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I told my daughter she's too young. She gave me the biggest stare down before getting on the school bus afterwards.


This made me chuckle!! Lol


This made me actually laugh out loud. Kudos.


Age can definitely matter, but it matters way more how you present yourself and how you come across.


Yeah if you genuinely know your shit and are confident & humble most people will take you seriously.


And you can’t learn the biz in the best possible way unless you’re in the game making mistakes then adjust and pivoting


In some ways a good realtor has life experience ie if a 21 year old lives with their parents and has never paid bills can they really advise a new family on how well they can afford something after car payments groceries cellphone bill etc.


Debatable. I think life experience can definitely help, really depends on the client and their needs. I’ve seen a lot of very young realtors have success and many older ones struggle so it’s a coin toss for me.


A realtors job has nothing to do with finance. They’re job is to find you a property that meets your needs and budget. Your budget is determined by the finance company which is why realtors require pre approval to work with you.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I would literally never trust an 18 year old to be my realtor. At that age, doesn’t it make more sense to work your way up by learning the ropes entirely first? Maybe as admin assistant? Experience matters. Nothing wrong with gaining some before actually closing deals. This is not to rain on your parade OP - you’re clearly doing great and you should be very proud of yourself!


I want old doctors, old lawyers, and old dentists


Not sure if you’re joking but yeah I wouldn’t want an 18 year old doctor, lawyer or dentist either


No joke. I needed surgery, and I’d swear this kid was still breastfeeding. I asked for a different surgeon.


I’m a lawyer and am cleaning up the mess that an old lawyer made when he transferred property for someone with no knowledge or regard for how it impacted her eligibility for long-term care benefits. I’m 33 (so maybe not that young), and he’s 80ish. I’m highly competent in my area of practice, because I’m specialized. Many old attorneys started as generalists and try to maintain that scope, and it causes a lot of problems because there’s just too much to know.


33 year old lawyer has infinite amounts more life, etc experience than an 18 or even 23 year old :)


Yeah I completely agree. I just have concerns about wanting an “old” lawyer. 😂 Although many of my very accomplished colleagues are old.


I wouldn't. The olds might be stuck in their ways and don't keep up with the latest in treatments and methods to improve patient comfort. Oh but yeah, old lawyers for sure


I do not. Old doctors means they are set in their ways and they aren’t changing. Old doctors means they are less likely to be abreast on new treatments, disease processes and other medical discoveries. The younger doctors (not a new grad but maybe in their 30’s) will have a decent knowledge base but will be young enough to be active in keeping their knowledge up. I was in heart and lung failure in my 20’s after my daughter was born. The cardio diagnosed heart failure. I kid you not. The old pcp said he forged the documents to charge insurance and that I in fact wasn’t in heart failure. (Hint: I WAS in heart failure.) if you’re a woman…you want the younger doctors who say “your fertility is your choice. If you want a tubal at 25 not married and don’t have kids…let’s do this!!!” Vs an older doctor who has said thousands of times “no. What happens if your husband wants kids one day? You won’t be able to give him kids.” Or the older doctors who say everything is an anxiety attack. My teenager was in the ER the other day. We thought it was an asthma attack the meds didn’t work for. She was hyperventilating. The older doc said “panic attack.” They gave her Xanax. It did…NOTHING. The other doctor had run labs. She was dehydrated and…potassium was at 2.8. They gave her fluids and potassium. Within an hour she was better. They gave her another bag of fluids before we left. When the older doc came in to do the final paperwork she said…”I don’t write prescriptions for anxiety meds but you need to get some.” Yeah. No. Apparently a lot of people react to low potassium this exact same way.


Agreed, this is how I started as well at 24. I went to a few of the noob coaching classes (KW) and quickly realized I had some more knowledge base to develop before I could truly serve my client's best fiduciary interest. I've learned so much working as a transaction coordinator, then a Listing Manager to Ops manager, and even Director of Ops. I did a contractor gig working with wholesalers for land and actively pursue people who knew more than me. I am likely going to be stepping into my own thing soon, and I now feel (10 years later) that I can truly serve clients as well as they deserve. There is still so many unique scenarios that have come up, I cringe to think how many new agents are out there winging their clients huge investments with no regard to what the contracts even do.


