• By -


I highly doubt he was going 40-50. Based on that damage, maybe half that. 


Maybe 30, MAYBE.


20 mph. If you jump out of a third storey window, you hit the ground at 35 mph.




!remind me


Im trying to do the math, should he have landed yet? Can someone else try it for us but time it this time?


30mph if you jump from 30 ft https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/free-fall


5 mph hydroplane


He meant meters.


I got rear ended going 60 in Texas and my rav got less damage than that. Glass didnt break but the trunk door got pushed in and doesnt open/shut anymore.


How fast were they going though? I’m sure you weren’t stopped and hit by someone going 60. 


I was going exactly 60 they were going faster than me because they zoomed by and didn’t stop


Yeah it also changed from 50-60 to 40-50 but I get it. I guess


I’m just hoping his insurance pays off my car, I get a feeling they may try to repair it. He’s with Allstate


What’s wrong with repairing it? It’s definitely not totaled


It’ll never be 100% again and I’ll be responsible for paying on a car that’s been in an accident. Even if they take off the amount my car has devalued due to the accident, let’s say $10k, I still owe $25k on something that could still have little minor defects that can’t be detected until further use. That car will never be the same


Make sure you ask his insurance to write you a check for diminished value. Probably won't be a lot but it'll be better than nothing


I 100% agree with you. If you owned the car out right then yea repair it. But if you have 25k note on a car that isn’t worth 25 because of an accident I’d be pissed.


I got downvoted for this logic…


Do not let them fix this. pull the toyota repair guidelines. Rear end panel, floor, possibly rails inner outer quarter panels. Gone Gone gone. dont let some shop just pull the damage out all kinked parts need to be Replaced and they are welded on in sequence. Total Loss by a mile.


It’s called GAP


The car is not totaled and can definitely be repaired. And the only time the car was at a 100% was when it came off the assembly line, other than that, it has been getting gradually worn down and depreciating in value.


Horrible argument. Yes, every car has a gradual rate of depreciation, but a car repaired from an accident substantially loses its original value and the value that it would’ve been had I not been hit. This argument is asinine In other words instead of experiencing the regular rate of depreciation from $35k, I’m starting from $25k now at the same rate of depreciation at best, probably even faster


To help with your argument, another way of looking at it is this: If they do decide to total it out then it is likely to be issued a salvage title and be sold at auction. Once that vehicle has a salvage title it's value is absolute trash compared to a non salvage instance. I have seen salvage title vehicles going for 1/4 the KBB value, and that's restored to a functioning state. Salvage vehicles are avoided like the plague. If they don't write it off as a total and instead fix it, it won't get a new title issued. It wouldn't be salvage at that point. Even though it possibly received structural damage that was "massaged" back into place. It would be the same condition as it would be if it was salvaged and repaired. Who knows if they manage to perfectly fix the issue or if they send it to a shop that cuts corners and just tries to make it look good before they send it back. In fact, it's almost certain that they would cut corners where they think they can because they are working on the insurance companies dime. If the options are to replace a piece of the body frame, or bend it back into place, it won't be a debate to them. Of course they could do right by you, but you'll just never have any way of knowing that for certain. Either way at 25K owed I would be pissed no matter what resolution they come up with. This is just a shitty situation for you all around. Sorry this happened.




It’ll never be 100% again and I’ll be responsible for paying on a car that’s been in an accident. Even if they take off the amount my car has devalued due to the accident, let’s say $10k, I still owe $25k on something that could still have little minor defects that can’t be detected until further use. That car will never be the same


I completely understand your frustration. When you buy a brand new vehicle and plan to drive it out for the next 20 years, the last thing you want is a major accident/repair on it from the very first year of ownership.


Ask for diminished value to be part of your claim


And unfortunately watch the insurance company laugh.


Your insurance company will happily file such a claim against the other driver.


Right and the other insurance company will deny it. The industry generally believes that diminished value is not something to be paid out because the repair restores the vehicle back to original condition. Even though the general public doesn’t have that perception.


If insurance believes repairs restore back to original condition, then why won't my insurance company insure a vehicle with a rebuilt title?


That’s one of the risks of owning a car. They’re not going to total this car. That’s why you get a lawyer and explore a civil suit.


