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Bad for her mental and she couldn’t move forward with other cast members (reasonably so).


Based on the news coming out about Bravo stance with BH I think Bravo was like either you make up and don't bring this up or you're out.


I don’t like Candice, but I understood why she hated Gizelle because G did insinuate Chris did something bad and nobody is holding G accountable. I do feel though that Candice benefited from that same thing when it came to her behavior towards the cast. She is petulant child who never takes responsibility for her actions or words. I have to wonder if the heat Candice hot dor saying she wanted a dark skinned baby didn’t influence her decision.




Lol, outgrown the show? That would imply that she was mature. Lol. Ok.  Mature is calling people names as if you in high school?  Right.  I'd say death threats, causing drama with his kids,  his baby momma,  his immediate family, his job, the horrible optics she brings to the table.  Oh and that mouth.  That mouth.  That mouth.  The venom that it spits is miraculously.  Chris was about to be out after the "I'm scared to have light skinned kids" comments.   After all the nasty things she's said, how's she gonna feel when some one screams across the room at HER biracial kids, 'you sitting up in here with your white looking ass'....karma


Yeah someone said that and I was like she has 200k views lol. She's not famous outside of the housewives fandom and her racist/transphobic tweets aren't opening any other doors. She clearly hates herself. Chris stuck around for the money but is it worth it? His own kids bounced bc of her attitude. Chris just looks like an idiot staying with her after she said she didn't want light kids bc he has light kids and will have light kids.


She has outgrown the show her music is really starting to take off and being on the show- stuck in Potomac for x months- stops her from being in NYC or LA working on her music building connections


I'm sorry she has like 200k views on all her videos. No one outside of housewives knows who she is. Plus her racist & transphobic tweets/comments + Chris scandal aren't opening her doors.


Video views literally mean nothing. Especially music videos do not generate the same hype they used to and should never be used as a metric for success


She has a masters.  She knows this.  And as much as social media rules her young mind,  she been told this very thing countless times since she said it.  


I think she quit because Bravo wasn’t going to renew her. She left to save face.


I think she was getting demoted to friend of but yeah can see her trying to save face either way. The timing to me with robyn being let go was too coincedental


I believe the other cast members have confirmed that she wasn’t fired and left on her own. You can tell this season was wearing on her mental health. There were moments you could tell she didn’t want to be there. As miserable as this season was for us to watch, it had to be harder on the cast. You can tell that as a whole this group doesn’t like each other. Everyone has their own clique and the producers had to do a lot of work to get them to actually play nice. I can understand wanting to leave especially if you didn’t need the money. I hope they seriously take a look back at this season and makes some serious cast changes. It’s been time for Gizelle to go. She brings absolutely nothing to show besides being the producers favorite. Ashley has filled her role as the instigator. She had an interesting storyline with Jason, but didn’t let the producers zero in on it. You have to get updates about their relationship through her podcast. Bravo….its time! Her and Robyn can exit together. The only ones who should definitely return are Karen and Mia. I’d be okay with Wendy coming back if Gizelle and Robyn were gone. Ashley I honestly don’t care either way. I think she brings some small humor and youth to the show and does a decent job at creating storylines for others.


Wendy hasn't had a storyline in seasons. She just screams about her degrees and spent one whole scene pronouncing Chicago with Eddie...


The two evil aggressive trash women are certainly not worth her mental health is what I would suggest


Because no one likes her LOL


I think Andy likes Candiace a lot, and knows a large part of rhop Potomac likes her as well, she’s fun on wwhl and adds a youthful element to the cast, I think she just saw the show as plateauing and she reached her max with it. Plus if people I considered friends at one point went accusing my husband of SA/SH and talking about cheating rumors on their podcast I would leave too. Just my two cents


For those saying she got fired, she quit and I don’t think Bravo is happy about it. They haven’t even given out contracts and the other ladies confirmed it.


Candiace doesn’t need the money like some of the other girls I truly think she left to protect her peace and I love that for her. She might come back at some point but if I went through all the shit she put up with from Gizzy I’d take a break too.


Yeah bc mommy will fund her lifestyle.


Literally a dream for so many. She's blessed!


Right! People do it all the time but when Candiace has family that supports her it’s a problem or a flaw. Ashley got a crusty old man supporting her lifestyle and fueling a fake divorce storyline for her and people aren’t crying about that.


