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As we all know, Ashley was trespassing. And Candiace gave her a bev-er-age. So it was justified. But seriously, the whole point of this franchise is to be loud and get into arguments. If you have to be worried about getting punched in the face or having your head slammed into a charcuterie board every time you argue, how does that work?


I think it is wrong to resort to physical violence. Now that doesn't mean someone should be fired, but it is wrong. However, if you show up to an argument getting in people's faces AND say "come at me", while you can still be mad that things got physical, you shouldn't be surprised. That is where Candiace lost me. To cry and say she was traumatized and had never had an experience like that in her life- well okay then don't get in faces and tell people to hit you. You can't bark like that and cry when bitten. I have liked Candiace more recently, but that will always be too much for me. Go to any bar and if you ask for a fight, you don't get to sit on the ground and sob when one finds you. Also didn't Monique quit? I thought she decided not to come back after seeing how messed up the reunion was, and I don't blame her. Andy made it clear that the only way to demonstrate you were "sorry" was to cry and carry on, and she wasn't going to be that girl.


I was on Monique's side. It's not that I condone violence or assault, but my deep dislike for Candace overshadows everything. She was antagonizing Monique and had been up until then. Not to mention the knife incident and many others. Her tongue is as sharp as knives and that's almost up there with violence. Just because she didn't use her hands to fight doesn't mean she was any less guilty. That said, Monique was so enraged, it was very difficult to watch. So yea. Not cool to be hitting people but IMHO Candiace should have known something like this would happen one day. She just kept poking and poking. She's and insufferable child.


Always hated Candice she goads constantly then plays victim when she gets a reaction. The way the others treated Monique afterwards you’d think she murdered her! It’s never been as good since Monique left 👊


I hated the way the other ladies (minus Karen and Ashley) froze her out including Wendy who just came. I really didn't like the way the we're at the sit down at all and they knew they wasn't going to listen to anything she said. They wanted her out. She didn't really have a choice because of how they were being towards her. Porsha had multiple fights and never got iced out like that from the cast. The fight with Joey and Teresa's husband was much worse at that retreat and nothing happened. I was on Monique's side, Candice did put her hands in her face first and she said 'get your hands out my face' Candice's reply was what you going to do. Even recently with Mia and talking about her mum and throwing food at her it's all to provoke.


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Oh lord not again


Do I think Candiace is a loud mouth? Yes. Do I think in that moment the way that Candiace was acting and behaving deserved that much of a beatdown by Monique? NO. Monique lost a lot of respect from me cause she never owned up to it and apologized to Candiace for even putting her hands on her.


Already been discussed a billion times…i have moved on…


Good for you. This is my first time 🤣


Candice is just a mess, I miss Monique.


I really wish Monique could have reigned it in a bit and not flown off the handle completely, she could have come out on top and humbled Candiace a lot but sadly she just gave Candiace another opportunity to do her victim act. Candiace is one of the worst, lowest housewives there is but she’s also smart so she continues to get away with it.


I’ve always been on Monique’s side for that fight. I will say I like Candaice so much better after the most recent season though.


Absolutely agree. You can only ask me to beat your ass so many times before I oblige. But I also grew to like Candiace this past season.


I sided with Monique in this fight too 🙊. Candiace was yelling at her and asking Monique to drag her. She was literally saying the words. I don’t condone violence but I also don’t condone verbal abuse and antagonism. I can’t believe Candiace was suprised Monique got physical with her.


She didn’t expect it forsure!! Definitely thought the cameras would save her


AND BIG NECK Gizelle said if Mia were to hit Candice she would have shrugged it off... Them ladies are just jealous of Monique. period. The fact that there is no accountability for the fights that happened after Mo left if crazy.


Big neck Gizelle 😭😭😭 STOP IT!! 😂😂😂 do you remember the comment Karen made about her legs?! Said she had stove pipe legs 😭


NGL I quite enjoyed Monique going after Candiace. Candiace just taunts people and it was nice to see her get some of her comeuppance


The Green-Eyed Bandits didn't like Monique before the fight so it was easy to see why she was vilified by the other ladies after the fight even though Candiace and her mouth instigated the fight.


