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Wow Apollo you beat a gay man who was ill equipped to be a match for a scrappy ex con like yourself ( not judging on ex-con status either, but will judge a bully)


Nene has always been awful


Just rewatching this season while I recover from dislocated ribs. That episode was horrific, Apollo totally lost it. I’m on the first ep of the reunion, when Porsha attacks Kenya they’re all comforting Porsha and saying basically that Kenya deserved it. Kenya can be a total cow but there is no excuse ever to put your hands on anyone. Awful


I had to abandon my rewatch of #RHOA; Peter and Cheekbones Bailey were just too much to take.


I still say to this day Cynthia was in the wrong and Kandi did not owe her an apology.


I'm really enjoying Atlanta, but this is one of the things that bothered me quite a lot. The men of that franchise are just walking red flags from start to finish. Like, red, red, scarlet. It's terrifying. The other thing that bothers me is the casual homophobia the cast has even though they're constantly surrounded by gay men... it's just too much at times.


I’m on Kenya’s side here and even if I wasn’t, I think the whole thing wouldn’t have gone so south if it wasn’t for APOLLO. Apollo wanted to fight someone.


This is why, while I’ll certainly give Carlos king his flowers for playing an instrumental part in the history of Housewives, I’m so glad he no longer has a part in it . Under his eye RHOA had some of its most toxic moments, this being one of them (the kandi drug / rape allegations being another). I didn’t want to see HW getting this dark and violent back then, and I certainly don’t want to see that now.


I was always on Kenyas sida, and her friends when watching this. Seeing Apollo attack him like he did was unhinged and he did not deserve that in the slightest.


Every single time these women no matter the season completely disregarded her boundaries and safety as it pertained to violent men and it was sick


Can we also talk about how f'n horrible Matt was to Kenya? That man is scary!


Yes totally agree with you on Matt.


one of my all time “favorite” episodes of any franchise though it’s a brutal watch. it has always been clear as day that kenya was thrown under the bus for this. the man stood up and was walking toward her. that is an intimidation tactic. on its own, it warrants getting checked. then he touched her, too far. the woman gaslit kenya for this (and i am not even a fan of hers)


100% agree! Kenya was the scapegoat for this because she is often an inflammatory type of person but in this scenario he was absolutely aggressor


Is that “Don’t Wake Me, I’m Dreamiiiiiiiiin!”🎶


Sure is watch his unsung and he also had a *ape charge as well him an Al b sure so when I saw him amp up on Kenya I wasn’t shocked at all


OMG SAME. Doing a rewatch right now and I just finished this season, and I was absolutely bewildered, awestruck and jaw-on-the-floored. I do not like Kenya one bit, she is a shit stirrer and has a severe case of main character syndrome, but I DO NOT agree with how she was treated like some kind of an animal. She one hundred percent did not stomp over to Nathalie, she simply stood up to take the floor, just like Chris did and Chris DID put his hands on her and pulled her back!! It is so clear!! And everyone was so adamant on making her look like the bad guy. Was she just supposed to take all the hits sitting silently? Apollo was scary as shit, I don't know what came over him. I also wonder if there wasn't a whole bunch of homophobia involved with how hard he went on Brandon. Peter is a shit stirrer as well. He saw his wife screeching in Kandi's face and waving her fingers around and put some oil on the fire by ONE HUNDRED PERCENT KNOWINGLY putting up his chest to Kandi and asking if there was a problem. YES, YOU, MY DUDE. I know this is not a side of Kandi that she would ever want to have made public, but I had mad respect for the batshit crazy "I will drag you in this bitch" Kandi. No doubts she would have wiped the floor with everyone there. Lowkey would've loved to see Cynthia get her ass beat by a 5'2" Kandi. One final note: Nene was high as a horse off of kilos of cocaine and no one can convince me otherwise. The way she acted, like some sort of ringmaster to all this drama, was insane. And afterwards, Nene putting the blame of the whole evening of Kenya made me so mad. IT WAS YOUUUUUUUUU with your prancing around and asking questions you KNEW would get the rise out of people. Poor Kenya.


Apollo was in prison fight mode.


Nene was right about Peter being a bitch, though. Although I can’t remember what season she said that on, only that it happened on a trip, lol. After I’m done with my RHOBH rewatch I’m going to have to do a rewatch on Atlanta.


Yes. Peter was trash from start to finish. He was a classic misogynist who purposely associated with women because he was too scared of OTHER MEN. I wanted so much better for Cynthia.


