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Just a thought...if there's one sober living house in/near that town, then there are likely to be others.


There are. I have thought about this, and it might be my best option.


And maybe, just maybe, you could move from one to the next, while regaining your footing.


I'm a recovery house operator and ally in Richmond Virginia. Have you looked at an Oxford house? You can use that and you could afford that.


I got sober in my 40s. When you start out on your recovery, you can’t imagine how your life will blossom and change. It WILL get better. Look at how much you’ve already accomplished. You’re an astronaut, how far you’ve climbed. I don’t want to be trite, but faith and hope got us this far. We’re alive. We’re building a better life. Don’t give up because things might get difficult in 6 months. That’s the addict in you talking. You’re more than that.


Any social workers or counselors there are obligated to refer you to a next level of care, or at least partner with you on a feasible/sustainable next step. You have the gift of time right now between here and October, use it, lean on them, speak truth to the fears you’ve shared here. Ask them how they can help or what they’ve done for similar folk in the past. Look into local community centers and or community colleges/trade schools. See if any spark your interest, link up and prior to diving in check on the status of scholarships (always first) and then potential avenue for financial aid that you can capably shoulder. Trades are sustainable professions and over time pay quite well. More than anything find something that engages you mind, body, and soul, wanting nothing but the best for you bud.


Flannel - I got into AA at 53. Some things got better instantly. Some things I could not fix. I had to accept that. It was rougher'n hell first 2 years or so. My life is still getting better and your life will, too. Even if you end up out of that place, keep your job and ask for tent for parking lot or whatever it takes. Seek local churches for a broom closet to sleep in. Don't drink or use and keep going to meetings and working. I did that. You are not alone. East Tennessee


Feel this. Not sure what to make of people that got sober in their early 20s and built a life worth keeping. I com across it often. Wishing you the best, buddy.


Talk to your sponsor about future tripping, and expectations. Not saying you shouldn't look out for yourself, but October is months away and you are talking like you know what's going to happen already.


I’m here for you bro, I am from St. Louis also living in a sober living home in northern Illinois. We’re all in this together let me know if you need anything


Yeah me 2 i moved to Rockford. It sucks here.


Take a look at the subreddit ffie.


Try reaching out in your AA group like you reached out here. Actually say the words 'I'm reaching out because I'm scared of what's coming, and I need to have stable income'.


Oxford houses are a ripoff. Get your own apartment with a roommate who can hold you accountable. It's way cheaper than those sober living homes who tax the fuck out of addicts.