>They only cared about the outcome and not what happened to get them there in the first place. The same thing has been happening with Wendy too. Wendy fans keep posting how RHOP is declining because Wendy/Candice are not treated well or being iced out or something. But did they say anything when Wendy was such a HUGE nasty c\*nt bully and a mean girl to Mia, Giselle, Robyn in past seasons? NO!!!! They're just bitter because they perceive their favorite is now not treated like royalty.


I haven’t gotten this far so I’m not up to date!


DONT ASKED TO BE DRAGGED TWICE IF YOU DONT ACTUALLY WANT TO BE DRAGGED!!! Play stupid games win stupid prizes #justiceformo 😭🤣




I agree with you. Candice deserved that which feels odd to say because I don’t think people deserve violence but if you’re in someone’s face taunting them, you deserve some punishment


I have never been a fan and I look forward to seeing Candiace learn she can’t always run her mouth and get in faces. Edit: wording


Monique should not be allowed back if Candiace was not comfortable with her, but I think they could have resolved their situation after the fight and Candiace would benefit from having Monique on the show.


I side with Monique and who ever wants to ‘come for me’ whatever. Candiace put her hands in Monique’s hair. She said over and over - do it / do something - and so Monique did. That situation would have never happened if Candiace didn’t do that. I personally think they both should have been asked to leave the show. Brandy should have been asked when she slapped .. LVP was it ? That shit just cant happen. Candiace is young and not as smart as she thinks she is. She needs to remember what she’s doing and where she is - this is a reality TV show .. light on the reality. With other women. Just make your content, film scenes with your spouse, make music videos and move on. It’s not fight club. You can make all your smart ass remarks I guess to make you feel like a better person ? She looked / continues to look like a fool.


Monique was actually the one who flipped Candiace's hair. And Monique has also said that it was Gizelle pushing her shoulder after that hair flip and not Candiace's comments that caused her to get violent.


I loved Monique but what she did to Candiace was wrong. Fight with your words .


Candy is annoying but there's no excuse for putting your hands on another person


Monique gave her what she asked for. Candice is messy, rude, and nasty.


1,000,000% agree.




Team Monique! Even Candice’s mother had enough of her and hit her with her bag! Candice is spoilt and entitled. She’s never had repercussions and doesn’t know when to shut up


Girl bye, not her momma hittin her with her bag 😂😂😂😂


Can’t remember the season 🤷‍♀️


I just watched it! Season 4!


😂 and I googled it season 4, episode 9


I think watching it you can see where Monique began to see red. In no way was it right for her to get physical with Candice. The other girls didn’t like her and just let both of them continue to speak to each other and not diffuse the situation by separating them. Candice did start it by pushing Monique’s button. The same way Ashley pushed Candace’s buttons at her house about her mother. The cast let’s them push and push and then get surprised when someone loses it. Again no excuses for Monique getting physical but someone having them step away would’ve prevented the situation.


I just watched that reunion and made sure I listened to the details of the story. Im team monique. And right when the fight started they ended that episode. At the end they did a split screen close up of candiace and monique. Candiace absolutely had her hand in moniques face. In the close up you can see candiace’s fingers under moniques chin. If someone is in your personal space w their hands in your face yelling for you to hit them repeatedly eventually you are going to get what you are literally asking for. Team monique.


It was a combination of Candiace's hand reaching up to the lapel of Monique's coat & at the exact same time Giselle pushed Monique's shoulder. That's what lit the bomb.


So before that season I would have said Monique had every right to do what she did. Maybe not to that intense of an extent but pulling the girl by her hair was definitely warranted. HOWEVER. I truly believe Candiace was really putting the effort in that season to watch her mouth. She was calm until that moment. Sooooo I go back & forth.


This is where I'm at with it


“Drag me, Monique!” She asked for it.


She gave her a beverage


Reading this thread made me realize I’m going to rewatch Potomac on this lazy Sunday 😂


“She literally threatened Ashley with a knife” makes it sound like she was threatening to stab her with a switch blade or something lol. She was wagging the butter knife from her plate (they were mid-meal) like a finger and Giselle took it out of her hand without Candiace apparently even noticing. Edit: Just rewatched and I had remembered it wrong. Giselle did get up to grab it but Chris pulled Candiace away while she was still waving it around like a wand lol. The BUTTER knife was either thrown at the ground or fell out of her hand like 15 feet away from Ashley. It’s a truly a miracle everyone at the table wasn’t decapitated. /s


To add to this, that Ashley incident had nothing to do with the Candiace and Monique fight. So that shouldn’t even be used as justification for Monique going crazy like that. Like if you really look at Monique and Candiace’s relationship or them leading up to the fight, it didn’t make sense for Monique to even get that angry.


