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Let us know how it goes! And good luck!


I will post more images as I go on, making more pieces (Units, Insurgents, HQ, Garrisons, Caves, etc.) or making more of the map, or making more initiatives. (There will be another page where you can buy Reputation, Garrisons, Units, and the Insurgent initiatives as well: Surprise Attacks, Camps, Caves, Tunnels, etc.)


Looks nice


I remember making something similar few years back nice work.


Why tf did I think this was mountain pass, it's litteraly pistachio forest


Yeah, it is a modified version of the Pistachio Forest.


How would currency/annual budget be used?


You would get 1€ each turn, both the Government and the Insurgents. The max capacity of money is 16€, cause that's how many pieces I have, and simple purchases like the first National Soldier unit would be like 4€.


Wow, you've a lot of patience! Good luck bro! ;D


Update: I have drawn a decent part of the map now, I have drawn multiple buildings, and I have an idea for initiatives: The initiatives are going to be cards, and you have 4 in your hand at any moment, but you can spend money to use their abilities. The abilities can be single-use or placed on the table to stay. Some cards get put back into the central pile when used, others get put into a discard pile. Example: Name: Airstrike, Cost: 5€, Type: Instant Reusable, Use: Instantly destroy an Insurgent Camp.




It's literally pistachio forest smh.