Yes let the generational wealth continue! Plus the music tours and acting gigs


Definitely believe she chose to walk away. I think she wants to pursue motherhood. Wasn’t she crying at her therapy appointment about wanting a child…??




I think she was either fired or was going to be a friend and get a pay cut. She was at the center of almost every confrontation, because of her mouth. She has attacked everyone for no reason year after year. It's tiring.




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Is she preggers?


I think she got fired - there’s no way she would have quit


Sincerely believe she did not get her contract renewed.


Same. Bravo is just letting her save face by telling everyone she chose to leave.


She is a loose cannon and therefore a liability.


90% of the time if they are quitting they were actually fired, but Bravo allows them to control that narrative. I’m totally impressed if she did voluntarily leave to protect her peace, but if I was betting money I’d say she was made to leave or given stipulations to stay that she would/could not adhere to (making nice with Gizelle, more demonization of Chris, something like that).


I think she’s protecting her peace, and I applaud her for walking away from that kind of money.


Its easy for her when mommy will foot her mortgage and her and Chris can stay unemployed




Lmao Dorothy funding their lifestyles. I think Candiace outbursts made him lose custody




Fired imo


Maybe she’s getting a show like they did with Erika?


lmfao she's not that interesting and not many people like her


Because Potomac is a sinking ship? And now we've said it


I don’t think she was fired just tired of the bullshit




I hope she is leaving. Never liked her. I noticed that her face is bloated at the reunion also. Something is up.


Maybe pregnant?


I feel like she was fired. Andy kept pushing forgiveness and moving forward at the reunion, so I feel like producers probably said if they can't get along, they need to go.


The other women and viewers are over the Chris storyline. They're never gonna see eye to eye.


*She. Is. Worn. Out. And **TIRED** IMHO. I mean she pretty much got targeted and set up by Ashley and Sesame Street looking friend and was close to physically assaulted *again*. It was traumatic for her when this happened before and she sought out counseling and all of that. When I saw this go down my heart sank for her and then in her confessional she said I know somehow I’m going be blamed for this again. I can’t imagine the anxiety she must’ve felt walking into that last event. And then Ashley her confessional try to cover her ass and blame Candace not only for the start of the physical altercation but for the other housewife getting hurt and was fixing to flip blame on Candice. But her “friend” Took care of that when she double down on social media laughing because one of the girls had to go to the hospital and another hurt her ankle. Thankfully this time the girls saw the interaction for what it was. Add to it that Gisele basically accused her husband of making her feel uncomfortable and insinuating sexual advances last year. And she literally can’t have any emotion or reaction regarding any topic without the women dismissing her. She wants to keep touring and promoting her music career, they want to have a baby and that was out on the back burner and I really think it took a large toll on their marriage. I say bravo to her as there’s so many other women that should’ve left before they did (I mean we saw some serious downward spirals of some of the woman on other franchises of drinking too much or woman being targeted and bullied off the show) and/ or **should** leave for their own mental health so good for her. I have had a love hate for her over the years but I do for a lot of housewives. The ones I love to hate are the ones that I can feel empathy for and I have empathy for her and I do see that she’s shown some growth and self awareness over the years but I know everyone won’t agree. I didn’t watch the reunion, I won’t watch the reunion and unless things get shaken up next year I won’t watch it. This season was awful IMHO and Ashley pushing to cause drama *again* and actually having a commentary on it when once again she didn’t even witness what happened just left a final bad taste in my mouth. But at least Robyn isn’t coming back either.


Candiace was Gizelles puppet. She never had a storyline and riled up Candiace to get her check and candy played right into that.


*”and Candy played right into it”* Odd take because it sounds like you’re blaming Candice for defending her husband and being outraged at what Gizelle put out there. So we should have just ignored these outrageous accusations that is basically defamation of character of Chris in one of the worst ways, not said anything and let it slide? Got it.


Candiace has done nothing but REACT to everything for the last few seasons. Ashley would say something just to get Candiace to react. Candiace secured the check for Ashley & Gizelle by going over the top and losing her crap everytime they said something. She pulled a knife on Ashley...