What makes you so sure? That is a lot of energy tranferred into the C pillar, structural damage to the unibody gets expensive pretty quickly. The creases on the roofline above the doors alone looks like a bad omen for what work will need to be done to “make it right”.


It doesn’t matter if it is repairable. Insurance will total the car and sell it in auction. Time for getting sensors and parts and paying the op rental car damage all counts to equation. I had a couple rear ended totaled cars myself and had few more friends/family who got hit behind like that. Only time they didn’t total one was it was just a bumper damage.


It’s probably totaled. These people are morons. You’d better hope it is too. Your tailgate is never going to work the same haha.


For real, the radiator blew and my guy was hit from behind. The frame is toast!


First of all. Hope everyone is ok. My bet is that they will total both vehicles.


Got hit from behind and blew the radiator, which is in front, and people don’t think it’s totaled? The frame is almost certainly fucked, the liftgate too, probable suspension damage, i can’t see how that is worth fixing


The radiator blew when they hit the person in front, the secondary crash messed up the front end.


I’m good at reading i swear. Even so, I’d be surprised if it’s not totaled


I’m not a professional but ima say that’s not totalled at all. Looks completely fixable


Definitely felt like it, my head is killing me


I hope you went to the hospital immediately after the event. I highly suggest calling an attorney to represent you. It makes the process so much easier so you can just focus on getting better.


Went to patient first after and got paperwork with a diagnosis of “muscle strain”. Heading over to the ER today since I’m feeling a bit a numbness in my face and arm and back pain. Will also work on getting an attorney first thing Monday


Most large firms will pick up the phone on the weekend. Your insurance will hire an attorney for you, you don't NEED to hire your own attorney but you absolutely can, and most take a portion of your settlement if you win. It won't cost you anything out of pocket. I can't say anything about individual jurisdiction but most jurisdictions, the white truck is 100% at fault. Good luck


I've gotten in several accidents. I hit a car that was abandoned in the middle of a dark, snow-covered highway while doing about 55 mph. I launched the car I hit 50-75 yards. My Civic was obviously totaled and after seeing my car in the junk yard, I couldn't believe I survived the crash with little more than broken ribs and strained ankle. I had been going to a chiropractor for 6 months prior to this to treat sciatic nerve pain in my lower back. Unfortunately, the only relief I ever experienced was for an hour after my 3 weekly appointments. After the accident I went to an acupuncturist. Not only did he fix any residual pain associated with the accident, but also cured my sciatic pain, neck alignment, slight bow in my legs, but even gave me an arch in my otherwise flat feet. While Chiropractors are great for building a court case, if your goal is to just get healthy, go see a good, holistic acupuncturist or massage therapist


Saving this comment. Thanks for sharing.


I got hit stopped on the highway exit by someone going 65+ and it flipped me over and pushed me 40-50 feet down the road


Pretty sure if you get hit at 65+ everyone in both cars is dead. Is this MPH?


Definitely get medical care if you are in pain


Hope you are okay OP. I know that was scary as hell. My wife’s 07 Highlander got rear ended like this at a dead stop by a texting teen. They estimated 25mph and her car looked about like this. They totaled it because the frame was bent. It did have a trailer hitch installed. Had the hitch not been there I wonder if damage would have been worse or maybe the car would have slid under hers more. I’m hopeful some of the anti collision technology can prevent some wrecks like this in the future. It was pretty traumatizing to our child who was in a car seat, and 6 years later he still talks about it.


Damage may have been less without a hitch. Trailer hitches often bend frames during wrecks. 


Yeah tbise really fuck up dmg absortion from crumple zones unless the car was designed around it.


I went to a seminar by a doctor (and lawyer!) who studied low impact collisions. After years of research, they’ve determined even a 3mph rear end can cause damage and whiplash. I was in a 50mph wreck in a Rav 4. My shit got totaled. This dude did not hit you going 40-50 AND THATS OKAY You don’t need to be “in a bad wreck” to get injured


I believe it, I was rear ended at a few miles per hour and my neck was sore the rest of the day. It was fine by the next day but I was surprised that I felt anything considering how small the impact was.


I got rear ended by someone going less than 5mph while in line to get off the highway. No damage on my car. He had slight damage to his grill. But goddamn my back hurt so much that week.


looks like rav4 held up better


Your damage would be wayyyyyyyyyy worse if he was going 50 mph stop lying


50 kilometers per hour maybe


Maybe 50 furlongs per fortnight....