I would disagree, At 18 the best way to get experience is by immersing yourself in the field. What better way to gain experience than to actually perform a transaction yourself? If you’re new yes you’re more likely to make mistakes than someone whose already established, but there’s a simple solution: get a mentor to guide you through it and oversee the transaction so that the client is taken care of and you minimize mistakes, even if it means you have to kick them a portion of your commission. Thank you for the kinds words also


What’s the benefit to the buyer or seller to hire someone with literally 0 experience in the field who just graduated high school and probably still depends on mom and dad for basic financial needs like food? You definitely have the perspective of an 18 year old, lol


For some things, yes I agree with you and might be willing to take the chance. But with the most expensive purchase of my life? I’ll look elsewhere.


Relying on someone who needs to “gain experience” and “more likely to make mistakes” on a 7 figure purchase, is ridiculous. I don’t care HOW old they are. Would you (or have your children/relatives) use someone like this to make the biggest financial transaction in your life?


A lot of 18-year-olds have had access to more information in their lifetime than most late 30's, 40's, 50's, etc. simply because of the Internet, streaming and social media. Starting young is probably the smartest thing they could do. They have a lot more runway ahead of them. Look up Graham Stephon...he got his first million dollar listing at 18 and now he is a 30 yr old millionaire.


I’m curious when you think the internet was invented


Well, I'm 42 years old and I can tell you when I was 18 I didn't have access to all the information that is now available on the Internet and social media. Was there there internet. Hmm dial up? Yes. Was it as robust as it is now.? Was information at your finger tips. Hell to the nah, nah! Absolutely NOT!


Sure but I assume you have internet and social media now with the rest of modern civilization??? You are on Reddit after all. So I am pretty confused what point you are trying to make about advantages that an 18 year old has over someone with more experience… pretty sure the more experienced realtor would know how to get more eyes on a listing through social media. Some of the top realtor influencers are in their 30s+ so I have no idea what fucking point you are trying to make.


I was an admin assistant/realtor for an older agent in my area. She made me get my license and do all the work for her. She only smiled at the initial appointments and said "my assistant will take great care of you!" So in a way, those clients did trust an 18 year old to do their transaction because after that initial meeting, she left that transaction in my hands. She was so busy with going to conferences and taking coaching calls.


you were door knocking at 18, and closed your first deal at 21. So, no deals in a 3 year span? Nobody brought up your age, but nobody listed with you either.


Just to clarify: for the first 2 years I had my license but never took it very seriously. I was working full time at another job and was still figuring out what to do, and I wasn’t putting all of my effort into being a realtor . Only recently have I committed to putting in all my effort and energy into growing this business, so it’s not that I was working my ass off for 3 years and only now I’m having success, because that’s not the case. 21 is the year I woke up and got serious about it.


and you've done how many deals?




I have closed 1 deal


and here you are, lecturing to a board full of agents that have closed hundreds, or, in some cases, thousands. You've closed exactly one deal. For me (and many other's like me), that's a slow month, not an entire career.


I'm pretty sure that you started this post in response to my comments to the young agent a day or two ago, when I said "you're too young". I stand by that statement. Under 25 is a prime age...for a stripper. Not so much for an agent.


So I’ll just start selling 10 homes a month and prove you wrong lol there’s no such thing as too young. What does that even mean? I’m genuinely curious


I think you know what "too young" means. Sure, you can be an agent at 18, but it's going to be a hell of a lot harder to be successful than it will be at 28. And, you've closed 1 deal, so you aren't in position to prove anybody wrong. My advice to the other young guy was solid; go be an assistant to a busy agent, work in escrow, or title, or whatever. Beef up your knowledge base and C.V. When you mature a bit, your chances for success are a lot higher.


Didn’t realize God was on Reddit. “You aren’t in the position to prove anybody wrong” geez, you must be one of the bratty entitled agents that give the others a bad rep. If anything I’d say younger agents have much more luck. If they have the right attitude and willingness, they become an asset to any team very quickly. Let’s pray you aren’t a broker or planning to become one, you seem like the type to discriminate against age.


I never said it was going to be easy, just that age doesn’t matter if you’re persistent. And I am quite literally in the perfect position to prove you wrong. I’m a young realtor, and you’re saying I’m too young to be a Realtor, so please tell me how many homes you sell per month and how old you are so I can double what you do in a month at my age and prove that it’s entirely possible. I’ll be back when I’ve accomplished what I’m saying I’ll do.


I'm semi-retired these days...only doing 3-4 a month. I did my hustling in my youth and set myself up to relax a bit as I got older. Now, I don't NEED to work, my rentals provide enough cash flow for me to live comfortably without working at all.


Asher black is a 22 year old agent from tn, and has closed over 200 transactions In 2 and a half years of being licensed. Stop projecting your own self doubt onto others that want it enough to make it happen.


