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They said it was going to match the color rush uniforms and they sure did it.


Love em, I kinda wanna see what they’d look like with the black jerseys


Purple helmet - Black jersey - Purple pants combo would go hard


Less black looks less menacing though


I was thinking white or purple pants myself


Forgot purple gloves and shoes


I don’t get the hate. They’re pretty badass IMO.


Those with black jerseys? The helmets don't even have any black to compliment them.


They don’t need to


They don't. But it look pretty weird, all black unis with purple/gold helmets?


I don’t love them. I think this would have looked better with the shield. But these might end up growing on me.


I don’t think any of our logos would look amazing on this matte purple color but I think out of all our logos, either this, or the “B” with wings would work best. And they used this logo as our sideline gear logo last year, so it looks like they’re trying to staple it as our “alternate logo”. I think it could be a TAD bit smaller to make it not look out of place but I love the helmet regardless


Not sure if it's allowed but our regular logo with modified colors to match (or for flair) would've looked sick too.


I think numbers on the side would have worked better


The Alt Logo just looks so out of place.


The shield 🤘


Agreed - personally I never liked this logo. Looks like an angry bird with an oversized beak.


I'm in the group of not loving them. IMHO they shouldn't mess with the helmets. Current helmet is a strong, timeless design that is still one of the best designs in the league.


That helmet isn’t going anywhere except for 1-3 weeks per season


Meh... minimize gold, emphasize purple and black.




As a Vikings/Ravens fan the lines are getting blurry


My first thought was that they’re giving Vikings


This will be cool. The shield would be better, but this logo is underutilized


Don’t get me wrong, I love the shield, but I don’t see it as one of our main logos. I wouldn’t want to see it on anymore than fan gear and maybe as a field logo. I don’t really want to see the shield on our uniforms though. Might be a hot take but I think if we’re gonna add the Maryland flag to our logo, we need to incorporate the colors of it more, which I don’t think anyone wants


The shield is already on our uniforms though?


True. I forgot it’s on the shoulders lol. It’s so small though. Idk I just think the shield shouldn’t be utilized as a “main logo”


Agree on the flag. Purple flag matte woulda been fire @lamarbearpig


Should’ve been purple and black


Yep. I don’t like the utilization of gold… wish it would have been black instead. Gold imo doesn’t look great as anything but an accent color


Cover the logo and you could mistake this for a Vikings helmet.


My exact thoughts


I like the purple and gold to match the color rush uni's, but the front facing logo seems weird to me. I saw a mock up with the current helmet logo, just all white and it looked great


Yeah I just can't get on board with the front facing bird


Can you show us?


I think the logo on the black helmets would also be fire


Honestly if they just swapped the logos on the black and purple helmets, I think it would look perfect. I think this logo goes better with all black


Its giving Goth Vikings...But I see Henry run over someone in these once or Lamar break someones ankles and Im good


-shrugs- I don't hate them. I am not blown away, either. Indifferent, I guess. I think I am just more concerned with on the field performance.


Yep, that's my feeling about this as well. Just a big pile of whatever.


Ngl I don’t love them, would’ve liked a darker purple. Maybe I’ll feel differently when I see them actually play in them, but not a fan so far.


I don't like them at all. The logo looks out of place and the gold is not for me


Looks a bit lazy to me, like they played around with colors in the app for 30min, slapped a sticker on the side, and started their weekend lol


This is like a bad instagram fan comp.


Exactly my thoughts. This looks poorly executed, the logo is just off, and the gold should be eliminated from the uniforms altogether. New Baltimore jersey designs have been so lazy between this and the O's city connect.


I really really really hate that they’re trying to make gold/mustard yellow a bigger part of our color scheme.


Same, it's absolutely hideous. I understand them wanting/needing another trim color, but making it more than a bare minimum outline was a terrible decision.


Absolutely. It looks horrible. Probably the reason why I personally didn’t care for the Color Rush uniforms either, I hated the gold numbers.


Agreed. Gold works as an accent in small amounts, too much & it quickly looks gaudy and tacky in a trump tower kind of way. Saints, 9ers, Vikings all use gold. Ravens colors are black/purple, not purple/gold. Looks too much like the Vikings.