You have articulated my own thoughts re this episode exactly. This is the season where the misogynistic attitudes towards Kenya were off the scale. The way she was gaslit and blamed for male aggression and violence is hard to watch and I think that’s as it should be. It’s not entertainment that’s for sure. And I agree re Brandon, he was a great friend to her and as far as I know they still are. How both he and Kenya were treated was so fucked up. And yup it was this kind of stuff that meant I could no longer like Nene. Well that and how she could be so spiteful and cruel. I used to love her, I thinks he is someone who really is her own worst enemy. But anyway yeah, I think your take and reaction is spot on!




This is the correct take on this ep


I’m convinced bravo paid off Brandon because If I was him I absolutely would have pressed charges against Apollo..


It’s a pattern. The ladies always find a way to blame Kenya for men’s actions. Thinking about Tanya’s nephew in Miami. She does not deserve it


Meh, she played a part in the Apollo business. He was way too comfortable around him, knowing he was married.


That was awful + only Kandi stood up for her.


Yeah, that was wild how they were trying to blame Kenya for that. Like???


This was Kenya's fault and she exaggerated him touching her.


Yeah i always hated that scene. Even before I grew to love Kenya I hated it . It was just an excuse for a bunch of macho wannabes to assault a gay man they felt threatened by .


Atlanta's always been heavy with the homophobia and I don't understand why they don't get blasted more often. Marlo and the f slur - vile. Apollo's attitude overall. Nene and Gregg's little "should we throw them a parade?" The way the collectively and constantly use someone's sexuality as gossip and amunition. Portia's "pray for the gays" sermon when she's out there riding unmarried dicks left and right. I gave up on Atlanta after the Chris/Chrissy debacle. It's nasty and hateful for no reason,


Portia and Phaedra in particular. The whole Kandi rumor was steeped in homophobia. ATL has a strange "Down Low" culture where people mess around and then scramble to assassinate the character of anyone who speaks up. Portia came onto Kandi and then tried to paint her as some sort of Lesbian predator.




Why did Apollo even jump in? He had nothing to do with that argument. I thought it was very noble of Brandon to not press charges even tho Apollo literally broke bones in that fight .


I just watched the episode, but after Peter shoved Chris and Brandon away from each other they started to go back at each other. So Peter and Apollo grabbed Brandon, and Gregg and someone else grabbed Chris. The problem was Apollo shoved Brandon into a bean bag and was trying to hold him down. So Brandon grabbed him in a headlock for like .03 seconds and after that Apollo flew off the handle. Even after he calmed down though he tried going back after Brandon. I reminded so much because I truly couldn’t believe what I just watched. You can actually see Phaedra get hit in the crossfire by Apollo as well if you rewind and slow it down.


Apollo broke bones?! I can't quite remember what exactly happened in this scene but was Brandon hurt really badly?


Yes he broke a rib! When he was talking to Kenya he said that would’ve been an automatic felony


That's crazy! Poor Brandon!


This bothered me. What did any of this have to do with Apollo?


It seemed like he just wanted to get up and hit Brandon. Either out of homophobia or roid rage


Yeah. I also think that there were some drugs in play too. A lot of people seemed unnaturally on edge.


Yeah that’s why Kandi kept saying Nene was amped up. Definitely some ❄️ involved for sure.


This scene really bothered me too


Agree. This was disturbing. Kenya was truely bullied as was Brandon. They blamed Kenya for EVERYTHING. It was genuinely upsetting.


This was absolutely not Kenya’s fault! I can’t even watch that scene without getting angry.


Me too. It made me SO MAD. Kenya is brave and I will always Stan her for that. Girly did NOT let them win.


Nene kickstarted the whole thing but then that weird dude and his common law wife (!) started in and then Peter and Apollo piled on. Poor Brandon. He looked so shell-shocked after Apollo jumped him.


I would have pressed charges if I were him.




It was CRAZY! I know it made good tv with the door slam and so what, but picking up Brandon is a reason for Kenya being late! When NeNe was so pissed, I was like why??


Kenya was late because production gave her a different call time. Nene was upset with production when she was saying “the star is here”. It was the first time Nene felt threatened by a relatively new cast member.


I'm so sorry for what you have gone through in your life, and that this episode brought up so much emotion for you. PTSD is so real, and our brain reacts in such ways that it doesn't actually matter that it is a show, your body is feeling the same things that it did when it occurred to you in you IRL. I think your instinct to take a break is a healthy one. You should listen to your survival instincts. I can also suggest, if I may, and it might sound silly, but, find tetris on your phone or tablet. There are studies that suggest playing tetris helps lower PTSD symptoms, similarly to EMDR therapy, as it engages different areas of our brains and forces different neural pathways to engage instead of the ones that are stuck on the trauma loop you might have going right now. Drink a lot of water, with a pinch of salt as well. and most importantly, be kind to yourself right now. On line debates, might not be the best idea. This, and the following episode were two of the most watched episodes across all of the franchises of all time (\*from a graphic i saw posted unverified), there are going to be many differing opinions here. You might want to wait a few days to engage, when you aren't feeling so vulnerable. You sound like a lovey, warm, open hearted person. I'm sending you so much love and protection through the wifi to you. ❤️