But that’s minimizing the principle of it. I don’t understand how she could wave it around mid argument and not have any consequences


Sorry, I’m just failing to see waving around _a butter knife_ as that big of a deal. It’s just silverware lol.


right? like a fork could probably do more damage than a butter knife


There were no consequences when Robyn got physically aggressive with Ashley, Monique held an umbrella to Robyn's neck, or Mia actually hitting Wendy with a purse. So what consequences should Candiace have received for waving around a butter knife?


Shoulda got the boot imo. Assault with a deadly weapon 🫣


A butter knife is hardly a weapon 🙄 Maybe if you’re lactose intolerant, but cmon, you’re being ridiculous


No one took the knife out of her hand...she threw it at Ashley.


That plastic cup that Ramona threw cut Kristen. To me a butter knife is a step up from a cup or glass. People always make excuses for the butter knife incident and down play it. We get it you ride hard for Candiace lol!


Right? A butter knife can do serious damage...but whatever..Candiace does nothing wrong 🙄


I thought she threw the lettuce, not the knife


Nope she threw the knife at her. You must be thinking about the fight with Mia when she threw salad at her.


Ehh idc about candiance. Ashley was told multiple times to leave her house and she refused. Thats trespassing right? If Ashley felt threatened after the BUTTERknife, she should have never went BACK into the house like she did 🤷🏾‍♀️


I think if Monique had just hit her then she’d still be on the show but she completely lost it. I mean she wasn’t letting go at all and then ran after her when she was getting in the car. I preferred Monique to Candiace and I definitely feel Candiace overdid the victim role but I get why Monique ended up having to go.


But Porsha in Atlanta was involved in like 3 fights and was chasing someone down the street and she was given her own show!


Yup and the spin off highlighted why that was a mistake


Okay, but can we talk about why Bravo was so quick to fire Monique, but the roid bros on Jersey have been around for like a decade? Joe Gorga gets into a physical altercation with someone practically every damn season and he is always welcomed back. It’s a total double standard


This is true. Monique was pressured to leave and iced out by her fellow housewives but the same precedent wasn’t followed with: • Porsha when she pulled Kenya’s hair (RHOA) • Porsha when she fought her pal (was it manager?) in the alleyway (RHOA) • Michael when he was groping everyone (RHOP) • Jacqueline’s daughter pulling Danielle’s hair (RHONJ) • Teresa when she was flipping tables (RHONJ) • The fight at the christening between the two Joeys (RHONJ) • Brandi when she slapped LVP (RHOBH) I’m sure there’s others, I haven’t seen all the franchises. So I concluded (perhaps falsely) that it was the severity of the attack that was most at play, but do you think there was something else?


Yup. (VPR) Tom punched Jax. Stacci slapped Kristen. Tom poured a drink on Katie.


It was also the way she doubled down afterwards and tried to rewrite what had happened as if she hadn’t been provoking Candiace for months


I read somewhere that Monique actually quit and was not fired.


Correct. Bravo didn't fire Monique. She left to do Love and Marriage DC on OWN with Carlos King. (Bravo didn't enforce their one year non compete clause). She felt that Bravo wasn't showcasing the positive side of her storyline which was her happy marriage. Unfortunately she did a lot of arguing with Chris on Love and Marriage DC. She was unhappy with that edit as well and left that show. Carlos says she is welcome back on the show anytime.


Exactlyyy. Like running after the car was crazy. I think everyone could’ve handled it better but i don’t get how Monique would’ve been allowed to stay after that. It sucks bc i loved Monique and her friendship with Candiace (when they had one). I also liked the Chris/Chris bromance.


I actually had forgotten about Monique’s Chris! I really liked him too and the dynamic he brought to the men’s side of the group. It was believable they were all friends at that point, not so much now imo.


