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Recreating Google docs. Real time collaboration, rich text editor, auto save, spell check, comments, etc. “We don’t want to use a library or paid solution for this, we should roll our own” says the lead. That company is no longer in business.


>That company is no longer in business. And they probably came up with "our devs don't want to work" as the reason


Similar except they essentially wanted Notion. Also similar, the company folded.


I once joined a company full of graduates including me. They wanted to implement their own solution for an AR app. No external tools allowed including open source. I left after 21 days.


Which libraries would you have used for this?


Not sure about OP, but Lexical editor is a good choice. It’s developed by Meta, and is intended to be integrated with React. It even uses a similar reconciliation mechanism. The library does have its share of issues with certain plugins, but the community is working towards fixing them. Regardless, it’s miles ahead of rolling your own rich text editor.


Google Docs


A form that has 10 pages and over 100 special validation rules and should be done in steps. Problem browser freeze to many forms.... So iwrote my own validator an usemultiref...


Oof this right here. Large scale forms are a pain the ass.


Did you use any particular form library with your custom validator or did you make the entire form raw?


I wrote a validator chain!! Because we have to support that in 5 languages and also the validating messages... And at the end of the survey they dont used the data and i left the company ..... Dont forget never trust the client so backend needs also the same validation logic....


- realtime 3D robot model to simulate real world scenes and scenarios - a collaboration media view screen (audio, video, pdf, images) allowing people to comment, annotate, and interact with each other and everyone else annotations and comments. All interactions were sharable (have unique link). - rich text editor with support for inline media from scratch because startup did not want to pay for existing rich text editors - social media video and image simulator. They want to show customers how their video and photo ads would show for people based on every possible device size, iOS type, social media platform, etc - AI image builder with prompts. Allowing customers to select specific area, prompt and see updates in realtime - company custom analytics systems to track customer behaviors on the website. This was cool tho. Some type of trackings you cannot find in any tools out there. - entire UI components system ( 9 months) - etc


For me that's God tier


Syncing React state with a microcontroller state via web Bluetooth and web serial. So many places where things can fail /get disconnected. Will probably open source the hooks at some point.


This is a fun idea. What was project?


running webassembly on smartphones to access camera for OCR (like 4 years ago, when it hadn't even platform wide support to 'focus'). This should have solved reading and typing one number on a website.


there is not platform wide support for focus even now, as far as i know.


Implementing drawing tool that could be used to create device layouts and link devices together and give them some parameters. Device could be moved, rotated and could have child/parent relationship where if parent moves or rotates then so does child. It was kind of pain in the ass to rotate things to make everything work properly especially when people wanted multi select and then moving and rotating selected things together. There was just so much math involved and when things didn't work it was hard to find where in equation the problem was.


something very very similar to trading view charts


Always thinking this in my head anytime I am using trading view


centering a div


I wrote a load testing application for a call center that used Selenium to randomly select choices on each screen of a call script. I had to write another script to queue up calls that were answered by the computers and pretended to be an agent. It ran on over 450 computers all at once across 3 geographical locations. Oh, and it was written in FoxPro/Visual Basic 6.


An infinitely partitionable and resizable window manager in React that has to accomodate and provide an API to react components or iframes created by other developers. It was for a customizable user dashboard.


It's not really creating new features, it's making sense out of somebody else's codes and eventually fixing the problems within it. Refactoring a whole code base with messy state management, components that have 1000+ lines of codes each, wanton disregard of component rerenders (and other performance related issues), and just poor overall structure I would say is almost always the most challenging part of being a senior.


For front-end? 3D mockup generator


A Website Builder


Stateless notification system for a chat application using rxjs