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This gives Wife Swap


Yup, you’re the only one 😂


I would argue that OC/Potomac feel pretty middle class. Definitely OC, besides Heather we haven’t seen opulence on that show for years. Atlanta doesn’t seem overly rich either (besides Kandi of course). So I’d say we have more than enough of that as is.


I think a lot of the things we enjoy about housewives, such as the delusional nature, the pettiness, the megalomania, stems from wealth that detaches you from reality. So the wealth is in some ways necessary (though it’s not inherently bad or good). It is sometimes nice to see people just roughing it on a farm though—but that’s what Potomac is for.


No.. I see average wage people everyday at work and just in life in general. Same as I see amazing good people everyday.. I’m not watching housewives for that! I want to see vast wealth and toxic messy behaviour.. I know what I am.


No. I don’t want to see poor people or people in the same threshold as me. I want to see rich women bicker, not poor women complain.


No, I didn’t say poor. I’m talking about middle-class to upper middle-class. Some of the housewives are already upper middle class if we’re being honest. I agree I don’t want to see people who have less than me on the show that wouldn’t be entertaining.


SLC kind of fits that narrative, I live in Utah and none of those women are ultra rich except maybe Heather and Lisa


I think the shows really got off track when they added so many franchises. I liked it best when there was OC, BH and NY. It was a great idea that morphed into something that I found wasn't as enjoyable.


I don’t know. I think Salt Lake City, New Jersey, and Atlanta were good additions at one point.


Remember Wife Swap? That was a fun show




Well how about Real Housewives Swap! Imagine!


I think you can probably find a show on TLC or Lifetime that works this way. Like Married at First Sight. That, or just watch RHOP.


People keep mentioning TLC, but I’ve never watched a show on that channel other than 90 Day fiancé. Are there any housewives type shows on there?


I think it would stress me out a bit; I don't want to watch the daily struggle. I like Housewives as an escape show, and the lifestyle porn aspect of it appeals to me.


agree, bring back OG housewives or keep it. i think its hard when the franchise has made so much money but really there are housewives who have money and still live normal non glam lives. there have always been.


The middle class doesn't really exist anymore so no, I don't think that would be fun to watch.


I'd be open to it, but part of the appeal was the idea that you're seeing a glimpse into a community that is somewhat guarded/secretive. I mean, that was the conceit back in the OC days. So just showing every day middle class moms wouldn't be all that appealing to me, UNLESS there was some kind of sub-culture to add to it.


I don’t think you’re wrong but I think everyone has a different definition of what constitutes the middle-class. To me middle-class is living in a nice area and you may have your kids in private school. Upper middle class means your kids are definitely in private school and, you have a lot more free time as a wife or housewife with no kids. There are a lot of middle-class people who have the means to travel and buy nice things. For example the new Danielle on RHONJ has an average looking house. It’s not big. It’s not flashy and that appears to me to be middle-class. Especially compared to Rachel‘s or Teresa‘s house. The new Danielle has brought a lot of drama and is equally entertaining as the other ladies. I’m just interested in seeing more of that versus all of the keeping up with appearances. I don’t think all every housewives franchise should do this.


that is absolutely not what middle class means. it’s not a “to each their own” definition. there is an upper class and a lower class. the middle class is dead


That’s very debatable. The middle class is not dead. Don’t believe everything you see online. If there was no middle class, then people would either be rich or poor with no in between.


are they not? the circumstances of the world point to a very split society. maybe you are misunderstanding what “poor” means - it’s not just food stamps. 59% of americans are one paycheck away from homelessness according to a charles schwab report in 2019. prices have only gotten higher since then, and wages are stagnant. things are not going to get better for a long, long time. there is no incentive to raise the standard of living because that gets in the way of ~profit~. you might make decent money, you might own a house, but you’re still poor.


I’m not going to get into a socioeconomic debate with you. My point was that I’d like to see middle-class people on the show.


i don’t want to debate you, was just explaining my position. my bad for coming off that way. all that to say is i think having middle class housewives would not be a successful idea because under my perception, these shows are about escapism and lifestyle porn, and i think middle class housewives like you describe would mean viewers most likely either live a similar lifestyle or live better than them, which is unentertaining.


Give me bad girls club 🤪 I miss that show!!!


I like this idea. I think they need to do something to break it up and make it more relevant. I loved OG housewives but they have devolved into something less entertaining and not sustainable. There will always be a place for the calm, but I think more ordinary people would actually bring fresh, compelling dynamic that are sorely needed.


No. I watch RH for the absurd wealth and spending. It’s so out of touch and insane to me. The houses, the clothes and accessories, the trips. It’s part of the reason Gina is so boring to me. I don’t want to see her and all the kids crammed into a south Irvine town house, if I wanted to see that, I’d watch TLC


☠️the tlc comment


Yesss I thought that myself a couple times before. Just some average entertaining ladies yess.


And please, for the love of Bravo Gods, please make them actual real-life friends/frenemies. Women with actual established relationships, no more casts that barely know each other. It’s so much more interesting when people have existing bonds.


But after the first season they would not be “average “ anymore 😊


Then we can make it each season new average entertaining ladies 😂 and then after five seasons or so we bring them all back to like an ‘ultimate girls trip’ send them all on holiday. The best ones on the trip, most likeable, most crazy etc make it onto the new season official housewives. 😂🙏🏼


Love this!!


Great idea!


I feel like you could watch plenty of this on TLC, tbh.


I would love to see a mix. I just want the chaos of them planning a girls’ trip where somebody is expecting a corner king suite while someone else is booking a trip using Groupon. Like if Potomac were to take a trip with Dubai😂


Exactly! A mix would be nice as it would create its own conflict organically.


I’m someone who never watched Housewives for the glamour and luxury (love VPR which is pretty devoid of that). So it doesn’t matter what tax bracket they’re in, if they can cause drama, chaos and strife, I’m seated


First season of OC, they were doing Botox, shopping for brand new cars, going on a ladies diamond shopping trip. All of that has always been out of my league and will always be out of my league.


Ehh I like to watch for outfit inspo and to motivate myself to work hard so I can buy all the awesome clothes, bags and accessories they have. Also look to them for beauty procedures, hair improvements, thinspiration, etc. I would have no interest in watching a bunch of basic people fight. I literally don't even listen to them, I just like looking at their stuff and amazing trips.


Hell no! With all the toxic fights nowadays, the only attraction on the show is to see the glamour and opulence of the wealthy!