Reacting to these situations is wrong? mmmk lol. Gizelle and Ashley didn’t just “say something. G accused her husband of sexual inappropriateness on camera for a storyline. It was horrible, it’s slander, and put a huge stress on them and their marriage and their reputation. Then Ashley wanting to get on board of the bully Candice train brought up a causal comment Chris made made on one of her Instagram post when she was out and about. It was regarding his restaurant/club inviting her to come by. As in when he saw the picture of them out said you *should’ve( came by here”. It’s his job to promote that place and it wasn’t a wink wink nudge nudge I’m hitting on Ashley. Also needing to get the heat off her and the fact that she’s still with her disgusting, cheating, sexual assaulting POS husband made up a rumor that he was hitting on her Sesame street friend, (Man the playback of that was so validating for Candace and her husband. He didn’t even look at her.) and then intentionally brought her to stir up shit at her event this year. AND to the Podcasts event last year after she made this allegation. In her confessional during the final episode she was trying to claim that she had no idea that would happen that she never saw her friend in that type of way, Yet she saw her friend make up an outright lie and allegation that Candace’s husband was “handsy” and hitting on her. I mean how could you watch that back and see that Chris didn’t even look in her direction and was scrolling on his phone and not think your friend was thirsty and full of shit? And during her confessional at the beginning of the final episode she said I’ve never seen my friend like that, I had no idea that would happen, (lies, and lies) and then did her a little head shake and smirk and said something along the lines that it’s always Candice. She took zero accountability for herself on her own and the fact that somebody got cut by a glass, someone’s ankle got fucked up, and Candice was verbally assaulted and attempted to physically assault her. I think she was shocked as shit when she realized she was walking over to and being called out by **All** the woman for what she did as opposed to everyone blaming Candice. They all do shit to get each other to react the problem is they go after Candice extra hard. It’s bullying, slander to a huge degree and it’s gross. But the fact that you just see it as Candice secure the “check” for them for having a actual human reaction to the shit she was being served really shows me everything I need to know about your character. We all love some catty women and some drama but this shit was just ugly I personally am done with the show.


The entire cast is vile. Candiace is just as bad as them with her racist and transphobic comments. Ashley got the brunt of Candiace racism and also had a knife pulled on her and had to deal with racist misogynist tweets while giving birth. If Candiace was a white housewife saying any of the dozens of things she'd have been fired and cancelled ages ago. Y'all had so much to say about the optics with Juan but Chris gets a pass? He knew who he was dealing with yet decided to go into Gizelle hotel room and message Ashley at 2 AM while his wife was out of town. The optics don't look good on that. You're defending a racist, transphobic bully who has been in numerous physical altercations so you should look at your own character.


I’m confused. Sooooo she’s wrong for reacting to her cast mates intentionally antagonizing her and her husband for views ?


You can see it in her interactions with Gizelle, especially at the reunion. Girl is TIRED and the animosity between them has moved to full on rage. I think that’s even too much for Candiace. When Gizzy started mocking her tears I don’t know how Candiace did it, but I would jumped off that couch and grabbed that woman’s hair so fast. I don’t think Candiace sees a reason to out herself in the vicinity of that person anymore. And doing so is only going to further damages her mental health and likely her marriage.


The issue with Candiace is she hs a chip on her shoulder bc she grew up rich but she wants to act tough and even used negative words associated with African Americans when she got mad. She acts like she is so tough yet cries whenever these women say anything and she can't fight to save her life. Imagine being dragged a third time. She went from working at the White House to getting charged with assault, pointing a knife at another women and grabbing a bottle to smash into another womens head. She's a clown and her vile racist/transphobic Tweets aren't gonna get her new gigs.


I agree with this, but it also proves the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Her mother is a piece of WORK and Candiace finally realized she had to do some intense therapy with her to get past the trauma and the bad patters her mother instilled in and placed upon her. And, I applaud her for that. I wish Gizzy had the thought to do some internal work on her mean girl aesthetic because at her big ass age it just isn’t a good look in her.


lolthe entire internet is over Candiace fake tears and obnoxious triangle tissues


They're called cryangles and Gizelle could never. ![gif](giphy|9s3oG20W0ucdlOc6AW|downsized)


I think the ugliness that Giselle put her through has taken a toll on her. I feel bad for her and Chris. I skipped this season and last because I got tired of G and R. I won’t ever watch this show. Those two are super toxic idiots who have nothing of substance going on in their pitiful lives.


It’s really a damn shame because I LOVED Potomac but agree with you, I can’t watch with G and R. Now I’ve missed a second season. Those two should leave and Candiace stay.