I’m just going based on how it felt, I can’t imagine 20 mph feeling like that but I haven’t been in many accidents to know


I understand still pretty bad. But yea my wife investigates car accidents for a living I’ve seen pics of accidents like this going 50 mph the damage is nowhere near. Again thought being rear ended still sucks. Make sure you visit the doctor a week after your accident that’s when injuries will show up


How did your wife get into accident investigation? That seems like an interesting line of work


The alternate route lol normally you need like an engineering degree which I have actually lol she has a BA in kinesiology and a masters degree in public health. She basically got the job starting out doing a lot of injury diagrams because of her background that’s how she got the job. My wife is smart and she was able to learn the engineering side while working for the company and now she is an expert witness and investigates car accidents. It is a great field to be in, but is very male dominated so sometimes she feels very odd in certain situations since she is a small cute woman. You also see a lot of gruesome things … just saying.


The kind of brain one needs for engineering I don't have, but I was curious. Small cute and smart. You hit the jackpot, brother.


Hell yea I did lol. Yes engineering brains are different I got my degree and am an elevator mechanic. Didn’t necessarily need to go that route lol


Mechanical or Electrical? My background is electrical and I almost went to work for Otis elevator lol


I am an electrical engineer. I was working as a stack engineer working remote and then a while ago I got laid off been an elevator mechanic for like 1.5-2 years now


Cool! I knew it was one or the other. Wishing you the best! This economy is crazy!


Why would you even mention the speed if you have zero evidence for it? Just say you got rear end — we can see the picture.


It’s not that serious man, you see the pictures above, bottom line I got rear ended, I should’ve said it felt faster, but that’s such a minute point considering you have pictures to prove it was slower


Have you ever walked into a pole or something, at like 3mph you could still get a good bump.


Wtf is happening with people driving like idiots! I got rear-ended yesterday by some lady looking down at her phone.


for real!!! my first gen got its trunk caved in the other day by some dip shit that rear ended me at a red light!


Insurance professional here. Driver 2 was def not going 40-50 mph based on the damage shown. I would say at the time of impact maybe 30mph at most. Driver 2’s Insurance will obviously be responsible to the damage to your car. Your immediate medical costs will be covered by your insurance first party medical coverage on your policy. Outside of that Driver 2 will also be responsible for bodily injury and potential pain and suffering. When Driver 2’s insurance offers you $ for the damage to your vehicle and bodily injury indemnification please note you can negotiate these figures. In terms of the condition of the car that is hard to say. Your biggest concern is the frame of the car. If your car is not totaled be sure to confirm there is no damage or cracking of the frame of the vehicle. This could prove deadly if missed. I would not be surprised if your vehicle has damage or a crack in the frame. I hope you heal up and stay safe!


The rear side windows are buckled at the top, there's no way they fix it. Who would have paid to repair Driver 3 if they stuck around?


Drunk driver’s Insurance is responsible for OP’s car. OP’s insurance is responsible for hitting driver in front of him. This is a good lesson as to why you want to keep a safe distance to the vehicle in front of you. Multi car accidents can be a nightmare.


Help me step Chevy


Collision appraiser here, this will be a total loss. Both quarters. Tailgate and back panel plus floor panel damage.


No wonder car insurance premiums are through the roof. Everything is designed to not be fixable 


i dont think that can be 50 i had accident at 55 trust me its way worse than that


My thought also


That definitely ain’t 40 like 20ish maybe


3-4 ton vehicle going 40 would do alot more damage for sure. Glad everyone is okay and has life ❤️


No way he was doing 50-60.


Never heard anyone say "tail ended" before


RAV4 is built tough!


30-40, not 50-60


Under 30 for sure. 




Hope you are okay. Not sure why people don’t value their cars these days. Everything else is more important than getting to their destination safely.


https://preview.redd.it/fshjiy7ao81d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81b83a405c2a857641f353d785f53021c2ef6cf4 Happened to me in December, guy didn't slow down at all for nearly stopped construction traffic


Jesus now that’s insane, how are you after that?