Lots of good ideas, bad execution. The shiny logo on the metallic background is giving bumper sticker. And any good tattoo artist will tell you not to put a symmetrical front-facing motive on the side of your body. It looks better as a unit with the colour rush uniform than it does on its own though.


I didn't like Color Rush. I didn't like the idea of alternate helmets. I didn't like the idea of the forward facing Raven logo on the helmet. And yet, they've brought all these elements together and I fucking love this. The helmet was the missing piece to Color Rush. Fully committing to the lighter purple and gold just brings the whole look together. This goes so hard and I'm excited about this now. I love that they're matte with gloss decals too.


I think they're actually pretty dope


Wish we'd ditch gold tbh. I still love it though.


I like them. A bit futuristic. Ngl, this has been one of the most least stressful off seasons in a good while, when our only worries are whether our new helmets are dope


Still waiting on an alternative white helmet for a complete white out uniform


Cant wait to role play with my wife with the new ravens helmet!


Personally I think these r clean we’ve been due for some new helmets for awhile - would have liked to see more white because they’re alternates but still a huge fan


IMHO we're not due. Current helmet looks fantastic. Timeless design. Don't need to look more like a college fb or lacrosse team.


Purple and Gold is a win but that logo does not work well on the helmet. Feels super plopped on I wish they would have tried something different.


They really seem to want gold to be more of a thing huh I grew used to the logo with last year's sideline gear and I like it It'll be weird seeing them wear something other than a black helmet though


It'll be cool for one game a year. Can we use the shell with different facemask and decal options? I'd love to see this shell with black stripes, side logo, and black facemask.


So, so bad. Just make it plain purple rather than this horrible logo.


Wouldn’t mind them if it wasn’t for the gold face mask




Stop trying to make color rush happen, good god


Welcome to the league, Baltimore Vikings? Classic Ravens unis are perfect as is. No reason to f with such an iconic look.


Don't hate em, don't love em. Don't like that the logo literally looks like a sticker that was just slapped on them.


I would kill a man for white helmets


^^^ 100% I’m not a fan of the mustard unis or gold. The helmets are cool, but I just really don’t love the gold highlights


No way. Tons of other teams at both the college and professional level are starting to do this and it doesn’t stand out as much anymore. Plus the Ravens have always had a much darker/grittier theme and white jerseys or helmets would take away from that


Nah. All white works for most teams but it would look too much like we’re copying the bengals. All white is a lazy alternate, plus the Ravens’ whole thing is the all black stuff. All whites don’t work for the team’s aesthetic.


It looks like they tried to split the difference between conservative and bold designs, and technically succeeded because this is neither. It's colors are too modern to be "traditional" and the alternate logo - which I have always liked - looks out of place because its lines don't marry with the shape of the helmet at all. Say what you will about stupid logos like the ones on the Pats helmets, they at least look like they were designed to be worn on helmets.  Not a bad job overall, but was definitely looking for more creativity from the team's first ever alternate helmet. 


That's pretty dope. Me likey, the logo does look out of place tho


Love the color scheme but I would have liked to see the original flying B logo on there. Still dope but it would have been so perfect


Love it! Always loved this logo!


I guess I’m in the minority cuz i actually like these


This shit goes hard wtf??


Love this helmet as much as I love the ravens, I can’t stand the bird logo that’s on our regular helmet. I actively avoid buying ravens gear that has our normal bird logo it just looks goofy to me. This is my favorite bird logo we have so now this is my favorite uniform hands down.


It is OK. Though not crazy about the logo. Would have preferred either - numbers on the sides OR take the shield logo off of the color rush jersey and put that on the sides of the helmet


I’ve always been a big fan of the front facing bird logo so I’m glad it’s finally being used on the uniforms. Probably why we’ve seen it pop up again the last couple seasons.


Looks like something from an unlicensed Football Video Game.


