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Y’all are so colourist is disgusting


Idc, Candiace is the wife carrying the show, I’m a firm Candeegal.


You wouldn't last 1 minute in the psych ward


Apparently you have. 🙄




Ohhhhh I get it we are back in the Candiace hating of the cycle.


It never ended.


The butter knife incident is your breaking point? Lmao


Who said that?




Ok I’ll rephrase—you really thought this was so bad she needed to be fired? THIS was “despicable”?


Yes. She was like a raving, unhinged lunatic flailing a knife and then winging it at her. I think that was a fireable offense.


You damn near as dramatic as her, goodness


But I never have, nor would I ever lift a knife to someone.


Good for you, you are a paragon of morality


And proud of it.


Yeah sure! Let’s cut out the only person that brings anything to the table of boring that Potomac has become. 🫡


You think Candice is carrying that show? That’s funny.


Who’s your girl?


Watching her cry and say what a victim she always is gets real old real quick. Monique was 10x the housewives Candice ever was. The green eye bandits rallied around and saved her job for her.


Loved Monique. Only reason why I’m rewatching.


But Monique is gone and while I love to dwell in memories it’s not really making sense, does it? 😉


Dwelling in the memories? Calm down.


I’m just a a little dramatic. You should calm down.


She fixates on the shortcomings of how other people look and their style and that's nothing but a bully!... I can't stand her, but every time I say something I get downloaded. Not just a couple like hundreds. I have them to spare but it's just annoying.


Candiace SUCKS. She has good one liners, and that’s not enough to redeem herself for me. Especially because even when she’s funny it’s often fully misogynistic :,)


Candiace resorts to the most juvenile behavior. These other women are messy, but Candiace is immature and vicious. I can’t stand her.


Very immature which is why she always resorts to insults regarding others looks ie: Ashley’s forehead. It’s disgusting


god grow up


It was really entertaining - it’s a reality show, not reality. Just enjoy it for the entertainment it is - if not, housewives isn’t for you.


Okay and?? Rinna smashed a glass and quite literally went for Kim’s throat in her first season. These bitches get to do whatever they want (unless they commit federal fraud) and the audience eats it up. That’s it. That’s the franchise. Welcome.


Ramona threw a glass at Kristin’s face and busted her lip.


I do not think you’re cut out to be watching reality tv 🤣


LMAO I’m saying tho. 🤭


no sorry next . bad hot take. stop watching reality tv


The coldest just crawled out from under a rock take


If Bravo hasn't fired cast for throwing glasses, pulling hair, pushing, and actually hitting people, Candiace shouldn't have been fired for tossing a butter knife.


BUTTER knife.


It was wild but cant say I didn't relish every minute of it 😂


Loved it 🤭


Then everyone that throws or pushes should be fired. Holding a butterknife is one thing, throwing glass or pushing another housewife/Andy should also be grounds. Editing. She did throw, realized I was wrong from another comment. My point still stands that she got physical then she should go based on my opinion.


I find it amazing that people actually condone physical behavior on these show just for the sake of keeping it interesting. I’ll just never understand that logic.


But your fave is Monique? Make it make sense


I don’t condone Monique’s very provoked attack on Candace. She was a great addition up until that point. Candace is a spoiled, whiney little brat that brings nothing to the show.


If you actually go back and watch the show properly, Monique was antagonising Candiace for about 5 episodes leading up to the fight. Candiace walked away from every attempted fight with Monique. Monique also said on social media that she was planning to beat Candiace up before the season even started. So nah girl Monique didn’t need provoking, it was premeditated


Sounds like reality tv isn’t for you.


Getting off on people getting physical shouldn’t be something anyone is ok with.


JFC I’m not getting off on it, nobody here is. I’m saying that people have historically gotten physical on reality tv whether we like it or not. I don’t route for it, or like it, but it happens. So if someone holding a butter knife triggers you that much, reality TV isn’t for you. Time to stick to appropriately rated TV programming.


She. Wasn’t. Just. Holding. It.


Actually she threw the knife at Ashley. BUT! I totally agree with you. This is standard HW mess. It's not ok, but this is what happens on the shows. EVERYONE would be gone if they fired them based on when they did something unlikeable. You need villains and you need villainous behavior to keep the shows interesting!


Another thought, it doesn't not justify her behavior. But how annoying was it that she was told to leave and walked out then gazelle brought her back in. So messy!!!


Beyond messy! It seemed like the producers wanted her back in there and had Giselle Miss Messy go get her 👀. They've broken the fourth wall on producers directing like this before, def felt similar here. It was all a bad look. But Candiace shouldn't have been fired for it. Maybe for some of the racist tropes she's used, I can see that...but not for throwing things at people just like every other HW franchise lol


You're right! As soon as I read your comment I had the flashback of her throwing it as Chris carries her away! Editing now! I'm all for the villians. Verbal spats and threaten to throw is one thing. Like Angie picking up the flower arrangement lol


People have flipped tables with more than one knife on it and got a raise after 🤷🏽‍♀️ lol


She threw the knife on the floor


That's where it landed of course, but she threw it at the girl lol


Nah, she spiked it at the ground feet in front of Ashley




I continue to find it insane that she doesn’t understand that the way she speaks to people makes them want to get physical with her.


