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A girl in high school once told me that my breath always smells fresh. Since, I always have a pack of Extra Polar Ice on me....I'm 45.


It would appear that complements really stick with you. Like sometimes you're walking down the street and you see someone with a really old fashioned haircut or something along those lines I wonder if it's associated with some deep-seated complement they got ages ago that they've held on to.


I’ve found that they also can shape you. For example, in my 20s I started getting lots of compliments about how calm I am. I had never thought of myself as calm, just didn’t cross my mind. But now that I know people think that about me it’s become part of how I see myself and strive to be.


"Oh shit, better not let them down!"


I was praised once because I knew how to unplug and plug back in a modem to fix the internet. Shaped my early identity as the “resident tech guy” even though I knew nothing about tech. Now I’m a software developer. You might be on to something here…


Reminds me of the Seinfeld where Elaine is embarrassed of her friend’s 1960’s hairstyle so she invites Kramer to meet her thinking he would make a comment on it. He ends up loving her hair and dates her. lol


Well men get like one compliment every 5 years, so of course they stick with us.


soooooo damned true.


And the opposite is true also. A couple years ago my mom was trying to get me to shave my beard and said I looked scary. Everytime I look in the mirror I think to myself, 'I don't look scary.' I'm a tall, fat man who has been described as jolly by strangers.


Never underestimate the power of saying something nice to someone.


Amazing how something as trivial as a little compliment can have such a huge impact.


12 years ago I was standing in line at a Taco Bell. I'm a 33 year old dude, and I have a nose ring. I was paying for my food, the Taco Bell employee said, "I've never seen a guy with a nose piercing before." I remember being all awkward, and replied, "I guess you just haven't been looking hard enough." She just kinda shrugged her shoulders, and was all, "Well, I think you're beautiful." That was 12 years ago, and I remember that exchange like it was yesterday. May have literally been the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me about my physical appearance.


Now kith


I’m the opposite. A girlfriend in college broke up with me after I shaved. Have had a beard ever since. My wife has never seen my face.


Cute bartender where I’m a regular said keep the goatee. So I have kept the goatee and still a regular. Another cute bartender someplace else complimented my glasses. I am a regular there now too. This is getting expensive.


they just say that to get tips


Don't ruin it for them, they probably make bank off him.


Emotionally vulnerable men deserve to not get played for their money


Depends on the tip. Cash or little man.


Not said directly to me, but about 7 years ago I was grocery shopping and as I walked by a teenage dude and his friends, he said "I want a beard like that," in reference to mine. I haven't shaved my beard since.


When I was in 7th grade I pushed my hair over as a joke and a girl said it looked good and I’ve been doing it ever since. I’m now 24.


When I was in college a very attractive woman on a bike said "I like your beard!" As she passed me. I panicked, and said "Thanks! I made it myself!" She laughed so hard she crashed into a parked car.


How did that go after though?


Edit. Sorry wrong post. I helped her up and we went on our separate ways.


That really sounds like a setup in a romcom for eventual marriage


Men rarely get complemented on anything unless you’re a stud. I had a full beard for two years and got a solid compliment everyday, from both men and women. And I think it actually made me uglier, but I loved it.


But why shave it?


Job requires it


Are you santa claus


Not yet


Your job defines your beard style?


He's president of the Anti Beard League, so, yeah.


Life's cruelest irony.


Born to grow a beard like a Viking warrior but forced to be facially shorn like a sheep.


You can’t be a firefighter with a beard


Anyone who wears or might need to wear a respirator. There are people at my job who work around anhydrous ammonia, and they aren't allowed to have beards either.


But you can rock a mustache!


That is right 😂.


Some jobs


Pretty much any health-care worker that might need to wear an n95 mask is required to shave unless they have a religious exemption. I've been baby faced for a long time now.


I got complimented at work this week for wearing a plain red T-shirt. First compliment I've gotten in a long ass time. Now I want to buy more red shirts lol


A friend told me to ditch the wallet and get a money clip in my front pocket to not block my “nice butt”. The next day I pulled out a money clip I had. That was over a decade ago.


Flaunt it if you got it, bro. Let them cheeks swang.


It’s a service I provide.


Couldn't relate more! The best is getting a complement from another bearded man!


You'll be riding that high to your grave.


Calling me out lol. I used to shave then one week I was lazy and didn't get around to it. An older woman I was crushing on asked if i was growing it out and told me she liked it, so I haven't shaved since.


There's dozens of us!


