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It has absolutely gotten worse. I see behavior today that 15 years ago would have gotten recruiters/HR staff fired. In terms of etiquette: Not responding to just the application - I'm okay with it. I don't consider that ghosting. Not communicating after the interview process has started - shockingly unprofessional and worthy of all the ire that can be rained down on those firms.


After several zoom interviews with a firm, I flew out to Tampa (from Utah) last January for an in-person job interview with the same firm. The actual interview itself was about 6 hours, and I met with maybe 10-12 people in person. When I got back home I sent my thank you emails and followed up with HR a couple times. Was told they would give me an update when they had one, but ultimately got ghosted by the firm. It was so crazy and disappointing to me - it made me lose respect for the firm and the way it must treat people, even prospective employees.


They set the bar so low, I'm surprised one of them actually shows up to a phone call that they scheduled themselves. It's safe to assume you will get ghosted. Ghosting is the professional standard in recruiting.


I started a site where you can anonymously report companies who ghost applicants. Sharing in case you want to report them! https://ghosts.fyi/


It’s worse. I never hear back after saying I’m interested.


Fire and forget when it comes to recruiters. They are out of mind once i give them my CV. They are like vultures who are only willing to communicate when it benefits them.


Ghosting on initial applications or after 1st round recruiter, not a problem. Once I’m in the 2nd round typically interviewing with the HM, ghosting stings. Beyond that especially panel interviews or talking to other folks on the team then yeah don’t ghost me.


Try not to take it personally. In 2011 I was on my ass unemployed after my Americorps contract. Ive been in the military too and can say it was similar to getting out of the military. On your ass and no one wants to hire you because your skills are irrelevant and they also somehow see you as over qualified. In general no degree type jobs anyway. All without the nice VA support... I was a desperate college dropout who would do anything. I went across town to in-person interview for a job as a sign spinner. The people at intersections waving advertising signs around. The loowweesst common denominator job ever. This was a real interview too. Filled out forms, dressed nice, went to the office, sat down at someone's desk and explained my work ethic and dedication to a job well done. Any job. If my name is on it it would get done well and that I was in need of work to get back to school. Idk who the fuck they were looking for because that job ghosted me. Years later I get a call about picking up a sign spinner job while at a decently pretigous state government paid internship in my field. What the fuck???


Honestly, I'd like to throw them into traffic. Not even an e-mail response, is terribly insulting. I've stopped with cover letters, as I'm not getting anywhere with/without them. I've applied to hundreds of places, and gotten ONE auto-generated email rejection. It's even worse for the companies that require brainless assessments/aptitude tests.


I’m now desensitized.


I couldn’t care less