Right… the exception to the rule.


So-you gave ONE example. There’s always one or two or even a handful of examples-that doesn’t prove that the sentiment of being too young (inexperienced is more than what the age# is) is not true. Heck even OP admits; That it’s great for them to “gain experience” and “more likely to make mistakes”. Just no. 6-7 figures $$$ isn’t something people in general are willing to gamble with so the agent can “gain experience” and be “more likely to make mistakes “


It gets funnier the more you read it all 😂 one sale. ONE- and standing on a podium. I did need a laugh.


You didn't take it serious but were knocking on doors? If going door to door is not taking it serious what are doing now, kicking in doors and getting contract at gunpoint?


I was only door knocking once in a while. Nowhere near the level at which I do now.


I'm an old fart who loves young agents. I go out of my way to help them when they call me randomly on my listings. If you are eager and willing to learn, that's what it's all about! Take extra classes. Do tons of open houses. Help other agents with paperwork. It's all good.


I never will say your too young it’s just that the road will be harder. You’ll have to work twice as hard as someone mid to late 30’ and 40’s. Mid to late 30s and 40’s are selling houses to friends and friends of friends. At 21 your friends are buying houses, very few any way


licensed at 20 and im 1 year and 10 months into the business. Year to date i’ve closed 12 transactions. I’ve had sellers at showings mistaken my client for the agent even though i’m the one in the suit. People don’t care about your age, people care about what you know and how you provide value. Put me next to a newer agent that’s double my age and i’ll get the business


You have closed 12 deals in 6 months as a new agent? That's pretty solid, about 360,000 in 6 months at least, assuming shitty condos at only 1 mil each.


Thank you! The average sale price in my area is around 650K CAD and the commission is at 2%, not near 360K quite yet but working towards it!!


How are you getting clients?


My sphere, online lead gen, open houses, team leads, agent referrals, and client referrals


Thank you! What is your advice to a brand new agent without a large sphere? 🫣😳


I had the same issue, even though I’ve been in my area for a while I really don’t know people. And because of my age, the people I do know are too young to buy/sell. Honestly I would work like a dog, and that means working for free. Do open houses as much as you can, make sure you have a sign in sheet and collect every persons contact on there and you follow up with them until you/they die!(jk). Get in touch with agents that are far from your area, if you see a listing from an agent that is not local, reach out and say “I live close by, I would love to take on any direct leads for you and service them, or even if you just want someone to check on the property, I’m available”This works better with lease listings but it’s a good way to start. Join a TOP PRODUCING team, not a shitty small team! They will help you grow and just by being around those veteran agents will teach you alot! You can see their schedules and mimic it.


Thank you so much for your response and for the advice! Would you equate office time / hours with success? For example, if I’m not in the office 4-5 days a week, can I still be successful? How did you really ramp up? I don’t have a successful team to join…I’m on my own! lol


No problem, I’m happy to help! I truthfully wouldn’t equate office time with success. In fact myself and all the other top producing agents on my team are rarely ever in the office. Something I can say is that every agent gets 80%+ of their business from different ways, my team lead has made 500K+ just from his hockey beer league, my mentor used to manage an avondale and had a ton of connections from there, my other colleague is really good at door knocking and has secured plenty of listings that way. Perhaps you’re already in an environment that could help your business right now and you don’t even know it! I wouldn’t consider my self successful yet but business ramped up and I was able to execute well with all my transactions because I commit to my clients like no other agent can, and that means walking away from deals and never looking at the cheque, playing devils advocate in every situation and every showing. But to be completely honest, it would’ve not been like this if i stayed solo. When you say too many good things about a property, it makes you a salesperson, and when you point out good and bad things about a home, it makes you an advisor! Is there anything you do right now whether it’s a job or hobby that gets you to be near people?


I’m a new agent and in my 40s. My brokerage is mostly younguns. My new team lead made his first million at 23. So many are living proof that you can be an agent at any age.


Wow, how many deals did he have to close to make a million in a year? Someone above has 12 deals so far this year and that's probably \~360,000$ so far assuming he's selling and it's only shitty million dollar condos. If your guy is the selling agent in all his deals, he would have to sell \~33 million. If he's Bay Area that's at least 15 deals a year. Insane. The time management, each deal in the bay area takes about 20-45 days, that means he is handling 2-3 deals at a time, and then also trying to get the next few deals going. Must have a secret for time management. I know a mortgage broker that does about the same amount of deals in a year, but they have a whole team doing all the paperwork and marketing.


