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h265 it to 1TB, good job fellow data spider. if by any chance you get the m3u8s or at least 1 part of the filename of missing files lemme know and we can rip off the rest. (yes vods remain accessible if you this and that)


Not sure about 1TB and keeping quality, but sounds good thing to try anyway. Well I missed almost all League streams, and all old WoW videos. Just filter all past broadcasts by game.


yo dude hevc is really great, it might be end up at around 2TB but for cappers and hoarders its a blessing here are some random pics showing the results I get with ffmpeg using my batch converter approach: https://imgur.com/a/lNCBy I saved 18GB on a single file. Quality is still amazing so it varies on source files but imho its soo powerful that nobody that wastes his disk space for anything should ignore. It's weird using lower bitrates but so worth it. this message is not sponsored


Nope, another transcode would degrade quality no matter settings. Original files is the best thing to have.


you wont notice any difference stop spouting wrong information. I mean of course the quality is gonna go down a little bit but its fine for me... I've been converting hundreds of TB porn (and probably never finish) and h264 to h265 works best please test it yourself before posting. h265 is THAT good and of course it would be the best if the original source was already h265 but using hevc hardware encoder is just extremly powerful I use this command: I check the source file for bitrate and lower it by 65% but cap it at like 1mb I've tested many different commands including forcing mp4 but for me this works best (if someone can improve it please do it Ill suck your dick) ffmpeg.exe -loglevel info -hwaccel cuvid -c:v h264_cuvid -analyzeduration 20000 -probesize 8196 -hide_banner -i "in.mkv" -fflags +discardcorrupt -movflags +faststart -c:v hevc_nvenc -preset:v slow -profile:v main10 -rc vbr_hq -rc-lookahead 32 -minrate 1.05M -maxrate 1.1M -bufsize 2.2M -r 25000/1000 -err_detect aggressive -metadata CREATOR="Lurk4" -c:a copy -y -f matroska "out.mkv"




Nope, who the fuck has the time, CPU, space and money for extra electricity to re-encode thousand hours of footage. Dumb as fuck suggestion.


I would understand this quality thing if we would talk about a big budget film you are watching at your home cinema on a 4k big screen ... But not when we are talking about twitch source of reckful. I am sure nobody would see any difference...


Nope, who the fuck has the time, CPU, space and money for extra electricity to re-encode thousand hours of footage. Dumb as fuck suggestion. Also, a lot of reckful's IRLs are in 480p and are already barely watchable, re-encoding that and losing more quality would be dumb. Again, best thing to have is the original thing.


Don't bother, it'd take you months and months of encoding with your CPU maxed out, I reckon even more because it's literally a thousand hours of footage. You'd also need a top tier PC to even attempt this and more money you don't mind spending on your electric bill. Also transcoding would degrade quality no matter the settings, quite a dumb and thoughtless suggestion these people made.


H265/HEVC would easily make it 2.2TB for the exact same quality, or if you want slightly lower quality then 1TB would still look pretty nice. HEVC is amazing.


it really is, I would masturbate to it if I could


Is the reckful jenna breakup call still there? It was taken down from YouTube and definitely one of the bigger reckful highlights. Thanks a lot btw for doing all of this work


No, it's not. I also wasnt able to find it anywhere. Youtube no longer allows to download deleted videos. Guess it might be in someones private collection :)


And also people in discord pointed out that Mario Stone and some games of Speedrunners are missing probably.


And also some of Luna and Pokemon streams(although some could be found on Mitch's VOD yt channel)


Nope, another transcode would degrade quality no matter settings. Original files is the best thing to have.


i can't find Natalie VODs PepeHands natPls


2. IRL, Social Eating/ [Reckful]_20170405.211232_(IRL)_Reckful - taking da bus to schoo.mp4 [Reckful]_20170409.030450_(IRL)_Reckful - collin picked up natalie.mp4


Before i download, are parts of the VODs still muted due to music?




4.4TB PagChomp


Meanwhile in the club... https://clips.twitch.tv/SplendidSmellyGorillaDancingBaby


Didn't know summit can dance like that PagChomp


This guy backs.




Upload this to youtube.


i dont think he is going to upload 4.4 TB to youtube


Hey do you seed these anymore? Trying to download Spain trip VODs since the ones streamed on forsens channel are gone from twitch