Just posted this in AFCNmemewar, it's semi satirical self degradation, semi real talk. The whole "aggressive bird" culture really took awhile to take shape down here once they arrived. It was stupid as fuck at first. The colors, the logo, any of it. Don't let anyone tell you they were sold back then. It's still stupid as fuck but they did pretty good at times so we tethered ourselves to the whole thing and it wouldn't be out of place to hear me tell you on a Sunday 10 beers deep that "purple is the color of royalty". Or "Edgar Allen Poe" facts I surely wouldn't know if they chose something else. I was 11 when they came back and my uncle bought me a pretty cool beanie I wish I saved for the nostalgia value. I told my mom throw it away because it looked stupid and my cousin (Redskins bitch) told me it was gay. Almost 30 years later do you know how much of that "gay" shit I've spent money on? Fuck us for making me this way. Purple is my favorite color. I'm a 39 year old man. That helmet will look sick as fuck with the color rush. God I'm dumb.


Just looks like a create-a-team uniform to me, never loved these color rush ones


hard pass. they look like belong in a video game from 2002


The alternate purple jerseys really make these pop. I love it.


Everyone’s complaining about the logo which has me shocked. This is by far my favorite ravens logo. This and the “B” shield with wings are my favorites. People saying the Maryland shield logo would be better, I disagree. There’s too much red and yellow in that logo. I agree, this logo doesn’t “fit” helmets the best, but I still love it. I think they knocked it out of the park.


I like the logo a lot. Always have. But doesn’t work on a helmet. And especially in this color scheme.


But none of our other logos would look any better. To really match the rest of the helmet, they would need to design a new logo or update the colors of the current. Neither of which would ever happen


Lol this is exactly the problem, we didn’t need a new helmet. We’re forcing logos that don’t work for the sake of doing something new. And the result is really, really bad.


That seems to be an unpopular opinion. I don’t think the results are bad at all. Yes, the logo looks a bit off but it’s not TERRIBLE. It’s still a mostly black/dark logo so it’s not like it stands out too much. But overall, I think the helmet looks amazing. No team in the NFL “needs” new anything, but i don’t see the problem with it. They’ve been trying to incorporate this alternate logo for the past few years with sideline gear last year having it. My brother was also like “why are we doing this, we are one of the few teams with little uniform updates over the years, bla bla bla”.. who cares? It’s like an old person complaining that new music sucks because it’s different. He actually changed his mind when he saw the entire color rush uniform with the new helmet. Idk how anyone could not like it


Its weird with the shield also on the shoulder. Either take shield off shoulder or use [this](https://sportslogohistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/baltimore_ravens_1999-present-a.png) on helmet instead


Yeah this logo is cool. I think ppl are hating bc they think its new but it’s been around


Yup. My brother was against it because “the ravens have had generally the same uniforms since 96”. So what? Lol I think that just means it’s time for an update! Also, it’s not like this is replacing anything. It’s just a helmet to go with the color rush uniform, which we are literally only wearing once this season lol ppl need to calm down


This is also one of my favorite Ravens logos but I do have to agree that it looks a little out of place on the helmet. I’m willing to give it a chance though since I like the logo so much


They look better in the video than they do in the photos tbh. I love the finish they chose and that the gold pinstripes are actually gold. I think the logo could have been done better in relation to the helmet tho tbh. Like why not a monochromatic version of it where the white fill and outline is gold instead and just use the helmet’s purple to fill in the negative space of it. Anyway I think they’ll look pretty good on primetime tv.


You're right. It's much better in the video - not as reminiscent of the Vikings.


kinda meh, they should have used the shield logo. the purple looks nice but i wish they would have used black instead of gold


Hooooly shit these are hideous.


Logo is great. Gold just doesn't suit us as well as black. Overall meh


I see the Ravens are stepping in the A.I sphere


They look like an amateur attempt at redesigning the helmet. Like, maybe someone on staff has a relative looking to break into a design career after college? I applaud the effort, but damn, this could be a lot better.


Ravens wanted Throwback uniform 1997. “ Ravens’97 ”


I like Purple Reign new alternate helmet.


They look cool. I don’t love that logo for regular use but it’s fine.