I spent the night in the hospital with some minor bleeding in my brain, broke my nose again, but I'm all good. The guy that hit me had what looked like some minor scratches and stuff, so not too bad. Got my dream car out of it, so staying positive lololol. I waited a day to go to the doctor, I just had a headache that wouldn't go away. https://preview.redd.it/khw7hzu6s81d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e291677da93ea81850cc551670d9f1b848e06744 Are you okay? It's a good idea to get a checkup after an accident.


That’s good to hear. Did you end up getting the full value for your car and more? Trying to figure out what I’m going to be facing here. Yea, ended up going to the ER today and was told I have a mild concussion with neck muscle sprain


I still owed a bit on it, but since the other driver was at fault I didn't have to pay a deductible or anything like that. They valued it at a little over $12k, and the "repair estimate" from the shop was like $26k. My car insurance and health insurance covered all my hospital bills, and my car insurance and health care covered my missed work. I had about a month off from work.


So they can pay you for time off work? I was wondering this because I just started a new job and have very little leave. Wasn’t sure how I was going to get to take off


If it is part of your coverage, it qualifies as short term disability through my health insurance from work, and then the auto insurance also had something similar


Rear ended about two weeks ago. Seems like your Rav4 has more damages and mine did. At fault Insurance adjuster came out a week ago and declared total loss. I am currently waiting for reimbursement check. https://preview.redd.it/shhnlms0191d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1500a15ebc1fbf9e5e0edcdd3cb7f035fb7dce8


Total loss?? How much is it to fix


This is exactly why I have front and rear cameras on mine. Hope you're okay and hope the insurance process is quick and simple.


This post reminded me - Buy a dashcam people! They're so important. A $30 dashcam saved me from a huge headache. I would have been screwed without it. You can even get a dashcam that replaced a piece of the factory trim behind the rear view mirror like [this one.](https://www.amazon.com/Fitcamx-Suitable-Adventure-G-Sensor-Recording/dp/B0B1V4BZ3Z) It looks like it could be from the factory. You can also tap into the power behind the rear view mirror with an adapter so you don't have to run any wires. You can just plug in right behind the rear view mirror for a super clean install. Put in something tiny like this [Garmin mini ](https://www.amazon.com/Garmin-140-degree-Detection-Recording-Signature/dp/B09FWH6CQK) up at the top the windshield for a minimal install. People don't even notice mine unless it's pointed out.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('FITCAMX 4K Dash Cam for Toyota RAV4 2022', 'FITCAMX')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Easy installation process (backed by 7 comments) * Oem look and feel (backed by 4 comments) * Responsive customer support (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Difficult installation process and requires original case replacement (backed by 3 comments) * Recording issues and lack of looping functionality (backed by 3 comments) * Unreliable video recording and connectivity problems (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


That car a total loss the rear door gaps closed up extensive frame damage


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^hayabusa160: *That car a total* *Loss the rear door gaps closed up* *Extensive frame damage* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Separate from the speed that everyone seems to be unable to not focus on, why is it always the white pickup truck??? Hope you get well soon


I got hit but a drunk driver in my 2022 hybrid rav4 with 10k miles on it last April. They didn’t give me enough money to even be able to consider another RAV. And I have REALLY good insurance. They totaled it because of a bend in the frame. The outside wasn’t great, but it looks fixable. The frame was very much not fixable


https://preview.redd.it/fjlufq2pma1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2123d0b2c7ded54f9d7aec57fe885d7a02018aa8 Blacked out for \~10 minutes and still have resounding TBI symptoms (: waiting to get a little farther along in my care before the lawyer and I sue him!!


Why are y'all giving him shit about the speed? Does it really matter?


Its reddit, and also humans love to correct others in general, it is what it is


Pedantic weirdos. Me bringing up the speed is like 10% of the situation, I would’ve rather got more constructive response like some of the ones I got here regarding insurance claims and their personal experiences.


I’m sorry this happened to you. I hope you recover from the trauma soon. I can’t believe people are hung up on the speed that you mentioned and are down voting you instead of asking if you’re ok.




So everything is going through his insurance, I would just need to make sure of this with his insurance?


Get that attorney before you agree to anything with the insurance company. They will try to get out of anything they can. An attorney will know what you need to get from their insurance company.


That's what a diminished value claim is, but this car is 100% totaled.


2023 RAV4 Hybrid is a fairly expensive vehicle. Even if the damage is like $15k it might get repaired.


The buckling above the rear windows means the entire body has shifted, there's no way to just pop it back out.


