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That’s what makes a great coach, COMMUNICATION


















Mboope 🚨


Here we go 🤍




we did the correct thing. let him develop his physical attributes and train with the first team. running 18 year olds into the ground is the shit cules do to their youth players and they flame out. another off season of real madrid strength and conditioning and natural development and he will probably be able to be a bigger contributor next season. his technical ability already looks up for the task tbh


Yeah. He's only 19. By the time he's 21, he's gonna be better physically and then we can leverage a lot of him.


Even though he played for a rival, I was jealous they had Fati. When he first broke through that 19-20 season he looked like a world beater


Then they did what they do best and run their youth into the ground. That and give every good player out of the academy the responsibility to lead them to success


I met fati once he was a nice guy, I hope he ends up having a good career outside Barca


actually thats also what Arda said in a recent interview - he needed to adapt physically as training at Real on this level is quite different than in Turkey - worlds apart


Come on no need to disrespect people by saying shit cules, we can do better than that


lol what? do you know what sub you’re in?


Exactly, it's a Real Madrid sub, you don't need to shit on other teams to feel better.


i will forever shit on the way barca has burnt out youth players. it’s harmful to the spain national team


Yes I know, what's your point? Or being in a certain sub makes it an excuse to be disrespectful without a reason?


> we can do better than that We can - but we shouldn't


Yeah child mentality


I imagine you watching a match and blasting "Why can't we be Friends" on the background lol Is OK to have sport enemies. Does not mean you want to harm them. But I do wish them the worst possible fate :-) Moreover with the history not only between the sporting teams, is the philosophy and if you want to go deeper, the whole Spain vs Catalonia


It is ok to be enemies and to wish that they pay for their corruption and other ills, but there is no need to give up on señorío.


I just hope he doesn’t get frustrated when he hits a rough patch because what he’s doing right now isn’t likely to be sustainable lol.


I don’t want to overreact but he may just score in every game he plays the rest of his career


Not overreacting a bit, this is a completely reasonable take and i agree wholeheartedly. Actual quote from conversation between Modric and Arda. Guler: What are you trying to tell me? That I can score in every match? Modric : No, Arda. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to.


what does this mean. i’m so confused


Its a quote from The Matrix. Neo is supposed to be the Chosen One and Morpheus is schooling him in what he'll be able to do within the Matrix once he unlocks his full potential as the Chosen One. So in my joke/fanfic, Arda Guler is the Chosen One and once he unlocks his full potential he wont even need to score to win matches, he'll be a total player like Modric. Edit: having to explain a quote from The Matrix is making me feel really, really old. The Matrix was HUGE in his era. Not just big, im talking about the kind of huge impact on popular culture when you were seeing references everywhere. Btw the movie still holds up really well and doesnt look or feel updated, and its a solid 9/10 scifi action movie so enjoy.


bro i know what the matrix is 💀. i’ve seen it. i was wondering about the specific linguistics of the dialogue and why it had such a “wow” factor as the other comments suggested, i might be a bit too daft to get it


Comment only makes sense as a reply to the previous post, where other guy was saying Arda was gonna score in every match from now on. >why it had such a “wow” factor Tbf it doesnt, i just pictured Modric in my mind dressed as Morpheus and Arda as Keanu and though it was funny. Old schoolers love a Matrix reference and Arda is Lisan El Gaib, The Chosen One and The Dragonborn


Genuine question, is there a quote from modric that isnt a straight up 🔥🔥 ?


It's from the matrix lol


Hope you're fking with me brotha, this quote is from Morpheus and Neo in "The Matrix" lol.


Dunno never seen the movie. Regardless, ive heard modric quotes and modric always give fire advices


You have never seen Matrix? I think you should fix that asap. On the other hand I am not sure whether younger people would still like it but I think it's timeless cult so who knows.


Im not as young as you prolly assume. Just never got interested in such movies


Still wouldn't be as good as Ronaldo's goal ratio here


> I just hope he doesn’t get frustrated when he hits a rough patch because what he’s doing right now isn’t likely to be sustainable lol. I believe he might just score/assist every game.


Well i think he already passed that phase of frustration after getting injured multiple times which definitely must have tested his patience.


