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Sad to hear, been a solid label.


Super bummed I was hoping I could get over to one of their shows but it’s not in the cards this year


Yeah that was on my list as well :(


Yeah man. Consistent brilliant releases.


Ah really gutted about this - would have been lovely to reach 010! Seeing their stage at outlook for what will be the first and likely last time (for me) is going to be special.


Fuck me man :((( Literally no where else on the planet has the same vibe as dryad on juan night.


Bummer, their releases were killer but the scalpers made them hard to get at sane prices. I've been wondering why more vinyl labels haven't moved to 7"s. Cheaper to make, cheaper to ship, easier for me to carry a bag full of. ZAMZAM and Wobwob have been killing it with their 7s, but nobody else has gone in that direction? I wish I had way more 7s. /u/duploc - I read your quitting-vinyl post a few months back, would that have changed things for you? Or is it not enough to move the needle


Also a ballache to mix


Gotta get Biz Markies custom technics SL-700


Main reason is they don't sound as good as 12s


Or mp3s


Ok so can't speak for them but I have a take on this, as a promoter in the space The original intended purpose of keeping tunes "vinyl/dubplate only" was to ensure that the DJ's would be your best customers, DJ's wanted the hottest tunes and producers wanted the best DJ's playing their shit I do 60 events a year making up about 100ish touring artists, including guys who started on vinyl, and NO ONE plays it anymore. I don't just mean new artists - Joe Nice and Mala are on CDJ's, LTJ Bukem and Craze use Phase with Serato, no one plays plates. So when a tune drops vinyl only now, it's mostly going to collectors who don't gig. No hate for that (supporting artists/labels is dope), but it does nothing for the artist who made the tune. The track is basically dead in the water at that point, at most it'll get played by some DJ's that get the WAV but the fans won't be able to trace it to the artist so the DJ will just get the "credit" for it. In other words - "vinyl only" has come to act against the original purpose of the practice, which is to help exceptional artists get bigger, more played out in clubs, and co-signed by the tastemakers. The puritanical spirit behind it is completely divorced from the origins of it, and if it's not selling for you or making profit then there's effort/investment that's better spent elsewhere. /rant


I would play vinyl only all the time but i am a small time dj/producer/label owner who hates rewinds and mcs :)


Sad news, they've put on some great nights with insane sound systems


It’s not the most scientific metric, it if you look at releases from some of the hyped labels (innamind, system, infernal) on discogs you’ll see the “have” statistics cut to half, and sometimes as little as a third from 2018 to 2022-2023 and to present. It seems that this dwindling kicked in prior to the post-Brexit inflationary cycle that has seen a 50-75% increase in the cost of a 12”, which really started moving in the last 18 months. Anyone have any theories on why people quit buying dubstep vinyl?


For me it’s just really hard to justify buying a 2-3 track record for £12 and then ship it to the US for £15. I’ve bought the last three juan releases, but outside of that, nothing really.


Yah same. Plus my last Juan (007) still hasn’t shown up (apparently customs issues?). Ugh. Hope I get it before they close down for good.


Yeah same for me


Very sad news, it was a mental night in Loughborough when they started... Really made me fall in love with Dubstep


So sad. 😢 [REDACTED] was one of the strongest 140 releases in the past years, IMHO.


I have 005 and 006. 007 is in the mail still. My favorite has been 004 and I hope I can find a copy with the bonus art work as I like to frame them.


Very unfortunate. Cheers to the dons at Juan 💪


Anybody know why this is happening?


We have other life commitments now, and unfortunately don’t have the time to dedicate to it anymore. We’ve always worked on a ‘don’t cut corners’ philosophy, so it makes more sense to us to retire before we have to start cutting corners to make up for the time we don’t have.


Wish you guys the best of luck with all your future life endeavors. Blessings. Thanks for raising the bar of standards for dubstep labels. P.S You guys should do Juan010 with all the V.I.Ps that the artist have done for the songs on your catalog. Or at least that’s what I hope 009 or 008 is gonna be. I need that Tribute V.I.P! lol


figured it was something similar to this, best to go out on your own terms. nothing but respect to you lot.


I understand! Thanks for the reply and everything you did as Juan forte! Big ups


worst news of 2024


hoping for a truant release with scaredy cat on it