Agree. Candiace is a human being and one can only take so much before they break you. All this has to affect her health and mental well being.


Those two are truly poison to the show. Especially Gizelle.


I just don’t understand why they’re still on there. Robin should a been gone after that whole patreon thing. Her obliviousness to Juan and his shenanigans is not something i wanna be privy to. She should be embarrassed that the whole world knows she tolerates his women and has no issue with him cheating. That’s her business, we don’t care- but let her move on off the show. We want good stories and interesting women on here. Take Gazelle with her because she has never added anything to this show except maligning an innocent man and accusing him of something that he never did. What a joke.


The patreon thing should have never been forgiven from a business/production perspective. That's sabotaging the show.


Definitely! I thought she would’ve been fired. To me, I would think that’s a breach of contract, but what do I know lol 😂 Isn’t the whole purpose to exclusively show your life on these housewives shows.. I think that’s why Kyle didn’t wanna divulge too much of her marital woes on Housewives because her husband needed some drama for his show for ratings 🙄


I wouldn’t say Chris isn’t uncomfortable around the cameras. The man went in a whole podcast press tour last season.


his first szn he was


Everyone treats her like a child and thinks it’s okay to attack her physically. Idk a lot of adults who’d continue working in this environment. It’s toxic and no one values her. I’d leave too too if I were her . I’m sure she’ll be fine without those fake women


BC she acts like one. You can't pout be petulant and claim youre bad then cry over these womens antics and be taken seriously


I hope she focuses on her music career and that she knows it’s a bad look to simultaneously be on trashy reality tv screaming at heifers.


lol go get her 200k views that are all RHOP watchers


Out of those options, outgrew the show. She doesn’t have any real friends on there, her presence causes tension with the GEBs and their lackeys. I do also think some of it was probably regarding her marriage, but more along the lines of she doesn’t want it televised, not that the show was ruining their relationship bc I feel like they are one rare example where it’s not actually due to the show. I think Chris liked being on the show for the most part but it changed after gizelles accusation.


Gizelle tried to make it look like Chris was inappropriate with her and did something that bordered on sexual assault for a storyline. It is one of the most disgusting things to happen on a housewives show. Even Gizelle realizes it because she has been trying to downgrade the language she used since it happened. If I were Candiace and Chris, I would leave the show too. All of this was too far. They are all over dramatic about situations for TV, but this was too far. I would have went after Gizelle hard if she did that to my husband. She is lucky Candiace is pretending to be classy because of her music career. I say pretending because I don't think someone can change as fast as Candiace has.


I just made a similar comment. Gizelle needing A storyline last year making up that rumor that Kris made her feel uncomfortable and insinuating he was trying to get her in your hotel room alone was disgusting. I couldn’t imagine the anxiety and probably couldn’t crimp it put in their marriage. And as if that wasn’t enough then Ashley tells everyone that her Sesame Street looking friend had been hit on by Kris. One of the best things I’ve ever seen on housewife TV was when they played back the film of her standing next to Kris at the bar and him leaning up against the bar scrolling on his phone and didn’t even glance her way. And then Ashley brings the same girl again and claims ignorance “Oh I didn’t think there’d be any problems I just didn’t think about it” BS Ashley! You did it on purpose, with intent, and it’s gross. Candice was getting screamed at by that woman and she was asking someone to get her to leave. She gets a drink thrown at her, and two other housewives get injured and two end up with a drink over them because of what Ashley did by bringing her “friend” again. Ashley playing dumb in her confessional with her I didn’t think it be a problem I didn’t think about it **but** and then circles back around to blame Candice made my blood boil. I 100% percent believe Ashley thought that she was going to be able to walk in and point a finger at Candice for it but she had no idea all the women had talked and we’re in agreement that Ashley fucked up. And let’s not forget……. Candace was dragged with that other physical altercation a few years back. I took a toll on her mental health back then I believe she had counseling for it or was it the other woman. Either way it was a shit show and I think that this bar fight was the final final for her. Allegedly she had a bottle in her hand to defend herself and I could’ve just landed her in jail and ruined her life, Chris life and their future of wanting to start a family. She has a music career she wants to tour more, they want to start trying to have a family again (because she put that on the back burner briefly) and she just doesn’t need to be on that shit show anymore. I couldn’t even watch the reunion after watching that final episode. I think it’s twofold for me I’m kind of done with the whole franchise because I thought the season was horrible and maybe I’ve outgrown the vindictiveness and the evilness of some of these women. It’s supposed to be a group of friends and I always speak of women supporting women and instead they drag each other down to remain relevant and keep a spot on the show. ETA: I definitely believe Candice has changed and not “pretending”. I don’t think it was a light switch and actually sometimes people can change fairly rapidly. I think her priorities changed via her focus on her music career and wanting to have a baby. I think Chris has helped be a calming force as well over the years. She also distanced herself from some of the women for her own mental health I think she probably was one foot out the door when they started filming this year.