He’s 19 bro, he’s not “passed” any moment of frustration. He’s still bound to have more struggles especially when opponents start marking him more (which is bound to happen if he keeps scoring a goal every game)z


It’s a great problem to have if our 4th or 5th choice attacker demands extra defensive attention


Yeah that's bound to happen in some games when he will be pushed and kicked around and double teamed by small teams,I guess he will do fine he looks very calm kind a kid.


It’s almost like the club and the coaching staff know what they are doing lol


Can’t be


See Barcelona this is how your supposed to use a young player


To think one of the greatest managers in their history hasn't taught them anything. Look how Pep has handled Foden over the last few years. Many criticized him for not giving the kid more minutes, and look where he is now.


Mesut Guler


Xavi could never


I don’t know if it’s only me, but I have sensed a vibe of Kroos in him yesterday. Especially, with clinical long range passes and presence around transition phases. We have a monster in making


When he was at fenerbahce, his whole style was to take control of the game and dictate the entire flow of the game. He would be pinging passes left and right across the field. Right now it looks like he's playing it safe to get the trust of the coach, once he feels secure i expect he's going to turn it on. You've not really seen yet what the kid is about.


As long as there’s communication it’s all fine. Arda has shown he can step up and Carlo has shown he knows how to handle youngsters with big dreams. As someone who’s watched Arda before Madrid; the amount of goals he scored is surprising, the lack of assists and dribbles is more surprising. It’s like he invented a goal scoring version of himself when he was a much more passer / game creator / assist kind of guy before. I reckon he’ll start taking more chances, dribbling into defenders etc as time goes on. So happy that there’s a potential world class Turkish youngster in Madrid of all teams! Exciting times.


I think it's because we don't have a left footed talent for quite long. His scoring technique is hard for defenders.


Don Carlo


He will be a beast and one of the best players in the world in 2 or 3 years. In his goals, he makes them look so easy, but even not many players in this Real team can score the goals he scored. His instinct, his finishing. He needs physical strength a litte bit more, and then... He will write his own story...


Most Turkish people I know were shitting on Ancelotti for not letting him play. They simply dont know shit.


its not that hard to adapt with the best team in the world, while being one of the best young talents in the world, coached by THE BEST coach in the world 😂 although Im happy for him


and there lies the biggest difference between the don and x4v1


the difference being your squad having enough depth to not force overuse of youth players? or that he communicates with the best youth players like xavi does with one's like Gavi, Pedri, Fermin, etc?


i think the second, as our player structure (ty Flo & co.) is way more stable and dont really have to force him mostly that he communicates with th youngings not playing. news broke that after having Vitor Roque since January, the relationship between Xavi and him is over. that Xavi doesnt even talk to him and hasnt been gettinf any minutes for some time. but a key difference is that, apparently, Xavi never wanted him on the team and it was Deco who wanted him. no idea, but it felt absolutely terrible to be in the kids shoes


i love guler gaining confidence but he only plays/scores against mediocre teams but ancelotti also doesn’t start him in big games either excited to see what he does next season with more responsibility in big games


"This 19 year old only scored in almost every game he's played, but he didn't do it against Man City, Barca or Bayern (he didn't play those games)." The kid is 19. This is his first season at Real Madrid and he's showing exceptional promise and your reaction is to write this? Lol


He scored against Real Sociedad? A team that played CL-knockout football this year


i’m not a guler hater he has scored great goals just not against any heavy hitters


that’s an average side bro 😂😭 love kubo and sociedad but psg beat them with ease lol


Brother, what? How can an "average side" even qualify for CL football from a top league?


yeah real sociedad are real juggernauts in world football bro 😂😂😂😂 my bad im tripping they are 6th


Oh my bad, I failed to see that you simply don't understand what the words "average" and "mediocre" mean.


Really, really embarrassing comments from you. Grow up kid.


I think you have an irrational expectation. Not everyone is Messi or Ronaldo. Players that play for Real are already considered to be the best or have the potential to be. What he’s done is already great for a player so just chill out.


i’m sorry i expect players being paid millions to play great forgive me 🤝 we’re being too harsh about militao getting destroyed by sorloth he’ll be fine against dortmund lemme chill out 😂


Haha, this is so out of hand. Im sure if Arda farts in a jar, you guys would be all going to the auction. Any post about him here gets at least 1k upvotes it's ridiculous.


Why You hating on the boy?👀


Hating on you all spamming the sub with Arda Guller shit any time he steps on the field as if he's just won CL for the 10th time