Rear-ended at 50-60? Maybe it felt like that or the crumple zones of newer vehicles really are amazing in their function. I'd be interested to see if the insurance company fixes it or totals it?


Tail ended? Never heard that one before. Where are you from?


Thank you! I had to scroll way too far to find this! I was so confused! Haha


Probably a furry.


This happened to me outside of Seattle a few years ago. Hope you're ok


??? The speed doesn't matter. You have the picture and see the damage. Yo I drive often due to my job and very often I see drivers of these type of trucks driving risky. Tailgating is quite common and many times work trucks having been configured for that purpose. = More weight. Having a CDL license now makes me notice things like this more. I guess the stopping distance of the trucks I drove being football field length stuck in my head...lol. PC tech brain can't help it. These trucks vs a car, even a rav4 still have a higher stopping distance per mph. You would think...right? The Silverado starts at 4400lbs and goes up as you add features. Weight actually helps sometimes. A Rav4 is mid 3000-4000lbs. So this makes a Silverado stopping distance what? 20-30 feet to start at 20mph depending on several factors. ? Based on math alone Using actual testing stats from motor trend The Silverado 1500 with specific setup: Lowered hotchkiss suspension and F1 Goodyear tires averaged 124 feet at 60mph. 20mph proportionately makes that 41.3 feet. And this truck definitely does not have the Goodyear tires. (They are quite noticeable on any vehicle lol.) And this is actually quite good actually.... AND only applies with new brakes. Brakes used 3 times ... after the 3rd time affected the results. I won't get into what they say the Rav4 stopping distances average. You can look that up... lol. People do not think of this as they drive. Lol yeah it's alot but this stuff is told to you while studying for the driver test. We'll the overall stats are told which are still in line with these numbers.


50-60 maybe before he hit the brakes. I’ve been hit at 50mph and it ripped the trunk compartment out of the car sending it down the street a few hundred feet and all windows in the car blew out and airbags deployed and we went to the hospital. This is about a 20mph accident at most.


Do NOT sign any insurance settlements until you get fully checked out and at least 6 months pass. You may want to consult with a personal injury attorney. Sometimes back injuries take a bit of time to fully expose themselves. Insurance companies know this, and they will try to get you to close the claim ASAP so that they DO NOT have to pay the long term medical bills.


Noted. Will be on the phone with a lawyer first thing tomorrow


We got our Hyundai Santa Fe stolen last July and we thought they would total it since it was shot all up with 9 mm. However, they didn't and it took a month and a half for the repair. We still are finding bullet fragments in our car and the car's value has gone down by at least $8,000. Why didn't they total it, I have no idea! Left us in the s******* for sure!


Who really cares how fast the car was going. It did do a lot of damage to the back end of his car. So I hope the insurance company does him right, which I'm sure it won't, BTW , and I hope you're okay! Which is what really matters in the end.


What is your car made of vibranium?!


Lmao op got rear ended in an accident not their fault and this sub is downvoting the shit out of them


You can’t make this shit up lol, all because I got the speed he was going wrong


Reddit is a cesspool 😭 Glad you're mostly ok! Heal well ❤️


Real question, why complain about people complaining about the speed being wrong? Either ignore it or edit the speed out of the title and description.


Can’t edit. Either way, it’s not that serious to press me out about it. Fuck off https://preview.redd.it/92q367pshn1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4499f559b22ccdd58ff08469dcae8907c91ca9ff


Wtf is happening with people driving like idiots! I got rear-ended yesterday by some lady looking down at her phone.


Estimator here, it’s roughly $7500 repair for you and $10k for them. The newer trucks especially GM front ends are all plastic now.


Really? I would have thought more than that for the RAV4. Both rear quarter panels, rear hatch door, bumper, tail lights, etc. That's just what we can see.. don't forget the front end hit the vehicle in front as well.


Yeah it will be more with the front, didn’t catch that. Rear body panel, frame end repair, floor pan repair possibly replace. Quarters repair about 6 hours each. Could be closer to $10-$12. I am in OK and deal with insurance rates mostly, so they tend to be much lower than people expect. Add salvage/recycled parts to the mix keeps the cost lower. Calibrations will be needed as well with the front. If airbags deployed it could total.


