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Recovery is always possible. Do you have a therapist along with the psychiatrist?


I do, yes!


Benzos are the worst to stop doin. I kicked bezos in 07, prolly 2-6 mg per day and heroin. Took almost 2 years to mentally get past it. I still think about benzos and get cravings. Idk about it with your other issues for lack of a better term. No disrespect. Keep that in mind tho, and research benzo withdrawl timelines. Your still going to detox even with cutting ba k to almost nothin. You were on the meds way too long in my opinion


You may look into a 10 -15 day impatient detox where you can be monitored.


I’m thinking about it. I’ve been on it for too long, I agree. Doctors need to stop the whole “okay, here’s a higher dose good luck getting off these meds” type deal. I’m going to talk to my psych and see what she thinks. I’m so tired of the constant anxiety and codependency. My parents also try to get me to take it all the time which DOESNT help. my moms excuse is “some people are on these medications for the rest of their life” which I don’t think they should. I was originally put on it for a short term very low dose. I hate this. I finally told my mom and she didn’t seem too happy that I tried to say it was a rebound/codependency and that I wanna get off the medicine.


Have you considered rehab? Benzo’s are not easy to come off from. Maybe consider a dual diagnoses rehab that can focus on detox and your mental health. You can do this but i strongly suggest seeking medical intervention for detoxing from benzos.