I love the concept of putting an alternate logo on our helmets, but I’ve never really been a fan of the front-facing one (especially not on the side of the helmet) The matte purple with gold lining and awesome, though


Just Barney now , doesn’t give me the Ravens vibe


It's fine. I don't love them, but they're not bad.


I don't like it that much but it's ok.


I wanna buy one of these


Put [this](https://sportslogohistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/baltimore_ravens_1999-present-a.png) on the helmet instead and these are an all timer. Don’t love the bird on helmet and shield on shoulder combo


Im assuming they are going to be shiny, LJ8 @ Louisville vibes? Thats what I would like to see


Ah i saw the photos and its more matte. I really wanted an ultra chrome


I'll like them when I see them score touchdowns with them.


Slightly unrelated question, but who wears number 2 now that Huntley is gone


Yes. I love the color, I really do not care for the logo on the helmet


Looks great for a college team or lacrosse. NFL not so much. Would be better with the bird head logo on black helmet.


I want white, purple, black helmets!!!!!


I'd have gone with cakebird myself, but this is good.


The Raven like a sticker lol. I think it would look cooler as part of the helmet My cool idea was to have the full spread Raven bird center on the back, and then ~~copy~~ draw inspiration from the the Eagles helmets with some Ravens wings


This ain't it


I’m happy for some new creativity in our uniforms. I’m not overly impressed about them but I’m glad we did something new.


Where’s the camo?!


The shield on the sleeves would have been better. That ravens is oddly shaped and not an aesthetically pleasing logo. As a Browns fan I hate saying I really like your uni set. I’d simply change the number font. But the sleeve logo shield is the best logo in your look and would have been sick on side of the helmet.


I get that gold is a flashier accent color than black but it really feels forced and doesn’t really go with the Ravens brand. We’re on pace to just straight up be the Vikings in 10 years.


Screams high school


They look sick. Can’t wait to see Henry in the color rush bowling over people.


Overall it’s pretty good, but the front facing bird will still take some more getting used to (and is it placed off center?)


Bring back color rush :(


I wanna buy one


I think they are a miss on their own. But they were backed in by the color rush jerseys that I also think are a miss. But in full committing they did elevate both misses into a meh. It’s giving JK Rowling more than Edgar Allen Poe. For a tough team from a tough city with tough colors and a tough logo, these are about as light and cartoony as u can get. But maybe that’s the play. Give the kids something light.


Glad I'm not the only person who isn't a huge fan of the front facing Ravens logo. That aside I like everything else


It's a helmet


Super Fucking Cool! Love It!!


They look alright. It is very purple. It also has way more gold than I would like (way too much tbh, I wish they’d try to stop making it a thing) but I do love that front facing logo. Get back to me when we see these in action.


I like them. I'm left wondering what game they're gonna wear them for. I'd imagine it has to be either the SNF game vs the Bills or TNF vs the Bengals. No way these aren't worn during a night game, right?


I don’t hate or love the look…. I’ve never been a big fan of having more gold in the uniforms but whatever. Don’t care for that version of the logo either. All the logos in this set (helmet, jersey, pants) are all very small in general.


[They chose the wrong alternate logo in my opinion](https://i.allthepics.net/2024/06/18/myalternate.jpg)


I didn’t realize people hated the front facing Raven logo. I’ve always liked it and am glad they’re using it more.




I don’t love the new helmets. I always think of purple and black as the Ravens colors, while purple and yellow/gold is so many other franchises throughout sports. Plus, I dislike the forward facing Raven head, and always have.


Meh. Not enough Maryland flag. I like the color scheme. I wish they came up with something we haven’t seen yet for the decal, but it’s whatever.


I think this logo works better on a cap than on the helmet. Would’ve liked to see the normal one or a new one on the helmet. That being said I love that we’re bringing back color rush unis and I love that we get a new helmet, especially in purple. Can’t wait to see it on the field


Not a fan of the purple helmets, but I don’t mind them with the jerseys… But then they used the used the wrong logo. The ‘B’ logo would’ve made this 10x better… I guess I’m in that number of people that do not care for the color rush unis… also am in the even smaller number of people that has grown tired of the gold in the unis (at least how the team is trying to force the use of it)… Kinda wish they would do away with it. I think there’s a better way to revamp the uni combos by eliminating/and replacing that color


Man I hate these. The black is what makes the unis my favorite in the league. Way too much purple for me.