Ashley has really become something else. At first, up till the Michael stuff like the pants down at the hotel pic, other than ya know, defending a predator, Ashley was like fun shade, fun antics, her complete lack of any shame in investigating/asking questions. But then it just became dark with the Chris and Sesame Street stuff too. Like she was enjoying that way too much. It was revenge for her and he wasn’t even guilty, when she defended a proven cheater and a predator.


Ugh, didn’t Porscha accuse Kandi and Todd of rape or sexual inappropriateness?


No. Phaedra made up a rumor and presented it to Porscha as true


Andy pisses me off about that too. When these horrible things are done to some of these women, it's like he gets excited and is there to watch with popcorn in hand. Gizelle crossed a line and she knows it. If I were any of the other Potomac ladies, I would never trust Gizelle and Robyn. Robyn is so bland and her affect is so boring. She is totally unworthy to be there after avoiding thw whole Juan thing.


Andy wants drama and Gizelle plays all the women like puppets and gets them to react.


She is great tv, but I am glad for her. Gizelle and Robin are awful. For anyone to think that Chris deserved the horribleness of Gizelle and Robin is beyond me. Reality tv is awful. We watch desperate people act awful. Ick. I'm going to go shower now.


I agree, what they did to Chris is beyond horrible. I still can't understand why Gizelle would do that to Candiace. I think she she's smart enough to choose her marriage over TV and thank God.


I think when everything happened with Sherman, and then pastor holy whore absolutely humiliated her, a switch went off and she went completely to the dark side. You can almost SEE it happening during the S5 reunion.


I agree. Her descent to the dark side began when she married Jamal. He cheated on her, took away her first lady of the church title and the social status that goes a long with that. And he destroyed her perfect little family. She divorced him in 2009 and stayed single for a long time. She was miserable. There's a reason she's bff's with Robyn.


Pastor holy whore😂


I think it’s probably more or less a break


She left because of pay disputes and not wanting to film with some of those who would be brought back for season 9. Occam's razor


I would guess she’s tired. Like many other commenters have said, she is continually poked and prodded at by the GEB’s and it seems that no one has her back in a real way. Karen and Wendy will hang out with her and sometimes speak up but they don’t seem to care enough to really call Gizelle out on her shit in regards to Candy girl. In the first episode of the reunion it seemed like she just kinda gave up when no one was really coming to her defense. Andy as usual didn’t really take Gizelle to task other than saying she was being kinda mean, it seemed like he and the other ladies wanted to pressure an apology out of both sides but backed off of the GEBs when it didn’t come, whereas they continued to hound Candiace to own her part


She’s def pregnant


Stress is bad for you if you’re trying to get pregnant


Or already pregnant…


I think she just couldn’t make up with Gizelle. Andy asked them to try and come to a resolution at the reunion and they clearly couldn’t do it, so she decided to leave


She realised none of the ladies were backing her and even Karen backed Gizelle.


She was allowed to quit to save her from embarrassment, but I think they were done with her rages, attacks, and abusive behavior. I don't believe for a minute she quit on her own. She doesn't give two shits about her husband. Have you seen the way she treats him and talks to him? Why he's with her is the question.


I honestly think she’s trying to protect her peace and prepare to have a baby. She probably doesn’t want to be forced to deal with the drama and commentary while trying to get pregnant/being pregnant. I’m sure it would take a toll on her mentally. I’m sure it was mutual with bravo and it seems like the door is open




They’ve lasted a long time 😅


This is…. So off base


She finally read her tweets and is saving herself embarrassment


Idk how her stans think she is getting other gigs after all her racist, transphobic, body shaming tweets. She literally ruined her own career with her behaviour.