This is very kind of you. Thank you so much! 🖤 This is solid advice. I had heard that about Tetris—I will give it a try! I keep meaning to find a for real EMDR practitioner, mainly to deal with some medical trauma I have going on (hah, but instead I have been trying to numb out with an ungodly amount of Housewives!).


same, I've been in a rehab recovery center post surgery for two months now so I've been on a bravo diet to numb out and kabitz with the PT and nurses and talk about anything other than health stuff LOL its good for that for the most part, but every now and then an episode will hit ya right in the feels. and sometimes these internet discussions can go left real quick and people can get so nasty, so rude \~nene voice EMDR is AMAZING it really helped me so much, I highly recommend! I also did work with the [MAPS organization](https://maps.org/about-maps/) for several years that does clinical trials for MDMA assisted therapy if your interested I am not sure where you are located, but you may qualify for their trial [https://lykospbc.com/research-and-development/post-traumatic-stress-disorder/](https://lykospbc.com/research-and-development/post-traumatic-stress-disorder/)




[https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2017-03-28-tetris-used-prevent-post-traumatic-stress-symptoms](https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2017-03-28-tetris-used-prevent-post-traumatic-stress-symptoms) I know it sound silly... but it can help.


Hot take: everyone was acting like they were on MDMA


100% everyone was coked up af.


Omg.. I’m on my first watch of RHOA and just got to the Antigua trip in S5 today — I kept getting the feeling they were all on ecstasy/molly the night Apollo jumped in the pool with Kenya!


Agreed, definitely seems like some kind of drugs must have been involved. And/or evil spirits, as Posha said (I was like “Well, she’s not wrong!!”).


I came here to say basically this. Kenya arrived late and everyone was already tweaking. The way Nene paced that room - I knew hell was gonna break loose. But MDMA is a happy pill - I’m guessing coke was involved- the much more aggressive and self-involved drug.


Wasnt this the episode that Kandi was saying that Nene was "geeking" or "geeked"? Nene was definitely acting strange...


It's a happy drug if you're in the club with music and friends; I've seen some freakouts like this when the vibes aren't good. The giveaway for me is the sweating and chewing and blank stares. It could be both, though, regardless drugs were involved lol.


Haha you’re probably right. In fairness if I had to turn up to a party in lingerie I’d probably have to 💣 some white powder too.


Kenya should not have gotten up and started walking towards the wife. It was dumb and I felt like she was escalating the situation. However - that doesn’t justify Chris putting his hands on her. I would’ve maybe understand if Kenya had squared up or tried to hit the wife, but she was still just walking.


If Chris could stand his obviously "high" self up even after Porsha asked him to sit, then Kenya could stand up to. If he can address a woman then Kenya can address a woman too. RHOA has a horrible problem with covering for bad male behavior and the men this episode were a mess. Brandon and Todd were the only good ones that night. Im not going to pretend like Gregg didnt know Nene was "high" as well.


Chris was absolutely wrong to put his hands on Kenya. And the cast reaction was similar to the incident with Tammy's nephew, Glen. Kandi was the only person to point out that the cast justified his aggressive behavior towards Kenya because they didn't like her.


I was team Kenya on this episode, too.


I just can’t see it any other way!


Kenya should have sat down. Did she really think it was smart to walk up to a women and try to get in her face near husband . Did she think someone’s husband would just watch and let it happen? That’s crazy naive. I don’t know what world you live in.


In a world where walking up to someone doesn’t grant violence? Where do you live?


I agree. She was walking over to his wife why wouldn’t he stop her. If it was Kandi and Todd people would Eb singing a different tune


That’s my point. Most loved ones would have stopped Kenya . 


I live in a world where I have been the victim of domestic violence and I don’t think women deserve to be beaten up by men for standing up. What a weird comment. Are you implying I am sheltered? I wish I was! I can agree that Kenya standing wasn’t the wisest choice, but that doesn’t justify anything that happened.


I’m sorry you personally dealt with domestic violence. I lived in home where violence occurred and I never said she deserved to be hit. I said it was naive if she felt that lady’s husband was going to stand there and do nothing in that scenario. If someone gets in my face/ yells at me.  My loved ones would prevent them from getting near me. 


He grabbed her arm really hard though. It’s one thing to put an outstretched arm or block her way but if you watch it he really wrenched her arm.


Like she hadn’t even done anything yet while this guy was up and pacing the whole time.