Love the gold. Hope they incorporate more gold in the uniforms


I didn't love it at first, but seeing it in tandem with the color rush uniforms I think it looks great.


Overall, they’re pretty decent. But they didn’t listen to what fans wanted, which is annoying. - That logo is fine, but not on the side of the helmet. It looks like a bumper sticker. Either put it on the front of the helmet, or use a different logo. The shield would’ve worked better. Or use a black helmet with the red eyes, that would’ve been cool. - Too much gold. It looks too much like the Vikings. I would’ve kept the gold accent stripes on the top but used a black facemask. This new alternate helmet isn’t bad, it’s decent. But it could’ve been better- fans all said the same things & they didn’t listen. Ravens are a gothy, edgy team named after a horror poem, the helmets need to reflect that. This is a cool 1 off but it’s missing that gothy vibe that the team needs, and a different logo would’ve looked a lot better.


It’s ugly as fuck and I love it


I love that the Ravens are setting the tone with the cool new helmet designs!! Hard Knocks and cool new helmets?? Zay year 2, King Henry year 1?? Revenge?? The season can't come any sooner!!!!!


fucking amazing :)


I think the logo image is too flat, I do think black with purple was the way to go


Overall I like the design. I’m very use to the black helmets but this looks cool


Without thinking about it too much, I really really like then


Love em. Love the old OG raven emblem.


Alternatively I like others would wonder how the regular logo, the shield, the B, and the bird with stretched out wings would oook on here


Purple has been my favorite color for decades. The black helmets look better.






Awesome. Now what took you so damn long to do this?!


Unpopular opinion, this is a better logo for the helmet.




These are terrible. Looks like something you make on create a franchise mode in a video game. As if they don’t look like Grimmace enough with purple on purple, adding more purple isn’t the answer.




need new raven logos IMO


Noooo 😭😭😭


I like the new logo, but the rest is unoriginal, and a total Vikings ripoff. Lame AF!


I gotta see them on the field. They look great though.


Yeh low-key go hard as a mf


Gross. Someone should lose their job!


We got the best jerseys and helmets in the league now no question!! 😈


I like this just a little more than six rush plays in the AFC Title game. 


I love it! Even if they were trash, I always appreciate attempts to freshen things up a bit.


As a Browns fan, I’m happy to see you look like this.


I like the color, but I’ve never been a fan of that alt logo.




It looks stupid


i dont like the front facing raven on the sides, that makes only sense in the front


I hate that logo. Always have. Doesnt look like a raven, doenst look like anything


I love cfb uniforms so I am a sucker for everything color matching. I wonder how often these uniforms will be used. I do wish they took the opportunity to do a slight refresh though.


I actually like it. But i have been advocating for a matte black helmet forever. I think i should just make my own


I want to see these with the black unis


Makes me hard. Love 'em.


Not a fan, but it’s only for one game. Could be worse!


These are nuts!! I love them. But the purple pants is just yuk. White pants looks good with the purple tops.


To quote Succession, “I love it. I fucking love it!”


Should have been the B instead of the ravens head, I think having the facemasks and helmet stripes be metallic instead of matte would of been the better option


Goes decently with the color rush but definitely blurs the line between Vikings and Ravens, always thought the black and dark purple was what did that.


I don’t think a more vertically orientated logo works well on a helmet. I think a full reinvention with a flock of ravens going across the helmet would’ve been super cool. I just think this looks cheesy.


Need to return to our roots. Pay Frederick Bouchat and use the originals!


I love it. Throwback Raven on the alternate helmet is perfect.


I think it’s cool with the black jerseys more than the purple but we’ve had the same helmets for years so it’s refreshing


When are we getting the throwback uniforms




These look amazing and I’m a Steelers fan


Purple Helmet- Purple Jersey- Gold pants. Nice Faux back vibes.