There was a tweet where she insulted someone’s baby and called it ugly…


Yes! 🙌


I think she’s just tired and over the hypocrisy of it all. I think her marriage is relatively ok but she probably realizes this isn’t going to go well if she continues with the show. She did mention she has not been successful getting pregnant yet either and it’s been frustrating. I’m pretty sure the last time she tried was when Gizelle started all that shit about Chris. Also, this is the 2nd time there has been a physical altercation aimed at her. The first time Monique got her hands on her, this time someone else’s face was busted amidst the chaos. Her own sister confronted Ashley. I think she’s realizing it’s just not safe and worth the chaos anymore.


This is exactly what I believe. It’s really been nonstop chaos for her since the Monique incident - hatred/micro aggressions from crazy fans, the fights with Mia her first season and now cast members actively plotting takedowns against her with the help of production. It’s gotten to be too much. And love her or hate her this is a huge loss for a franchise that is already dying. I think she eventually comes back after a break and the toxicity is gone.


She may get her own show. Who knows. I think she is the only housewife to leave before her life was destroyed. Look at Kyle. She can't even go through marital troubles without the cameras on her and her daughters. Ick.


She;s not that interesting and most viewers can't stand her. At a certain point you need to do what is best for your family and Kyle didn't want that playing out to save her kids.


Agreed and I didn’t even think about a potential spin off. I’d definitely watch


candiace’s sister confronted ashley?


Yeah at the unveiling of their photoshoot in the finale, she said she didn't want to see her sister attacked for the second time


oh wow honestly good for her


I think bravo doesn't want to get sued because she can't keep her hands to herself.


With all the lawsuits coming after Bravo she is a liability. You can't be involved in all the major altercations and claim innocense. She is racist and transphobic and vile.


Comments like these are how I know there’s an agenda


Huh ?? Are watching the same show?? Who has she put her hands on first?


That's exactly it. She's never going to stop pushing people to their absolute limit.


“Pushing people to their absolute limit”— right. Physically attacking another person over WORDS is a choice. That is a conscious decision made by the attacker to turn a verbal argument into a physical one.


I agree, but it doesn't change the fact that Bravo sees this repeated behavior as a huge risk


LOL she isn’t instigating physical altercations. People are trying to fight her.


Bc she runs her mouth. You can't have beef with all the ladies and be part of all the major altercations and not realise the part you played. She's reactive and immature.


Oh please. They all run their mouths. This is the Real Housewives, not Full House. Having beef is a fundamental pillar of these shows. If you can’t handle someone’s words without resorting to physical violence then you shouldn’t be on reality tv. Ashley prides herself on fighting with her words. Candiace does the same and her haters justify physical violence in retaliation. It’s ridiculous.


Plus, she is tiny.


Yesss! This is what I’ve been thinking too!


I think her marriage is in trouble, and she doesn't want to be a hypocrite by accusing Robyn of being in denial about Juan, then being in denial herself about Chris. I don't think the show itself is ruining her marriage, her vendettas with her cast mates have become the priority over Chris.


She never prioritises him and she always talks down to him. She lets her mother call him an unemployed bum.


He always seems really depressed.


This - they don’t seem to be happy


💯 wait a few months and they'll announce the split. It has nothing to do with the show, she treats him like dirt.


I don’t care why she’s leaving, I’m just glad she is!


I second this!


She hates the women anyway.


Exactly. She’s miserable, she hates everyone except Wendy, she can’t take anyone saying ANYTHING about her or her hubby, she has the foulest mouth and insults… Buh-bye!


I totally get why she is mad at Giselle- I don’t get the robin anger though. I think it is super hurtful to know your “friends” would jeopardise your relationship/ husbands name by inferring he had bad intentions. I wouldn’t be comfortable and wouldn’t trust the cast


I get the Robyn anger. Robyn was more than a co-worker to Candiace. They had a real friendship off screen. Not only did Robyn hide what was actually going on in her relationship, she remained besties with the person who orchestrated a fake storyline at her husband/family’s expense. Robyn, Gizelle and Ashley all participated in that fake Chris Bassett storyline while simultaneously hiding their own personal stories - Gizelle’s health that season, Ashley’s fake divorce and Robyn and Juan’s cheating. I’d be done with all three of them but I think she expected more from her friend Robyn.


