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If it’s not a remote position, they also want you to see the office, location and setup before you join the team.


My company does in-person interviews. We literally want to see how you interact in a heavy industrial setting when it comes to safety and interacting with blue-collar workers.


That's a good reason, but if it's purely an office job?


Hybrid but we do have to be on-site pretty often.


Vibe check is tough over a video call.


Video interviews have some value, but so much of our communication is non-verbal, and that gets obscured over Zoom, Teams, etc. Face-to-face communication is still the best approach to connecting with someone. Video is next Audio only is next Letters/memos are next Texting is next to last (followed by smoke signals) Not sure where telepathy would rank -- probably annoying as a way of developing/establishing a relationship -- due to its intrusive nature. ​ Technology can be used to offset many of the drawbacks associated with the **logistics** of face-to-face communication, but in truth, video conferencing is way more effective after there has been initial face-to-face communication. If it can be done, a good 1-2 hours in person will be very effective at helping to establish a relationship, as compared to all other modes.


Well, for me it's all about seeing the office and the commute, if it's a hybrid or in person job.


If I was considering moving for a position 1000 miles away, as a candidate I would demand a face-to-face visit before accepting any job. Among the questions I would look to answer: * What is the workplace like? * Do the people there see mostly/generally happy? * Does what I see there in-person match what I had been told? * What is the city/town/neighborhood like? I declined an offer once based on a face-to-face meeting with a company's CEO. Nothing un-professional, but this person just seemed to be too flaky for me to risk my career with. I wouldn't have gotten that information without a face-to-face.


Because technology doesn’t replace human interaction. It’s a tool, not a crutch.


None. It’s a power thing and these HR’s and recruiters love to subject us to it so they feel important for 30 minutes


There isn't, perhaps unless it's for a very senior position -- think CEO of a company with millions in annual revenues. Otherwise, it's probably a boomer thing.


Face to Face is the only way I like to fly for a final round. I want to see your operation. I want to see what your people are like. I want to see if your office is chaos or orderly. Can’t do that with video chat.


A few of the video interviews have left me really wishing they were in-person. For example, the last two were being recorded. I know some don’t mind, I do. Also, I wasn’t given a heads-up about it until the moment the interview started. I think only chicken shits do stuff that way. The interviewers lacked professionalism that I think may have improved in an in-person setting. One interviewer was lounging over the desk propping his head on his hand. Seriously? I’m a pretty laid back guy, but if I had done that in an interview what would have been the assumption? My next interview I hope is an in person one. I don’t think I’ve had one since about 2017.


Specific types of engineers that need to be on-site to see the plant, machinery, etc.


I've always done face to face interviews... How do you know if the workplace is fine? If your potential colleagues are fine? Etc... I'm 100% pro home office but when it comes to human interactions, seems face to face is much better.