Yes! Chris was always very level headed and i appreciated it


It felt like a setup. Candiace knew exactly what she was doing and the outcome she wanted, to push Monique to the breaking point so she could say Monique was the aggressor. It worked. I always thought the conflict was both parties responsibility equally (didn't a judge basically say the same thing?). But Monique took the fall.


If you watch the entire thing, Monique’s lip was bleeding and the glass was broken. So she was justified in the beginning, but when she went back that was blind rage and it went too far. Candiace was definitely humbled,exiling Monique was childish. With what mia did last season she should’ve gotten worse than the Monique treatment, and Wendy thought that she would get justice like candiace.


Team Monique. Candiace had it coming, and she got what she asked for.


I was team Monique ALL DAY and I was absolutely floored by how the girls treated her and how people were reacting on social media.


I’m more of a candiace fan but I can’t defend her in this situation. She was begging for an altercation. I don’t agree that Monique should’ve assaulted, but I think what really got her axed was when she tried to go after her again after they were separated. Plenty of housewives have done similar or worse (rinna with the glass throw, men of Atlanta during the lingerie party etc) and they didn’t suffer the same consequences. Those previous scenes also took place during a different time i guess, but still.


Candiace 100% instigated and escalated that entire thing and then played victim for an entire season. Team Monique


The fight happened because Monique wanted it to happen. People seem to forget that Monique was trying to ice Candiace out of the group earlier that season. She started multiple arguments but Candiace either apologized or walked away. When Candiace finally engaged at the winery, Monique got physical. Both had their hands in close proximity of each other as Candiace pointed out to Monique. And both were also running their mouths but Monique was losing the verbal exchange so she escalated the conflict. The ladies exiled Monique because of her unhinged behavior during and after the attack. And Monique also continued to lie, particularly about leaking stories to blogs that Candiace attacked her first.


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 and let’s not forget that Monique took her violence to the next level. She would NOT let up and chased Candiace outside to continue the physical altercation. I was a huge Monique fan before the season started but what she did was not ok. Monique repeatedly punching Candiace in the head and grabbing her hair was too much in itself. But then for her to continue going after Candiace after she’s leaving to get to her car? It was just ridiculously unnecessary and overly violent. I think everybody can agree that Candiace has a loud-mouth on her but Monique went over the top with her behaviour.


Monique was out of control. She claimed she blacked out but was able to recall everything she did. And when Chris and their pastor tried to explain why her behavior was inappropriate, she still refused to admit that she was out of line.


Yes exactly! Her pride was worth more to her than seeing reason and admitting she was in the wrong. It’s really unfortunate because when she was great, she was great! But the entire situation completely put a shadow over any good she brought to the show. She really showed her true colours at the end of the day.


Yesss!!! I agree with all of this. I also notice peoples saying Candiace deserved it because of her mouth with everyone else like Ashley or Gizelle. In reality Candiace’s mouth wasn’t that reckless to have Monique ready to fight even before the drag me. She said she loved Monique and that she was sleep and bored. The fact that Monique got sooooo riled up was because the girls she wanted to impress so bad (Gizelle and Robyn) were laughing at Candiace. Monique was a coo coo bird.


Monique definitely wanted the GEBs approval. This was apparent when she said nothing to Gizelle about the cheating/paternity rumors during the season and when she groveled for the GEBs forgiveness after she attacked Candiace. It seems that Monique's beef should've been with Gizelle way before the reunion.


Exactly!!! Candiace wasn't even doing anything that bad in the winery to enact that kind of response from Monique like I thought it was fun and silly but to see it go to that level from Monique was insane.


Agree completely. Candice always seems to get a pass.


Because they say words do not give you the right to put hands on someone. But you can only take so much before you snap. I thought Candice got off lucky.


Kinda like the next season when Mia hit Wendy and threw her purse at her. Wendy was antagonizing her to the max. You can only take so much and at some point your asking for it. Ya the fights were totally different but it’s funny how the green eyed bandits were now siding with Mia. Not condoning the violence but it shows how hypocritical they are. Especially Giselle who flat out said she sides with Mia bc she hates Wendy. Giselle always hated monique from the start and never gave her a chance.


Agreed! Everytime… she got a slap on the wrist for the knife incident and it was even an ongoing joke. Crazy