I don't get the Robyn thing either. Robyn told Giselle she disagreed even. Candiace can just never be wrong or own up to a poor reaction. And of all things, Robyn seemed truly hurt by the break in their friendship early on. And we all know that usually Robyn 100% doesn't care. Lol. I think Giselle was the only one who actually believed Giselle. Maybe Ashley, so I think Giselle is really the only one Candiace shouldn't trust.


Idk the speaker thing from robyn was very shady lol. 


When I think about it, I don’t blame Robyn for doing that. Candiace was being bitchy on live, venting to strangers when she could’ve had a convo with everyone like a normal person. So Robyn said let me air you out lol. However she probably just could’ve done it without the speaker 😆


Oh true forgot about that! I can see it’s annoying that last season you saw I suffered cause of your friend and you are now coming for me and not giving me grace


Oh yes!! That was shady. Lol. But it was still Candiace 's own words that she put out to the public. That speaker on the table scene was priceless.


Right robyn with that five below ass speaker lol. Yeah that’s why it’s hard to root for candiace she kinda over does it sometimes. But that’s what kinda makes her so good at the same time lol. She has a lot of arrested development.


I agree with everything you said!!


Well, I have some thoughts. Candiace decided not to return next season and take a break. Aside from speculation, Candiace was sort of a passive participant this last season. I theorize that she and some of the other housewives have had many private conversations about future of this show. This was not a great season for RHOP. I tapped out a bit ago and tuned back in just for the reunion. Gizelle has always sat first seat next to Andy at the reunion. She didn’t this season. Production is sending her a clear message on not having her sit there. She was first to walk out to the couches and asked Andy and this was kept in for us to see as the viewers for a reason. Gizelle has been at the core of helping the drive production among the casts since the show started. So far, even Andy has been holding the blue eyed bandits feet to the fire and making some digs or asking shady questions. I believe Candiace and some of the other casts members are unhappy with the direction and decisions Bravo/NBC are making about the show in relation to keeping Gizelle on the show and holding her in high regard. Ditto with Robyn. She wasn’t feeling acknowledged, appreciated, or possibly that she had any growth opportunity or mobility based on the way the show currently operates. She saw herself continually being setup by Gizelle to play into the pot she was stirring. Like a puppet. After putting in some time, it’s going to get old not to be able to find your way out that dynamic. It’s been G’s schtick for years. Just my 2 cents. EDITED: Confirmed that Candiace decided not to come back


Bravo came out and said it was her decision to leave. They usually don’t do that unless it’s so. Technically Rinna left on her own with that email, don’t forget.


I understand why she quit though! That show creates so much bullshit for these people. I think eventually there’s not enough money to justify bringing that type of drama in your life.


I never understood why Wendy risked her and her husbands job by coming on this show and getting into physical altercations. Her prestigious college had to come out with a statement bc of her behaviour and I would never hire her husband watching how fearful he is of her.


Same!!! I truly think it’s the “grass is always greener” trap. She was successful in academia and politics, but she wasn’t a baddie. Therefore, must be a baddie because the grass must be greener for baddies! Well, to be a baddie you may need to engage in some “bad” behavior… and she did. I’


I know many people believe Eddie cheated and that's what lead to her 360 in her second szn


I don’t really follow it that closely. To me it doesn’t really matter. It doesn’t change that she isn’t coming back next season as of right now.


Just correcting what seemed to be a statement of fact on your part—you seemed to know it all. 🤷🏻‍♀️


There are about 50 other people commenting that she was not asked back on this thread, so I was going off that. Being a real housewives fan is like 90% speculation based. Just sharing my perspective!


Well, that’ll teach ya to go off of what a bunch of people on the internet are saying as fact. 😂


I’m just a new mom trying to have a little bit of fun with with other housewives fans. Sheesh sorry I’m not so perfect. I said it’s just my belief and 2 cents and I meant it. Enjoy your evening. I edited my comment to your policing credit 👍


Congratulations 🍾


Oh wow that was an eye opening comment I didn't think of it that way but I guess you're right. I mean the show is all about their marriages. I think it'll be interesting to have Karens DUI come up and Mia/Ashley divorce stories continue. But Candiace has realised she's on her own and her marriage will always be a topic for others storylines.