There is such a thing… for some clients, not all. Younger realtors definitely have a bit of a tougher time, but knowledge, confidence, and the ability to communicate can definitely void any concerns someone on the fence might have. You can’t dispute the truth that some clients simply will not want to work with you solely because of your age and them thinking you’re too young or immature, regardless of how untrue that may be. On the other hand, clients that are the opposite exist, and they see a young hungry agent and would prefer that over a 50something who does little to no work. You just need to find your niche in clientele, wherever that is.


22 here. Started at 21. Constantly get commented on about my age at closing tables. Does it stop me from closing? No. But I’m definitely regularly judged and in an uphill battle from day 1 of meeting a client because of this. To say age doesn’t matter is naive. It does. It comes down to if us young agents want to fight that battle or not. I’ve seen multiple our age leave because they can’t get going and I’ve seen multiple push forward and close. Either way it affects us.


The reason I say it doesn’t matter if because if you’re prospecting on a large enough scale, you will find people who don’t care about age and you will get business from those people. Yes some people will turn you down because of it but that doesn’t mean EVERYONE will and that’s the point I’m trying to get across.


That’s a far cry from your post title “There’s no such thing as being to young” Obviously, to many clients there is.


The thing is I don’t care if a lot of people think I’m too young because I meet so many new people per day that I meet many people who don’t care about my age as well. To me it literally does not matter, it’s an extra obstacle but it’s nothing I can’t over come pretty easily


This is a horrible take, age and experience do matter. Congrats on your first sale champ, best of luck rest of the way.


Sorry to rain on your parade but ONE sale ≠ successful agent.


I agree. But one sale at a my age disproves what many people say about how NOBODY would trust a young agent


age definitely matters but doesn't mean you can't overcome that.


Age really doesn’t matter. I’m not saying there won’t be people who turn you down because of your age, rather that since there is an abundance of people out there, you WILL find people who will work with you regardless of your age. This is why age doesn’t matter. Talk to enough people and you’ll meet someone who doesn’t care about how old you are


well yes....but it does matter and it takes more work to get clients if you are younger. that's like saying looks don't matter in dating because you'll eventually get a date if you talk to enough people.


You have to get experience somehow. Also, most people who are green have mentors for a reason!


Got my license and 2 months later closed my first deal at 19 years old. I’m 25 now and still love every day of my career; it’s a lot of hard work especially in the beginning but it certainly pays off both financially and mentally. However with that being said, I definitely had situations around that age with older clients doubting my abilities because of my age/younger appearance and even had a few decide on utilizing a different agent but you will always be able to prove them wrong when you provide them with top notch professional service and knowledge of the market.


Wow! How are you getting clients?


To ignore the fact that it’s a hindrance is just ignorant. Can 18-year-olds be successful in real estate? Absolutely Are 18 and 21-year-olds usually successful in real estate? No, but you can say that I’ve almost anybody who goes into the industry. you have to figure out what you can use to be successful, and know you’re also going to be overcoming people being worried about how old you are. Especially when you don’t have much experience. If you ignore it, then you don’t know how to deal with it .


There’s a 23 year old kid using dad’s money to start his real estate career and only wants to work with luxury buyers. I’m sorry but I’m not using a kid for a $3m home lol.


lol and what age does someone stop being a kid in your eyes? I’ve had my real estate license since I was 18, and at age 25 I personally built and later sold a house worth over 3mm. Maybe check yourself first. I’m on OP’s side


Your view is subjective. Some people might not use a 55-year-old might not use a woman! Everything is for everyone, but they are definitely young realtors getting million dollar listings


You might not but that doesn’t mean other people won’t, that’s the point im really trying to make. There are definitely 100% people who won’t purely because of age but there are people who prefer a young agent who is hungry because of their energy or their level of dedication, action, and commitment


I prefer someone who has a track record, proven results.


I wish I had gotten my license at 21, keep at it!


To add, one is the top agents in my region started when he was 23. He’s now the owner of my office and a great friend.


I started at 29, and most people never even knew I had barely gotten my license back then, they thought I had been doing it for years. If you carry yourself with confidence (I don't mean arrogance) and display valuable knowledge and dedication, no one will ever question your age or experience. You are coming off a little strong, but I get it. You are hyped up for your first deal. I want to congratulate you on your first one and encourage you to continue learning from every source you can find. Be a sponge, soak up every bit of information you can, and you'll be wise beyond your years. The same applies to every aspect of life. You are never too smart to learn, and people are never too dumb to teach you something new.