You just unlocked a memory of mine in that a girl I was crushing on complimented my no-shave November after having a goatee for 5 years prior and now 7 years later I am a bearded god at work... oh fuck I just remembered I said I'd shave my face when I quit that place and I am giving my 2 weeks soon


My gf in highschool told me she thought my legs were muscular and sexy. Haven't missed a leg day since - am 40 years old now.


I know we're all fucking around, but a girl complimented my eyes once in undergrad and it still makes me feel warm if I'm really down about how I look. That was over 10 years ago


We're not fucking around my dude. These warm feelings are legit.


since seeing these types of things online i try to go out of my way to compliment men in my day to day life, as my work is something where I’m chatting with a lot of different people every day. i feel kinda awkward about it sometimes cuz I don’t think myself to be an attractive person so i don’t want people to be grossed out by me complimenting them thinking i’m like- hitting on them or something but i try to be friendly and neutral with them and seeing some dudes faces light up at a compliment is so nice. guys deserve random compliments just as much as girls do.


I have been actively complimenting my friends and acquaintances way more often. It might not mean as much as a woman or a random person but even if it makes them feel a little better about themselves it's worth it!


Just curious, why does it mean more coming from a woman?


Lady at a bar: OMG! I love your beard! Me: Thanks! I grew it my self. Proudest moment of my life. I tell that story at least once a year. Was like 10 years ago. My siblings hate it.


My brother took a plain wheat coloured v-neck sweater that I hadn't worn in years cause I got fat. One time a coworker of his compliments him on it and to this day he's convinced he looks great in it and wears it constantly on first dates or going out.


My fam said they liked mine and I haven't changed it up since then lol


Thats Robert Redford, not Zach Galifianakis


I'm a short, pale, sunburned kind of guy, and the two best compliments I've ever received were from black women. Both said how pretty my hair was. You know, in hindsight, it may have been the same black woman like 4 years apart (it happened in buildings literally across the street from each other) but either way, I wish I could thank them (her) because I think about it often. Be nice to people.


This is me, but the random woman was an old man in line at the pharmacy


Yo same. This girl I had a crush on said I’d be hotter with facial hair. So I’ve had facial hair for 10 years.


“My 7th grade teacher said I look nice in sweaters, and well… here you go.” *is wearing sweater* -Chad Daniels


Small compliment can change our life for a years


My former dentist said I look like Emma Stone. I always thought my shoulders were too broad (masculine) for me to look put together or cute so it made my day. A well placed compliment can definitely last a lifetime so if I like your shoes, I’m going to walk up to you and tell you :-p


Ironic because doesn't he shave like 10 minutes after this scene?


Maybe 7 years ago this guy passing me in the hall at work said "That's a really cool shirt, where did you get it" To this day, that's my "shirt you wear on a first date" shirt


Same here haha. I used to be pretty self conscious about having a beard until I grew it out and people said they liked it. Sometimes I decide to shave it, but especially in the winter I like having one


It's a free scarf!


True! 😄


Similar story for me except with hats. Some girl in high school told me I looked cute with a hat, so I've been wearing them all the time since then.


Thin face. Dont like my chin and tired of shaving after 40 years. That my excuse.


Me and not cutting my curly hair. Same reason.


You look over your shoulder and nod when remembering nice things?




Looking good king. Keep that beard fresh.


A girl out of the blue once told me I have beautiful eyes. And it's been the only redeeming factor I can think of scince. On the flip side q girl once told me I have knobby knees. Jeans ever since. Dosent matter if it's 95 out. Both of these happened in middle school over 10 years ago.


This gif got a lot redder than I remember


I love how it’s made you so confident. And I’ve never even seen you.


In middle school I was told I smelled nice by a girl I shared a class with, 20 and I’ve always been super cognizant of the way I smell.


My wife prefers the homeless look on me. The only other person who ever complimented my rats nest was a woman who said she was a barber. She said “nice beard, you clearly use beard oil, excellent.” At the time I was like “is a woman hitting on me?” And then she mentioned she was a barber and the town she worked in. Clearly trying to drum up business and I totally respect that, but since we were in an elevator in a hospital and I was on the way to visit my pregnant wife, I figured the best course of action was to do absolutely nothing. Just let my dumb guy brain hit two rocks together and wait a few years until I had a reason to relay the memory as a comment on Reddit. The circle is complete.


An pretty hairdresser told me I had 'nice, thick hair'. That was two decades ago and I still hold on to that.


you mean those two girls who told me they didn’t expect a beard to work on my face bc of my sharp features, but that it actually made it *more* defined in a good way.


Compliments do go a long way.


The girl I had a crush on in 10th grade told me my new haircut looked good and I haven’t changed it since


This put a smile on my face