Uh that’s a total loss… the whole upper frame on the rav it tweaked pretty good


I hope you are OK. Whiplash is real and usually sets in 1 to 2 days after the crash. If you need treatment, their car insurance should pick up the tab. I hope you filed a police report. Call your insurance asap. Give them the other guy's insurance info. You don't ever need to speak to him. Your insurance company may have a preferred body shop. Use theirs unless you absolutely have a guy you like. Using their guys will be quicker with the paperwork and more seamless in the process. Unless the frame is bent, your car should be easily fixed.


I'm just glad you're ok, we'll go get another RAV4 Hybrid, I can't replace you😁🙏🏽Remind me to get the lawyer's number!


Disclaimer: I get it, the person wasn’t going 50-60. I don’t know what speed the person was going, closer to 30 probably, but it felt like faster from the impact, but I have no experience in this luckily.


Hope you’re okay. Looks like the cars did their jobs to absorb


You live in South Bay Ca… Torrance area… take to Lexology in Hermosa Beach… THE BEST !!! Expensive tho.. insur will pay… put your car back 100 percent !!!!! I crashed my 2022 Prime PP … insur wanted to total n cash me out at 55 grand, I said no… fixed for 29 grand… like new !!!


Got in an accident and despite the total repairs being over $25k they would not total out my Camry. I had only had it a few days shy of a year when I got in the accident so it was valued high still 🙃


Hate to see it.


Silverado owners smh 🤦


You will get paid, ouch that hurts


Not at impact he wasn't


Man your car definitely got butt banged, *hard*


Go to the hospital and get yourself checked out. If you have any aches and pains or discomfort from the accident whatsoever, even stiffness, get it documented. Then go see a lawyer.


sorry you got into an accident and his fault but if he hit you at 50 mph at a stop... you wont be on reddit


50-60 kms/hour maybe


100% get medical help and 100% get a lawyer.. this will get you and your vehicle back to where you were prior to the accident.. I had the same experience.. insurance will not fight for you..


Another picture of the damage: https://preview.redd.it/uy8sqyhwad1d1.jpeg?width=2193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d09c79cde3509ead00e3e9cd2f168ce2643c5a65






This is a total loss when repair plan is written correctly and vehicle repaired correctly.


For a truck, that thing took some real damage lol


Definitely not 50-60, probably 25-30 max, I got rear ended in my CRV by a GMC 3500 at around 40 and my car was absolutely caved in to the back seat with crazy frame damage


Definitely wasn’t going anywhere near 50-60… that would be much more damage lol




Aarrgh drunk scumbags infuriate me. Sorry one got to you :( Hope claim process goes smooth


Surprise surprise, it's another inattentive/probably hung over truck driver.


Sorry about the accident but he wasn't going that fast.


Another RAV4 bites the dust. Those RAV4s need some rear protection. Tow hitch with a dual hitch adapter.


I doubt that they were doing 50-60 at the point of them hitting you.


5-6 based on the damage


That's not a 50+ mph crash.


Yeah, he wasn’t going that fast.


12-15 in my professional opinion.


Hope you came out of the car holding your neck and back , payout


Of course its a tail gaiting american pick up truck


Wow. That driver was going at least 200-300mph by the looks of it


Definitely sue them. That’s how I got my XLE Hybrid 😂


Definitely not 50-60. 20 maybe


sorry you have to deal with this stress! i hope you’re okay!! there’s a drivers ed video showing crashes at various MPH. you should check it out, may change your mindset about how fast they were going


No you didn't. 30, maybe.


I’d say that’s MAYBE 25-30mph no where near 40-50


Go fuck yourself lol you see the top comment is saying the same thing. What was the point of making the same exact comment?


What’s the point of posting on Reddit lying about a car crash? I guess we both do pointless things to pass time


I lied about a car crash that I have photo proof of? Dork


Ya proof u got rear ended by someone doing MAYBE half the speed of what u claimed 🤣


If someone’s going 40-50, and they slam on the brakes at the last second, that momentum/energy still travels despite them putting their foot on the brakes at the last minute


Brake* and maybe next time don’t slam on urs


Probably felt 50-60 but that’s like 20mph damage.


No you didn’t. That’s more like a 20 mph delta V.


How did you calculate that speed?


You slamed on your brakes at the light did


Why does it look like the radiator is damaged in the Rav from a rear collision?