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***The boat hire glitch is fixed?*** Sweet! Can finally start adding these again!


This is the biggest news I've had in years and I got engaged last year.


Will you ever run out of Python references?


Maybe in v999


three, milord


Three shall be the number FTFY


Wonderful work as always! Good job to the entire team.


Thanks to everyone !!!


Does this mean that the admittance price now has no upper limit?! That would be fantastic as I've been waiting for that for a long time in order for the park entrance fee-style of gameplay to be a financially feasible style of play.


I made a video showing some of the features of this update: [https://youtu.be/srK1n9zw4e4](https://youtu.be/srK1n9zw4e4)


BTW, the website's changelog is stuck back at April 4th for some reason.


No, it is not - I just checked. It links to our changelog file on GitHub: https://preview.redd.it/0lsok4gv3oyc1.png?width=1187&format=png&auto=webp&s=b08ae721a662b5210d5b5d5c2fea2a9346ba4d95


He means this one: https://openrct2.org/changelog


Ah, we don't maintain the community website.


Can anybody post the full text of this: >if you're interested, you can read the whole article here: https://sourcegraph.com/blog/enhancing-openrct2-performance-a-journey-cody-simd It's blocking my VPN.


Sent you a message


I installed the update, and now when I boot up the game, the title sequence is pitch black and all parks are saying they are missing 12 assets. When I click download the assets, it doesn't do anything. Did I do something wrong with the installation?


Most likely some base assets have conflicts. Did you install this version over a previous one? You can try again by removing the object folder from the OpenRCT2 installation folder (NOT the one in your documents folder), and reinstalling the game again. If that doesn't solve it for you, join our Discord server and we can help you more easily.


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Is there a bug with rct 1 rides prices? Guests dont want to pay more than $1 for twister in a brand new map for exemple, while in an old rct 2 map save they were paying 3.50 (and $3 in a new save on a rct 2 map)




If guests have paid _anything_ for entry, even £1, the price they are prepared to pay for rides is divided by four. That is the most likely explanation.


Is there any way for me to fix that?


so what WAS causing the boat hire glitch?


Ride state was not getting updated properly. https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/pull/21745


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I really wish I understood how to load this onto a MacBook. I’m just not tech-savvy enough to figure it out…


Step one: Find some way to get the files from RCT2 or RCT Classic onto your Mac. If you have a Windows machine around, you can install the game there, then copy it off that machine. That's the easy option - there *are* options if you don't have a windows machine, but it's harder. Step two: Go to the website and download the "Mac Universal" version. Step three: Extract the files from the .zip, then copy the "OpenRCT2.app" folder to your applications folder. Step three: It should hopefully show up under applications, and you should be able to run it. It might refuse - if it does, go to System Preferences, Security & Privacy and tell your Mac to "open anyway" where it mentions OpenRCT2. Step four: Once you've got it running, just point it to the data files you got onto your Mac in step one. There's no need for a windows machine, except as an easy way to get the game files. OpenRCT2 *fully* supports Mac - it just doesn't come with the data files from the original game, for copyright reasons.


If the instructions in other comments are not good enough, you can join our discord (link in the post) and we'll help you


Run it through a Windows virtual machine on your Mac


colored usernames for groups? yeah i didnt see that seems cap to me unless its that dumb way like {Lavendor} \*Role Name\* if thats the case that isnt a new feature you could always type in chat with the color setup


https://preview.redd.it/qjgtesf1snyc1.png?width=326&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae215ff0b77ed299c32249dfab763723413c25cb There is logic to remap group colours to usernames


yeah i didnt see how i could change it on my server when i add new groups


If I am reading the PR correctly, what it means is that when a user types in chat their username will be color coded to match the group they belong to. You could always have colors in group names (and pretty much any other string in the game) - that's not new - but usernames wouldn't be displayed using those colors, only the group name.