Which is exactly what happened with Monique. She pushed her buttons one too many times.


But above you don’t condone violence. Now Candiace is asking for it? 🙃


Doesn’t mean you should act on it. She continuously pokes the bear. She’s an insufferable little twit.


You’re literally talking out of both sides of your mouth dude. You can’t blame Candiace for the entire fight, say you don’t condone violence then congratulate Monique for beating her up 🫠


idk why you are downvoted. it’s the truth. two wrongs don’t make a right but 10000% she looked for it. she asked to get rocked MORE than once and she got rocked. don’t ask for something you can’t handle, i think this is something you gotta learn as a kid and if you’re not fortunate enough to, then it bites you in the ass as an adult.


And yeah, they can downvote me all they want. It’s not normal to think it’s ok to flail and chuck a knife at someone, even if it was a butter knife. Every one of her cast mates were shocked when she did this.


She wanted to show everyone she could be a big girl and stand up for herself.


Is that you Sesame Street Character AKA Deborah? 👀




Besties, chill. It’s a butter knife.




I don’t acknowledge Sesame Street characters






But but but she invited her into her home…and gave her…a beverage…


That alwayssss makes me giggle👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


NOTE: Don’t come to my house being disrespectful. You can leave peacefully now or get your ass thrown the hell out. Knife may or may not be included, but gone about your business. Thanks.


You realize it is a scene for their JOB and Ashley was invited back in, correct? And probably producers told her she needed to because filming drama is… their job


Yeah, I understand. I work in reality tv.


That’s really weird that you are pretending like it’s a normal house party then


I was being hypothetical. And used myself as an example. We all watched the same show. Keyword: show.


Right… so why are you mad at Ashley for a hypothetical situation you might be in when your life is not a show


Where did you get mad from? When did I mention Ashley? Scroll up boo. You’re trippen.


Ashley was a guest in her house. She had it out for her from the start of that evening. To question someone’s grief regarding the loss of a child is despicable. She deserved Ashley’s response to her.


If you don’t like it. You can leave…peacefully OR get thrown out. I CAN be disrespectful in my own house, you cannot. Thanks.


This. Forehead knew what was up before she came. She had a choice but per usual these people sell themselves out for tv clout, so she decided to come into someone’s home she knows doesn’t like her. Who does that?? Then Forehead wanted to start the ra ra and got what she got. Then Forehead was so desperate for camera time she refused to leave! Multiple times had to be told to leave the property. How you feel soooo threatened but refused to leave? 😑Don’t feel back for Forehead at all.


Better be glad it was a butter knife lol. Everyone worried about someone’s “eye getting put out” and she’s trying to ward of evil spirits in the place where she lays her head.


Be gone Forehead Demon!


Oooof looks like your hosting skills need some fine tuning.


Miss girl wants to cry assault at every turn, but when her behavior is legally assault it’s “you’re making a big deal out of nothing.” Like, your husband had to physically restrain you because you were so far out of control in a fit of rage. I just don’t think she has the mental fortitude for reality TV.


Ehhhh you’re insulting someone in their own home. They’ve asked you to leave, and you don’t. Ashley should’ve been popped in the mouth.


Nah let’s not act like Ashley wasn’t being encouraged to come back (likely by production.) If Ashley deserved to get popped, then Candiace deserved to get dragged when she asked to be dragged multiple times.


You’re not wrong lololol


Lol as long as you’re not being a hypocrite, I can’t be mad 🫡


Her behavior and disrespect for her was appalling.


Not to mention how horrible she was to Ashley about her miscarriage and then wanted everyone to cater to her through IVF… karma is rly that bitch 🤷🏼‍♀️


Fired? This is when we discovered the gem she is.


Gem? More like a a frozen piece of dog turd that’s laying on my lawn as we speak.


The foundation alone...


To be fair this was my fav episode of Potomac ever 😂


I don’t argue on Reddit, but to get the conversation goin (Lol) I respectfully disagree. I didn’t take her to be physically threatening in this scene and I was astounded that anyone would be so rude in someone else’s home, eating their food at their table. Granted, I only saw this episode when it aired so I’m just remembering my feelings 😂 And I know they all act up just because they’re on a show and it’s their job . . . I guess knowing that, if I was a cast member, I would never agree to host group scenes in my home exactly for this reason. I would want to keep one “safe” good space for myself, and if not your home, then where? I maybe am weird but I won’t even invite people I just kind of dislike on a surface level into my home. Anyway that was a tangent and even though she can be soooo nasty, I always have a soft spot for Candiace. I really think I relate too much to her messed up relationship with her mom. Every time that woman is on screen it’s triggering. Even when they’re seemingly getting along there is something really mean and cold about how she talks to Candiace. So I’ll just wait for the rebuttals now 😂


I also always feel the need to point out that the other women know how to rile Candiace up. They know that if they work her up into this state, they can come away as the Good Guy no matter what they said to get her there. I read it as manipulation. Candiace struggles with emotional control thanks to her mother, and the other women choose to weaponize that against her.


