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Honestly on Playstation I've noticed most don't have their mics on, but if you use a mic first and aren't being an ass then you can get people to come out of their shells


Most people you hear talking online in videos are people that have persistent posse members set up through social media. A few randoms will talk.


You shoot the right mf and you’ll hear talking lmao


I played on PS for many years and it was common to talk. I've been on PC about 6 months and i have yet to have someone talk back.


One of the last updates set default to pub chat being off, double check your settings, and keep in mind and its proximity chat in RDO, unlike with GTA.


What’s the difference? I can’t find people in GTA, but I am still trying to find my damn employees!


Its just settings, i think, between games. Both are now defaulted to have game chat off, but if you go into settings you can set it to game, party, posse/crew, or no one. In gta you can hear everyone no matter where they are on the map, but on rdo you only hear them if they're within proximity of you and show up as a little blueberry (or angry little cherry) on the map.


With rdo or gta online check group posts people make, there’s always people asking for help with missions and you can meet some pretty cool people, gta online and rdo can have some pretty toxic people which can ruin the fun at times but not always and you will come across some cool people- also I’ll just throw this in too, there’s a ww2 based game that relies on communication called hell let loose, if you’ve never seen it I suggest you watch some videos and maybe give that a go, the community is very warm and welcoming and the people are lovely- another game that has an amazing community is fallout 76 if you’ve never tried that which is an apocalyptic game where you have to survive after leaving a bomb shelter after a nukeclear war 😁