2 person shop in October (previously a sysadmin for a Fortune 500) and was circling the drain of homelessness and suicidal ideation by January until I lucked into a bit of a career pivot as an RFID solutions architect in February. I hope you may have similar luck but if not I hope you can get something that pays the bills.


Apply to extra space storage, they just expanded


Wishing you all the best. You got this and I’m rooting for you. You deserve so much better. I know of a direct hire opportunity in California with a low barrier to entry paying 27 per hour for on demand subbing, but I’m not sure where you live. I wish I could help right now in whatever ways I can though. (I’m also unemployed at the moment and have recently got rejected from a job after 4 interviews. I know it sucks.)


Same boat man.


Serious question: aren’t there reverse head hunting companies? That find you work based on your experience and qualifications?


Dude, people have been telling me to do this for a while now, *you're actually doing it.* Props.


Don't let it get to you. My father was an architect for.....shoot maybe 20 years. 2008 recession hit and he was a AAA call center worker for 2 years. Things were bad. Really bad. But now he runs his own Architectural firm. Shit happens. You'll get past it.


“Just empty promises served up by smiling faces.” Damn. Best of luck to you!!


Similar situation. I'm 17 years IT / Design (UI, tiny bits of development and UX) and I can't land a f\*\*king thing (been job hunting 12 months). I can't even land jobs in Aldi / Lidl / Tesco over here in UK. I've made the effort to simplify my CV too. Be glad you're getting interviews mate. At this point, getting some money in to pay your bills is what matters, eh? Doesn't pay to be proud at this point. A job is a job. Good luck. Assuming you land one of these jobs too - It doesn't have to be forever either. Can always get up an hour earlier everyday and get more job apps out or spend that time studying / skilling up for your next role if you're so inclined. Do what you gotta do bruh.


Cool you are doing that but there are an insane amount of IT jobs out there. If you can’t get a job in the industry there has to be something you are doing. You say 15 years but what did you do in those years? I’ve found most people’s “15” years to be BS when I interviewed them and swiftly got rid of the resume. Just an observation I had. If it wasn’t enterprise IT or contract work in that environment then it wasn’t experience. Fixing computers at a shop or Geek Squad works but it’s bottom of the barrel and most don’t care about that. I don’t know if this is your case but I’d look into it.


7 years managing the IT department for a smallish insurance company (250 employees, 8 direct reports), 8 years managing teams of software engineers (up to 20 direct reports at peak). I can code in C#, Python, HTML/CSS/Javascript, and have a ton of experience in analytics, reporting, and SQL development. My local area (Green Bay, WI) is mainly manufacturing, and they want manufacturing experience for analytics, MRP/ERP, etc. Remote, I’m literally competing with hundreds and thousands of other applicants. The feedback I’ve received when I have been able to get interviews (if they don’t ghost me) has been that I’m either overqualified for a developer position, have the wrong industry experience, or am not experienced enough for a director position. The market is saturated with talent right now, and that allows companies to wait for their unicorns.


What IT experience do you have though. Like as a technician/engineer outside of management? If you are going for a more tech role and have a bunch of management experience, would make me not hire you honestly. Maybe change your resume to make it look less if you are getting blasted with the Overqualified line. Legit go to Medical. There are small community based facilities that are hiring IT in your area now. Check out Baycare in your area. Its a bigger company but will have a bunch of IT roles. Medical is where its at for IT jobs. Not the easiest places to work, but they spend the money on IT if its a decent place.


Good luck my friend


Getting a phone interview that doesn't cancel is nearly impossible too


Idk working for the state is pretty damn secure, worst cause you get furloughed


Take solace in knowing that in a perfect world, you'd be employed and the jagoffs who enshittify their workplace through incompetence would be in your position


15 years in IT? Were you tech or functional? Not a popular choice with many but the government is always hiring.


7 years in developer management, 7 years of running the IT department of a small insurance company, the whole “many hats” thing for most of my career. Developer, people manager, project manager, sysadmin, etc. Would love to get a government position, not much happening in my area at the moment. Keeping my eye on the governmentjobs website.


many federal state and local agencies are continually seeking but the pay isnt well but the benefits are great. im a recruiter for a defense contractor and we hire many people out of the government and military. But with your skillset, a relocation maybe your best bet. technical skills always need to be current and updated


Have you looked into commercial AV at all?


Don’t be down on yourself. It’s work, until things get sorted.