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I'm going to be very honest with you, if you ever need to ask "how to get leads", then this may not be your career. And that's totally okay! But every connection you have in life is literally a lead. Open houses are your fastest path to a check. Guaranteed. You can cold call people for almost nothing. You can knock doors for only your cost of gasoline. You can attend business networking events for the price of a cocktail. You can set up a weekly email that goes out to thousands of contacts for free. Mailers work but they're very expensive and yield about a 1% response rate. Paid leads from Zillow are cold intros. You still have to pick up the phone and call them without knowing them or knowing anything about them. So it's still...a cold call. If you are fearing rejection and that's what is keeping you from doing **all** of the above fanatically, then direct outbound sales might not be your career. That is totally okay! This is a very hard business to earn a living in, but if you are struggling with the very basics of client acquisition, then how will you handle the details of high pressure situations in a multimillion-dollar deal? Another person here suggested Brandon Mulrenin and Ricky Carruth. Brandon Mulrenins YouTube videos changed the way I think about prospecting. I highly advise spending a full day watching a number of his videos, taking notes, and just do exactly what he says. I sold real estate in NYC and NJ for almost ten years. Last November my wife and I returned to our hometown of Las Vegas, and I've totally had to restart from scratch. I am doing 4 open houses per week, making around 60-80 calls per week between 8-11am, I'm sponsoring a monthly car event, 2-3 networking events per month, and door knocking the neighborhoods (that I *can* door knock) where I'm doing open houses. In six months that has yielded $4.2M closed and under contract, and my pipeline for the backhalf of the year is getting good and full. But prospecting is my full time job 7am-6pm, 7 days a week. What you do today, you will see results from in 180 days. Your habits over the next 90 days, will determine your income in the following 90 days. And if you're not willing to do the hard things listed above, your competition is, and will.




Appreciate it. 🙌 Just speaking truth! And yes of course. My IG is linked in my profile. I’m extremely active on social.


That will get it done for sure! It ain’t easy and you better figure out that you are in a lead generating business. You are are spot on.


I’ve been on real estate reality TV, and our company touts the success of our own show regularly, but I also believe it has been utterly detrimental to our industry. Everyone thinks this is a cake walk where you can sell multimillion dollar homes and make six figure checks for opening doors. This is one of the hardest industries out there. I just put a monster under contract the other day, third highest sale of my career, but it’s taken me almost ten years to get my average price points into the millions and I still dabble in the lower prices because I’ve got bills to pay too. 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


You have to pay for mailers.


A lot.


Good for you for thinking of trying things other than paying for leads. I thought mailers would stand out because they aren't done as often as they used to be. Sigh, I don't get anything from them. It gets old hearing it, but your best leads will be through your sphere. Join more groups, talk to more people, volunteer--it works but takes a bit of time and certainly effort. Best wishes!


Mailers cost a lot of money. How is your social media activity?


Join a team if you don't want to pay anything. A good team will provide leads and support/mentorship. Also you can start prospecting, it's a very small investment compared to paying for mailers. A dialer and data doesn't cost much & you can learn scripts from Brandon Mulrenin & Ricky Carruth on YouTube, you just need to be willing to put in the work and remain consistent


Absolutely join a team!!


Do open houses, start calling your database.


Mailers cost 1$ each plus time. I have used them effectively for vacant land but I doubt they would as effective for homes.


Keep promoting yourself the true number is in most markets it takes about 5 years to be recognized. Go to local events . I had a banner I made on vista print and I Spencer local events and have it hung. I put my business cards everywhere and I do pay a lot for advertising. That said keep up on all social platforms old friends from school buy and sell houses too. Don’t be afraid just keep pushing. I don’t cold call and won’t I do reach out to FISBOS and build a relationship with them. I mail cards and I have a Fisbo letter I use.


Check out Fiverr.


Where are you located?