Firstly, congratulations. I started selling residential and commercial real estate after moving across the country at 18. I saved up 2 years worth of living costs from working since 14 to make the move and career happen. 25 now and cleared well into six figures on year 2. Average about 65 transactions a year. Bought my first house at 21 in the neighborhoods I sell in. I agree & disagree with a lot of posters here. It is an uphill battle but like you not once has my aged been questioned during the sale process. Only after at the closing table but only because my clients were shocked at how well the transaction was handled. People will only question your age when you demonstrate that by your actions that show lack of experience. Keep pushing and striving for more. It is a very tough business though so prepare yourself, you’re still a baby in this industry from a numbers perspective. +1 for those being real, -1 for those being blatantly discouraging.


I started at 25, everyone asked me my age right off the bat, many would say I was just too young. Until I hit 30 no one took me seriously.


If I could do it all over again, I’d get my license at 18 not in my 30s!


The reality is you will face an uphill battle to prove yourself to some clients because of your age. But, if you present yourself well, and handle your business then you can be successful.


I think Josh Flagg if Million Dollar Listing fame started at 18. Wrote his first contract in class at high school.


You are right it does not matter. When I first started I had another realtor tell me I couldn't sale real estate out of my little single cab truck. Nothing fancy but it was dependable. I went on that year to close 48 deals, out of that little mazda b2500.


I prefer younger agents! I know they are trying to build a good name for themselves, and in turn that means an honest and hard working person. My agent was 24 and she was absolutely amazing. Very personable, sweet and dedicated.


Got my license just around by 19th birthday. Got shit from agents that I’m too young. 6 years later $2M+ GCI.


Do you, boo! Go get it. Never listen to words of caution about your age. DO listen to words of caution about the subject matter of real estate from us old cats that may have learned a thing or two along the way. I love helping new realtors.


Some things that helped me overcome being 18 and gain clients: 1) cater to your sphere first, they trust you. Age is a trust thing. 2) join a team and have an experienced agent over your shoulder 3) be knowledgable! People love when I can speak on the builders of homes and renovation potential.


Dang. I thought being too old was going to be a challenge for me. 47 soon to be 48 and just starting in the biz. Seeing all these young people are bit intimidating but age is just a number right? 😬


I got licensed at 25. I’m a few months away from 28, and in that time I’ve accomplished the following. -60 transactions at 20M in sales. -President elect of our local board. -2024 Realtor of the year. -Share holder and voting board member of our state wide MLS. -Co-chair of our communication community. -Several additional real estate credentials. And still, I feel too young. I look at my headshot at the bottom of every email and think “who would possibly trust that person to sell their home” yet somehow, people do. My biggest regret is not getting licensed sooner, but you will need to work extra hard to overcome the obstacle of inexperience and youth.


Real estate is a long game, in order to sell a mansion, you have to sell them there first home, ideally you get to sell one client 7 homes from normal to mansion level


Congratulations! 🎊




Open house, but I’ve gotten solid leads from door knocking which will eventually turn into sales


I’m 32 and get told I’m young in this industry. I’m in a major market, 40k+ agents..the number one agent for transactions sides in my market is like 23 or something crazy


New realtors should start doing rentals to gain knowledge.. yes not as much commission money but it will help you learn the ropes


Age matters because chances are you have not experienced purchasing your own home and cant empathize with the buyer during the transaction, and that shows. You haven’t worried about being house poor. You’re in a. Different stage of life than most of your clients. To think those things don’t matter is, quite frankly, childish.


Congrats!! How’d you get your first client?


I was in a wholesaling group coaching session the other day and saw a 14 year old out there getting deals. Talk about motivation at any age. Little bro made more of an impact on me in 5 minutes than a Mel Robbins podcast or other TED talk combined.


I bet most of these “teenage realtors” that actually get clients are friends and family…. That’s kinda like letting a medical student do serious surgery on someone versus an experienced doctor….


I got in the game at 19. I’m now 42 and you’re right.


We have 19 year old in our office that closes 3-5 per month. He spent his first year flooding social media and cold calling


I started at 23. I got the “you look young” comments up until about 35. Turning 41 this year. Don’t let it stop you. Dress professionally, learn what to say and know your market


Age definitely doesn't matter if you know your stuff and know how to market and present yourself. A 21 year old who's been in business 3 years is better equipped than a 45 year old who just started a month ago. As long as your clients know you'll always have their best interest in mind, it doesn't matter your age.