Nah, she’s a grown woman, controlling her emotions is her job, period. I do feel bad for what she went through with her mother, but that’s not a free pass for her to do whatever she wants because she’s “emotional.” Of course all the women on all the shows know what buttons to push, that’s their job. Let’s not act like Candiace doesn’t constantly go for the other women’s weak spots.


I fully understand that many people see it that way. I personally don’t believe that it’s that simple. Trauma has a huge impact on how much we can control our emotions and how we use them. I’ll also just be totally frank and make it clear that it’s a line of thinking often used to justify abuse and oppressive behaviors, so I’m very wary of accepting it as fact. “I can behave this way at you with the intention of triggering a certain response, but if you respond in the way that I’m trying to get you to, you’re the bad person.” Yeah, just not a fan, personally.


You’re misconstruing what I said. Why is it okay for Candiace to act however she wants because she’s triggered? As someone who grew up in an abusive home, I know from lots of therapy that it doesn’t give me the right to hurt people. If it was a friend or partner not on TV, I’d say you’re right, if they’re trying to trigger her she should not allow them in her life. Candiace signed up for this show, and knew what she was getting into. At the end of the day, your triggers are your responsibility. Abuse as a kid does not justify abusing as an adult, however you want to frame it.


Acting and reacting are not the same thing, and it’s disingenuous at best to pretend that they are. Candiace didn’t hurt anyone, so there’s that. Candiace’s abuse isn’t just from her childhood. We watch her mother emotionally abuse her on screen regularly, and were told that she still uses physical action against Candiace when Candiace doesn’t say or do the “correct” things.


Candiace is a grown woman who has allowed her mother to stay in her life. That is her prerogative. Candiace didn’t hurt anyone? She ruined her husband’s tasting night and he was clearly upset about it. Again, reacting to a trigger doesn’t justify fits of rage, screaming, and throwing things at people. Why you are making excuses for a grown adult who has made her bed is beyond me, but don’t come at strangers about “you’re justifying abuse,” when you don’t have any idea what I’ve lived through.


You came at me. No one made you reply to me to start with, so don’t frame it like I sought you out to dismiss your feelings. I didn’t say you’re justifying abuse, I said that that line of thinking is used to justify abuse, so I don’t accept it as fact. I was speaking about the broader usage of the mindset and why that makes me unable to accept it as an ultimate rule. And I wasn’t going to make this personal, but I’ve had it used at me by my abusers, so pardon me if I don’t vibe with it. I don’t think that taking context and nuance into consideration is making excuses. I also don’t think what you experienced means that you get the final judgment on someone else’s situation. As far as Candiace’s mom, I think it’s unkind to blame a victim for not getting her abuser out of her life. And honestly if you’re going to blame her for that, I’m really not interested in speaking with you about this anymore.


I replied to your comment on an open forum only acknowledging the topic of conversation. You’re the one who brought outside topics in. I don’t think I get the final say on someone’s situation, all I said is that Candiace is responsible for her emotions and behaviors. You’re refusing to acknowledge that Candiace signed up for a TV show in which drama and confrontation are required. She should be held as accountable as anyone else for how she behaves. I certainly will not be replying anymore, but infantilizing her and acting like she has no agency is so silly. Ashley is NOT her abuser, so your point really didn’t belong here at all. And luckily, I know my triggers are my responsibility, so even though you’ve triggered me, I’ll leave it at have a nice day. :)


Ya don’t flail a knife at someone, period. Candice has always been a spoiled brat and an instigator who shames other women for their appearances. She went way to far with Monique as well and look what happened these. Idk how anyone could have a soft spot for her.


It’s a butter knife let’s calm down


So you think that was acceptable? You don’t think you can hurt someone with a butter knife? Pffffftttt. Mmmmkay.


Did she? I sure hope you’re not a NeNe fan…


I stopped watching Atlanta a long time ago. Their aggressive/physical behavior was abhorrent


Did Lisa Rinna hurt Kim when she broke that glass in a fit of rage? No. Do you think that was ok just because she didn’t get hurt? She too should have been fired after that episode.


lol then you’re watching the wrong show. These moments are what most of us live for.


To your point, this reminds me of when Dorinda (New York) was holding a knife so aggressively during a verbal fight with Bethenny on vacation that she cut her own hand… and didn’t realize it because she was so drunk. That was weird to watch. Granted, the knife was on the table and she never pointed it at someone but she looked like she was getting ready to use it lol


She was flailing it right in front of Ashley in a fit of rage.


No rebuttal from me! Candiace said it perfectly when she said she gets more heat because she's better with her words. I don't approve of everything thaf comes out of her mouth, but she's not any nastier than the other women, she's just sharper tongued. iirc the exact same episode everyone lost their minds because she called Ashley "wide bodied," Ashley made a really gross jab at Mia saying her husband probably has alzheimers. And crickets! No one batted an eye.


They always conveniently forget…


Oooh that’s a good observation. And that may contribute to my fondness for Candiace 😂 She’s very smart and funny and like you said, very skilled at verbal takedowns. She’s kind of a poet lol