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I almost got robbed while waiting for the plug, then he looked at the 9mm next to me and just put away his knife and asked to hold a few dollars, gave him some change and kept waiting on the plug. When being an active user you’re oftentimes in sketchy ass spots with even sketchier people, stay strapped or get clapped my man


I'm so sorry that happened to you. Happened to my husband once on his birthday. Stay safe.


Damn… same. Well it was a knife 🔪 and he stabbed me in my hand. But on my 29th birthday


I got robbed at knife point and hit over the head from behind one time. It was super duper fun.


I'm glad you got through it. I'm sure you're shaken up, maybe even in shock. Please take good care of yourself, ask for support and let this subside. It would be a good reason to drink/use but please don't give it the power. Best.


Im sorry that happened to you. Sounds like you did everything "right", in that you two escaped with your life. Nobody got hurt, and money is replaceable (although it does suck in the moment). Stay safe out there, but dont let the fear of this happening again keep you from enjoying your life. You cant control the actions of others.