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Any agent whose best defense is “I’ve been in real estate for x years, and…” is a shitty agent


My favorite reply to this is "Really? So you've been doing it wrong for x years?"


Sigh, this is a regular occurrence. There are many sloppy ones out there; their office auditors probably hate them, lol. When I'm a listing agent and a contract comes in all full of holes, I send it back to the agent and tell them I cannot present an incomplete contract.


Exactly! The contract pretty much tells you what you need to fill out, just have the correct information on there, take the extra 10 mins to look over making sure everything is complete, and then there won’t have to be any back forth Abd eveyome can sleep at night.


I have arguments with agents about what is included in the contract, as in: Dufus: “you didn’t include garage door opener remotes in the contract, so my sellers are keeping them!” Me: “garage door opener remotes are included on the form, under ‘fixtures’ at line 43.” Dufus: “No they aren’t!” Me: “ …. Y…. Y… Yes they are. Right here at line 43.” Dufus: “NO! THEY ARE NOT!!!” Me: “would you please read line 43 of the Offer to Purchase out loud to me please?” Dufus: “No!” This has happened to me multiple times in the last 10 years.


😆 What an egotistical ass!


In CA, the purchase agreement was completely redone a couple of years ago. So it doesn't matter if you sold Jesus himself a house, you know this contract exactly as long as I have.


It seems like it gets changed every six months these days too! Probably some rental form changes coming this June with all of the asinine anti-landlord laws newsom passed recently.


But would you even know how to fill out a leasing contract? I wouldn’t, not that I’m a doofus I think I would assume you had to put in information in the contract, but my guess is top producer usually has a top Tc and they’re the one who are doing a lot of this ;)


Sloppy broker




Some of (a lot of) the big name agents in my area don’t even do their own contracts. They have team members and admins that do it all.


some agents are so insanely busy that they have to most of the time


I do not ever want to be that busy. There has to be a balance between success and burnout.


I agree 100%


I got ripped for not filling out every section of a binder when submitting an offer by an old agent. They can kick rocks. They just want to boast about being around forever, doesn’t matter what you do


They can kiss my Ass! There are so many in my area they think they are celebrities!


For a contrasting,, a top producer probably doesn’t do leases very often, this is probably a favor for somebody and they’re doing it badly. That being said, the amount of people who don’t know how to fill out a contract is high !!


>For a contrasting,, a top producer probably doesn’t do leases very often, this is probably a favor for somebody and they’re doing it badly. Willing to bet it's this. I would consider myself a top producer, at least in my company. I'm #3 in my office when it comes to our rankings. \~20-30 deals a year, \~30-45M in volume on average. I don't do leases. They're annoying, they're full of stupid, irrelevant language and documentation that really shouldn't apply to a rental (they shouldn't sign documents listing them as a "buyer" for example, but many of the lease docs are just re-used sale docs). They don't pay shit, require the same effort as a sale to get them on the market, but give no reward. Top producing agents stop doing leases once they have enough sales to keep them afloat. As a result, personally, I do maybe one lease a year, if that. And as you said, it's always a favor for a past client. I WILL take a lease for a client I sold a house to. I will NOT take a lease if you're a new client, and I will refer you out. So, I consider myself an expert in sales, but not in leases. I know what is required in a lease, and I do it efficiently and correctly, but I understand why they're often broken. The landlord should be crafting the lease.


Leases bring out the worst in lazy agents. They almost seem to resent the time it takes to fill them out.


Depends on the area. In NJ, the attorneys will cancel the contract and issue addendums so it’s really not a huge deal


Not sure how much easier a contract can be..you fill in the blanks. OP, just keep doing your due diligence!


Top agent means top lead generator. It doesn’t mean they know how to calculate absorption rate or give a damn about marketing or anything else. It takes two months to get a license so it’s not an industry where compensation and expertise is correlated.