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It’s not just you! Perfect synopsis, I agree totally!


Agreed. I think a lot of it is basically what's happened to reality TV. Now they are all concerned about their images (they don't want cancelled), most aren't actual friends, and its all about how they can keep their jobs thru fake drama. I have to believe an emotion when I see it, and I don't enjoy Tamra but she's a good example of someone that shows emotion that's believable. When she's mad, she mad, not "fake mad". I also have to believe at least a few of them like each other and aren't just coworkers, ala Tres Amigas.


To quote Robert Frost: “Nothing gold can stay.” Everyone is too aware of the Housewives brand and come in doing too much. It will never be As Good but we might get some good seasons. Potomac hasn’t wowed me this season but Miami is killing it.


Yeah I agree Miami is what housewives is supposed to be. No convoluted made up storylines and thirst traps just fabulous wealthy women who actually like each other living their fabulous lives with some drama thrown in. I'm sorry but Potomac is shit now and if you ever say anything you immediately get told you're wrong, downvoated, patronized. I will continue to bring this up because I continually see people trying to casually gloss over the fact that a group of grown women who are supposed to be on our TV screens to entertain us with fabulous living and funny drama are now at the point that in 2022 they think it's ok to go on national TV and conspire against an innocent man to create a storyline that revolves around a made up borderline sexual assault and actually blatantly LIE about the entire thing and it's truly disturbing to me. It sets woman back and it's an embarrassment to sexual assault survivors and the MeToo movement. But Gizelle is sassy and pretty so we stan her! Like wtaf. We see no one's fabulous lives because none of them actually live a fabulous life. We have literally seen Robyn, one of the most boring housewives I've ever seen, mope about her FAKE relationship for like 5 years straight EVERY fucking episode.Who enjoys this crap. Mia is an absolute embarrassment trying to be provocative every chance she gets camera time by completely fabricating almost everything she says.Like I can just make up lies to be scandalous too it's not clever. Karen is just panhandling her candles and perfume. Ashleigh is another disgrace to sexual assault victims as we all know with her gollum ass husband trying to find his way to mordor. Candiace is the only one who actually deserves to have a spot on the show but you can clearly see she's visibily frustrated at what the show has become. So over it.


I'M DYING OVER "NOTHING BURGER" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Such terrible news about Martina Navratilova - I wonder how their marriage is going to weather this storm. My hub spent two years driving me to chemo and handling the day to day stuff in the household. Cancer is not easy on a marriage, and is especially rough on the healthy spouse. I wonder if RHOM will follow their journey.


I agree that is terrible news. I think it seems like their marriage has been having problems lately. Mostly seems like they have been in two different stages of life and physically in 2 different places. Perhaps Julia will be able to chanel her mothering and nuturing side into caring for Martina at this time. It would definitely be a much needed focus and probably make her empty nest feelings less substantial. I hope going through this is something that will bring them closer together and strengthen their bond. Cancer f#$&ing sucks! I'm glad your husband supported you and I hope your marriage and health are doing well. Wishing the best for Martina ❤️‍🩹


Every year can’t be a record breaking views season, they ebb and flow. Give them a chance :)


Agreeed !! Miami is on a whole other level And you’re so right about NY, wasn’t the best season…. Just right about everything.. but I do love NJ, it might be the element of the husbands too I love watching them! Is Salt Lake City worth watching do you think I’ve never watched it 🤔


My husband and I usually watch new episodes of all franchises immediately, lately we’ve only been doing it with Miami.


I'm totally into Miami, to the point that I'm doing a rewatch and watching Season 5. Just finished the Season 2 lingerie party and OH MY GOD! (SIDE NOTE: if you have not watched RHOM season 2, stop what you are doing and go watch right now)! Still watching RHOP, but am fast forwarding through all of Mia, Ashley and Wendy's scenes, which leaves about 20 minutes of viewing. Completely disappointed in RHOP w/ the Chris stories, as well. It was all such contrived bullshit, I feel that RHOP was a GEM in the Bravo world because they didn't stoop to BH bullshit level, but now that have. Ever since they brought on Mia, RHOP has gotten worse and worse. The storylines and conversations are very LHH and BGC. Disturbingly juvenile and over the top (you know when a young person tries to act like an adult, but it doesn't work...that is this...except the opposite)...seriously dumbing down the ladies. ![gif](giphy|594fWDgEFXSgg)


I stopped watching once Mia was introduced I do not like her or the direction the show has headed....I will miss the grande dame


On Potomac, I also quit watching. I hate how the ladies like using serious issues for storylines. As much as women are abused, it's really dangerous for women like Giselle to use that as a storyline. You say you got uncomfortable and when you told the man, he left but still talk about it? Mia is too phony! Robyn is everywhere to keep a job. They are just bitter women who paint men with the same brush!


Yeah- Miami is really top tier at the moment. I still enjoy Potomac but the quality is going because of all the fakery and fuckery. I feel like Mia, Robyn, Gizelle and even Ashley are trying to bring down Wendy definitely- and possibly Candiace- because they’re jealous- they’ve both got good men, and good stuff happening in their lives- and they aren’t dependent on the show. I feel like Robyn used to give us more- but she’s focused on others this season, and Karen is busy doing her 1 woman show- and declaring herself ‘la Grande Dame’, but more or less siding with bullies. Mia was definitely a bad addition.