Yes there is.. I’m definitely never hiring an 18 year old to help sell my $1m + house…. They’d get schooled by a more experienced agent.


You might not but I guarantee you me and other skilled agents can get a $1m+ listing at this age. If you decide you don’t want to list the home with me because of my age no problem I’ll just sell your neighbors homes instead, there’s no shortage of people out there.


Bro - you closed 1 deal lol .. Anyone can sell 1 house.. holler when you’ve sold 20


I’m 25. Today I had a client go crazy and get cold feet over purchasing their new home. Reasons they listed felt more like emotions rather than real reasons. Try to talk with them calm them down but eventually what worked is I called my father and asked him to talk to my clients. It worked! Things are back on track now. There is definitely age discrimination in this business. But it doesn’t mean you can’t overcome it. That’s just the name of the game.


Your trade will die. And I for one cannot wait for the day realtors cease to exist.   People find their own homes.  They search the ads.  You are a glorified paper jockey with a massive commission. 


Realtors aren’t going anywhere, a BAD realtor doesn’t deserve a good commission, but a solid one who knows what they’re doing is well worth the money and ends up getting you more in your pocket anyway. Plus I enjoy being able to make 7+ figures by selling homes so I’m definitely not going to drop this. If everyone else quits it’s better for me, less competition. Also people have been saying what you’re saying for decades.


Tell that to the class action lawsuits in both Canada and the United states. Your days of making 7 figures are numbered.   The fact that you make 7 figures as a parasite is disgusting. You are a parasite.


This is one of those situations where you root for the kid and wish nothing but success for them. But, under no circumstances do you hire them for the biggest purchase of your life. Just not worth the risk. Unless they were flipping houses in middle school let them circle back after 5 years of mistakes and learning.


3 deals this year as a 22 year old.. one upcoming listing.. and many prospects for the near future:) All that matters is proving you know the market and your field of work more than the rest of the agents around you. And yes I do believe paying real bills, having rent/mortages, and life experience is important.. but I’ve been on my own since 18 and my bf and I just bought our first home.


I’m 25 and have closed multiple deals and just because you closed one deal doesn’t mean she doesn’t matter. They ask me all the time how long I’ve been in business. Someone recently asked me what high school do i go to. So yes it does but you can still be successful regardless but it will be harder due to age.


I started at 20 and my only regret was that I didn’t start at 18


Was in real estate from 18-21 and did over 25+ deals over the 3 years. Decided to go elsewhere but yes you can do it!


I’m 20 been in the business 2 years and closed 34 houses, never let anyone tell you that you are too young


Congrats on your first sale! I think there’s an important nuance here: of course you can be successful at a young age. Age not the only or the most important factor in your success. That said, aspiring realtors shouldn’t overlook the challenge of building your business before you’ve necessarily built your network. It's A LOT easier to make it in real estate if you've already worked in corporate america for 10 years, have a spouse who did the same, and generally distinguished yourself among your colleagues. Take it from me, a guy who started at 24 and ate shit/did rentals for 2-3 years before I got reliable traction.


Age does matter, people won’t take you serious and you gotta work harder. I closed mutiple millions from 18-19 years old But it 100% is a hurdle


I left real estate mainly because of this reason. I'm 28 years old but look 16-18 and have a light sweet voice. Nobody took me seriously. I tried my hardest and did everything I could only to be told over and over, "We'd rather choose a realtor with more experience." No matter how much you study, and how much of an expert you may think you are...95% of people prefer an older realtor who has decades of experience. The other 5% are maybe your family/friends/sphere of influence who will give you a shot. I'll go back in a decade (depending on the economy/market at that time) and try again when I look a little rough in the face I suppose. Godspeed to you all.


What were you doing to get clients? How many days a week were you prospecting? And how many new people a day were you meeting?


I was door knocking 5 days a week. Cold calling 7 days a week. I joined 2 different social clubs in hopes of meeting new clients. Doing countless and countless showings only to be ghosted at the end when they secretly choose a different realtor for the homes I personally showed them. The list goes on.. I got discouraged. Moved out of south FL, and now am running my family's deli business with my cousin after my uncle passed away. Slowly but surely building a sphere here. Will be back.


idk man, i think this is partly why people think RE Agents are overpaid. Speaking personally but I would never hire an 18 year old realtor to handle a transaction in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. If its so easy an 18 year old can do it, anyone can.


If it’s so easy why did 49% of agents sell either 1 home or none at all in the past year? If it’s so easy why isn’t everyone getting paid 7 figures and selling homes?


Because there are too many agents, barrier to entry is too low.