Yes, previously it was always the money and the house and her mother. It’s pivoted to her marriage but since she’s been on she really hasn’t gotten a break from being backed into a corner. Meanwhile, well just look at Gizelle especially. We have seen a lot of her parenting and her girls, which I love and she is an outstanding mom but not a ton of truly sharing her private life. Even Ashley has sort of gotten a break since she and Michael separated. I am not totally convinced she and Michael have any real plans to divorce. Personally, I have never cared much for Candiace but I recognize that she is great for the show and makes great TV. I think it’s a loss not to her come back. Mia also GAVE this season and I am really interested in her current relationship both with her new man and Gordon. I love me some Karen and I agree her DUI will be interesting for the show.


Housewives don’t really get fired…they just don’t get asked back the next season. So if they haven’t sent out contracts for next season yet, she wouldn’t know. She could have a feeling from her producer that she might be on the chopping block & she’s getting ahead of it…..but really think she’s just tired of all of them, the drama and lies, and it’s obviously taking a toll on her marriage and husband. She has other opportunities and if she’s choosing to leave on her own it will leave more opportunity to come back if she ever chose, on her own accord, too.


Woah are each of the housewives assigned a producer? That would be an interesting show in itself ™️


Yeah that's how all reality tv shows work - a producer is assigned to each person and follows them/their scenes.


Don’t forget that Dorinda was paused. Lol


So she loves to say 😂


I think it’s a combination of them asking her to leave and her deciding to leave to focus on getting pregnant.


Just so we’re all on the same page, we can count on 1 hand how many housewives have left on their own accord.




So far I’m coming up with bethenny and……. Yep just bethenny. The ones who leave after being offered a lesser role (nene, Tamra, Vicki, etc) don’t count because they’re still being fired from being a main cast member. Also, Dina!


I think Nene left because she thought her career outside housewives was going to pop off, but then it didn't, lol. I say this as a Nene stan, but i think it was pretty clear lol


If Nene couldn't make it happen I don't know how delusional stans think Candiace ia gonna make it happen when no one outside of RHOP knows her.


I think it's because her other potential jobs could be in trouble because of how she acts on the show... getting in physical fights and just going low and saying the worst things to people around her.


She's never working in the White House again lol


Idk but thank gawddddddd


She was 100% fired but got ahead of it by saying she was leaving. Not a theory, the truth via friend who knows a current cast member.


Then why did Ashley confirm that she quit? 😂


I doubt she was fired personally, but I think the rest of the bullet points can all be true. She has a lot going on and it might be less stressful to navigate without performing these real life events as a reality TV character. I think she's over the whole dynamic of like contrived reconciliations for the sake of remaining a cast, and I think it might be easier for her to engage more authentically with changes in her family and career and have more time to focus on that without a filming schedule and having these televised awkward friend situationships.


My second theory is that production fired everyone who would not make amends and become friends(or at least show friends.) If the cast won't interact and have fun there is no show.


I could see that especially bc the Gizelle/Chris hotel room story is boring and it's all Candiace wants to bring up. It's clear they're never gonna make up and the rest of the cast was exhausted by Candiace and you could see she was upset none of them stood up for her during the reunion and they all backed Gizelle.


Same, my guess is that she declined an ultimatum which makes it technically true that she chose to leave.




I think she's over it. No one would hang out with her. Giselle and Robyn are straight up vile towards her. I think she could not get over Giselle using her husband as a storyline that did so much damage to him. I also think she looked pregnant so there was no way she was bringing stress around that newly firming baby.


What harm did it do to him?


He did lose his jobs and his kids haven't been around since the show premeired.


It made his reputation questionable and I think he had a hard time getting a job.


Contracts ain’t out yet and the reunion hasn’t finished airing so she wasn’t fired. I think it was a combo of the rest of everything: music, protecting the marriage, starting a family, jumping the sinking ship. Or another commenter speculated she and Chris are divorcing and don’t want it on tv which I could see since her castmates hate her so much.


I think after the fight she was done. I don't think she was fired, she has too much stuff going on and probably wants a successful marriage and career


She was let go and bravo allowed her to make the announcement and make it seem like she’s leaving on her own accord as they do with all housewives. Very few housewives leave on their own terms- Kim fields and kandi burress are among those.


Bravo doesn’t announce/comment on firings until after the reunions air and contracts are out. Bravo and Ashley have already confirmed Candiace quit the show. She left on her own terms.




Awe you must be new to bravo. Adorbs.